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Joy and peace of mind is only for those who give love.

H H Swami Chinmayananda

Volume 6, Issue 1

Jul 2015 Chinmaya Fragrance

Hari Om! We present before you the first issue of the newsletter for the session 2015-16. The news letter is a medium to connect with all the stakeholders of the vidyalaya. Through the newsletter it would be our endeavour to being forth the news and activities report of the school. It also provides a platform to the students to explore and showcase their writing skills through their contributions. On behalf of school, I thank the parents and the students for their keen interest in vidyalaya activities. We look forward to your support and co-operation. A. K. Tiwary Principal

Contents -

Þ Board Result - Page 2 to 4

Þ English Month Celebrations - Pages 5 to 10

Þ Results of different Competitions - Pages 10 to 12

Þ Event Celebrations/Training Program - Pages 13 to 14

Þ Student Articles - Pages 15 to 16

Editorial Board

☺ Mr. Subas Chandra Nath ☺ Mrs. Manju Rawat


No. of students appeared ----------------------------------- 61 No. of students passed -------------------------------------- 55 No. of students compartmental ---------------------------- 05 No. of students failed -------------------------------------- 01 No. of students scored 90% and above ------------------- 11 No. of students scored between 75% and 89.9% ---- 22 No. of students scored between 60% and 74.9% ---- 23 No. of students scored between 50% and 59.9% ----- 04 No. of students scored below 50% ------------------------ 01


Total No. of students ----------------------------------------- 76 No. of students scored 90% and above ------------------- 29 No. of students scored between 75% and 89% ------- 28 No. of students scored between 60% and 74.9% ---- 18 No. of students scored between 50% and 59.9% ----- 01 No. of students scored below 50% --------------------- NIL

Sl. No

Name of the students Total Mark (Out of




1. Ayush Sahu 477 95.4 1st 2. Abhishek Sharma 472 94.4 2nd 3. Narmada Swaroop 471 94.2 3rd 4. Monika Rawat 471 94.2 3rd 5 Anurag Gupta 469 93.8 4th

Sl. No



1. ENGLISH 99 Narmada Swaroop 2. Physics 95 Abhishek Sharma, Ayush Sahu 3. Chemistry 99 Ayush Sahu

4. Mathematics 95 Mansi Joshi, Rahul Singh,

Sarvjyot Singh, Shashank Singh and Shivam Verma

5. Biology 95 Ayush Sahu, Narmada, Anurag Gupta

6. Fine Arts 100 Ayush Sahu, Monika Rawat, Narmada and Sudhanshu Shukla

7. Hindi 91 Ayush Shukla

6. Computer 87 Prakhar Srivastava

8. Phy. Edu. 97 Kandarp Agarwal



CHINMAYA VIDYALAYA - NTPC UNCHAHAR Name of the students awarded with 'A1' grade

in all five subjects of CLASS X

1. Aishwarya Maurya ··········· Mr. Ravindra Kr.Maurya

2. Anubhav Maurya ················ Mr. Anup Kr. Maurya

3. Deependra Ku Singh ·················· Mr. Vinod Singh

4. Jayant Kujur ··················· Mr. Jyoti Prakash Kujur

5. Mudit Kesharwani ········· Mr. Ashok Kr. Kesharwani

6. Naman Saxena·················· Mr. Sanjeev Kr. Saxena

7. Rajdeep Naskar············ Mr. Rathindra Nath Naskar

8. Riya Mishra ····················· Mr. Jitendra Kr. Mishra

9. Romsi Gupta ······················· Mr. Manoj Kr. Gupta

10. Sarthak Solanki··············· Mr. Om Prakash Solanki

11. Shubham Anand ······················ Mr. Sanjay Kumar

12. Srijan Srivastava ··············· Mr. Kundan Srivastava

13. Unnati Nigam··························· Mr. Anuj Nigam

14. Vibhu Saxena ······················ Mr. Arun Kr. Saxena

15. Harshita Agarwal ············ Mr. Ramesh Kr. Agarwal

16. Raghavendra Maurya ················· Mr. Arun Maurya

REPORT ON ENGLISH MONTH 2015-16 (Primary Section Classes I to V)

English month was celebrated with a lot of zeal and fervor in the Vidyalaya. There were many activities to ensure artistic development of children along with literary development. During this month long gala event , display boards all around the school were embellish-ments with creation of our budding poets and writers. There have been numerous activities aiming to unearth the hidden talents. Aristophanes once said , “ High thoughts must have high language”. Keeping this in mind a row of activities was planned to caste these high thoughts into perfect moulds.

Class I & II: We had intra class activities like ‘Recitation’ on April 28,2015 and April 29,2015 and “Talk” on April 30,2015. The students participated enthusiastically and understood that “ Genius without education is like silver in the mine.” Choral Recitation Competition for classes Prep - II was held on May 11, 2015.

Class III & IV : We had mind boggling activities like’ noun game , spell bee, kangaroo words’ along with’ recitation’ as a regular feature during the entire month. The activities were thoroughly en-joyed by children and each one of them gave their best to win the rewards given at the end of each activity . In Spell Bee competition held on April 29, 2015, Gouri V.S of III-B stood first and in Kangaroo words , Oshya K. of IV-B bagged the prize. Inter House Elocution competition for classes III-V was held on May 2, 2015 . In the words of John W. Gard-ner ,“True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents”, and the same notion was seen overflowing in our children as they made full use of their literary quotient.

REPORT ON ENGLISH MONTH 2015-16 (Middle Section Classes 6 to 8)

ELOCUTION (class VII): ‘Elocution refers to one’s capacity of communicating with others, with the use of exact speech and gestures’, with a view to develop this skill an Inter class English Elocution com-petition was conducted on 21st and 22nd April 2015 wherein every student in class was trained to face audience with confidence and recite their poems with correct diction, clarity and good pronunciation. During the competition, the students focused on aspects like culmi-nation of voice quality, speech content and delivery standards. Winning the competition was a matter of honour for those who won it.

ARTICLE WRITING (classes VI-VIII): To bring out the creative thinking of the students, an Inter class English Article Writing com-petition was held on 23nd April 2015. The topics were given on the spot. Maximum students participated in it and a lot of beautiful thoughts and ideas were expressed in black and white. GROUP DISCUSSION (class VIII): On April 22nd an Inter Class Group Discussion was organised. For this discussion the stu-dents focused on ‘Forms of Discrimination’ and ‘The importance of Anthem’ in our society. All the group members participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. Speaking in the group discussion helped the students to gain confidence and enrich their information about their surroundings.

INTER HOUSE ONE ACT PLAY COMPETITION The event was conducted on 24th April’15 by English Department under the guidance and supervision of all the House Mentors. The programme was graced by Principal, Mr. A.K.Tiwary, who was also one of the esteemed judges. All the students participated with full zeal and enthusiasm. Sincerity House presented ‘Villa for Sale’ by Sacha Guitry. Honesty House presented ‘A Crazy Story’ The Dear Departed was staged by Friendship House and Freedom House sent the audience into peels of laugher through ‘This is a test’ The students managed the event effectively with the help of anchors Aditi Thakur & Sweta Singh of IXA. The plays were judged by Mr. H.K.Behera, Mrs. Masarrat Arshi and Mrs. Sheeba T.. Students showed skill development in acting, directing and script writing. They were able to connect art with other disciplines, demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the role of theatre Art in personal, Cultural and Historical context. They also demonstrated the ability to communicate in the language of the theatre Arts.

Carving a Niche in Quality Education Schools not only cater to the development of students’ learning only but also see to it that the teachers, who are the guiding force in shaping students’ learning are also attaining the knowl-edge and keeping themselves updated. Keeping this fact in mind, the school under the patronage of NTPC, HR department took the initiative to organize ‘School Excellence programme for all three schools in NTPC campus and one day Awareness session on Career Counseling and Future Prospects for school chil-dren.

Awareness session on Career Counseling

One day Awareness session of Career Counseling and Future Prospects was organized for the students from Classes IX to XII. It was conducted by Ms. Ashwini Pawar on April 17th, 2015 in the DAV auditorium. The counseling session included a detailed discourse on the impor-tance of making a right Career Choice based on aptitude and intelligence, personality types, excellence achievement in examination etc. The emphasis was laid on setting a goal by the students and taking the right path to achieve the desired results.

The students will be able to make a right career choice based on the current industry trends. They will be able to search for better avenues to work and shine.

School Excellence Programme An enlightening two days workshop was organized by CII Institute of Quality on April 16th and 17th, 2015 to enhance quality teaching-learning process in schools. The workshop was conducted by a learned resource person Dr. A. Senthil Kuma-ran, Principal Counselor – Education Excellence. The training module was at-tended by the faculty members of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, DAV Public School and Saraswati Vidya Mandir in the DAV auditorium. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Sanjay Madan, GM (Project) by lighting of ceremonial lamp alongwith other digntories from NTPC. The programme aimed at explaining ‘Quality in Education’ and fundamentals of Educational proc-esses. The resource person’s integrated approach and in-depth knowledge of the subject matter made the session interesting. The workshop will help teachers to initiate an effective Teaching Learning Process and improving the quality of content delivery.

School Excellence Programme









Chinmaya Vidyalaya participated in the tournament under the guidance of Mr. Abdul Hafeez & Mrs. Anku Singh, with limited time for practice and choosing the right combination of team was a difficult task. The team participated with fourteen members in the team. With lots of ups and downs during the matches the team learnt about how to handle pressure and play in difficult situations. The team stood second in the tourna-ment losing against DAV school by one wicket.

Every player contributed in the team by ball, bat, and field or by encouraging the playing team from outside. Overall the tournament went well for the boys. The team was awarded with a trophy, certificate and a cash prize of Rs.15000/-. Due to outstanding performance Vaibhav Bhardwaj was awarded Rs.100/- from the opponent team coach.

The following members were part of the team:

Saurabh, Vaibhav, Ishan, Pankaj, Rishabh, Samyak, Suryansh Pranshu, Satyam Singh, Satyam Mishra, Pranjal, Himanshu, Shubham, Prashant





Chinmaya Vidyalaya Quotient Quiz 2015 Date & Time – 18th April 2015 11.00 a.m.

Venue: Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vadavolli, Coimbatore

Our vidyalaya students under the representative Uma Singh of Class-X went to the final round of All CVQ Quiz. We secured 5th position in all India ranking. Other representatives of the schools are Pranshu Sahu, Mudita Mishra and Srijan Srivastava.

EVENTS CELEBRATION The birth anniversary of pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji was celebrated with great enthusiasm on 8th May in the assembly ground and pooja room as well. House prefects briefly highlighted the life and works of Swamiji. Pooja was organized followed by the chanting of 108 names in the glory of the Gurudev by the Principal & the staff members. The staff then sang Chinmaya Aarti. The students donated stationery items for the poor & needy people on this day.

On behalf of Chinmaya Vidyalaya NTPC, Unchahar we offered our reverential pranams to Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayanandaji on the occasion of his birthday on June 30th. Im-mense gratitude fills the heart with the remembrance of Pujya Gurudev swami Chinmayanan-daji’s foresight in leaving us such a wonderful legacy. We love you Guruji.


A Tremor that shook our life: Earthquake

By Laulin Mishra-VIII-A “Nothing can replace the cost of one life”. The 2015 Nepal Earthquake which killed at least 8000 people and injured twice as many as of 30th April 2015 with magnitude between 7.8 and 8.1 at 11:56am on 25th April 2015.Its epi-center lied in the Barpak village of Gorkha district. It was the most powerful disaster that struck Nepal after the 1934 Nepal-Bihar Earthquake. The families of the dead people had emotions floating on their face. The tremors were felt in many parts of Northern India. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi and Rajasthan were mainly affected by this quake. We were swinging like a pendulum too. India responded with Operation Maitri for rescue. Most people were killed in Bihar. The quake triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest killing, at least 19, making it the deadliest day on the mountain in history. Geophysicts and other earthquake experts had warned for decades that Nepal is vulnerable to a deadly earthquake, particularly because of its geology, urbanization and ar-chitecture. Continued aftershocks occurred throughout Nepal, with one shock reaching a magnitude of 6.7 on 26th April 2015 at 12:54pm. Even five days after the quake, rescue teams were still pulling out survivors trapped under rubble both inside and outside Kath-mandu valley. Nepal was almost flushed by the earthquake and it was unpredictable that it will happen in such a beautiful and safe country. Hence the nature of the disaster state that there is no alarming time of its arrival and its departure is also unpredictable as if it could occur in such a safe zone of the world then nearby India is also for it. But the final question is whether In-dia is capable of carrying such a devastating load of disaster? We talk more about Unity in Diversity but at that time we really need to show it off because:

“United we stand, Divided we fall”.



By Ilarika Singh VIII - A

Here is a popular saying by Mahatma Ghandhi, “The greatness of a nation and its moral pro-gress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Imagine you are an animal beaten head to tail what will you feel? That’s how animals feel when they are beaten. Cruelty to animals is increasing day by day. There’re many forms of cruelty to animals some common forms are- Scientific experimentation, mistreatment and hunting etc. “Scientific ex-perimentation is the necessity of life” it is said. Society needs to research to improve econ-omy and the products of everyday life until something has to suffer. Many companies test their products on animals for human safety. Monkeys, rabbits and cats are some creatures used in scientific experimentation. The major problem with this is that animals suffer a trau-matic experience. Many animals endure rashes, gashes, burns and hair loss. Some companies go as far as placing metal rods in animal’s head. However, researchers justify this inexcus-able treatment with “It’s for science”. Yet we have to wonder how scientists would feel in this situation. People do hunting for their entertainment but they don’t know that animals are also the living creatures and we don’t have the right to kill them. Here is a quote by Ellen Degenere, “I ask people why they have deer heads on the wall. They say that it is such a beautiful animal, I think my mother is attractive but I have photographs of her”. Some people keep animals as their pet and put them in cage. Imagine you are asked to live in a room for your whole life with all the facilities in that room. Would you? Certainly not because you know that you’ll get bored in one day you want go out and enjoy the fresh air similarly is with animals. They also love freedom and they also want to go out like us and enjoy the fresh air. Some people torture and mistreat their pets. You remember when you get sick your family worries about you especially your mother. Similarly animals have also their family and a mother who trusted you to take care of her child. Do you think laws are tough enough to stop cruelty to animals? According to me they are not, they should be tougher to stop the animal cruelty. People should be fined from being cruel to animals. Here is a quote by Cesar Chavez “We need a special way to work twice as hard to make peo-ple understand that animals are fellow living creatures and we should love them as we love ourselves”. We should stop people from being cruel to animals and love them. Animals are also the important part of our ecosystem.

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CHINMAYA VIDYALAYA School With A Difference

NTPC Colony, Unchahar

Raebareli, UP-229406 Tel : 05311 277207

Email : chinmayanewsletter@gmail.com

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Chinmaya Udghosh introduces the youth to In-dian values and culture, prepares them to face real world challenges and makes them pillars of society in true sense. The magazine is full of inspirational articles, Q & As on spiritual subjects, anecdotes, sayings of great Indian and International leaders and masters, events and activities in Chinmaya Yuva Kendras and hilarious jokes and cartoons.

Contact Chinmaya Udghosh Editor: Rukma D. Naik

Administrator: V.R. Sriramadesikan Address:

Chinmaya Heritage Centre No:2, 13th Avenue, Harrington Road

Chetpet, Chennai. Pin: 600 031 Tamil Nadu, India Ph: +91-44-28365300/ Mo: +91-9841380738

Email: udghosh@chinmayamission.com

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