volume 17 issue 05 memphis umc newsletter may liturgist ... · brown baggers’ bible study 5:30...

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Prayer List and Shut-ins and Care Center Lists:

Prayer List: Charles Hammack, Ashley Tharp, Steve Snodgrass, Kenny Hauk, Tim Morris, Twila Fulk,

Jerry Wear’s sister Margie, Marcy Doster, Shelby Troutman, Ann McClintic, and Dottie Yoder

Ongoing Treatment: Ryhan Loos, Mary Anna Troutman, Lonnie Triplett, Joyce Joy, Ron Alexander,

Shane Hall, Phil Herteen, Nola Kirkpatrick Boyd, Jo Ann Parrack, Cole Alexander, and Jim Campbell

Military Service: Logan Remley, David Miller, Steven Kraus, C. W. McCuiston , and Timothy Pippert

Shut Ins & Care Centers: Dedie Priebe, Norma Cotton, Nancy Clatt, Audrie Steeples, Lorraine Rush,

Martha Burns, Charles and Helen Hammack, Donna Meeks, and Twila Fulk

Birthday & Anniversary Lists:

Birthdays: 3 Kayli Johnson Addy Frederick Liam Mutchler 5 Teresa Cotton 7 Desera Knupp 9 Kendra Middleton 11 Mike Johnson 12 Jed Hinds 12 Noah Hamlin 14 Jane Eggleston 15 Nancy McClamroch Stacie Whitaker 16 Vicki Ahland 19 Kyle Shelley 20 Melissa Behrens 22 Betsey Gundy Caleb Kittle 23 Bailey & Becca McNamar Sheila Townsend 24 Liam Browning 25 Tara Matlock 26 Helen Hill Joan HInds Margaret Mishra 28 Tom Priebe 29 Ron Tinkle


14 Mike & Beth Johnson Bill & Sheila Townsend 21 Phil & Joyce Aylward 22 Patrick & Jessica Mutchler 26 Mike & Vicki Ahland Win & Helen Hill 29 Ron & Chris Tinkle


Memorial Day


10:00 A.M.

On the Memphis Square

Come join in this Service!

Martha Circle Tuesday, May 2nd @ 7 P.M.

All Women, Come join us

Monthly Youth Meeting Older Youth 7th—12th Grade

Wednesday, May 24 @ 3:15 P.M.

Calendar of Events for May 2017 Every Sunday: Energize: 8:00-8:30 a.m. (Early Casual Worship Service) Educate: 8:45-9:30 a.m. (Sunday School classes for children, youth, & adult) Integrate: 9:30-9:45 a.m. (A time of fellowship) Motivate: 9:45-10:00 a.m. (Prequel to Worship/Choruses & Announcements) Advance: 10:00-11:00 a.m. (Blended Morning Worship Service)-Preschool Nursery provided @ 10:00

Every Monday: Brown Baggers’ Bible Study 5:30 p.m.

Every Wednesday: Men’s Breakfast 5:30 a.m. All Choir Rehearsals will resume in the fall

Every Thursday: Traditional Bible Study 10:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, May 2 7:00 P.M. Martha’s Circle Meeting Wednesday, May 3 7:00 P.M. Jolly Timer’s 4-H Group Meeting Thursday, May 4 12:00 P.M. National Day of Prayer Service at the Christian Church Sunday, May 7 7:00 A.M. Graduate Recognition Breakfast Sunday, May 7 12:30 P.M. 1st Sunday Communion and Visitation SCCC Sunday, May 7 4:00 P.M. Joint Ministry Team Meeting Sunday, May 7 7:00 P.M. SCR-1 Baccalaureate Monday, May 8 7:00 P.M. Administrative Council meets Tuesday, May 9 6:00-9:30 P.M. Sew-n-Go Quilters meet Wednesday, May 10 4:45 P.M. Those interested in helping with VBS will have a planning meeting in the Church Lower Level Thursday, May 11 7:00 P.M. SCR-1 Sixth Grade Graduation Saturday, May 13 7:30 A.M. Nikos Men’s Breakfast Sunday, May 14 9:45 A.M. Women’s Appreciation/Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14 1:00 P.M. SCR-1 High School Graduation Friday, May 19 12:30 P.M. Last Day of the school year for SCR-1 Saturday, May 20 10:00 A.M. Concession Stand @ The Reel’s Auction Sunday, May 21 3:00 P.M. Mark twain Chorale Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Tuesday, May 23 6:30 P.M. SCCC Hymn Sing Wednesday, May 24 3:15 P.M. Older Youth Meeting Grades 7-12 Monday, May 29 10:00 A.M. Memorial Day Service on the Memphis Square


May Liturgist Schedule

May 07 Karen Biggs

May 14 Teresa Cotton

May 21 Larry Howell

May 28 Lynnette Dyer

If you have any questions my phone # is:

660-379-2743 and email is reel11liz@gmail.com.

May Nursery Schedule

Supervisor Roamer:

May 07 Diana Koontz Mary Anna Troutman

May 14 Meagan Weber Brenda Eckland

May 21 Ilene Howell Lori Fulk

May 28 Kathy Gardner Mary Anna Troutman

Administrative Council Meeting

May 8th @ 7:00 P.M.

First Sunday Communion

& Visitation 12:30 P.M.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

SCCC Hymn Sing

Tuesday, May 23 @ 6:30 P.M

Nikos Men’s Breakfast Saturday, May 13

7:30 A.M. Come join us.

Camp Out VBS Wed. & Thurs.

June 14-15 Pool Party Friday,

June 16 Sunday Celebration June 18 @ 10 AM

Worship If you are interested in being a leader or helper, please, let Ilene Howell or Kathy Gardner know

before May 3rd. We’re having a meeting on Wed., May 10th at 4:45 P.M. in the Church Low-er Level for planning. Keep our VBS in prayer.

Saturday, May 20 ~ 10 AM If you would like to help with concessions at Tom & Elizabeth Reel’s Auction, please,

contact Jeannie Childress. Come Join Us at the Auction!

Memphis United Methodist Church

220 W. Jefferson

Memphis, MO 63555

Return Service Requested

Apportionment Update...

2017 Conference $ 16,023

Pd. to date $ 2,997

Due $ 13,026

2017 District $ 2,925

Pd. to date $ 2,925

$ 0

Year to Date Giving Report

Income $ 41,062.38

Expenses $ 38,892.42

YTD Balance $ 2,169.96

"Give, and it will be given to you;

good measure, pressed down, shaken

together, running over, they will

pour into your lap. For by your

standard of measure it will be meas-

ured to you in return." Luke 6:38

Thank You For Your Generosity!

Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday & Friday

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Office Phone: 660-465-8935

Parsonage Phone: 660-465-2082



www.memphisumc.com Facebook: United Methodist Church—Memphis, MO

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Memphis, MO 63555 Permit No. 4

Where Does Our Money Go… 1st Quarter Apportionments are paid in full. We continue into the 2nd Quarter where we focus on paying for Mission, Service, Jus-tice and Connectional Ministries as well as Conference Admin-istration. These ministries help lead people to actively follow Je-sus, operating our Churches in a safe and orderly way, and in helping run the business of our Conference. We can live the life that God wants for us by extending help and hospitality to others. Apportionments enable us to help fulfill these Ministries to others.

We can practice a way of living that is in harmony with the life of Jesus and help us survive, and yes, even thrive in today’s world. It is a challenge to try to meet all these needs, but it is also rewarding. With God’s help, we can live life fully, faith-fully, and joyfully as we help others to do the same. Please give generously!

M A Y 2 0 1 7 Volume 17 Issue 05

Inside This


Memphis Monthly Memo

Memphis United Methodist Church



2017 M



is M





Women’s Appreciation Sunday

May 14, 2017

Come join us as we recognize the

special women in our lives during

the 10:00 A.M. Worship Service.

Birthday & Anniversary Lists

Prayer List and Shut-ins and

Care Center Lists



Auction Concessions

Liturgists Schedule

Nursery Schedule

Ad Council April Meeting

SCCC Ministries






Nikos Men’s Breakfast

Camp Out VBS

Memorial Day Service

Martha’s Circle

Monthly Youth Meetings






Calendar of Events 3

Church Contact Information 4

Apportionments Update 4

Mission ~ Vision ~ Values 4

Our Mission…Why Do We Exist… “…to make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.”

Our Vision…Where Are We Going… “…on the greatest journey of our lives – The Journey of Knowing, Loving and Serving God – as we strive to become a Community of deeply committed Chris-tians.”

Our Values…What’s Our Boundaries… “…everything must relate to the Core Value of making Disciples of Jesus Christ Through: 1) Strengthening our Commitment to God; 2) Deepening our Relationships; and, 3) Living Out the Compassion of Jesus Christ for All.”

SCR-1 End of Year Activities Sunday, May 7 7:00 A.M.

Graduate Recognition Breakfast

Sunday, May 7 7:00 P.M.

High School Baccalaureate

Thursday, May 11 7:00 P.M.

Sixth Grade Graduation

Sunday, May 14 1:00 P.M.

Senior High Graduation

Friday, May 19 12:30 P.M.

Last Day of School @ SCR-1

National Day of Prayer Service

Thursday, May 4th @ 12:00 P.M

At First Christian Church

Joint Ministry Team Meeting Sunday, May 4th

4:00 P.M. Please make plans to attend this meeting

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