volume 38 • special edition number 7 • april 14, 2020 · 2020-04-14 · volume 38 • special...

Post on 09-Aug-2020






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Catholic movies to watch during social distancing


Reflection: The power of the resurrection

SHARE YOUR QUESTIONS, FEEDBACK AND STORY Share how you, your family or your council is helping strengthen people’s faith and offering supportduring this time. Email knightline@kofc.org.

Ideas for building your domestic church

The top 12 movies that are must watchesfor every Catholic.

With movie theaters shutting downacross the country to prevent the spreadof the coronavirus pandemic, people areturning to streaming platforms to occupytheir time during social distancing.Here’s a list of quality films that areperfect for Catholics. READ MORE

COVID-19 has forced families to stay athome, providing an opportunity for men to lead their families in both newdevotions and age-old traditions.

As parishes across the world temporarilyclose, Knights must step into the breachand embrace their duties to lead theirown domestic churches: their families.Here are some activities Knights canintroduce for spiritual nourishment athome. READ MORE

Brothers, because of the power of Christ’s resurrection, we are capable of far morethan we can imagine.

“He is risen! He is risen indeed!”

When we say these words, we are both affirming a historical fact and proclaiming agreat mystery. It is a fact that at a particular time and in a particular place, Jesus wasunjustly condemned, brutally put to death, anointed and buried, and three dayslater rose from the dead. This we profess every Sunday. It happened. And everythingthat we believe, not just about our religion but about the entire universe, stems fromit. As St. Paul says, “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so isyour faith” (1 Cor. 15:14).

But the death and resurrection of Jesus is also a great mystery. The resurrectionchanged the entire world and changed it forever. READ MORE

Please join with brother Knights as we support the needs of our communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Your donationwill empower our local efforts to meet the unique needs presented by each community. DONATE

Help us leave no neighbor behind

Building the Culture of Life in time of pandemic

This week’s webinar will not take placedue to the online exemplificationtaking place that day. Our nextwebinar will be Thursday, April 23 at 8 p.m. Register for the live webinar or watch archived presentations here.

Next Webinar April 23

During COVID-19, pregnancy centers face a shortage of supplies, including life-savingultrasound machines. K of C are stepping up to help.

Knights of Columbus Bishop A. Gallegos Council 6197 in Folsom, Calif., planned tohold a fundraiser for Sierra Pregnancy + Health — a local pregnancy resource center.However, the state deemed their fundraiser as non-essential work in the outbreak ofthe COVID-19 pandemic. It got canceled.

The ultimate irony? The Planned Parenthood facility just around the corner from thecenter is still operational. Because of this, Ray Brosterhous, a Knight of Columbus fromCouncil 6197, remained determined to “make a difference in helping women to choose life.” READ MORE


MEMBERSHIP IN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS is open to men18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing)Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that anapplicant or member accepts the teaching authority of theCatholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live inaccord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in goodstanding in the Catholic Church.

Any links to third party sites outside of the Knights of Columbusare provided for information purposes only. This is not anendorsement of the service providers.

Online exemplification this Thursday

Helping your kids study at home?

Use the Knights of Columbus’ printablePrayer Before Study prayer card to startyour children’s school day off right.Find the prayer card here.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are currently recommending thateveryone who goes out in public wear a face mask to slow the spread of COVID-19.

ABC NEWS provides a breakdown of why it’s important to wear a mask, but even moreimportantly, it provides instructions on whether kids should cover their faces and howto create an effective one using nothing more than elastic bands (or hair ties) andwhatever cloth you have available. That’s right — zero sewing. WATCH

‘You can protect those around you by wearing a mask, and they will protect you.’

10 fascinating items at the Knights of Columbus MuseumYou may not be able to visit in person,but your family can explore items fromnearly 140 years of history.

The Knights of Columbus Museum inNew Haven, Conn., has hosted some ofthe country’s most impressive temporaryexhibitions of religious art and history,

as well as permanent exhibits chronicling the Knights of Columbus and its legacyof service to families, communities and the Church. READ MORE

The Supreme Council will be conductingthe first ever online Exemplification ofCharity, Unity and Fraternity on Thursday,April 16 at 8 p.m. Conducting this eventonline allows men to join the Knightsand serve with us during the time of the coronavirus, while observing safedistance and stay at-home orders.

To participate, candidates must beinvited to register by a grand knight orfinancial secretary. Our system limits usto a maximum of 10,000 candidates andobservers. Anyone unable to participatedue to this limit will be invited to anonline ceremony at a future date andtime. Stay tuned for more information.

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