volume 17 issue 9 september...

Post on 21-Jun-2018






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Crossroads of Redeemer rlcwbl.org | 651-429-5411 Page 1

Usually as we head into autumn, there’s a crispness and freshness in the air that invigorates me and gets me excited about the upcoming season. Sadly, that’s not what I’m feeling right now. Instead, I’m feeling a tension and anxiety in the air that’s sapping my energy. I imagine that you’re feeling the same way too. It seems like conflict and clashing has become a norm

everywhere around us. It’s taking a toll on us all.

In August, I invited you to name some of the holy discontent you’re feeling, and you shared the things that are stirring in you;

things that are becoming commonplace in our culture, like:

soul weariness political divisiveness over-commitment change resistance inability to talk to one another polarization immorality injustice insincerity violence anger breakdown of Christian traditions and values

struggles with aging

These feelings of holy discontent are calling us to action—as a congregation and as individuals. Our congregation needs to seek ways to support families that are straining to the breaking point with commitments and pressures, individuals who are struggling with conflicts that bring them to the boiling point, children who are experiencing more and more diversity in their schools and neighborhoods, and people who, in general, need space and time

to decompress from lives that are rife with anxiety and tension.


Our council and ministry leaders will be talking about how we might address these issues and create a culture that is conducive to change and growth. We’ll be trying some experiments and encouraging the development of a culture of caring support and tenderness in our relationships with one another as we face the necessary, but difficult task of changing. In this year we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, it is increasingly obvious that the church must continue to reform in order to be relevant to people today.

But in addition to our work as a congregation, we are called to personal work as well. St. Paul Area Synod Bishop Patricia Lull, in a recent message to the Synod (you can find her message at http://www.spas-elca.org/pastoral-message-charlottesville/ ), spoke of a “call to soul work” necessary for us to stand against intimidation and violence and serve as repairers and healers in this time of brittle division and tension.

She said: “What can we do? We can begin in our homes and families. Our children and grandchildren deserve to grow up with a deep understanding of the dignity and beauty of all people. Not just people "like us" but all people. Talk to your children. Let them know why you are disturbed by events like those in Charlottesville. Talk to your adult siblings and in-laws, especially when racist or bigoted comments are made within your family gatherings.” I would add that we can also treat each individual with respect and gentleness. In a world of heightening divisiveness, we are all feeling a little fragile. We all need tender, loving care. I believe that care begins in our families, and in our family of faith. Remember Jesus’ words: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my

disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35

Pastor Pam

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Phil Jacobsma

Council Liaison-Finances

My wife Shelley and I made our first visit to Redeemer the first Sunday that Pastor Pam preached as the new head pastor, about nine years ago. We had looked at various churches online and visited a few, and I remember being impressed that Redeemer had a woman as head pastor. I listened to one of Pam’s sermons online, and decided we really needed to give Redeemer a try. We were impressed by the preaching, and also by how friendly everyone one was. We really felt welcomed, and we decided to make Redeemer our


Shelley and I have been married for 36 years, though it doesn’t feel like it has been that long. As the song says, ain’t it funny how time slips away. The good Lord has blessed us with two daughters, Emily and Abby, who both graduated from college and are now married. Emily has given us our first grandchild, a little girl named Maeve. She is the joy of our lives. Spending time with a grandchild is truly one of the greatest

blessings in this life.

I have made my living as a computer programmer, and I have been employed by the Federal Reserve Bank in downtown Minneapolis for the last 16 years. I work in the Automated Clearing House (ACH) department. The ACH system is used by banks nationwide to exchange transactions, so chances are that many of your bill payments and paychecks have come through our system. We process between 50 and 120 million

transactions every day. Keeping up with the chang-es in software has been a real challenge over the years. The languages and tools I use now didn’t even exist when I studied computer science at the

University of Minnesota all those years ago.

In my spare time, I enjoy listening to music (the likes of Mark Knopfler, Peter Bradley Adams, EmmyLou Harris, Hurray For The Riff Raff, The Pines, etc.) reading, and traveling. Even though I never liked history in high school, as an adult I really like learning about it, especially World War II and ancient Rome. A few years ago, we got the chance to travel to Italy and tour Rome and Pompeii. Standing in the Coliseum I was struck by the mind-boggling contradiction of that place. Here was an absolute marvel of engineering representing a triumph of the human mind, and yet it was used as a theater of horrible violence as entertainment. What an amazing capacity we humans have to both delight

and disappoint our maker.

Being on the Redeemer council has made me much more aware of how much effort goes into sustaining the life of a congregation. There is so much volunteer activity at Redeemer, both in the day-to-day operations inside the church, and in all the good works our members do out in the community. The church leadership is very forward-thinking and actively working to make sure Redeemer is positioned to anticipate and meet the needs of the congregation and community. I know that many churches are facing challenges in declining membership, but I think if any church is in a position

to buck that trend, it’s Redeemer.

Crossroads of Redeemer rlcwbl.org | 651-429-5411 Page 3


Redeemer’s new

Director of Worship and Music

I was born and raised in Minnesota. I began playing piano at the age of five, flute at the age of six, and added voice lessons to the mix when I was twelve. I started teaching piano at the age of ten, and flute at the age of fourteen. I became involved in church music around the age of nine when I began playing my flute in our church band. I be-came more involved as I got older, singing and playing for special music, and eventually subbing on keys/vocals for our music director. I attended the University of Minnesota for both my undergraduate and graduate studies in Flute Performance, getting my Bachelor’s of Music in 2014 and Master’s of Music in 2016. While completing my undergraduate, I held an Interim Organist and Interim Contemporary Band Leader position at my home church. That’s when I really started thinking about church music as a career. Up to that point I was shooting for an orchestral career. I struggled with that decision until I became a music director at St. Luke Lutheran Church while completing my Master’s Degree. I enjoyed my job so much I decided to go in that direction! I also found that music was my way of praising God, and having a position like that really left me fulfilled. I’m still actively involved in the flute community by teaching, playing solo recitals, and volunteering on various boards and committees. Besides my musical endeavors, I enjoy reading, cooking, dancing, writing, and hanging out with my cat, Murmur!


Monday: 10-5

Tuesday: 8:30-2:30

Wednesday: 12:30-8:30

Thursday: 12:30-8:30

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High School Students and Parents

ELCA Youth Gathering June 27-July 1, 2018 in

Houston, TX

For more information on the gathering, visit http://www.elca.org/YouthGathering

Registration for the trip is due to Pastor Stefanie November 12th.


Associate Pastor of Faith Formation

Stefanie Fauth sfauth@rlc-wbl.org

Last spring, a team of folks met to

discuss a “rebranding”

of RNO—something that would be

fun, catchy, and inviting to people

who were new and didn’t know

what the letters “RNO” (Redeemer Night Out) really meant.

The team tossed many ideas, and finally settled on Community Night: Thank God it’s Wednesday.

Community night may not be the most flashy title, but the team agreed it would help people new to

Redeemer understand what it is: a night for community to gather, eat, and learn.

There won’t be many changes to the night itself—we will still eat our meals and learn together and continue

to have meaningful seasonal worship. We may also try adding few new worship opportunities this year.

We hope it doesn’t take too long for your family to get used to the new name—and we are excited to

welcome everyone back for the Community Night Kickoff on September 13th!

Kickoff for fall programming is

September 13th, dinner at 5:00


games and activities for all ages including a 9 square

tournament and marshmallow baseball

Community Night:

Thank God it’s Wednesday


Pastor Stefanie know

your most up to date

email and watch for

fall programming info


Crossroads of Redeemer rlcwbl.org | 651-429-5411 Page 5

The Memorial Courtyard is Complete!

The first week of September saw a flurry of outdoor activity at Redeemer as the Memorial Courtyard landscaping was complet-ed by a team of volunteers who worked tirelessly to create a beautiful space to enhance our columbarium and memorial wall. The completed Memorial Courtyard will be dedicated on Sunday,

September 17th at 9:30 a.m. (between services).

Many thanks to Brian and Linda Adams, Dan Brumm, Jack Burkel, Quent Carlson, Gary Eddy, Gene Gere, Ray Hostager, Tom Johnson, Bob Leaf, Dick Lindstrom, Greg Lundberg, Gavin McCloy, Gene Ruehle, Ken Stofferahn and John Walsh for their hard work . . . and a special thanks to Cami Brouse for the

landscape plans and plants!

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Spiritual Growth Opportunities for Fall Since 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Redeemer will offer opportunities for learning about the Reformation in general and about Martin Luther in particular during September and October. On September 20, Pastor Paul has a passion for teaching about the reformation and has served in many parishes, including Christ Church on Capitol Hill, Lakeview Lutheran in Maplewood, Trinity in Owatonna, and Trinity Lutheran in Montevideo. He has studied in Germany (through the Lutheran World Federation) and served as a parish pastor in Scotland (in Lockinver and on the Isle of Coll in the Hebrides) and Denmark (at the English-speaking church in Copenhagen). Since his retirement, he has served in thirteen interim calls, helping congregations through transitions. He is also a passionate pastoral leader in the MN Via de Cristo community. History is one of his special interests and he has lectured on the topic of the Reformation in a number of Lutheran churches and at the Lutheran retreat center, Spirit of the Desert in Arizona, where he met the Redeemer members who invited him to speak here. When Paul is not leading worship or teaching, you can find him at home in Hudson, WI, with his wife Ann where he enjoys hobbies of stained glass and weaving. Please join the lecture/discussion at 6 p.m. in the Library.

September 27, October 4 & 11 will feature the video “Luther” about Martin Luther’s part in the Reformation. There will be time for discussion following each segment of the video. Please join the viewings and discussions at

6 p.m. in the Library.

There is no adult class on October 18 due to fall break for the schools. On October 25 we invite everyone to reach out to the community by participating in Community Night REALLY


Are you thinking about going

to the Holy Land in 2018?

There is still time to learn about the April 20 – May 1, 2018 trip. There will be a special meeting and slide show this month with trip co-host, Pastor Karen Williams from Grace Lutheran. You can also pick up a brochure at the Welcome Center. See Pastor Pam if you are interested in learning more . . . and plan to attend the meeting on September 17.

The trip will take you to ancient sites including Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Cana and Capernaum. You’ll be able to sail

on the Sea of Galilee and soak in the Dead Sea. This is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to travel to the holy sites

and deepen your faith by connecting to the land where Jesus lived and where the Christian church began.

Holy Land Pilgrimage Information Meeting

Sunday, September 17, 2 p.m.

Redeemer Library

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GOD'S WORK, OUR HANDS God's Work, Our Hands - Sunday, September 10 Redeemer has scheduled various service projects for the annual ELCA's God's Work, Our Hands Service Sunday. Some of them at the current time are: College Care Packages, Food Rescue at the St. Paul Farmer's Market, Blanket making for Noah's Camp and the Harriet Tubman Center, Foster the Love MN duffle bags and kitchen cleaning at Open Hands Midway. Please see the sign-up sheets in the atrium for further details and registration. There will be a light lunch served following the second worship on September 10, prior to starting the service projects. Service project sign-ups will be provided at a later date. If you have any questions or service project suggestions,

please call Jesse Anibas at 651-773-9629.

As part of the God’s Work Our Hands event, we will be assembling bags for Foster the Love MN. This organization gives bags with essential items to children entering the foster care system. We will focus our efforts on the older children, ages 10-18. Items needed for each bag include: New duffel bags, Shampoo and conditioner or 2-in-1, Toothbrushes and toothpaste, Body wash and deodorant, Packages of new socks – size child L to adult XL, small blankets, books that are age appropriate, $20 gift cards for Walmart or

Target to purchase a new outfit.

Items may be left in the green collection bin by the coat rack to the side of the Welcome Center labeled “Foster the Love”, or given to Tricia McCloy. Thank you for gen-erously supporting children experiencing such a difficult time!

DO YOU HAVE A BIBLE TO SHARE? So far this year, Open Hands has given away 76 Bibles. For the first three months of 2017, we didn't have any Bibles to give away. That says 76 people were able to receive a gift that keeps providing them with their own personal source of encouragement and also that people are looking for their own faith foundation. —Kay Kuehn, Executive Director

We are collecting Bibles here at Redeemer which

will be given to Open Hands Midway for distribution to people asking for one. Collection

dates are September 10, 17 and 24. Please put your donated Bibles in the box by the

Welcome Center and know you have had a chance once again to Share the Word!

Contact Brian Adams (651-777-8005) with

questions or comments.

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YOGADEVOTION A new Yogadevotion session (8 weeks long) will

begin Tuesday, September 5 through October 24th in the Fellowship Hall from

4:30-5:30 p.m. Jean Auger will be the instructor. The class is geared for beginners as well as for those with experience. Please wear comfortable clothes, bring a mat, and a water bottle. Feel free to invite your friends to participate. If you miss a class, you are welcome to make the class up at another church in the area that sponsors Yogadevotions. Please bring your check for $64 made payable to “Redeemer Lutheran Church” (memo: Yogadevotion) to the first class. For more information, if you are new to the practice, or if you want to arrange for a half-session, contact Sue Johnson by email: suejohns3@gmail.com.

We welcome new participants!

REDEEMER BOOK CLUB NEWS Join us Tuesday, September 12 at 7:00 pm in the Redeemer Library to kick off another interesting year of reading and discussing a wide range of excellent books. Our first book is one written by the Swedish author, Fredrik Bachman, who wrote the delightful best seller, A Man Called Ove. BOOK: Brit-Marie Was Here by Fredrik Bachman Leader: Barb Wojahn

Brit-Marie can’t stand a mess but hidden inside the socially awkward, fussy busybody is a woman who has more imagination, bigger dreams and warmer heart than anyone around her realizes. When Brit-Marie walks out on her cheating husband and has to fend for herself in the miserable backwater town of Borg, the fastidious Brit-Marie soon finds herself being drawn into the daily doings of an odd assortment of miscreants, drunkards, and layabouts. Most alarming of all, she is given the impossible task of leading the supremely untalented children’s soccer team to victory. Funny and moving, sweet and inspiring, Brit-Marie Was Here celebrates the important of community and connection in a world that can feel isolating. Our October book will be at the End of the World by Lawrence Millman.

GOOD NEWS! Our Redeemer Library got new carpeting! Thank you for your contributions to our previous book sales, as we were able to contribute a substantial amount toward this long-needed freshening up in our library. Be sure to check out the great new look. Now we definitely need to being to replenish our library fund, so we are again asking for your donations of gently

used books for our fall book sale.

SOMA YOGADEVOTION A new Soma Yogadevotion session is starting Thursdays beginning September 7-October 19, 2017 at 2:00-3:00 pm in the Redeemer Library. Soma Yogadevotion offers the same faith-based class structure that other Yogadevotion classes do. Soma yoga is a newer type of yoga in which participants practice slow, subtle movements that can reeducate the brain how to move tense muscles, and help us learn to move with more ease and freedom. Soma yoga is safe for “every body”. It incorporates mobility, strength, and stability into movements, and helps to build our concentration and meditative mind. The classes are for all levels, and students can practice on a mat, chair, or stand-ing at wall. Please bring a yoga mat and blanket to class. Cost is $56 for the seven week session. Signup by bringing a check to the church office by Sept 5, 2017 payable to “Redeemer Lutheran” with “ Soma Yoga” written on memo line. Contact Jane Schroeher with questions at schroehergj@msn.com

or 651-770-9543.

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Sunday Evening Worship Service at Lydia Place—October 1 2nd Half Ministry team invites you to join us on October 1, 2017 to attend a Sunday Evening Worship Service at Lydia Place, a new ELCA ministry grounded in Word, Sacrament, and in collaboration with the community. Worship service is at 5:00-6:00 pm in Dow Art Gallery, 2242 University Ave W, St Paul. We will be free to browse in the art gallery before or after worship. Afterward, we will enjoy food and fellowship at the Groundswell Café, 1340 Thomas Ave, St Paul. Carpooling is recommended. Please meet in the Redeemer parking lot at 4:00 to carpool. Parking for the Dow Art Gallery is on the west side of the building, and in the lot north, which is across the street. A free will offering will be taken at the service, and you are responsible for the cost of your food at Groundswell Café. Please signup at the Welcome Center. Deadline for registration is Sept 27, 2017. Questions or concerns: contact Jane Schroeher, schroehergj@msn.com or 651-770-9543.

Service Project at Open Hands Midway— August 30 and September 13

Please join us for a Produce Distribution service project at Open Hands Midway. Second Harvest drops off produce at Open Hands that needs to be packaged in smaller amounts for the neighborhood people to come and take that day. We need people on two Wednesdays, August 30 and/or September 13. The time of this project is from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. There are sign up sheets at the guest desk. Car pooling is available from church leaving at 8:30 each day. If you drive yourself, please sign up so we know how many people to expect. The address for Open Hands is 436 Roy St. N., St. Paul. It is in the parking lot of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. We will help with the set up, then the packing of the produce, ending with the pick up time for the neighbors. Kay Kuehn will be there to direct our tasks. All are welcome to come and help.

God's work, our hands.

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Mark your calendars and spread the word for Redeemers Annual Holiday Fair

on Saturday, November 4. We will have delicious treats at the Scandinavian

Coffee Shop, Bake and Craft sale, and Silent Auction.

We are looking for metal or glass pie tins, canning jars/lids, paper grocery/gift bags, and tissue

paper. Volunteers welcomed! Please contact Heather Lundgren

at 651-308-8184 or heatherlundgren@gmail.com






November 18,


Redeemer Women's Ministries is planning a one-day Retreat

for women of all ages.

Pastor Janet Karvonen-Montgomery will be our retreat leader.

Watch for details!

(If you would like to help plan the day, call or talk to Barb

Wojahn (651-428-2557).

ADVENT/ CHRISTMAS/ NEW YEAR WORSHIP Advent Worship Services will be held on Wednesday

evenings—December 6, 13, and 20. Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year,

so there will be no morning Worship. Services will be held at 4:00 and 10:00 PM.

Christmas Day Worship will be held at 10:00 AM. Worship on New Year’s Eve Day will be at

8:30 and 10:30 AM.

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All are


September 2

September 16

October 7


Becky Hulden, Faith Community Nurse from Lyngblomsten, comes to Redeemer monthly for wellness checks.

September 17, 9-11 AM (3rd Thursday) September 21, 9–11 AM (3rd Thursday)

October 17 10am –1 2 noon November 21 10am – 12 noon December 19 10am – 12 noon

On Tuesdays, Becky will be available following the Bagels and Bibles group and the Men’s Prayer


A Health Talk will be scheduled those same mornings from 9:30 – 10:30, followed by the Wellness Checks. This will start in October with Pastor Candee sharing a talk about Spiritual Direction. A Winter Fitness Fair will be held in November. If you or someone you know someone is struggling with a health challenge or a new diagnosis, contact Becky at 651-632-5335 or


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Sing with the Giving Voice Chorus — Giving Voice Chorus is a nonprofit with a simple purpose—provide persons with dementia and their care partners with the opportunity to sing together in a professionally led choir. The St. Paul Chorus returns to the Lyngblomsten Campus this fall, with rehearsals being held in the Newman-Benson Chapel at Lyngblomsten (1415 Almond Avenue, St. Paul) from 10 AM to Noon. Cost is $75 a person; each registration requires a partner. The fall session runs September 11 through December 11, with a concert date and location to be determined. To register, visit www.macphail.org or call (612) 321-0100. Learn more about the Giving Voice Chorus at www.givingvoicechorus.org.

2017 Twin Cities Walk to End Alzheimer’s Saturday, September 9 Join Team Lyngblomsten in the fight against Alzheimer’s by walking with us or making a donation to the team’s fundraising page. To register for the walk or donate, visit www.lyngblomsten.org/walk. Questions? Contact Jackie Hesse at (651) 632-5421 or jhesse@lyngblomsten.org.

Second Sunday Concert: Featuring Paula Lammers on piano —

Sunday, September 10 Join us the second Sunday of each month for a FREE concert featuring different musical performances from Mac-Phail Center for Music. Featured this month: A piano and vocal performance by Paula Lammers. Light refresh-ments served afterward. 2–3 PM in the Newman-Benson Chapel at Lyngblomsten (1415 Almond Avenue, St. Paul). Questions? Call (651) 632-5318.

Make a difference in older adults’ lives by volunteering with Lyngblomsten —

Are you looking to make a difference in others’ lives? Then consider volunteering with Lyngblomsten. No matter what your talents and interests are, there’s sure to be something just right for you! Current volunteer needs in-clude: transporting residents on campus to physical therapy, scooping ice cream or cashiering at Anna’s café & gifts, and helping with arts and lifelong learning activities. Volunteer opportunities are also available with The Gath-ering, a Lyngblomsten-sponsored program that provides brain-stimulating activities for persons with memory loss and five hours of respite for their caregivers. The next New Volunteer Orientation is September 16 from 10 AM–Noon. To register or learn more, contact Peggy Cerrito at (651) 632-5406 or pcerrito@lyngblomsten.org. More information is available at www.lyngblomsten.org/volunteer. Our congregation is a member of Lyngblomsten, a Christian nonprofit organization providing healthcare, housing,

and community-based services for older adults since 1906. Located at 1415 Almond Avenue, St. Paul.

Crossroads of Redeemer rlcwbl.org | 651-429-5411 Page 13

2017 Church Council

David Dahlin-President Kathy Sjursen-CYF

Jan Johnson-Vice President Linda Tucker-Congregational


Kathy Bourne-Secretary Jesse Anibas-Outreach

Kevin Maijala-Spiritual Growth Scott Costello-Worship &


Phil Jacobsma-Finance Jim Ramberg-Facilities

John Walsh-Stewardship

Ken and I would like to thank the family of friends at Redeemer for their prayers for Ken and our family on his cancer journey. His cancer, although not curable, is stable and he feels pretty good. Still has numbness in feet and hands which is slowly getting better. Special thanks to Pastor Pam, Candy, Ann Gere and Gary Eddy for their visits and those who have sent cards. The prayers continue to work and we thank you for them. Not sure when we will get back to the physical building of Redeemer but we pray for the church and thank God for you all. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. May God bless you all. Thank you, Marlette and Ken Hoxmeier ————————————————————- Mid-Summer Festival Volunteers, we are so grateful that you chose to partner with us as a volunteer on the Lyngblomsten Mid-Summer Festival. There are so many organizations and events you can give time to over the course of the summer, and we are thankful that Mid-Summer Festival was a recipient of your time. There is no clever way to say thank you except to just say, Thank you. We speak for all of Lyngblomsten when we say that we look forward to working together with you again soon, all in support of enhancing and preserving the quality of life for older adults. Gratefully, Your Volunteer Services Team ———————————-

WITH THANKS…. White Bear Lake's 23rd annual Relay for Life event was held on Friday, July 28, at South Campus of the White Bear Lake Area High School. The Redeemer Runners Team would like to thank Redeemer Lutheran's congregation for all of their support, in purchasing luminary bags, decorating the luminary bags at the farm service on July 5th, and coming to the actual Relay for Life event. We could not do it without all of this support. Our team members this year were Carol Anibas, Jesse Anibas, Justin Anibas, Mike Anibas, Marcella Anibas, Wendi Anibas, John Anibas, Dylan Anderson, Erin Bocock, Sue Eddy, Gary Eddy, Joe Forster, Bev Gillespie, Jared Johnson, Bob Leaf, Reese Nystuen, Alison Wills, and Robin Valento. We also want to thank our sponsors this year. They were Redeemer's Holiday Fair, Jan Johnson's State Farm Insurance Agency, and Park-Point Lioness. Our team raised about $9,500 this year. Lastly, we want to thank all of the cancer survivors from Redeemer for coming to the Relay for Life and walking the Survivor Lap.

The Redeemer Runners

Church Staff

Senior Pastor………………….……….….. Pam Stofferahn

Assoc. Pastor of Congregation Care……. Candee Moser

Assoc. Pastor of Faith Formation……….. Stefanie Fauth

Director of Worship & Music ………….… Katie Kohler

Office Administrator………….…………... Dona Will

Communications Designer……………….. Jean Johnson

Children’s Music Directors……….………. Deb Gardner, Mary Gregory

Kitchen Coordinator………….….………... Kim Lacek

Wedding Coordinator………….…....……. Pam Huntley

Custodian……………..……….…………… Tom Larsen

Congregational Care Coordinator……….. Ann Marie Gere

Event Helper……………..………………… Sam Maijala

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9:30 Summer Worship (September 3 only)

8:30 AM (Classic) & 10:30 AM (Contemporary) Worship Schedule (Begins September 10)

September 3 September 10 September 17 September 24


None Needed Grace Maijala,

Emily Sather

Faith and Graham


Alexi Brown,

Kaydence Nickaboine

Communion Assistants

Mary and Dick


8:30 Irene LeClaire CC

Bob & Kathy Petersen

10:30 Tricia McCloy

Kathy Sjursen

8:30 Nan Carlson CC Don Lundgren

Doug Huntley


Ellen & David Dahlin

8:30 Ann Marie Gere CC

Shirley & Gene Ruehle


Gary Eddy, Mike Lundberg

Counters Ken Haslow,

Roy Johnson

Sue Johnson,

Roy Johnson

Dan Dohmeier,

Jan Johnson

Dan Dohmeier,

Jan Johnson

Lector Scott Costello 8:30

Suvi Swenson


Gene Gere


Linda Tucker

Prayer Servants

Lori Konold,

Sue Eddy

Sound Media Team

Ushers Richard Kuehn, Captain

Donnie Carter

Chuck Carter

8:30 Donna Miller, Captain Roy Johnson, Bruce Meyer, Doris Zieman


Richard Kuehn, Captain Donnie Carter

Chuck Carter

8:30 Donna Miller, Captain Roy Johnson, Bruce Meyer, Doris Zieman


Richard Kuehn, Captain Donnie Carter

Chuck Carter

8:30 Donna Miller, Captain Roy Johnson, Bruce Meyer, Doris Zieman


Richard Kuehn, Captain Donnie Carter

Chuck Carter

Welcome Center Desk

Jo Rahn

Worship Hosts 8:30 Wally and Doris Hanson,

Erika Folsom

10:30 David and Ellen Dahlin,

Lorlie Erickson

8:30 Gene and Ardis

Danger, Doris Zieman

10:30 Karen Erickson,

Ann Marie Gere

8:30 Pat Hanson


Gengenbach Family,

Marjil Hoffman

We are always looking for people interested in volunteering in worship leadership. If you are interested in any of

these areas, please contact the person responsible for arranging each calendar.

Acolytes—Nan Carlson

Communion Assistants—Irene LeClaire

Counters—Avis Bourne

Lectors—Wally Hanson

Prayer Servants—Jan Johnson

Ushers—Diane Jones

Welcome Center—Jo Rahn

Worship Hosts—Nan Carlson

Crossroads of Redeemer rlcwbl.org | 651-429-5411 Page 15

Friday, September 1 Saturday, September 2 Sunday, September 3 9:30 AM Worship/Swanson Baptism 10:30 AM Coffee Corner Monday, September 4 LABOR DAY-Office Closed Tuesday, September 5 LADC School Year Begins WBL School Year Begins 8:00 AM Men's Prayer Group 8:15 AM Bibles & Bagels 9:00 AM Lady of the Lakes Quilters 9:30 AM Hope Circle 12:30 PM Lady of the Lakes Quilters 4:30 PM Yoga Devotion 6:00 PM Lake Country Chorus Wednesday, September 6 LIFETOUCH PHOTOS 9:00 AM Quilters 7:00 PM Chorale Rehearsal Thursday, September 7 LIFETOUCH PHOTOS 8:30 AM TOPS 10:00 AM Spiritual TLC 2:00 PM Soma Yoga 6:30 PM Rejoice rehearsal 7:30 PM AA/Al-Anon Friday, September 8 LIFETOUCH PHOTOS Saturday, September 9 LIFETOUCH PHOTOS Sunday, September 10 GOD’S WORK/OUR HANDS BACKPACK BLESSINGS 8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School Kickoff 9:40 AM Coffee Corner 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 2:30 PM Girl Scouts Monday, September 11 10:00 AM Healthy Rhythms Drumming 6:00 PM Boy Scouts 434/Webelos II

Thursday, September 21 8:30 AM TOPS 9:00 AM PrimeTime 9:00 AM Wellness Checks 2:00 PM Soma Yoga 6:00 PM Lyngblomsten-Cocoa and Canvas 6:30 PM Rejoice rehearsal 7:30 PM AA/Al-Anon Friday, September 22 9th Grade Confirmation Retreat Saturday, September 23 9th Grade Confirmation Retreat Sunday, September 24 8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 9:40 AM Coffee Corner 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 2:30 PM Girl Scouts Monday, September 25 10:00 AM Lyngblomsten-Art History– Claude Monet 6:00 PM Boy Scouts 434/Webelos II Tuesday, September 26 8:00 AM Men's Prayer Group 8:15 AM Bibles & Bagels 9:00 AM Lady of the Lakes Quilters 12:30 PM Lady of the Lakes Quilters 4:30 PM Yoga Devotion 6:00 PM Lake Country Chorus Wednesday, September 27 9:00 AM Quilters 5:00 PM Community Night 7:00 PM Chorale Rehearsal Thursday, September 28 8:30 AM TOPS 2:00 PM Soma Yoga 6:30 PM Rejoice rehearsal 7:30 PM AA/Al-Anon Friday, September 29 WBL—No School Saturday, September 30 8:00 AM TOPS Fall Rally

Tuesday, September 12 8:00 AM Men's Prayer Group 8:15 AM Bibles & Bagels 9:00 AM Lady of the Lakes Quilters 12:30 PM Lady of the Lakes Quilters 4:30 PM Yoga Devotion 6:00 PM Lake Country Chorus 6:30 PM Council Meeting Wednesday, September 13 9:00 AM Quilters 10:00 AM Joy/Peace Circle 5:00 PM Community Night 7:00 PM Chorale Rehearsal Thursday, September 14 8:30 AM TOPS 2:00 PM Soma Yoga 6:30 PM Rejoice rehearsal 7:30 PM AA/Al-Anon Friday, September 15 Saturday, September 16 Sunday, September 17 8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:30 AM Memorial Garden Dedication 9:30 AM Sunday School 9:40 AM Coffee Corner 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship Monday, September 18 6:00 PM Boy Scouts 434/Webelos II Tuesday, September 19 8:00 AM Men's Prayer Group 8:15 AM Bibles & Bagels 9:00 AM Lady of the Lakes Quilters 12:00 PM Lady of the Lakes Quilters 2:30 PM Grief Team 4:30 PM YogaDevotion 6:00 PM Lake Country Chorus Wednesday, September 20 9:00 AM Quilters 9:00 AM WBL Retired Teachers 5:00 PM Community Night 7:00 PM Chorale Rehearsal

Page 16 rlcwbl.org | 651-429-5411 Crossroads of Redeemer

CROSSROADS OF REDEEMER Published monthly by Redeemer Lutheran Church 3770 Bellaire Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110

Phone: 651-429-5411

Fax: 651-429-6802

E-mail: communications@rlc-wbl.org

Website: rlc-wbl.org


Twitter: /rlcwbl

Time-dated material Crossroads of Redeemer is published monthly. Crossroads is published and available online and in print the 4th Tuesday of the month. Submitted articles are due the 15th of the month and should be 500 words or less. Articles may be edited for clarity and space.

SEPTEMBER Worship Themes and Readings

Sep 3 Christian Vocation Shines Through Any Vocation Romans 12:9-21

Sep 10 Not perfect, not finished, but good. Genesis 1:1-2:4a

Sep 17 This is a Test Genesis 21:1-3; 22:1-14

Sep 24 It’s not a Dream: God’s blessings are Irrevocable Genesis 27:1-4, 15-23; 28:10-17

Relational Outreach ˑ Nurturing Community ˑ Spiritual Growth ˑ Engaging Worship

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