wadiah by slamet timbul. outline... definition legal basic kinds of wadiah wadiah by slamet timbul

Post on 12-Dec-2015






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wadiah by slamet timbul

wadiah by slamet timbul

Outline . . .

• Definition

• Legal Basic

• Kinds of Wadiah

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wadiah by slamet timbul

Definision of Wadiah Al-Wadi’ah is deposit (amanah).

Representing in certain property to others people to maintain in a certain way

Wadiah is safekeeping of a deposit. Such a deposit is hold in trust (Amanah). If the depositor pays for this favour, the depositary needs to replace it in case of lost. The usage of the deposit is subject to permission of the depositor.

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Legal BasicAl-Qur’an :• An-Nisa : 58

“Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.”

• Al-Baqarah : 283The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.

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Law and Dalil Wadiah

Hadist :• Nabi Saw said ”give the mandate “amanat” to the

people who belive to you and donnot betray to the people who have betray you”

• History by Abu Hurairah stated tha Rasulullah SAW said : “ perfom amanat (titipan) to the people who have right and do not countered treason with treason

wadiah by slamet timbul

wadiah by slamet timbul

Element and the Requirement of Wadiah

• Imam Abu Hanafi ijab and qabul

• Sighat (akad),a. agreed by both parties (Mudi’ and wadii’) b. written front of the parties (Mudi’ and wadii)

• Mudi’ and wadii should be a. Baligh (adult)

b. Not crazy (Berakal)c. there is no compulsion

• In the mazhab Hanafi adult (baligh) is not be requirement to enter into agreement (berakad), So immature can be enter into agreement if he have permission from his parent (wali)

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Kinds of Wadiah • Bese on the characteristic, wadiah have 2 kinds :

Wadiah yad amanah contract deposit box in which the recipient have not responsible for any damage and use the deposit.

Wadiah yad dhamanah contract deposit box in which the recipient have responsible for

any damage and use the deposit.

Schem Wadiah Yad Amanah




Wadiah Yad al Amanah– Product of Wadiah yad Amanah, is not exist in banking. – if there any damage is no responsibility for conservator,

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• Wadiah yad dhamanah

wadiah by slamet timbul

1. entrusted the money / goods


4. Bonus



users of funds

2. utilization

3.Profit shering

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Profit (bonus) in Wadiah ?

Scholars have diferent statment when taking the frofit (bonus):

• Syafi’iyah, take profit (bonus) is not be allowed if there is no agreement before (in akad)

• Hanafiyah and Malikiya take profit (bonus) is allowed

wadiah by slamet timbul

Law to receive the goods in wadiah:• forbidden (Haram)

because the people who will be entrusted sure he will betrayed

• Makruhbecause people who have worries will be entrusted betrayed

• Sunnah because the people who will be entrusted sure he will mandate (amanah).

• Obligatory (Wajib)Receive a mandate (wadiah) can be required to arbitrate in the absence of an honest and decent person other than himself.

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Application in LKS (Lembaga Keuangan Syariah) dan Fatwa DSN

• Wadiah is often practiced and developed by Islamic banks is wadiah yad dhamanah (titipan dengan resiko ganti rugi).

• Example:giro, SWBI, Safe Deposit Box (SDB) and deposito. Deposito used mudharabah principle and the other is used wadiah.

• Wadiah yad dhamanah also call Qardhul Hasan.

wadiah by slamet timbul

Aplication in LKS (Lembaga Keuangan Syariah) dan Fatwa DSN

• Giro wadiah is run under akad of wadiah. Akad wadiah is pure deposit that can be taken at any time if the owner wants. Konsep of wadiah yad dhamanah have the same law is aplicated with qardh, where custemer is depositor and bank is those who lent.

• Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional tentang Giro NO : 01/DSN-MUI/IV/2000“Tabungan wadiah adalah tabungan yang dijalankan berdasarkan akad wadiah, yaitu titipan murni yang setiap saat dapat diambil jika pemiliknya menghendaki. Konsep yang dipakai adalah wadiah yad dhamanah. Dalam hal ini nasabah bertindak sebagai penititp yang memberikan hak kepada bank untuk menggunakan atau memanfaatkan uang atau barang titipan.”


• Wadiah is deposit (amanah)

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