volume 34, issue 1 january 5, 2014 - temple of deliverance ... · volume 34, issue 1 january 5,...

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5756 Zachary Taylor Highway ■ Mineral, Virginia 23117 (540) 894-4458 (phone) ■ (540) 894-5955 (fax)

■ Volume 34, Issue 1 ■ January 5, 2014 ■

reetings In the

wonderful name of Jesus, the captain of salvation, and soon-coming King. To him we give all the glory, honor and praise for taking us through another year. With all of the things that

happen in 2013, had it not been the Lord who was on our side,

now may Israel or all of us say; If it had not been the Lord on our side when, affections, storms, trials etc, rose up against us; Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindle against us; Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the streams had gone over our soul (Psalm124:1-4). Even now as I write, parts of our country are trying to recover from an ice/snow storm without electricity, other places are experiencing tornadoes, earthquakes, shooting in schools/market places, the hearts of many are failing due to the times which we live. But we must lift up our eyes unto the hills from whence cometh our help, our help cometh from the Lord, which made the heaven and earth. He will not suffer our feet

to be moved; he that keepeth Israel/us shall neither slumber nor sleep (Ps.121:1-4). Truly, we are confident as we transition into 2014, whatever the challenges, let's remember in all of our ways acknowledge God, and he will direct our paths. He loves it when we, by the mercies of God; present our bodies unto him as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable unto him, which is our reasonable service (Rom.12:1). Even the more now, as we see the day of the Lord approaching. This year let's walk the more in love as Christ would have us to. Continue praying for backsliders and sinners while it's day, knowing that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now our salvation is nearer than when we believed (Rom. 13:11). Amen.

Pastor Lynn W. Beanum, Jr.

Verse for the Month:

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. ” -Romans 13:1

A Word from Our Editor -Sister Marilyn Silver

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus. It is a blessing from the Lord to have made it into 2014. Some came into the new year in good health, some came in sickly, some rejoicing, some hurt, some excited, some not so excited, but we that are here today...have all made it to see 2014. Now that we are here, we must continue to take off the old man, put on Jesus, look up and live, hold on to the truth, and run this race with patience.

We cannot see what the future holds, but God instructs us through His word to walk each day by faith, and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). It is a walk that we must walk, if we want to see Jesus in peace. God has not instructed us to do

things that we cannot do, but when He commands us to walk in faith, He will equip us to do so if we trust Him. In 2014, we can make it, in 2014 we can take it. Our success lies in our obedience to God. May God grant you a blessed and prosperous New Year! Come, let us walk by faith.

Walk On By Faith

Each Day

(Lyrics by: Mahalia Jackson)


We cannot see in the future, We cannot see through dark

clouds. We cannot see through

teardrops, But walk on by faith each day.

Chorus: On Monday, walk on, On Tuesday, walk on,

Let Jesus be your guide.

He's able to carry your load, He can see way down the road;

Walk on by faith each day.

Page 2 Temple of Deliverance, HCG, Inc. Newsletter


Praise The Lord, from whom all blessings

flow! Another year has passed, and a new year is

here, we have lost some, but we have also gained

some. Our God has not changed he is the same

today as he was yesterday and will be forever more!

Whatever we need God’s got it! His word tells us he

will never leave us neither will he forsake us, but

that he will be there

with us until the

end of the earth! A

new year will bring

new challenges,

new problems, and

new victories in the

Lord. The Lord

encourages us to be steadfast, unmovable; always

abounding in the work of the Lord for your labor is

not in vain in the Lord!

Here are a few things that will bring blessings

our way in this New Year:

1. Let us continue to walk in God’s Love!

2. Let us continue to forgive others as God has

forgiven us!

3. Let us continue to be kind one to another!

4. Let us continue to pray one for another!

5. Let us continue in God’s Word!

In all our ways let us acknowledge him and he will

direct our path!

We pray the blessings of the Lord upon each

and every one and we wish all a prosperous and

Happy New Year in the Lord!

A Word From Our Elders Elder Timothy Williams.

“Walk On By Faith Each Day”

Temple Men Speak -Deacon Matthew Pendleton

Today Is All We Have

Greetings and a Happy New

Year to all, the Lord has blessed us to

see another Day. Tomorrow is gone,

and the future has yet to come, so

today is all we have.

William Hanzche wrote: “As we grow

older in life, years somehow seem to

shorten and New Year Day

approaches with ever increasing

tempo. The more mature we get, the

more we realize that time is only

relative; how we live means more

than how long we live. Haply also we

do not live by years, but by days. In

his wisdom God does not show us all

that lies ahead. So we enter a New

Year to live it day by day. What is past

is past. Today we start anew and what

we do today will make our life for

tomorrow. Chin up, shoulders

straight, eyes agleam, let us salute the

New Year, and each day let us follow

more faithfully, more courageously,

more daringly the lead of our great

Captain, [Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ], who bids us to follow him.”

Matthew 6:34 “Take therefore no

thought for the morrow; for the

morrow shall take thought for the

things of itself. Sufficient unto the

day is the evil thereof.”

One of the most disturbing

aspects of anxiety is concern for the

future. “What is anxiety? It is the next

day.” It is the unwritten chapter of

our lives which distresses most of us.

Let tomorrow take care of itself; live

today to the fullest. We can have

something to say about what will

happen by how we handle what’s

happening now. There is sufficient

opportunity today to see His power at

work over evil. Seek after Jesus,

concentrate on Him, and tomorrow

will be a great success. We can live

without reservation each day.

It is good to plan, but not to

the point that we miss what God is

saying. In the difficult or unpleasant

things we may be living through now,

always keep Jesus as the central

focus. The seeds of tomorrow’s

harvest are today. How we cultivate

them will determine what we will

reap. Today is all we have, live for


Volume 34, Issue 1 - January 5, 2014 Page 3

Meditating on God’s Word Praise the Lord Saints of God! Let us begin the New Year meditating on these encouraging Bible verses chosen to inspire a fresh new walk with God and a deeper commitment to living the Christian faith.

Hope for the Future Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil to give you an expected end.”

Forgetting the Past Philippians 3:13-14 “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Wait on the Lord

Psalm 37:7 “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him; fret not thyself because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.”

Each New Day is Special

Lamentations 3:22-24 “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. 24 The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.

I pray these scriptures will be a blessing to you. Remember that Psalms 119:11 says, “thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Let our New Year’s resolution be that we live each day as though it were our last and give God our all in all. And I wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Temple Women Speak By: Sister Karen Williams

Pastor & Mother Ruby Beanum, Phyllis Brice, Brenda Ratcliff,

Amanda Petey Lewis, Joshua White, Donnell Silver, Paul Lewis,

Odellsie A. Smith, Theresa Brown, Joyce Simms, O’Neal Johnson,

Burnell Woodward, Edward Johnson, James McGill, Geneva Talley,

Joyce McGill, Nic Family, Lester Brent, Tracey Beanum, Laura

Silver, Sean Smith, Shalita Madison, Kathy Brooks, Tanya Lewis &

Family, Tina Smith, Evelyn Porter, Eric Williams, A. Carter, James

Coleman, Elmoe Johnson, Mitchell Anderson, Jr., Mike Mason, Jeremy

Richards, Candice Anderson, Ben Marshall, James Harris, Melissa

Harrison, Nikki Drain, John Pendleton, Jeremiah Adams, Antoine

Washington, Olney Family, Kevin Shelton, Teka King, Monica

Bumbrey, Torri Wormley, Darlene Jones, John McCartney, Shalita

Brown, Debbie Randell, Leigh Stringham, Diane Ellis, Phil Sherran,

Nikki Lindell, Betty Woolfrey, Evelyn Anderson, Arthur Byrd, Pablo

Moreno, Rebecca Davis, Jennifer Wenet, Steven Mitchell, Don

Coleman, Candyce Morris, Charles Jenkins, Lorren Bald, Peggy Wilson,

Racheal Abeerly, Melissa Pendleton and Family, Charles Bailey, Linda

Finn, Azu Rhodes, Howard Bess, Marshall Johnson, Barbara Peyton,

GW Richardson, Anthony Brown, Daniel Hackett, Adriana Brown,

Tremaine Skinner, Nicholas Broger, Clarence Byrd, Linda Coleman,

Vest Carter, Beverly Brent, Marion Smith, Adriana Coleman, Steve

Washington, Hattie Ellis, Prison & Health Care Ministries, The Lost,

TOD Church Family, COGTH Beulaville NC, Lisa Washington, Mrs.

Hesstine Brown, Marion Green, Sherrie McEachin, Mildred Silver,

Aaron F. Garris, Keisha Bailey, Hannah Coleman, Elton Wright,

Joanne Coleman, Charles Mcgehee, Dorothy Jean Cumming, Sheila

Washington, Edward Newman, Reka Fitch, Treresa McDonald, Thomas

Goodwin, Charlotte Fowkes, Tommy Noel, Williams Todds, Vernell

Jasper, Katie Mills, Gene Spears, Clarence Hottinger, Stephanie Wilson,

Jessica, Steve Washington, Lisa Washington, Michael Tally, Raymond

Washington, Bonnie Whaling, Annette Waldron, Brenda Milbourne,

Maria Segarra, Palmira Segarra, James Carvin, Doris Ellis, Kevin

Melvin & Sage, Susan Stewart, Wesley Ragland, Elizabeth Thurston,

David Shelton, Eloise Cody, Earl D. Johnson, Jaylen Smith, Angel

Knight, Marie Moody, Delonte Johnson, Tammy Eubank. Warren &

Mabel Houchens

Just One Request! by: Author Unknown

Dear Master for this coming year

Just one request I bring: I do not pray for happiness,

Or any earthly thing— I do not ask to understand

The way Thou leadest me, But this I ask: Teach me to do The thing that pleaseth Thee.

I want to know Thy guiding voice,

To walk with Thee each day. Dear Master make me swift to hear

And ready to obey. And thus the year I now begin

A happy year will be— If I am seeking just to do

The thing that pleaseth Thee.

Dedication to the Sick and Shut-In -Submitted by Mother Ruby Beanum

1st Sunday December 1st Elder Timothy Williams “Make Sure Your Soul has Been Anchored in the Lord” Hebrews 6:12-20

2nd Sunday December 8th Service Cancelled Inclement Weather

3rd Sunday December 15th Elder Clinton Porter Stay on Track, Stay on Course” I Corin. 9:24-27

4th Sunday December 22nd Pastor Lynn Beanum “Strength to Overcome Opposition” Judges 6:14-16

5th Sunday December 29th

Elder Robert Johnson

“Just Don’t’ Quit”

Galatians 6:7-9

Sunday Sermons: December 2013 “And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall

feed you with knowledge and understanding.” -Jeremiah 3:15

Page 4 Temple Of Deliverance HCG, Inc., Newsletter


Ezekiel 36:25-27

"Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean.

Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols.

And I will give you a new heart with new and right desires, and I will put a new spirit in you.

I will take out your stony heart of sin and give you a new, obedient heart.

And I will put my Spirit in you so you will obey my laws and do whatever I command. (NLT)

5-Jason Lewis 6-Mary Porter

Terry Williams 7-Berlinda Robinson 8-Theodore Hudson

11-Arielle Winn 14-Wade Jackson, Jr.

21-Tzion Lucas 25-Janet Carter James Lewis

Kadedria McIntosh Vernice “Necy” Moody

31– Katherine McIver

Volume 34, Issue - 1 January 5, 2014 Page 5

Happy Birthday (January)

Happy Anniversary (January)

“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years.” (Psalm 90:10)

“And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.” (Mark 10:8)

3– Thomas & Cynthia Yates 9– Thomas & Rosetta Hunter

10– Josephus & Florence Givens 13– Pastor Lynn & Mother Ruby Beanum

14– Lewis & Josephine Alsop 14– Henry & Pam Coleman 31-Vernon & Lisa Robinson

Page 6 Temple of Deliverance, HCG, Inc. Newsletter

Ahasuerus, Appointed, Brethren,

Chamberlain, Confirm, Destruction,

Drinking, Esther, Execution, Fear,

Feast, Fifty cubits, Forbidden,

Fourscore, Generation, Hanged,

Horse, Husbands, Jew, Language,

Mordecai, Mourning, Multitude,

Obtained, Peace, Provinces,

Queen, Ring, Seed, Servants,

Slaughter, Speedily, Wine,

Wise men

New Year Resolutions Looking back over 2013, not that I deserve

it, but God truly has been good to

me. Even in the storms, He always

brought rain drop of blessings. As we

enter into a New Year, let’s focus on what

we can do more for God. Most people are

trying to decide what diet to start, what

gym to join, stop smoking or drinking; but

the best resolution we can do is serve God

MORE in our praise, offering, prayer,

fasting, and serving others. There is much

work to be done and we, as Christians,

owe the Lord. If it had not been for God,

in so many situations, we wouldn’t be

here. Let this year be the year of us

treating people like we want to be treated

and figure out what it is that we can do to

be a better example for God. Happy New


Temple Youth Speak By: Sis. Lynetta Watkins

All the words listed below are in the puzzle - left, right, up, down or diagonally

Bible Word Search: For Such a Time as This Submitted by Mother Ruby Beanum Contributed by Dylan Lenczyck (Christianbiblereference.org)

A blessed child is? A. One who always does whatever he wants. B. One who Honors their Father and Mother. C. One who follows ungodly instructions.

Answer: B Exodus 30:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Volume 34, Issue - 1 January 5, 2014 Page 7

Without a doubt, bitterness is one of the most

destructive attitudes a person can have. When

allowed to remain, bitterness will systematically

destroy, like a cancerous growth, all possibilities

of joy and happiness in a person’s life. The

problem with bitterness, however, is that it’s often

quite difficult to see. Because pride is the root of

bitterness, bitter people are generally unwilling to

consider the possibility that there’s something

amiss. Their focus on the wrongs and injustices of

others around them often blinds them to the

deadly hold bitterness has in their own lives. Jesus

told us that truth sets us free. I hope this booklet

will help open your eyes to see bitterness for what

it really is. As you read, ask the Lord to show you

where the cancer of bitterness might lie in your

own heart.

Just as different sicknesses or diseases can be determined by certain symptoms

in the body, so there are definite symptoms that reveal the presence of bitterness in

a person’s life:

1) Critical and judgmental attitudes

2) Impatience with others

3) Isolation (a loner spirit)

4) Unruly temper

5) Deep seated anger

6) Certain types of infirmities

7) Surface and shallow type relationships

8) The lack of enduring relationships

9) Easy association with other bitter people

10) Trouble finding release in the spirit and operation in the spiritual gifts


Freedom From Bitterness Submitted by Bro. LeRoy Middleton

By Chris Simpson

Symptoms Of Bitterness

Page 8 Temple of Deliverance, HCG, Inc. Newsletter

Early Wednesday evening, November 20th, volunteers gathered with a mind to work, and without hesitation began to prepare Thanksgiving Bags.

There was an eagerness to work in the air, and you could hear the words over and over again, “What can I do, what can I do?!” The doors swung open with a sense of anticipation and a readiness to get busy doing the work of the Lord. A spirit of unity rested among the workers, and before

long the work was done. There was time to fellowship and relax before the saints arrived for Prayer and Bible Class. Thirty-five bags were prepared and picked up or delivered to bless the community and families in need. Along with vegetables, milk, crackers, peanut butter and many other items a turkey was also distributed with the bags. Our young brothers were very instrumental in lifting and moving heavy bags and boxes along with our older brothers. We say “thanks” to each of you. The sisters wasted no time packing and organizing products with care. Thanks, sisters you are appreciated. A special “thank you” to Sis. Freda Nelson for donating our beautiful bags for this event. A big “THANK YOU” to all who donated monetarily so willingly

and for those who supported with your prayers. Through G o d ’ s h e l p y o u r contributions and prayers made this event possible. Let’s continue to do what our hands find to do unto the Lord.

Christmas Caroling

December 11th, Elder Clinton Porter, Sr. along with several Temple of Deliverance Missionaries and Volunteers visited the Louisa Health Care

Center where we were greeted with a warm and loving spirit from the Staff and Residents. We opened with prayer and thanksgiving unto the Lord. As inspirational Christmas songs went forward the residents began to join in and make special requests as we offered praise unto the Lord. Songs such as Silent Night, Joy to the World, Go Tell it on the Mountain, and Jesus Oh What a Wonderful Child rang out in the dayroom. Elder Porter and several of the saints offered words of encouragement to the residents. To our surprise as we began to close-out the residents showed their appreciation through kind

words, hugs and gifts that they had prepared for the Temple Volunteers. It blessed each of us to share this time with the beautiful residents at the Louisa Health Care Center. We appreciate all who willingly volunteer their service and time to visit and be a blessing to others. May God bless you is our prayer.

Temple Prepares Thanksgiving Bags

Volume 34, Issue 1 - January 5, 2014 Page 9

“Take Courage”

Directions to Temple of Deliverance

5756 Zachary Taylor Highway ● Mineral, Virginia 23117

From I-95, take the Thornburg Exit (#118).

From I-95 South: Turn left going toward Route 1

From 1-95 North: Turn right going toward Route 1

Stay on Route 606 until you reach the stop light. Cross over Route 1 on Route 606. Follow through to Snell-intersects with Route 208 (Courthouse Road). Stay on Courthouse Rd for approximately 18 miles to Zachary Taylor Highway (Route 522). Turn right. Church is 1/2 mile down on right side.

Perhaps you remember as a child being afraid of thunder and lightening. Maybe you have experienced fear in the midst of a tornado or a hurricane. There are also other kind of storms in life. When the circumstances in our lives are of such a nature that everything in our lives seems to be crashing down around us we are also experiencing a storm. Difficult trials or storms in our lives are never something we enjoy. In Matthew 14 in the Bible Jesus sent His disciples out into a boat to cross to the other side of the lake. Meanwhile a fierce storm arose on the lake. Even though they were in the midst of this storm and thought they were alone without Jesus'

help Jesus was still with them. Jesus saw the difficulties they were experiencing. Jesus is also with us in the storms and trials of life. The Lord is with us even during the times when we feel all alone! He is with you, dear caregiver, when you feel so overwhelmed in your care-giving role that you do not think you can go on one more day. In the story in Matthew 14 Jesus came walking out on the lake to the disciples! Jesus said to the disciples, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." Jesus in effect said, "Cheer up! I am more than a match for any storm, so do

not be afraid!" Then Peter one of Jesus' disciples, said to Jesus, "Lord, if it's You---tell me to come to You on the water." Jesus told Peter to come to Him on the water. When Peter stepped out in faith and kept his eyes focused on Jesus, Peter actually walked on water! However, then Peter took his eyes off the Lord Jesus and looked at the waves and storm around him. Peter became afraid and began to sink when he took his eyes off the Lord and focused them on the storm around him. Jesus stretched out His hand and caught Peter and said, "You of little faith,---why do you doubt?" As we experience storms and trials in our lives we also have a choice to make. We can either be overcome with doubt and fears, or we can keep our eyes focused on the Lord and trust Him to be with us in the storms. Dear Christian caregiver, trust the Lord to be with you through the storms of care-giving. Trust the Lord to calm the storms and be with you in the storms. Then you will be able to walk triumphantly over the angry waves of the storms and trials! Our Lord is faithful, and He will be with us through every storm. Focus on the Lord. He alone can calm every storm and fear.

-Excerpts of Article from: Christiancaregivng.blogspot.com (posted by Sharon)

Thanks to the many readers who have contributed to the Newsletter with your prayers, encouragements and finances! Donations may be mailed to:

Temple Of Deliverance Newsletter Staff 5756 Zachary Taylor Hwy * Mineral VA 23117

5756 Zachary Taylor Hwy * Mineral, VA 23117 Phone: 540-894-4458 - Fax: 540-894-5955 Email: newsletter@templeofdeliverancehcg.org http://www.templeofdeliverancehcg.org

Temple of Deliverance HCG, Inc. Newsletter Published monthly to encourage, enlighten, and inform, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ that men, women, boys, and girls may come to know and to love the God of Salvation.

NEWSLETTER STAFF: Overseer Pastor Lynn W. Beanum Correspondent Mother Ruby Beanum Acting Editor Marilyn Silver Assistants Vera Coleman Circulation Cecelia Anderson, Janice Bullock, Teresa Jackson, Doris Shirley Jenkins, Katherine McIver, Sandra Wesley, Karen Williams Sally White, Rose Young, Mail/Supplies Major White Men Sylvester Silver Photographers Travis Lucas, Danna Lucas Proofreading Marie Dobson, Sierra Silver Women Roberta Johnson Youth Lynetta Watkins

Change Service Requested

“Happy Blessed New Year”


Louisa, VA Permit No. 10

Sunday Schedule of Services Sundays - 10:00 a.m. - Church School

11:15 a.m. - Morning Worship

Temple of Deliverance HCG, Inc. Newsletter

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


New Year’s Day




5-10am CS

11:15am MW

6 7 8


Prayer Service

Bible Study



Noon Day Prayer


10am MASS



12 - 10am CS

11:15am MW


4pm Health Care



14 15


Prayer Service

Bible Study


6pm Coffeewood

Prison Ministry


Noon Day Prayer


10am TOD



19 - 10am CS

11:15am MW



Martin Luther

King Day

21 22


Prayer Service

Bible Study

23 24

Noon Day Prayer

25 10am




26 - 10am CS 11:15am MW

27 28 29

7:30pm Prayer Service Bible Study

30 31

Temple of Deliverance January 2014


Clergy meetings are to be announced. 1st Sunday Newsletters Available

Submissions are due on 2nd Sundays. 1st Sunday—3pm Youth Services as Announced

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