w17 schools white paper - claire collins

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Clare Collins


National Governors’ Association

The Schools White Paper: the end of the council role in education or a new


30th June 2011

• A membership organisation representing the voice of school governors in England at national and regional level

• We aim to improve the effectiveness of governing bodies by providing expert and tailored information and advice

• We represent governors from all state funded schools, including academies


To improve the well-being of children and young people by promoting high standards in all our schools,

and improving the effectiveness of their governing bodies.

We do this by:

1. Providing information, advice and training to Governors – EXPERT

2. Ensuring the voices of Governors are heard – REPRESENTATIVE

3. Being recognised as the leading organisation on school governance, exercising influence through high quality policy publications and communications, and through appropriate partnerships – INFLUENTIAL

The role NGA sees for councils in the local education system

New clarity as the champion:• for parents and families• for vulnerable pupils• of educational excellence

Still has a role:• as a provider of:

– community schools– statutory services

• when standards drop or serious issues arise e.g. financial irregularities

• appointing Authority governors for community schools

What support do governors want from councils?

• Training and development

• Information, Advice, Guidance:– current issues– system changes– professional matters (HR, legal,


• Consultancy i.e. School Improvement Partner role for: – data analysis– performance management– school improvement support

What are the challenges and opportunities in a system with more school autonomy?

– NGA asks governing bodies to think carefully about the notion of greater autonomy / tension between autonomy and collaboration

– Reduction in LA central funds may impact on depth and breadth of service provision, cross subsidisation and economies of scale / challenge for LAs will be to decide which services to retain, and to maintain the quality of those that they do

– Challenge for GBs will be to ensure their schools are equipped with the time and skills to:

• assess the LA offer• to look elsewhere if alternatives are required• to quality assure• to judge value for money and price stability

How will things work if the majority of schools choose academy


LA services may:

– focus on the statutory

– struggle to fulfil strategic functions e.g. place planning

– be more focused on ‘disaster’ management

– become uneconomic

What does the future hold?

– Time of transition → period of uncertainty …

– Challenge is for governing bodies to be truly strategic i.e. deciding what their values and aims are, and how best they can be delivered

– Governing bodies should be asking themselves: • Is our governing body fit for purpose?• Do we have governors with the right skills to do the job?• Where will we get the support that we need?

NGA’s view on the proposals to reform school funding and bring in a national funding formula

– NGA has responded to the consultation

– Recognises that the current system needs reform

– Supports some flexibility in order to address local issues



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