volunteer handbook · as a jungle leader, one of the most powerful ways you can impact the kids in...

Post on 09-Jul-2020






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Vacation Bible Expedition


Thank you so much for helping with

Vacation Bible Expedition this summer.

We appreciate your faithful service.

We COULD NOT do it without YOU!

Bible point for the week:

“I chose you...so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever

you ask in my name the father will give you. This is my command: love each other.” - John 15:16-17

Monday, June 10 :

Theme: God Chose You!

Bible Story: Saul to Paul

Key Verse: “I chose you…” John 15:15a

Tuesday, June 11:

Theme: Be Fruitful!

Bible Story: Fruit of the Spirit

Key Verse: “...so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last” John 15:16a

Wednesday, June 12:

Theme: God Hears You!

Bible Story: Hannah’s Prayer

Key Verse: “so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” John 15:16b

Thursday, June 13:

Theme: Love God & Love Others!

Bible Story: Paul’s Journey

Key Verse: “This is my command: Love each other.” John 15:17

Your mission at VBX

5:00–5:45pm Freewill Supper Available to all Families

5:45-6:00pm Doors Open, volunteers in place, Kids arrive

6:00-6:20pm Large Group Opening Worship & Skit

6:20-7:45pm Groups follow individual schedules

7:45-8:00pm Large Group Closing Worship

8:00pm Parents pick-up kids from Sanctuary

Turn in you bag to Jungle Guide before you leave. Each grade is assigned a color.

Please be mindful of your grade’s color and point it out to the “wild things” (kids) as this

will help them know where to go and who to follow.

Preschool— Yellow & Orange 2nd


Grade— Blue


Grade— Red 4th


Grade— Green

Bible Point Opening Bible Story Crafts & Activity Music Snack

Day 1

“I chose you...so

that you might go

and bear fruit—

fruit that will last—

and so that what-

ever you ask in my

name the father

will give you. This

is my command:

love each other.”

John 15:16-17

God Chose You! Saul to Paul Acts 9:1-19

Follow the Path (Obstacle Course—or

Treasure Hunt) Dance Animal Crackers

Day 2

Be Fruitful!

Fruit of the Spirit

Galations 5:22-23

Please Pass the Fruit Fruit Stress Ball

Every Beat Fruit Snacks

Day 3

God Hears You!

Hannah’s Prayer

1 Samuel 1:1-20

Prayer Rocks My Feet are on

the Rock Prayer Pretzels

Day 4

Love God & Love Others!

Paul’s Journey Acts 9:20-43

Great Commission Games

I Believe in Jesus Dirt Cups

Jungle Leaders Activities to play with Wild Things if you need to fill some time! Who Here?? (Jungle Guide will read the following questions. If the Wild Things answer yes… they stand up. If they answer no…. they stay sitting.) This game can be played quietly so oth-er groups can finish their task and it also allows you to get to know your group. Has or will travel to the beach? Has made homemade ice cream? Helps or has helped in a garden? Has been on a picnic? Has been to vacation bible school before? Has gotten sunburned this year? Likes to go to garage sales? Has been involved in a water balloon fight? Has had a water balloon fight? Likes to go to movies. Loves to eat watermelon? Has attended a summer concert? Has been/will go to an amusement park? Has gone on a hike? Has been kayaking or canoeing? Read a book just for fun? Has gone to a baseball game? Loves to eat corn on the cob? Has played tennis? Knows how to swim? Has played miniature golf? Has chased down an ice cream truck?

Would you rather?? (Jungle Guides will read the questions. IF the kids answer choice 1 – they will put up one finger. IF they answer choice 2 – they will put up 2 fingers…) Look around and see how the kids are answering questions… Is your group similar or very different? 1. Would you rather have a jellyfish(1) sting or a bee (2)sting? 2. Would you rather eat homemade ice cream or s’mores? 3. Would you rather vacation in the mountains or at the beach? 4. Would you rather grill hot dogs or grill hamburgers? 5. Would you rather wear flip flops or tennis shoes? 6. Would you rather fish in a boat or swim in the lake? 7. Would you rather enjoy a fresh tomato or a fresh, ripe peach? 8. Would you rather enjoy fresh watermelon or fresh sweet corn? 9. Would you rather have a water balloons fight or play Marco Polo in the pool? 10. Would you rather ride the rollercoasters or the kiddie rides? 11. Would you rather get sunburned or have mosquito bites? 12. Would you rather read a book or draw a picture?

Move it or Lose it! (Get your groups in order & time them… see how quickly they can ac-complish the task… see if they can get faster each day.

Height (an easy one to get the ball rolling) Birthdate (youngest to oldest) First or Last Name (alphabetical from A-Z) Favorite Pet’s Name (alphabetical from A-Z) Favorite Teacher’s Name (alphabetical from A-Z) School (alphabetical from A-Z)

What Animal Am I? Or Who Am I? (Jungle Guide will start and model. I am black. I have a white stripe. – kids will say skunk… then whoever guessed from your clues gets to give clues to their animal) (kids will come up with their own animals & clues)

General rules and info

1. Please be in your assigned spot by 5:40pm each day. On Monday, please be there by 5:30pm to meet the students and parents! Once the first student arrives, class begins.

• Volunteers & helpers, please check-in at a kiosk to print your name tag and head to

your room assignment upon arrival to pick up your bag! This will let Jungle Guides know who is missing or late!

• All other volunteers, check-in at a kiosk to print your name tag and then check-in

with your area leaders. We could also use extra assistance getting kids to the right place on Monday. Please stop at the VBX Volunteer Desk in the office area to see where help is needed.

2. Attendance will be taken using the check-in stations for Wild Things (kids) attending AND

Jungle Guides (volunteers). All parents should use a station to check-in upon arrival so they can have a pick up label printed.

3. Please wear your name tags at all times.

Name tags MUST be worn at all times. This identifies you as a “safe” person and also lets us know if there is an adult wandering the halls that doesn’t belong. Please print a new name tag each day!

4. Please dress appropriately for movement and fun!

Modesty is the key! Watch the length and dip of your shirts and the length of your shorts. 5. Make your time at VBX for the kids.

Their interactions with you will help them see that! Turn off or silence cell phones and set aside other distractions.

6. Students should never be anywhere in the building without an adult.

Bathroom runs need chaperones. We will have floating volunteers available to assist with bathroom breaks. Please wait outside of the bathrooms when escorting children for bath-room breaks.

7. Please straighten and pick-up your area after each day of VBX Turn in your jungle bags to your classrooms and pick up any papers or trash you see. This small task will help our custodial staff greatly!

8. Cell Phones and Photography Please do not use cell phones during VBX except in an emergency. Photography is not allowed unless it is authorized by the church staff. Posting photos on the internet, including Facebook, is prohibited for security reasons. Only Hope Lutheran Church has permission to take children’s photos. We will have our awesome VBX photographers taking pictures throughout the week.

9. Student Arrival and Dismissal

Parents MUST use a check-in station to sign in their child!

• A label should be presented at pick-up and placed on the check-in sheet. • Parents will check the box on your check—in sheet when they arrive in sanctuary. • If an adult comes to pick up a child and does not have their pick-up label, please

bring them to the VBX Help Desk. We will confirm pick-up. • If a child has not been picked up by 8:15pm please bring them to the VBX Help Desk

and we will contact their parents. Reassure the child that someone will be coming to pick them up.

• Please be prompt in picking up your own children from their group and the nursery.

10. Parking

Please park at the far end of the SOUTH parking lot. We want our kids and their families to be able to park close!

11. Valuables

Please leave valuables at home. Purses can be turned in at the VBX Help Desk for safe keeping if necessary.

12. Snacks

Volunteers and helpers: Please enjoy a treat with your wild things during snacks. Some of the most valuable conversations happen during snack time. Take advantage of this time with your wild things!

13. Crafts To ensure we have enough supplies for all kids, please help us limit your wild things to one craft each per day. We also ask that Volunteers help wild things with crafts rather than making their own. THANKS!

14. Clean Up We need you! All of the decorations need to be cleaned up! If possible, please plan to stay a little longer on Thursday evening to help take down the decorations.

15. Float Volunteers

We will have Float Volunteers on hand during the week to help you and your wild things. This team is made up of people who are willing to provide extra love and attention to kids during their time at VBX. If you see an area that could use a Float Volunteer, please let a staff member know as soon as possible.

Some of the children just need a little


As a jungle leader, one of the most powerful ways you can impact the kids in your group is to love them, even the ones who are diffi-cult to love. Begin praying for the kids in your group now; God will foster

in you a sincere and genuine love and care for the kids you will be spending the week with.

The issue is not the issue. In our mind the kid is misbehaving—what is the bigger issue? Why are they misbehav-

ing? Outward actions are frequently a symptom of something going on inside. Empower the child when possible and listen to them. Say:

Tell me what you are thinking about... I see something is bothering you... I see you’re angry about something... What can we do to make tomorrow a better day...

React in surprising ways.

• Control your first reaction (that is usually what they want to see). • Stay calm, show love, but be firm. • Qualify their anger and feelings. Try these surprising reactions:

Kid says: “This game is stupid.” Surprise reaction: “Yeah it is kind of silly, but looks like they are having fun.

Let’s try it together.” Kid keeps interrupting. Surprise reaction: “I see you have some extra energy and enthusiasm. Would

you like to lead the next question?” Kid says: “I don’t want to do that.” Surprise reaction: “What’s up? What’s going on that you don’t want to partici-

pate?” Listen.

• Kids need to know they are cared for. • Take them aside for talks. • Get down to their level. This may mean kneeling or sitting. • Listen and respond to what they have to say.

Tender loving care takes a little more time, but your kids will be so blessed. When we take a few extra moments to love kids where they are they will know that they are loved by not only you, but by their Creator God who loves us more than we can ever know!

You may want to lead the child in a simple prayer asking for forgiveness and inviting Jesus to be their forever friend. You may also want to share one or more of the following Scripture passages with the child. Encourage the child to read the Scripture passages with you from his or her own Bible. John 3:16 Romans 5:8-11 Romans 6:23 Ephesians 2:4-8 Be sure to share the news of the child’s spiritual development with his or her parent(s)…Our

pastoral staff would love to know too!

Helping kids follow jesus

At VBX, children don’t just hear about God’s love; they see it, touch it, sing it, taste it and put it into action. As they travel from station to station, they go deeper into their understand-ing of God. Most importantly, children learn that because Jesus loves us, he came to die for our sins and make a way for us to live with God forever. You’ll notice that there’s no “set” time for children to make a faith commitment. We feel that VBX helps children build relationships—with other children, with adults, and with Jesus. Since each child is at a different point in his or her relationship with Jesus, programming a time for commitment may be confusing to some children. Some children may want to know more about making Jesus part of their lives. If you sense that a child might like to know more about what it means to follow Jesus as a forever friend, give this simple explanation:

God loves us so much that he gave his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for us. Jesus died and came back to life again so we could be forgiven for all the wrong things we do. If we ask him, Jesus will come into our lives. He will always be with us and help us make the right choices. If we believe in Jesus and ask him to forgive

us, someday we’ll live with him forever in heaven.

All Small Group Volunteers

What is a Volunteer? • A friend and helper • A guide as kids make their way to the VBX stations • Responsible for drawing kids into discussions as much as possible • Someone who offers kids choices • Someone who asks questions • Someone who encourages kids

During VBX, you’ll engage in a variety of activities with a group of 4-8 children. You’re not in charge of preparing or teaching activities. You are responsible for shepherding your “wild things” by helping them and having fun with them. Your group of children will be part of a larger group. Each grade will have 10-20 groups that will travel together to music. Name tags must be worn at all times. Children and volunteers will have names tags print-ed at a kiosk upon arrival. They must be worn in a visible spot on their SHIRTS at all times. Pick up your jungle bag from your assigned room with all the materials you will need for the day. Bags will be labeled with your group number & matching color . ex. “Yellow-20”) Any special announcements, information, handouts and supplies will also be in your bag. It is important you keep track of this bag and turn it in to your assigned room at the end of the evening. As a group volunteer or helper your role is to love, encourage, and enjoy the children in your group. Here are some guidelines for making every day at VBX a successful one:

• Pray for God to prepare the hearts of those who will be in your group. • Learn the names of the children in your group. Call them by name. • Accompany children to all activities and sit with your “wild things” during group activities. (see map for station locations) • Support the main leader in your area. Participate in planned activities and help kids com-

plete the activities. • Repeat the Daily Bible Verse and Point often. The more children hear or say the Bible Point,

the more likely they are to remember it and apply it to their lives. • Check to make sure all children are accounted for before leaving any activity. Preschool

children will have a rope to use to keep your group together as you travel. You may want to walk behind your group so you can keep all the wild things (children) in view and avoid travel-ing too fast.

• Report any potential discipline problems to the VBX Help Desk. A staff member will help

you handle it appropriately and assign a Float Volunteer to your group if needed. • Look into the child’s eyes when you are talking to them. You may need to kneel or sit on the

floor to do this. • Empower children by offering them choices. • Ask questions that will help support the Bible Story or Bible Point. • Set the children up for success. Tell them ahead of time what the expectations are.

Preschool Group Volunteers

Group Volunteers & Meeting Places

• Although you are specifically in charge of only your “wild things”, please work as a team within your groups.

• Please sit in the front rows of the Sanctuary during Large Group Opening & Closing Worship so that your little ones can see— follow the map. • There is a rope in your bag. You can use this as you travel with your “wild things” to

keep everyone together and on the same course. • To help with transitioning from one activity to another, you can use these “special move-

ments” to make walking more fun: • Day 1: marching

Day 2: skipping Day 3: tiptoeing Day 4: stomping

Knowing Your Preschoolers...

• Curious and full of questions

• Short attention span

• Interpret words and directions literally

• Negative behavior can be avoided before it occurs by giving each child individual atten-tion

• Children think literally and physically. Use simple explanations

Elementary Group Volunteers

Group Volunteers & Meeting Places

• You will meet with your “wild things” in one of the middle-back rows in the Sanctuary, or possibly the balcony (4/5). You may want to sit or stand at the end of your row to welcome kids.

• Although you are specifically in charge of only your “wild things”, please work as a

team within your groups. Activity Booklets

• Passports (student books) will be in your bags. Use these whenever you have spare time but don’t feel you have to get them done.

• Kids can take home their booklets at the end of the week.

Knowing Your Kids...

GRADES K-1 • Concerned with pleasing their teachers • Struggling to become socially acceptable to their peers • Being first and winning are very important • Encourage positive interactions by pointing out and praising group cooperation and appropriate behavior • Asks a lot of questions • Assumes everyone shares his or her view • Typically see parts rather than the whole or big picture

GRADES 2-5 • Give clear, specific instructions and allow children as much independence as

possible • Teasing, nicknames, criticism and increased negative verbal tendencies • More intense desire for status within their peer group • Lacks essential social skills to make and retain friends • Starting to realize that there may be valid ideas and opinions besides their own

Safety and Emergency Procedures

First Aid Kit There is a first aid kit available at the VBX Help Desk and the Church Office. There will be a VBX nurse on duty; please check in at the VBX Help Desk if you or a child is in need of any first aid or medical care. Fire Alarm Please check where the nearest exit is! If the alarm goes off, your responsibilities are:

• Calmly line up your group and proceed to the nearest exit • Take a head count to make sure everyone is accounted for inside and after you are as-

sembled outside • The last person out of each room should close any doors. This will let us know that that

room is cleared, and you are out of the building • Walk students to the north parking lot, away from the building, and stay in a group • You may not let students leave with anybody, PARENTS INCLUDED, until you have

permission from the VBX directors

Tornado Our staff will watch the weather carefully. In the event of a tornado:

• A staff member will make an announcement in each area and direct you to the nearest interior, windowless room

• Calmly line up your group and follow the staff member’s instructions • Students should line up facing the walls and crouch down, covering their heads with

their arms. • Jungle Leaders: Please help your group stay calm. Sing quiet songs, tell a story, pray together or distract them with quiet conversation. • A staff member will alert you when the threat has passed.

Threat Alert If there is a threat to the church, we will follow a lock down procedure:

• Close and lock the door to the classroom if there is one. If you are not in a room with a door, gather your group in the nearest room/closet/space with a door as quickly, calmly and quietly as possible.

• Have one person look over the room for anything out of place. If there is anything out of the ordinary, send one adult to find church staff. • Church staff will be sweeping the building. • Wait for further instructions from VBX directors and church staff.

Student Dismissal Students will be picked up in the Sanctuary where they were dropped off. Parents must pre-sent their check-in label when they pick up their child. The side doors will be opened and monitored by staff to allow for better crowd control during dismissal.


Sanctuary Opening & Closing


South Parking


NORTH Parking



s 208



le T




Room 300 Preschool Yellow

Discovery 2-3 Blue & 4/5


Room 310 K/1 Red


HEBREWS Snack Prep & serve for 2-5


Craft Vol-unteers







Supper S



Check in Stations



Photo booth Photo


Volun-teer Hub

New Registrations & T-shirt pick-up

Nursery Drop Off

Photo Booth

Group Colors:


Preschool— Orange

K-1st Grade—Red

2nd-3rd Grade—Blue

4th-5th Grade—Green

Emergency Numbers:

VBX Help Desk:


General Questions (8am-5pm):

Church Office: 701-235-6629

Email: hopekids@fargohope.org

Children will be picked up in the Sanctuary at 8:00pm

Master Schedule - South Campus Evening


Jill Lion—Nicole R


Kim Tiger—CeCe

5:45- 6:20pm

Opening Sanctuary

Opening Sanctuary

6:20 – 6:40pm





6:40 – 6:45pm

Transition & Travel

Transition & Travel

6:45 – 7:00pm


Room 300

PreK Bible Room 208

7:00 – 7:05pm

Movement Break

Transition & Travel

7:05 – 7:20pm

PreK Bible Room 300

Craft/Activity Room 204/206

7:20 – 7:25pm



Transition & Travel

7:25 – 7:40pm

Craft/Activity Room 300


Room 204/206

7:40 – 7:45pm

Transition & Travel

Transition & Travel

7:45 – 8:00pm

Closing Sanctuary

Closing Sanctuary

K- 1st C Tara


2nd – 3rd D Ashley

Macaw- Car-ley

4th – 5th E Christi


5:45- 6:20pm

Opening Sanctuary

Opening Sanctuary

Opening Sanctuary

6:20 – 6:25pm

Transition & Travel

Transition & Travel

Transition & Travel

6:25 – 6:40pm

Bible Teach Room 310/320



Snack/Connect Outside

6:40 – 6:45pm

Movement Break

Movement Break

Transition & Travel

6:45 – 7:00pm


Room 310/320 Craft/Activity




7:00 – 7:05pm

Transition & Travel

Movement Break

Transition & Travel

7:05 – 7:20pm

Music Sanctuary

Snack/Connect Outside

Bible Teach


7:20 – 7:25pm

Transition & Travel

Transition & Travel

Movement Break

7:25 – 7:40pm


Room 310/320



Craft/Activity Discovery

7:40 – 7:45pm

Transition & Travel

Transition & Travel

Transition & Travel

7:45 – 8:00pm

Closing Sanctuary

Closing Sanctuary

Closing Sanctuary

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