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www.waqfenau.us Volume 4 Issue 4

Oct-Dec 2015

Mubarak Mosque Chantilly, VA — USA

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Nawa`e Waqfe Nau

Online Waqfe Nau Classes



Please send any information, comments, suggestions or articles regarding Waqfe Nau

To: wnnewsletter@waqfenau.us

In This Issue

Al-Quran 4

Hadith 5

Friday Sermon 6-7

Writings of the Promised Messiah (as) 8

Chicago Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 9

PA/NJ Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 10-11

Head Quarters Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 12-13

Jamia Trip Advertisement 14

Hazoor’s Message in Japan 15

Upcoming Events 16

Ameer Jama`at

USA Dr. Ahsanullah


Na’ib Ameer & Missionary In-

Charge Maulana

Naseem Mahdi

National Secretary

Waqfe Nau Hafiz Samiullah


Chief Editor Imran Jattala

Editors Mansoor Ahmad

Madiha Qureshi

A Quarterly Publication of National Waqfe Nau Department - USA

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 4

Al-Quran 2. Whatever is in the heavens and

the earth glorifies Allah: and He is

the Mighty the Wise.

3. His is the kingdom of the heav-

ens and the earth; He gives life

and He causes death; and He has

power over all things.

4. He is the First and the Last,

and the Manifest and the Hidden,

and He knows all things full well. 5. He it is Who created the heav-

ens and the earth in six periods,

then He settled Himself on the

Throne. He knows what enters

the earth and what comes out of

it, and what comes down from

heaven and what goes up into it.

And He is with you wheresoever

you may be. And Allah sees all

that you do.

6. His is the kingdom of the heav-

ens and the earth; and to Allah

are all affairs referred.

7. He causes the night to pass

into the day and causes the day

to pass into the night; and He

knows full well all that is in the


8. Believe in Allah and His Mes-

senger, and spend in the way of

Allah out of that to which He has

made you heirs. And those of you

who believe and spend will have a

great reward.

Chapter 57: 2-8

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

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Al-Hadith Try to Remove Evil

Narrated by Hadrat Abu Sa’id, Allah be pleased with him: I heard

the Prophet of Allah (peace be on him and the blessings of Allah)

say: “Whoever of you sees something repugnant to morals or faith,

he should change it by his hand. If he has not the strength to do so,

then by the word of mouth. And if he cannot do so, then dislike it at

heard ( and endeavor to reform through prayer), but he would say

that this was the weakest of faith.”

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary

On 9th October 2015, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (May Allāh

be his Helper) delivered the Friday Sermon at Masjid Nur,

Nunspeet, Holland. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said

that most Ahmadīs in Holland are either born Ahmadīs or

those whose parents accepted Ahmadiyyat while they were

still young, and they have been allowed to stay in this coun-

try because of the adverse condition in Pakistan. This has

brought about a positive change in their circumstances.

Since all this is through the blessing of the Jamā‘at, they

should be cognizant of this favour and realize their respon-

sibilities in this regard. In order to do so, it is essential to

read carefully the writings and sayings of the Promised Mes-

siah and to act upon them. It is likewise essential to learn

about the life and holy character of the Promised Messiah .

As gratitude for the positive change in their circumstances,

they should try to bring about extraordinary transformation

in their lives and teach your children to do the same.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that old Ahmadīs should also present a good example so that they don’t be-

come the means to mislead others and so that new

Ahmadīs should not complain about the character of old

Ahmadīs. Keep attached to the teachings of Ahmadiyyat and

the pledge of Bai‘at and become strongly attached to the

Jamā‘at and have a sincere and devotional relationship with

Khilāfat. Those who have believed in the Promised Messiah

with full conviction are showing lofty examples. They reflect

on the pledge and the conditions of Bai’at and write fervent

letters to me. We should all reflect over our conditions and

try to understand the meaning of Bai’at and try to act upon


Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: Today I will present

some extracts from the writings of the Promised Messiah .

The tenth condition of the Bai‘at reads: “That he/she shall

Friday Sermon: The Essence of Being a True Ahmadi Muslim

Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor AhmadABA, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

on October 9, 2015

enter into a bond of brotherhood with this humble servant

of God, pledging obedience to me in everything good for the

sake of God, and remain faithful to it until the day of his/her

death. That he/she shall exert such a high devotion in the

observance of this bond as is not to be found in any other

worldly relationship and connection that demand devoted

dutifulness.” Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that in

these words the Promised Messiah has described the way to

love for the sake of God and has required obedience in

ma‘ruf. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that all the

Promised Messiah’s injunctions fell under the purview of

ma‘ruf. These words make us responsible to establish a rela-

tionship of devotion, sincerity and fidelity and take it to

higher and higher levels. One can only truly obey if one has

knowledge. Therefore we should strive to read the Promised

Messiah’s writings and sayings and then act upon them. And

we must establish such a relationship with him as has no

equal in this world.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that in view of the

gratitude we owe to the Promised Messiah for the great zeal

he had for our spiritual training and all the means he used to

bring this about, we ought to obey him and also establish a

relationship of sincerity and love with Khilāfat. Let us not

rest content with verbal professions but strive to bring about

inner transformation. Let us strive for inner purity. Let us

offer prayers and supplicate and give in charity. Let us em-

ploy all these means in a powerful effort to establish a rela-

tionship with God. Let us employ our reason and make full

effort to find God. But for this to happen it is essential to

have a true and sincere relationship with the Promised Mes-

siah and with Khilāfat. We should watch MTA, listen to the

sermons, and teach our children of their importance.

The Promised Messiah says that in order to establish a rela-

tionships with God it is essential to gain knowledge and to

spread this message. When we spread this message, we will

also become mindful of reforming ourselves. Recently when I

made a speech at the inauguration of a mosque, a lady guest

said that what the Khalīfa has said is very good, but it re-

mains to be seen whether his followers act upon them or

not. Hence people’s eyes are on us. Let us bring about inner

transformation. Let us become one with Khilāfat. We are

fortunate that in this age God has brought about innovations

that have made the task of Da‘wat Ilallāh very easy. Let us

make use of TV and internet. One means of the unity of

Ahmadiyyat is through association with MTA. May Allāh en-

able every Ahmadī in every household to make full use of it.

At the end of the sermon, Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper)

informed the Jamā‘at of the sad demise of Hafiz Muhammad

Iqbal Ahmad Warraich, missionary and secretary of the Yak-

Page 6

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Continued...

sad Yatam Committee. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper)

led his funeral prayer in absentia after the Friday prayer.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) also appealed to the

Jamā‘at to pray for the early release of his brother Tāhir

Mahdī Imtiaz Ahmad Waraich and other Ahmadīs who are

imprisoned in Pakistan.


Friday Sermon synopsis by:

Ch. Hameedullah, Wakīl A‘lā,

Tahrīk Jadīd Anjuman Ahmadiyya Pakistan

Dated: October 15, 2015

On 11th December 2015, Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīh V (May

Allāh be his Helper) delivered the Friday Sermon at Baitul

Futūh Mosque, London. In this sermon Huzoor (May Allāh

be his Helper) addressed the objection raised by people of

other faiths that the teachings regarding Jihad and other

strict commandments contained in the teaching of Islām

are responsible for extremism or inclination towards ex-

tremism among its adherents. They say that just as people

of other religions have modified their teaching in keeping

with the demands of the age and the conditions, there is a

similar need to adapt the teachings of the Holy Qur’ān.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said these statements

prove that the teachings of those religions are no longer

the teachings of God and have become the teachings of

mortals, because God did not promise to safeguard those

teachings, whereas with regard to the Holy Qur’ān He

says, “Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation,

and most surely We will be its Guardian.” Accordingly, he

provided the means for its safeguarding. This verse clearly

shows that there will be a people who will want to wipe

the Holy Qur’ān off the face of the earth, but God will

safeguard it by sending a chosen one from heaven.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that Islām teaches

peace and harmony, and we need to demonstrate these

qualities to the world in the light of the Holy Qur’ān. We

have to tell the critics that their claiming, without any

knowledge, that the Holy Qur’ān teaches extremism and

that this is why its believers become extremists, is rooted

in their own ignorance and naivety. Huzoor (May Allāh be

his Helper) said that today it is of vital importance that we

show to the world the pristine face of Islām, and it is the

work of every Ahmadī to convey this message to people

Page 7

Friday Sermon: The Promised Messiah and True Islam Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor AhmadABA,

the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

on December 11 2015

of every level and every disposition. Huzoor (May Allāh be

his Helper) cited some verses which demonstrate the

beauty of the Holy Qur’ān’s teaching of peace. The Prom-

ised Messiah says that the Holy Qur’ān contains the clear

injunction not to raise arms for spreading the faith and to

draw people towards you through your own good exam-

ple. Do not think that in the beginning Muslims were com-

manded to raise arms for the faith, for then the swords

were not raised for the spreading the faith but as defence

against the enemy or for the establishment of peace. Co-

ercion in the name of religion was never the intent.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that it is the duty

of every Ahmadī to gain knowledge of the Holy Qur’ān in

order to demonstrate the inherent excellences of Islām

and to attract people through our good example. It is

through such knowledge and deeds that, as servants of the

Promised Messiah , we can take part in the safeguarding of

the Holy Qur’ān and Islām in this age and telling the

world that true peace can only be established through the

Holy Qur’ān.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) read out some verses

of the Holy Qur’ān with regard to peace and harmony and

said that only Islām can guarantee peace in the world, and

that it is only the Holy Qur’ān that teaches peace and

opposes extremism. The need is to acquire its knowledge

and to practice it.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that the correct

interpretation of the Holy Qur’ān is important in terms of

safeguarding its contextual aspect. Allāh has sent the

Promised Messiah in this age and has chosen us for this

task by giving us the opportunity to accept him. Thus it is

the responsibility of every Ahmadī to spread this beautiful

teaching in the world. The world is standing on the edge

of a pit of fire, and at such a time it is the duty of all

Ahmadīs to save the world from this fire and to work

towards peace and harmony. To achieve this purpose it is

vital to establish a special relationship with God, to obey

him, and to become righteous. Only in this way can we

bring about security for our future generations and for the


At the end of the sermon Huzoor (May Allāh be his

Helper) informed the Jamā‘at of the sad demise of

Inayatullah Ahmadī Sahib, retired missionary, and led his

funeral prayer after the Jumu‘a prayers. Huzoor (May Al-

lāh be his Helper) also offered the funeral prayer in absen-

tia of Maulvi Bashir Ahmadī Sahib, dervish, of Qādiān, and

of Syda Qanita Begum of Orissa, India

(Hameedullah) Wakīl A‘lā, Tahrīk Jadīd Anjuman Ahmadi-

yya Pakistan,

Dated: 17 December 2015

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Page 8

Writings of the Promised Messiah (as)

The Holy Prophet (saw)

David, on whom be peace, affirmed the greatness and grandeur of the

Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be on him, when he said in Psalm

45: You indeed are far more handsome than the sons of men. Charm has been

poured out upon your lips. That is why God has blessed you till eternity. Gird your

sword (upon) your thigh, O mighty one, (With) your dignity and your splendor.

And in your splendor go proceed to victory. Ride in the cause of truth with humil-

ity and righteousness, And your right hand will instruct you in fear-inspiring


(Surma Chishm Arya: Roohani Khaza’in, Vol. 2, p. 291-282)

Take note how the Holy Prophet of Islam remained resolute and steadfast

in his claim to prophethood from beginning to end in the face of thousands of

dangers and a multitude of enemies and threatening opponents. For years on end

he endured such hardships and sufferings as increased from day to day; enough

to make one despair of success. It is inconceivable for a man with ulterior wordly

motives to have shown such prolonged and steadfast endurance. Not only that,

by putting forth his claim to prophethood, he even lost the support he previously

enjoyed. The price he had to pay for his one claim was to confront a hundred

thousand contentions and invite a multitude of calamities to befall upon his

head. He was exalted from his homeland; pursued with intent to murder; his

home and belongings were destroyed. Several attempts were made on his life by

poisoning. Those who were his well-wishers began to harbor ill for him. Friends

turned into foes. For an age which seemed eternity he braved such hardships as

are beyond a pretender and impostor to suffer through.

(Braheen Ahmadiyya: Roohani Khaza’in, Vol. 1, p. 108)

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Chicago Metro / Wisconsin Regional Waqfe-Nau Ijtema Report October 17, 2015

Alhamdulillah on Oct 17th, 2015 the the Regional Waqfe-Nau ijtema took place at Baitul Qadir Mosque Milwaukee WI. Following registration and breakfast the pro-gram started with the recitation of the Holy Quran and Urdu poem followed by the welcome note by Nasirullah Ahmed sb. president Milwaukee Jamaat and program overview by the Regional Secretaries Mohammad Azhar Ahmad Sahib. This was fol-lowed by address by the National Waqfe-Nau sec Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry sb. In which Hafiz sahib expounded upon the significance of learning syllabus, and learn-ing Urdu and how parents can start teaching Urdu when the kids finish Qaidah Yas-sarnal Quran. Inaugural session ended with Dua. Session with Waqfeen children under the age of 5 years was conducted on the men side in which Waqfeen and Waqifat presented surahs, dua and urdu poem.

The second session started off with academic competitions for the ages of 5 to 16. Then lunch was served followed by Salaat. group Photo session followed by letter to Huzoor (aba) in which Waqfeen wrote letter to our dear Khalifa. Which is followed by fun activity in which all Waqfeen had a chance to participate in some fun activities.

Then Final Session began with a short presentation about ANN Atfal News

Network. The Waqfeen were given awards and chocolates for the academic com-

petitions. By Allah’s grace and mercy our program ended successfully on time. We

had an attendance of 35 Waqfe-Nau boys, 38 Waqfe-Nau girls, a total of 120 mem-

bers, and 7 out of 8 Jamaats participated. Our ijtema ended with Dua lead by the

National Secretary Waqfe-Nau. Hafiz Samiullah sb.

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Regional WaqfeNau Ijtimā’ — West Midwest Region October, 17, 2015

Waqifat-e Nau Chicago Northwest portion Report

Regional Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema was held at Bait-ul –Qadir mosque, Milwaukee. It was a combined Ijtema of

Wisconsin Region and Chicago Metro Region. Waq-e-feen from 6 Majalis attended this event. Namely: Chi-

cago Northwest, Chicago Southwest, Oshkosh, Zion, Milwaukee, and Bloomington.

Information about Regional Ijteam and venue was received a month prior to Ijtema from Regional Waqf-e-

Nua Secretary Mohammad Laiquddin Sahib. As Waqifat-e-Nau classes are regularly commencing in our ma-

jlis, our Muavina waqifat-e-Nau started working diligently with all waqifat to prepare them for this upcoming

Ijtema. Chicago Northwest majlis was also appointed the responsibility of a nazm and to prepare a panel

discussion for the Ijtema. One of our older Waqifah was assigned to prepare all waqifat for the nazm. She

also worked alongside Mauvina Waqifate Nau to select a topic and appoint waqifat for the panel discussion.

We also sent a lot of reminders to all waqifat and parents so that they register on time fr the event. As the

Ijtema was at Bait-ul-Qadir mosque in Milwaukee, we also arranged for the transportation of all the waqifat.

Several vans and cars were assigned to carpool waqifat and their mothers to the event. Alhamdulillah, 12

out of 15 of our Nasirat were present at the Ijtema.

Ijtema started with a combined session of all waqifeen.After the recitation and translation of Holy Quran

and a nazm, a welcome speech was delivered by Secretary Waqf-e-Nau Chicago Metro Region Mohammad

Azhar Sahib. Alhamdulillah, our National Secretary Waqf-e-Nau respected Hafiz Samiullah Sahib was in at-

tendance and delivered a very insightful speech regarding Waqf-e-Nau parents and their responsibilities. In

his speech he also stressed the point of importance of teaching Urdu to our Waqifeen. ,

10 out of 12 Waqifat present from Chicago Northwest majlis participated in the competitions along with

the waqifat from both the regions. The competitions continued till Zuhr and Asr combined prayers and

lunch break. After the break the separate session of Waqifat continued and Chicago Northwest Waqifat

presented a panel discussion on the topic of “Importance of being a Waqifah”. Panel discussion was moder-

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Page 11

ated by older waqifah from our Majlis and on panel waqifat age 9-14 took part in a very engaging and inter-

esting discussion. The panel discussed what does being a Waqf-e-Nua child means, history of the blessed

scheme and responsibilities of being a Waqifah. Alhamdulillah, the discussion was enjoyed by both the moth-

ers and the Waqifat, and everyone participated with interesting comments and insightful questions.

After the panel discussion the concluding combined session started with Chicago Northwest Waqifat pre-

senting reciting nazm (from women side through microphone) “Hum Waqifat-e-Nua hain, Dunya fatah karein

gay”. An English translation of the poem was also presented. After a short message of Secretary Waqf-e-Nau

Wisconsin Region Mohammad Laiquddin Sahib, concluding address was delivered by respected Hafiz Samiul-

lah Sahib.

We were fortunate that Bibi Amatul Salam, who is granddaughter of Hazrat Mir Mohammad Ishaq Sahib

(ra) was also present on the occasion. Waqifat received their awards with prayers from Bibi Amatul Salam

Sahiba. Alhamdulillah all 11 waqifat from Chicago Northwest received one of three top awards in their age

category. The list is as follow:

Shumaila Zakria First Position ( age12-13 )

Sayeda Sabahat First Position (age 11-12)

Alina Akhtar Second Position (age 11-12)

Kashmala Ahmad Third Position (age 10-11)

Saeeda Waseema First Position (age 9-10)

Palwasha Ahmad Third Position (age 9-10)

Sabika Akhtar First Position (age 8-9)

Luna Mir First Position (age 6-7)

Eesha ahmad First Position (age 5-6)

Sayeda Malahat First Position (age less than 5)

The Ijtema ended with combined silent Prayers.

Regional WaqfeNau Ijtimā’ — Chicago Northwest

October, 17, 2015 — Waqifat-e Nau portion (Cont’d)

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PA/NJ Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema November 7th 2015 Willingboro, New Jersey, Al-Nasr Mosque

The Combined Pennsylvania and New Jersey Regional

Waqfe Nau Ijtema was held on November 7, 2015 at Al-

Nasr Mosque, in Willingboro New Jersey. About 140-

150 people attended this Ijtema of which 89 were Waqifeen-e-Nau. We were honored to have present

National Waqfe Nau Sec. Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sa-


The first session began with Talawat by Hisham Ahmad

and Nazm by Masroor Ahmad and Translation by Farhan

Mabroor Ahmad . Next, the welcoming address was

given by Willingboro President, Farooq Padder Sahib.

Next, there was a session for children under 5 years to

present any new thing the Waqafeen have memorized; medals were presented with the Yasanal

Quran and chocolates.

Next, Opening address was given by Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib. Next, the second session for

academic competitions for ages 5-17 years began. Educational competitions in all the age groups

were being held separately for boys and girls and were done simultaneously. All the competitions

went smoothly. MashAllah.

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PA/NJ Regional WaqfeNau Ijtema Continued...

After lunch and Salat, a group photograph was taken of the Waqifeen, fathers and honored guests

with Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib.

Next, Waqifaat 18 and above were given 30 minutes time to do their presentations separately.

Waqifaat Presentations: Presentation by Sithra Ghazala Chaudhary on topic of “What Hazoor

(atba) desires from a Waqfe Nau?”, Presentation by Adeeba Sadaaf Ahmad on topic of “How to

fulfill the responsibilities of a Waqfe Nau?”. Waqfe Nau Boys Presentations: Presentation by Mubaraiz Ahmad on topic of “Why we need to

do the re-dedication?”

After the presentations,

we began the Urdu work-

shop by Hafiz Samiullah

Sahib. Next, rededication work-

shop was conducted by

Assistant National Secretary, Mahmood

Hanif Sahib. He con-

ducted the quiz in his

workshop. Special prizes

were given to Waqfeen

upon their right answers.

Near the end, the prize distribution ceremony was held and prizes were given for various compe-

titions to the Waqifeen by Hafiz Samiullah Sahib on the men’s side and prizes were distributed to

the Waqifaat on the women’s side by Taseen Padder Sahiba. The ziafat team prepared very delicious

food for our ijtema attendees. Everyone liked the food. The Ijtema program ended with Dua.

Report submitted by: By Mansoor Ahmad

PA Regional Waqfe Nau Secretary

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Head Quarters Regional WaqfeNau Ijtema November 14th 2015 — Mubarak Mosque Chantilly VA

By Dr. Faheem Ahmed, Regional Secretary—HQ Region

Alhamdu Lillah, three WN HQ regions had combined WN Ijtema at Mubarak mosque in Chantilly

VA on Saturday Nov. 14, 2015. Here is brief report of various activities.

Waqfeen, Waqifaat and parents started coming Masjid Mubarak, around 10 am. Separate

breakfast arrangements were made for Lajna and Men sides Ijtema Program started around 11.30 am. National Sec. WN, Hafiz Sami Ullah Sahib presided

the session. After recitation of the Holy Quran, Poem and brief welcome note of Dr. Faheem Ahmed sa-

hib, Regional Sec. WN, National Sec. WN Hafiz Sami Ullah Sahib addressed both Waqfeen

and Waqfaat. Local missionary Rizwan Khan Sahib also briefly addressed the audience and led in silent


Hafiz sahib conducted under 5 waqfeen & Waqfaat presentations and gave them chocolates.

About 15 under 5 Waqfeen and Waqfaat participated.

Three WN Regions Maryland, Northern VA/DC and SVA participated in Ijtema NVA, CVA, Washington DC, SVA, Silver Spring, Laurel, Potomac, and Baltimore Jamats par-

ticipated Central VA was host jamat for this ijtema, however other regional and local WN secretaries,

equally helped to make this Ijtema successful

Waqfeen and Waqfaat had separate competitions as directed by Mansoor Ahmad Sahib. Waqfeen side competitions and prize were organized by Hameed Ch. Sahib, Regional Sec. of

Maryland and Ijaz Qamar Sahib Regional Sec. SVA, while Waqfaat side activities were led by

sister Zahida Choudhary Sahiba, Muavana WN of CVA Jamat Dr. Muhammad Zafarullah Khan Sahib, Assistant Sec. WN gave presentation on learning

Urdu. In afternoon session, Waqifaat and Waqfeen had separate presentations for about half an


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HQ Regional WaqfeNau Ijtema Continued...

At the end, Hafiz Sami Ullah Sahib distributed prizes and gave concluding address and Ijtema

program ended by silent prayer by Missionary Rizwan Khan Sahib around 4:00 pm. Lunch was prepared by local Ziafat team, led by Tahir Ch. Sahib and Mirza Abdul Jabar Sa-

hib Attendance from the Lajna side was 148, which includes 65 mothers and 83 Waqifaat and

siblings. On Waqfeen side around 80 Waqfeen and siblings and about 75 /100 parents and other

guest participated. Some guests attended part of the program. National Sec. WN, Hafiz Sami Ullah Sahib had separate, very interactive meeting with fa-

thers to discuss different Waqfe Nau related issues.

Overall attendance was about 300 to 325, but regardless the exact count, I believe this ijtema was

very helpful to motivate the waqfeen and Waqfat for their waqif and also to remind parents their

responsibilities. May Allah bless all who participated and make them beneficial fruits of Jamat of

Massihe Maud (AS).Ameen

Report submitted by

Dr. Faheem Ahmed

Regional Sec. WN

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Page 16

Waqifat Corner Short supplemental Ijtimā’ reports

West Midwest Waqfe Nau Regional Ijtema:

October 17, 2015: A West Midwest Regional Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema was held at Bait-ul –Qadir

Mosque, Milwaukee. Waqifat from 6 Majaalis attended this event: Chicago Northwest, Chicago

Southwest, Oshkosh, Zion, Milwaukee, and Bloomington. Local Muavina Waqifat-e-Nau worked

diligently with all Waqifat to prepare them for the Ijtema.

Various educational competitions were held according to age group from 5 to 17: Holy Qur'an,

Hadith, Prayers, Nazm, Attributes of Allah, Salat, and Religious Knowledge. The total attendance

from the Lajna side was 65, which includes 38 Waqifat and 25 mothers/siblings. Chicago North-

west Waqifat ages 9 to 14 presented a panel discussion on the topic of “ The Importance of being

a Waqifah”, which was moderated by an older Waqifah. It was a very engaging and interesting


PA/NJ Regional Waqfe Nau Regional


On November 7, 2015 , Regional Waqf-e-Nau

Ijtema was held at Al-Nasr Mosque Willingboro,

NJ. Waqifat participated in the competitions with

great zeal. The competitions were divided by age

groups, varying from ages 5-17 years.

Waqifaat Presentations: Two older Waqifat made

presentations on the following topics:

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

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Waqifat Corner — short Ijtimā’ reports (cont’d.)

What Hazoor (atba) desires from a Waqfe Nau?

How to fulfill the responsibilities of a Waqfe Nau?

MD/VA/DC Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema:

Alhamdolillah, the central region had a very success-

ful WN Ijtema on November 14, 2015 at Masjid

Mubarak in Virginia. The total attendance from the

Lajna side was 148, which includes 83 Waqifat and

65 mothers/siblings. All the Waqifat according to

their age groups participated in competitions, which

included recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Hadith, Po-

ems, Attributes of Allah and Prayers.

The highlight of the Ijtema was an informative pres-

entation prepared by Waqifat who attended the 1st

National Waqifat Camp in NY. They shared their

experience and found the event to be spiritually uplifting.

South Region - Waqfe Nau Ijtema:

December 12, 2015: The South Regional Waqf-e-

Nau Ijtema was held at Bait-us-Samee Mosque Hous-

ton, TX. About 40 Waqifat from six Majaalis at-

tended this event: Houston Cypress, Houston

North, Houston South, Austin, Dallas and Fort

Worth. The competitions were divided by age

groups, varying from ages 5-17 years and all Waqi-

faat participated in the competitions with great zeal.

Waqifaat Presentations: Two older Waqifat made presentations on the following topics: My Responsibility as a Waqifah by full filling Hazrat Khalifatul Masih's expectations from


My Experience of the First National Waqifat Camp

The presentation by an older Waqifah from Houston North " My Responsibility as a Waqifah by

full filling Hazrat Khalifatul Masih's expectations from Waqfeen" was the highlight of the Ijtema, where she took points from Huzoor -e-Anwar's khutbas and classes. She also gave examples of

women who were recognized because of their sacrifices in Islam.

Muavina Waqifat of the Regions were actively involved with their Waqifat preparation and moth-

ers were really appreciative for this. Attendance and participation from the Waqifat side has im-

proved from the previous year. Alhamdolillah!

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Page 18


Register online at


APRIL 8 - 10, 2016 (FRI - SUN)

Experience a full day at the Jamia along with sports competitions and sightseeing

Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada is seeking US applicants for admission into the 7-

year Shahid degree program beginning in fall, 2016. The applicants for ad-

mission must fulfill the following prerequisites:

The applicant must be between 17 and 20 years of age.

The applicant must have finished high school.

The applicant must apply for Waqfe Zindagi (life dedication) also.

The applicant must be able to recite the Holy Quran correctly.

For detailed information, please contact info@jamiaahmadiyya.ca or call (706)-860-1629.

Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhary National Secretary Waqfe Nau, USA


Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Page 19

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

conducts various media inter-

views in Japan

During his recent visit to Japan, the World

Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Commu-

nity, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holi-

ness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad held

interviews with Japanese media outlets: Asahi newspaper, Chugai Nippou newspaper, Chukyo TV and

the Shingetsu news agency.

In the interviews, His Holiness was asked about various Islamic teachings; about the inauguration of

the Baitul Ahad Mosque and about the increasing conflicts in the world, particularly in light of the recent

Paris terrorist attacks. Asked by ChukyoTV about the inauguration of the Baitul Ahad Mosque, Hazrat Mirza

Masroor Ahmad said: “Just to physically construct a Mosque is not enough, rather the true purposes of a Mosque will only

be fulfilled when it is used for the worship of the One God, to discharge a person’s duties to others and to spread the true and

peaceful teachings of Islām

Asked by ChukyoTV about the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “The re-

cent terrorist attacks in Paris can only be condemned in the strongest possible terms. It can only be classed as extreme cruelty

and barbaric. Groups like ISIS or other terrorist groups are acting completely against the teachings of Islam because Islam in-

vokes nothing but peace and love rather than brutality and injustice. All such terrorist groups are achieving is to defame the

name of Islam.”-

Asked by the Shingetsu news agency about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s hopes for Japan, Hazrat

Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Weare a missionary organisation and so our task is to preach the true teachings of Islam. I

have seen that the Japanese people are quite pious and have good etiquettes and so I am not pessimistic. I believe that one day

many Japanese people will accept Islam.”

In an interview with Chugai Nippou, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was asked what measures could be

taken to curb extremism and terrorism. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:“It is necessary that the authorities

remain vigilant to the threat of terrorism and extremism. I have been calling for this for a very long time.”

In an interview with Asahi newspaper, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was asked what message he sought to

convey to the Japanese nation and people. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “The world is moving towards

another world war and the Japanese people know better than others the devastating consequences of warfare. Thus, as a nation

Japan should seek to establish peace in the world and to bring an end to all forms of conflict.”

Hazoor Delivers Message of True Islam in Japan

Page 20


Jan 31 Sun. Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema at Miami, FL FLORIDA Region

Feb 13 Sat. Regional WN Ijtema at Baituz Zafar, NY NY METRO Region

Feb 27 Sat. Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema at San Jose, CA NORTHWEST

Feb 28 Sun Regional WN Ijtema at LA Metro Area, CA SOUTHWEST

Mar 05 Sat. Jamia Awareness Programs –Baitur Rahman MD-PA Regional

Mar 06 Sun. Jamia Awareness Programs –Masjid Mubarak VA-DC Regional

Mar 19 Sat. Jamia Awareness Programs –Philadelphia PA-NJ Regional

Mar 20 Sun. Jamia Awareness Programs –New York NY-NJ Regional

All Regional and Local Waqfe Nau Secretaries

We are looking for extra talented Waqfe Nau and their extra curricular ac-tivities or educational achievements. Please send us the picture of the Waqfe Nau with the details of his/her achievement at wnnewslet-ter@waqfenau.us.


Please encourage Waqifeene Nau & Waqifaate Nau to submit content for this newsletter.

Editor’s Note

“Love For All Hatred For None”

Waqfe Nau USA Upcoming National and Regional Events



Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Update Waqfe Nau Tajneed with care & extreme responsibility.

2. Rededication for age 15 and above with the help of Parents, President Sahib &

Murrabi Sahib. For Waqifaat with the help of Lajna.

3. Gauging the progress of syllabus learning and online testing

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