volume 2, issue 2 june 2008 a word from the chief instructor. › files... · would go. after a big...

Post on 25-Jun-2020






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Here we are halfway through another year. Can you believe how fast this has come round? The beginning of the year I had plans to visit each club on a monthly basis. Well this just has not been possible. Due to work commit-ments and a roster change, mid-week visit’s to distant clubs has become almost im-possible to do. On the up side I now have every second Sat-urday off, which will allow me to attend week-end sessions on a more regular occur-rence. In the visits that I was able to do, I must say how good it was to see all of the students training in their own class, not just under pressure of a grading at Kruger Hall. I still hope to be able to get out to some of the clubs, but just cannot promise when this may happen.

With our mid year grading upon us, I would like to wish all our new members the best of luck on their first examina-tion. It can be nerve racking the first time ‘round, but it gets less the more gradings you attend. To all our col-oured belts, I would like to see a high standard in all areas. You have all had good prepa-ration time (some as much as 6 months), so put you best effort in today and show me what you are capable of do-ing. And to our members at-tempting their Black Belt grading, good luck, stay fo-cused right though out your grading, use you brain as well as your body. If you have pre-pared well, I expect you will

have no problems. This is the first major test of fitness and ability, in achieving this level you have completed you ba-sic training. In getting a black belt, it does not signal a finish to your training, but rather a new beginning.

A few weeks ago we held our regular Black Belt Camp at Mt Glorious. Yes it was a bit cool up there in them their hills, but all those that made the effort to attend had a great weekend. We had a session of board breaking that was great to witness, some truly inspiring breaks tried out. The 1-hour free spar consisting of over 15 spars’ one with every member that attended. Morning sessions, pattern sessions, set sparring, self defense revision, to men-tion some of the things worked on over the 3 days. Thanks everyone again for coming along.

Coming up very soon is the All Rank Training Camp to be held up at the Mapleton Cen-ter in the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast. Keep the weekend of the 15-17th of August free and available. Application forms will be made available soon. This is your opportunity to attend one of the most rewarding 3 days of training you will ever do (some say a life changing experience). This is the high-light of our training year; if you really enjoy training please make the time to at-tend this one. All meals are

provided, and the facilities are fantastic with swimming pools, sauna, lake, and huge hall with many outside train-ing areas, and rainforest walks for us to run through. Start planning to attend now, get every one from your class to attend, and help make the weekend extra special by just being there. I would like to see you all there.

So as you can see, there is still plenty more to come, with our second round of the tour-nament series continuing on the 19th of July at Kruger Hall at Kallangur. Not far away now, so start preparing your demo squads, refine those patterns and sharpening those sparring skills. These are a great day to get involved in, again if you put the effort in you will reap the rewards of hard work. Parents and friends are welcome to at-tend, and remember to bring some money along, as we will have refreshments available on the day. Come and sup-port your club and have a fun day.

Well that’s it from me for now, but remember that you only get out what you put in. So train hard, kick high and keep striving for perfection.

Peter Cameron

Chief Instructor

Volume 2, Issue 2 June 2008


Breaking Ground

Banyo Breakers 2

Bribie Bugle 2

Kallangur News 3

Redcliffe Review 3

Tournament Wrap-up 3

Tournament Results 4

Bald Hills Tips 3

Inside this issue:

A Word From The Chief Instructor.

Upcoming Events

• 19th July - Tournament Round 2

• 15th - 17th August - Camp Mapleton

• 6th September - All Rank Training at Harrisville

• 13th September - Grading at Kallangur

• 11th October - Tourna-ment Round 3

P A G E 2 B R E A K I N G G R O U N D

Well, I've come back to the Land of Oz with a reluctant but screaming thud after a life-changing trip to Nepal, Bhutan and Thailand. They're such stunning parts of the world and their beauty is only matched by the beauty of the people who have life tough, but pretty much worked out. We can learn so much from them. A (future) Lotto win will see me shouting all the instructors to the Himalayas to do some high-altitude training at Everest Base Camp. With 60% oxygen or less, I'd like to see how the one or two hour sparring sessions would go. After a big climb, I was asked to do one of my patterns for my fellow trekkers with Everest in the background. Whilst I made it through, I was needing air, big time. Having heavy trekking boots on didn't help though. I'd like to thank Mike (co-instructor) for keeping the Bribie bunch chugging along nicely, even during tough exam periods when most of our seniors (including Mike) trying hard to balance their studies with their Taekwondo training. I know it's tough guys, but hang in there as your training can be a welcome mental release from your studies as well as giving your body a good dose of much needed oxygen.

see is becoming more pressurised , the mind of a strong martial artist is such a benefit. We're not about hurting people, but arming ourselves (on all fronts) to tackle the down side of human nature should we ever be confronted with it. Part 2: FINISH 'EM OFF! With respect to self-defense, set-sparring etc., please be aware of how you are finishing your counter-attacks. Once you've delivered the final blow and shout, you should aim to pull-back into a fighting stance to show that you have completed the attack and are ready for action again, if neces-sary. This is what you would do in a real-life attack situation, particularly if you can't swiftly get away from the scene. Be sharp with this aspect of your training. All the very best to everyone with regards to achieving your goals in Taekwondo and life, in general. Regards and best wishes from everyone in the Bribie club, Lee

NOW FOR THE 'SERMON' (minus the mount-ain) Part 1: MOTIVATION Pushing through the colder months and sticking with your training regime can be a challenge at times, but hey, we at IMT are trying to breed tough martial artists who can bounce out of the winter woolies and into TKD uniforms without a whimper or whine (save that for cheese nights). How men-tally tough are you? Reflect on this for a mo-ment or two. It's important to stop and reassess how you're traveling in all aspects of your life, particularly with your martial arts development. Anyway, as an instructor it can be a (sometimes frustrating) challenge to keep the troops moti-vated through the occasional slump that a student will quite often experience at certain stages of their journey to black belt and beyond. An instructor can only do so much, but the motiva-tion to succeed and to push through any obsta-cles (physical and/or emotional) must, must, must come from within the student themselves. Your experience in IMT is not just about prepar-ing for gradings and achieving a new rank, but becoming an individual who is strong at a physi-cal, emotional, mental, and even spiritual level. This should be played out in every aspect of your life. Coming back into a country which I now

Bribie Bugle

Issue 1 Spot the Difference Answers: 1. Joe uniform tie missing 2. Family disappear 3. Roberts badge missing 4. Joe missing DAN from Belt

5. Shadow loses arm 6. Joe loses finger 7. Roberts uniform label disappears 8. Extra tree in background

The Secret to YOUR Success in Tae Kwon Do – ASK, ASK, ASK With numerous students, all with different requirements, skill and fitness levels, ages and sizes and limited class times, we can sometimes pass over something that you may be interested in or think may suit your style. Just like when you are thirsty or need to use the toilet, whether it be at school or in the work place – you ask. If you don’t know how to add up in school – you ASK. If you can’t spell a word – you ASK. So, if you have any questions or doubts in whatever you are doing in your Tae Kwon Do class, you need to ASK. You may be unsure if your feet are in the right position or whether you are holding your hands up when sparring. Why am I not getting high enough when I do my jump kicks? Why is it when I spar this particular person I can’t land a punch? You might be wondering, ‘what is a good counter for this particular attack?’. You may just be wanting to try some flashy technique that you have seen somebody else doing or even something you have seen on TV looks really cool - ASK. One of your friends may do a different martial art and has shown you something you think may work – ASK your instructor what they think or if you can try it. That way the pros and cons of it can be explained and you can then decide whether to implement it into your repertoire of skills. If you don’t try new things, you won’t improve. The beauty of IMT’s curriculum (unlike some regimented traditional styles) is, it is always being reviewed, tested and upgraded to suit our ever changing world and student needs. So the new thing you ask about just may change the way we all do it. As instructors, we are here to help and guide you in your learning of self defence options and martial arts ways and methods, but unfortunately we can’t know if you are having any doubts in what you are doing. If you think something is just not working for you – ASK – we may just have to make slight change in the way you are doing it to suit your individual size or body shape etc. There will be times when your instructor may not be able to answer your query straight away, they may wish to ASK others, or if it is something way different to our normal training, they may wish to try it out themselves with other instructors before advising you one way or another. Just because your instructor stands at the front of the class doesn’t mean they have all the worlds knowledge at their finger tips, so be patient if you don’t get your problem fixed immediately. They may not be able to tell you why some instructors are better looking than others or why the good looking ones have no hair, but they will endeavour to ease your curiosity and supply you with the knowledge to improve your Tae Kwon Do.

Remember one thing however, just like your MUM, they DO have eyes in the back of their heads. Tony

P A G E 3

tions just like a punch or kick. If ever

confronted in a real life situation you do

not have time to stop and think of a

takedown, and then get into the correct

position to perform it. It must be your

natural instinct so it happens instantly,

otherwise it will be ineffective. Don’t

forget to also practice the more ad-

vanced takedowns like hip throws, tack-

les and the mighty scissor takedown.

These are always good for showing your

skill and variety at demos and gradings.

I look forward to seeing everyone par-

ticipating in our next tournament and

using a wide variety of takedowns.

Keep training hard and good luck with

today’s grading.

Robert and Joseph Sandona

Greeting’s from Bald Hills. As most of

you already know, Joseph and I have

taken over the Bald Hills club from

Daniel and we’re pleased to announce

that everything is going great. Firstly

we would like to thank the class for

their patience and co-operation during

this initial period.

One aspect I have been focusing on is

the use of takedowns. These are not

used very often and as a result you may

find them difficult to perform as they

are slow and do not flow with your com-

binations. The only way to get good is

to continue practicing them just like

everything else. I would like to encour-

age everyone to continually practice

takedowns so they can be performed

naturally throughout your combina-

V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 2

2007 was a great year for our tournaments, a new 3 round system was hugely successful and the teams patterns pushed teams into new creativity and ex-pression. 2008 promises to leave 2007 in its wake, with the introduction of the Teams Demonstrations event to replace team patterns. This will give the teams full creative expression (through Tae Kwon Do) to show off their skills to all of their colleagues. And what a start! 4 squads tore the room apart with their highly entertaining and skilful demonstrations. Unluckily, a couple of teams were disqualified when their training weapons flew into the audience (and into the judges), but still gave excellent demonstrations!

This year we have also introduced a club championship points tally. The club with the most points at the end of the year will be crowned champi-ons and take home the Club Championship Trophy.

It was such a great day, from the hotly contested pee wee sparring event, to the amazing standard from the 4th - 1st grades in patterns and sparring, and even from the Black Belts who continue to inspire all who gaze upon them. Well done to each and every competitor, and we look forward to Round 2 next month!

Tournament Round 1 Wrap-up

With the mid year grading upon us, I would like to congratulate all the Kallangur students on all their hard work in the previous couple of months in preparation for the grading. With the next round in our tournament series and the “Can’t Miss” Mapleton training camp looming, focus will be placed on preparation for these two events.

I would like to encourage all students to make the most of the 5 minutes before class during winter and warm up so as to minimise class times, properly warming up during these times helps prevent unwanted injury and muscle strain.

“Technique of the Season”

Axe Kick - A very powerful technique capable of severely hurting your opponent. To execute axe kick, in a crescent motion, raise your kicking leg above your opponent and then use your hips to force the leg straight down. Just remember control is necessary when executing this kick in class.

P.S. Good Lick to John Barron in his attempt at Black Belt promotion. BRETT

Hip Throw

Leg Sweep 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Take me down to Bald Hills

Kallangur News Redcliffe Review Why you should be at every All Rank event throughout the year.

Training sessions are an opportunity for you to learn from a differ-ent instructor. We all have our individual strengths, ideas and training methods, which is why learning from different sources is important for you. Obviously there are core skills that we all share, but it’s the application of these skills that differ, when you train under a different instructor you will expand your knowledge and be able to implement different ideas into your own training, thus developing your own individual style of fighting.

This will become more apparent to you as you near your black belt and you start gaining the most impor- tant thing any martial artist can gain - “EXPERIENCE”. The more training Sessions, Camps and Tournaments you attend the more experience you gain, this is why these events are held - for your benefit. JASON

Tournament Results and Points From Round 1

Club Points Gold Silver Bronze Total

Bald Hills 1 1

Banyo 2 6

Bribie Island 1 3 1 10

Kallangur 3 5 2 21

Redcliffe 7 5 7 38

Gold = 3 points Silver = 2 points Bronze = 1 point


Division 1 Division 2 Division 3

10—7 Junior 6 - 5 Junior 6—1 Senior

1. Isabel Wellock 25 1. Jacob Pace 25 1. William Cox 25

2. Eliot Wilson 12.5 2. Jarrod Pace 12.5 2. John Barron 12.5

3. Eva Pascoe 6.25 3. Jason Pascoe 6.25

4. Nicholas Mintzas 3.125 4. Rachel Harper 3.125

5. Anthony Sgualdino 1.5

6. Cody 1.1

Division 4 Division 5

4—1 Junior Black Belt

1. Luke Robinson 25 1. Brett Parker 25

2. Estelle Pascoe 12.5 2. Joseph Sandona 12.5

3. Jacinta Manley 6.25 3. Robert Sandona 6.25

4. Jordan Chapman 3.125 4. Mike Griffith 3.125

5. Jack Wellington 1.5

6. David Sgualdino 1.1

6. Ryan Forbes 1.1

7. Jacinta Forbes 1.1


Division 1

All Ranks

1. Daniel, Joseph, Robert & David Disq. Paulina, James & Estelle

2. Max, Rachel, John & Jacinta Disq. Luke, Ryan, Jack & Jacinta


Division 1 Division 2 Division 3

Pee Wee 10—5 Junior 5—1 Junior Female

1. Anthony Sgualdino 30 1. Eliot Wilson 30 1. Paulina Salamat 30

2. Nicholas Mintzas 19.5 2. Jarrod Pace 16.5 2. Madisen Luck 17.5

3. Eva Pascoe 13.25 3. Jacob Pace 9.25 3. Jacinta Manley 10.25

4. Isabel Wellock 8.125 4. Estelle Pascoe 7.125

5. Riley Andrew 4.5

6. Cody 3.1

7. Aleisha Voemanek 2.1

Division 4 Division 5 Division 6

5—1 Junior Male 6—1 Senior Male 6—1 Senior Female

1. Luke Robinson 31 1. John Barron 31 1. Cassie Sutherland 29

2. James Healy 16.5 2. Peter Voermanek 16.5 2. Rachel Harper 14.5

3. Jordan Chapman 8.25 3. Jason Pascoe 10.25 4. William Cox 7.125

Division 7 Division 8

Black Belt Junior Black Belt Senior

1. Jayden Roebuck 31 1. Jason Parker 30

2. David Sgualdino 18.5 2. Brett Parker 17.5

3. Robert Sandona 13.25 3. Joseph Sandona 10.25

4. Jack Wellington 6.125 4. Daniel Jays 7.125

5. Jacinta Forbes 4.5

6. Ryan Forbes 3.1

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