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November 2008 1


Volume 1 Number 6 November 2008

• Political Developments

UJC Terms Mumbai Slaughter Reprehensible

Lashkar Tested Sea Route to Mumbai in 2007Dry Run

Pakistan Asked to Withdraw its Civil andMilitary Rulers From Gilgit Baltistan

AJK PM in Trouble as Tussle Reaches Presidency

• Economic Developments

Cross LoC Trade Runs Into Problems

Plan For Speedy Development of Agriculture InAJK Kicks Off

No Compromise on Bhasha Dam Royalty:NALA

Bhasha Dam To Cost $ 12 Billion

• International Developments

J&K Better Than PoK, Say Euro MPs

EC Gives Grant For AJK Schools

• Other Developments

Cultural Deterioration in Gilgit-Baltistan

AJK To Have Two More Varsities:Zulqarnain



New Delhi-110 010

Compiled by

Dr Priyanka Singh

November 2008 2

Jammu & Kashmir

(Source: Based on the Survey of India Map, Govt of India 2000 )

November 2008 3

About this IssueA good number of reports compiled in this issue establish strong linkages of militants involved inrecent Mumbai attacks with Pakistan occupied Kashmir. The rising number of militant trainingcamps both in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir is alarming not only for India but also forthe international community facing the wrath of terrorism today probably in its worst form. In theabsence of socio-economic development, such camps and other clandestine activities have beenbrewing in PoK for some time. Dreadful terrorist outfit such as Lashkar-e-Toiba freely operates inthe region even though the government of Pakistan supposedly banned it.

Other significant issue is the failure of the cross LoC trade which was inaugurated with muchenthusiasm in October 2008. The suspension of the trade across the line of control makes it evidentthat unless the basic issues such as banking arrangements and establishment of propercommunication are resolved, such activities would not be viable. Nonetheless, the breakdown isunfortunate and calls for positive intervention from both sides.

The $ 12 billion Bhasha Dam project is absorbed in controversies over sharing of royalty and alsothe environmental impacts in the adjoining areas. The site of Dam is reportedly an extremelysensitive seismic zone and therefore construction of the dam might lead to another calamity likethe earthquake of October 2005.

Priyanka Singh

November 2008 4

Political Developments

“UJC terms Mumbai slaughterreprehensible,” Dawn, November 30,2008MUZAFFARABAD: A leader of militantgroups in Azad Kashmir called the slaughterof civilians in Mumbai ‘reprehensible,’ anddenied that any member of his alliance wasinvolved. Sayed Salahuddin heads the UnitedJihad Council, an umbrella organisation bandingtogether around a dozen Kashmiri groups.Suspicion has fallen on non-member Lashkar-i-Taiba which is fighting against India inKashmir. However, it has denied involvementin the Mumbai attacks. “Let me be very clearonce again that the United Jihad Council doesnot approve of civilian killings and under itscode of conduct such an act is reprehensible,”he said. “I can say with utmost certainty thatnone of Kashmiri jihadi groups has anyinvolvement with the events in Mumbai,”stated Salahuddin, whose own group is Harkat-ul-Mujahideen.


Kate Foster, “The camps wheremilitants learn to commit atrocitiesaround the globe,” November 30, 2008

The amount of training and the number ofcamps in the tribal areas of Pakistan is difficult,if not impossible, to estimate. The camps aresmall, often sited on remote mountaintops.They are easy to move, and they can be difficultto track by satellite because of the region’srough terrain. One estimate recently put thenumber at about 52, in Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, but there could be feweror far more.

Lashkar-e-Taiba is said to have training campsspread across Pakistan and Pakistan occupiedKashmir (PoK). Its camps and recruitmentcentres are thought to be spread across thelength and breadth of Pakistan and PoKincluding Muzaffarabad, Lahore, Peshawar,Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Karachi.


Praveen Swami, “Lashkar tested searoute to Mumbai in 2007 dry run,” TheHindu, November 28, 2008Jammu and Kashmir Police investigators saidthe eight terrorists travelled by road from Bait-ul-Mujahideen, the Lashkar’s operationalheadquarters in Muzaffarabad, to Rawalpindibefore heading south to Karachi by train.Traveling in groups of two, they had strictinstructions to board separate compartmentson the Rawalpindi-Karachi journey, and toavoid conversations with each other and otherpassengers. In Karachi, they were made towait in a room on the outskirts of the city foralmost a week. They were finally told that thetime had come for them to begin their journeyto Mumbai.(http://www.hindu.com/2008/11/28/stories/2008112861921200.htm)

“Mumbai terror attack planned 6months ago,” NDTV, November 28,2008MUMBAI: An arrested terrorist has revealedthat the Mumbai terror attack operation wasplanned about six months ago. Investigatorsare examining satellite phone and GPS foundon trawler seized in Arabian Sea. Sources statethat data from GPS revealed terrorists sailedfrom Karachi harbour on November 12 or 13.Their phone was used to call Lashkarcommander Yusuf Muzamil in Muzaffarabad.

(ht tp: / /www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/m u m b a i t e r r o r s t r i k e /Story.aspx?ID=NEWEN20080074497&type=News)

Steve Coll, “Lashkar-e-Taiba,” The NewYorker, December 01, 2008

Late in 2005, I travelled for The New Yorker toPakistan-occupied Kashmir to report on theearthquake that devastated the region. Tofacilitate international aid, the Pakistanigovernment opened the region to journalists,

November 2008 5

Mumtaz Alvi, “PML-N set to launch its AJKchapter,” The News, November 18, 2008

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz(PML-N) is set to launch its chapter in Azad Jammuand Kashmir shortly. Sources in the PML-N statedthat spadework in this connection had already beencompleted and the PML-N chapter would be formallylaunched in Azad Jammu and Kashmir at anappropriate time. “PML-N no more considers theMuslim Conference its representative platform, as ithas taken 180-degree turn from its principled standwhich it had been holding for years,” sources said,quoting the PML-N central leadership. PML-NQuaid, Nawaz Sharif would have already formed thePML-N AJK, but it was delayed after the death ofMumtaz Rathore, who was to lead it. The exile ofNawaz Sharif also led to the delay in the formationof the PML-N AJK. After the PML-N leader’shomecoming, contacts were established vigorouslyagain with Kashmiri leaders in Azad Kashmir, thesources noted. “There is nothing unusual about thePML-N introducing its chapter in Azad Jammu andKashmir, as almost all other mainstream Pakistaniparties such as the PPP, MQM, Jamaat-e-Islami,Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) and JamiatUlema-e-Pakistan already have their chapters there,”the sources further added. (http://www.thenews.com.pk/aily_detail.asp?id=147501)

“Pakistan asked to withdraw its civil andmilitary colonial rulers from Gilgit Baltistan,”Press conference, November 16, 2008

SKARDU: Gilgit Baltistan United Movementobserved 16th November as black day and called apress conference to draw attention of theinternational community towards a wrath ofcolonization of 61 years under the usurpedcontrolled of Pakistan. Addressing a pressconference at Skardu, Manzoor Hussain Parwana,Chairman, Gilgit Baltistan United Movement urgedthe Government of Pakistan to withdraw its civiland military colonial rulers from Gilgit Baltistan toensure the restoration of basic human rights of theenslaved people of the unstable region.. Parwanasaid that “we will reject any package granted bygovernment of Pakistan because we are a nationand the nation needs independence, not package.”

creating a very rare opportunity to travel withoutescort and to poke around on the border. I wasparticularly interested in looking up Lashkar,which I had been following for many years. Imade several visits to facilities run by its charity,called “Jamat-ud-Dawa,” which is today toleratedopenly by the government of Pakistan but bannedas a terrorist organization by the United Stateson the grounds that it is merely an alias forLashkar.

In Muzuffarabad, the capital of PakistaniKashmir, Jamat had brought in a mobile surgicalunit staffed by long-bearded doctors fromKarachi and Lahore—very impressive youngmen, fluent in English, who offered a reminderthat unlike, say, the Taliban, Lashkar draws somevery talented people from urban professions.(With its hospitals, universities, and social-servicewings, Lashkar is akin to Hezbollah or Hamas; itis a three-dimensional political and socialmovement with an armed wing, not merely aterrorist or paramilitary outfit.) As part of itsearthquake relief work, Lashkar ferried suppliesto remote villages isolated on the far side of thechurning Neelum River, one of the two snow-fed canyon rivers that traverse the area. I askedto take a ride with its volunteers, and their mediaofficer (yes, they have media officers) agreed.


Shafqat Ali Inqilabi, “Is Azad Kashmirindependent?” Weekly Bang-e-Sahar,November 22, 2008

An Azad Kashmir like set-up for Gilgit-Baltistan isunder hot debate in the region nowadays and it seemsthe PPP leadership will finally fulfill its promise of aset-up like that. The local political and religiousleadership too are of the opinion that such anarrangement is the solution to the political andconstitutional deprivations of the region. On the otherhand, the Gilgit-Baltistan Democratic Alliance(GBDA) is strongly opposed to the idea and views itas yet another plot of the government to keep theregion in its trap for another half a century or more.


November 2008 6

The government of Pakistan should end theusurpation of the rivers, mountains and jungles ofGilgit-Baltistan. “The right of using local resourcesshould be given to local people, and illegitimateand unconstitutional construction of Skardu andDiamer Dam should be halted,” he added.


Zulfiqar Halepoto, “Bhasha Dam: Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts,”Indus Asia Online Journal, November 17,2008

The Executive Committee of the NationalEconomic Council (Ecnec) has approvedconstruction of the 272-metre-high Diamer-Bhasha Dam with a capacity to generate4,500MW of electricity per day. Work on the $12.6billion dam would begin in September next yearand is scheduled to be completed in 2016.TheEcnec has also approved the upgradation of theKarakoram Highway to facilitate the dam’sconstruction. A sum of Rs60 billion has beensanctioned for land acquisition and aid. Pre-qualification of bids was expected to start inNovember itself which would be followed by civilwork on the main dam, diversion of tunnels andan underground power house.

Pakistan is expecting an investment of $1.5 billionper year from leading European, Arab and Chinesecompanies willing to form a consortium on build-operate-transfer on ‘supplier’s credit’ basis. Theproject is expected to pay off its cost within sevenyears of commissioning, as it would generateelectricity worth $1.5 billion and supply irrigationwater worth $600 million per year. An investmentof $30 billion is needed by 2015 to raise electricitygeneration capacity from 18,000 MW to 33,000MW.


“Rising popularity of BNSO in Hazara divisionhailed ,” Weekly Bang-e-Sahar,November 15-November 21, 2008

ABBTOABAD: Chief Organizer ofBalawaristan National Students Organization,Hazara division, Ali Ghulam said the very reasonbehind the establishment of the party was toassist its mother party on the national front. Hesaid BNSO had played a pivotal role in unitingstudents of Gilgit-Baltistan on one platform sincethe day of its establishment. Talking to Bang-e-Sahar, he said the party had arranged a numberof seminars and other programs to boost thecollective national understanding of students ofGilgit-Baltistan. He strongly criticized thegovernment’s policies in the educational sectorand said it was meant just to close the doors ofeducation on the students of Gilgit- Baltistan evenin the twenty-first century. He further said thatdue to lack of academic facilities in Gilgit-Baltistan, thousands of students were forced tomigrate towards various cities resulting in transferof millions of rupees from the region.


Tariq Naqash, “Muslim Conference headingtowards split,” November 15, 2008

MUZAFFARABAD: The ongoing crisis in MuslimConference seems to be leading the ruling party inAzad Jammu & Kashmir towards another split asthree senior MC leaders have summoned a“consultative meeting” of senior cadres to discussfuture course of action in the wake of PrimeMinister Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan’s “dictatorialpolicies.” The “consultative meeting” will be held atthe Rawalpindi residence of former AJK premierSardar Sikandar Hayat on November 20. Hayatand ruling party’s senior vice presidents RajaFarooq Haider, MLA were the remaining twosignatories of the invitation.


Tariq Naqash, “AJK Prez asks MC factions tosort out differences,” November 25, 2008

MUZAFFARABAD: AJK president Raja ZulqarnainKhan on November 24 asked the rival camps in ruling

November 2008 7

project has led to a major controversy as the dam iscurrently being debated in Pakistan as a second choiceor an alternative to the proposed Kalabagh dam inSindh province. The Bhasha dam is being opposedby people in Gilgit as they fear that it would affectthe social, economic and ecological balance in theregion and would inundate 32 villages of Diamerdistrict in Northern Areas, rendering thousands ofpeople homeless.

Ignoring Local Sentiments

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf had announcedin a televised speech in January 2006 that hisadministration would construct the Bhasha dam.Once completed, the Bhasha dam will inundate 110kms of the Karokaram Highway (popularly knownas KKH) and every low-lying village in Daimer fromRailkot Bridge next to the fairy meadows right belowNanga Parbat. In its report, WAPRA also observedthat there is local resistance to the project as thepeople feel that the Bhasha dam would affect theeconomic and ecological balance in the NorthernAreas. Those opposing the Bhasha dam give severalreasons for their opposition to the project. First, thelocal population resents the fact that the Pakistanigovernment has taken the decision to constructionthe dam without taking them into confidence. Second,even the nomenclature of the dam is indicative of thePakistani establishment’s outlook as the dam hasdeliberately been named Bhasha after a village inKohistan in the North Western Frontier Province(NWFP) even though the location of the dam is inGilgit-Baltistan. Third, the local population isdemanding a share in the royalty as they fear thatIslamabad would pass off all the benefits to theNWFP. Fourth, the dam is to be located in anextremely sensitive seismic zone. Locals fear thatthe dam may cause widespread destruction if anotherearthquake like that of October 08, 2005 takes placein that region.


Usman Manzoor, “AJK PM in trouble astussle reaches presidency,” The News,November 11, 2008

Muslim Conference to sort out their differencesthrough dialogue so that the government could payattention to its basic service to the masses. He alsodispelled the notion that the ‘forward block’ enjoyedhis backing and instead claimed that he was playinga reconciliatory role to bring the opposite sidescloser to each other.

( h t t p : / / w w w . g r e a t e r k a s h m i r . n e t /full_story.asp?Date=25_11_2008&ItemID=17&cat=8)

“Opportunists warned,” Weekly Bang-e-Sahar, November 15-November 21, 2008

GILGIT: The Gilgit-Baltistan Democratic Alliance(GBDA) warned the so-called politicians who areout to secure government employments for themselvesnot to play with the sentiments of the masses byhoodwinking them on different slogans.In a statementissued, the GBDA stated these elements hoodwinkedthe people on the slogan of making the region aseparate province and now they have started cryingfor an Azad Kashmir-type of setup for Gilgit-Baltsitan.The Gilgit-Baltistan Democratic Alliancesaid it had forewarned the people about twenty yearsback that Gilgit-Baltistan was a disputed region andPakistan could not make it its part. It said the newgeneration of university and college graduates hadrejected the self-made political leaders of the regionwho kept the people deprived of their basic rights fortheir own vested interests for the last over sixdecades.It said those who accused the nationalistparties of taking economic assistance from outsiderswere out to sell the region in return for a few lowlyemployments. It said the new generation would notsuccumb to the tricks of the elements and would joinhands with the GBDA in its struggle for attaining allthe basic rights of the people of this strategic region.(http://gilgitbaltistantimes.blogspot.com/2008/11/opportunists-warned.html)

Md. Sadiq, “Diamer-Bhasha DamControversy: The rights of the people ofNorthern Areas must be respected...”November 12, 2008

Bhasha: The Damned DamPakistan’s plan of constructing the Bhasha dam hasled to widespread protests in Gilgit. The Bhasha

November 2008 8

ISLAMABAD: The tussle between the primeminister of Azad Kashmir (AJK) and Minister forKashmir Affairs, Qamar Zaman Kaira has reachedthe presidency and an in-house change in the AJKAssembly is imminent, as reports noted. Sourcesstated that AJK Prime Minister Sardar AttiqueAhmad Khan sought the removal of the federalminister from President Zardari in a meeting whilethe federal minister had gathered evidence ofcorruption against the AJK PM and presented it tothe president. The opposition parties are alsoplanning to make an in-house change in the AJKAssembly by moving a no-confidence motionagainst Sardar Attique. Former prime minister,Sardar Sikinder Hayat also confirmed that 17dissenters of the ruling Muslim Conference alongwith the opposition parties would make 33 in ahouse of 49.


“AJK Govt. orders for speedy rehabilitationof Mangla dam affectees,” Associated Press ofPakistan, November 07, 2008

MIRPUR: The Government of Azad Jammu Kashmirdirected Mangla Dam Resettlement Organization toaccelerate the pace of work for timely resettlementof Mangla dam affectees displaced due to ongoingupraising project. The Official sources noted onNovember 07 that a high level meeting in this regardwas held here. The meeting reviewed the pace ofresettlement and rehabilitation process of thedisplaced families.

( h t t p : / / w w w . a p p . c o m . p k / e n _ /index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=58439&Itemid=2)

Sharafat Kazmi, “Govt committed to reconstructquake affected areas: Gilani,” PakistanObserver, November 06, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf RazaGilani stated that the government is committed to thereconstruction and rehabilitation of earthquakeaffected areas on priority in Azad Kashmir andNWFP.Addressing the third annual reviewconference of ERRAon November 05. He furthersaid that the present government has provided all out

support to ERRA to expedite the rehabilitation workin the affected areas. He assured the affectees thatthe government is determined for their completerehabilitation as quickly as possible.


Usman Manzoor, “AJK judge asked to moveUN,” The News, November 06, 2008

ISLAMABAD: After not getting any positive signalfrom the PPP government in Islamabad, the senior-most judge of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK)Supreme Court has been advised to move the HumanRights Council of the UN General Assembly to gethis right to be the chief justice of the AJK SC. Thisjudge was denied his right by former Prime MinisterShaukat Aziz, who appointed a judge six-year juniorto him as chief justice of Azad Kashmir’s highestcourt.


“Colonial system root of all problems,”Weekly Bang-e-Sahar, November 1-November 7, 2008

GILGIT: The representatives of non-governmentalorganizations working in the fields of human andwomen rights in Gilgit-Baltistan have expressedconcerns over violations of basic human, economicand political and democratic rights in the region. Theyhave demanded that the government should empowerthe local people to run their affairs themselves andstop human rights violations especially that of womenas soon as possible. They were speaking at aconsultative workshop organized by ASR ResourceCentre, a Lahore-based organization, with thecollaboration of United Northern Areas NGOs(UNAN). The workshop was part of the consultativemeetings aimed at developing a comprehensive reportabout the status of women in Gilgit-Baltistan to bepresented to the United Nations as part of theConvention on the Elimination of all forms ofDiscrimination against Women (CEDAW).


November 2008 9

Noor Muhammad, “Azadi Mubarak to Gilgit-Baltistan,” Weekly Bang-e-Sahar, November1-November 7, 2008

The house of Governor Ghansara Singh of GilgitAgency, a name the British colonizers gave to ourregion, was under a siege. Jawans of Gilgit Scoutwith guns in hand, had delimited the house, to makesure that the governor did not escape.Ghansara wasalone but armed. He wasn’t a coward and keptresisting the scouts who were asking him to comeout in the night and surrender. Suddenly a bulletpierced through the body of Sepoy Amir Hayat, amember of Hunza Platoon, making him the first martyrof Gilgit - Baltistan’s war of independence.Theexchange of fire increased as the scouts learnt oftheir comrade’s martyrdom and, soon, Ghansara Singhwas without any ammunition. He came out, handsup, and was arrested. It was the first morning ofNovember. The year was 1947.The independentIslamic republic of Gilgit, “Islami Jamhuria Gilgit”,was found. Shah Raees was nominated president ofthe republic.


Shabbir Ahmed Mir, “Gilgit-BaltistanIndependence Day celebrated,” November 02,2008

GILGIT: Hundreds of people, most of students ofvarious schools, gathered November 01 at a park inGilgit to mark the Independence Day of Gilgit-Baltistan, the historical name of the Northern Areas.Unlike the previous years, the government this yearin Gilgit opted to celebrate the day with variouscolourful programmes to instil a sense of patriotismamongst the people who have been bitter after beingleft out of mainstream politics for the past more than60 years. The Musharraf government had introduceda constitutional package for the Northern Areas butpeople, especially lawyers said the package did notadequately address the needs of one million peopleof the area.


Govt to introduce reform package for NAs:Kaira,” Associated Press of Pakistan,November 08, 2008

SKARDU: Pakistan Peoples Party government isactively working to introduce reform package forthe people of Northern Areas in consultation withthe people belonging to all walks of life. This wassaid by the Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairsand Northern Areas (KANA) and ChairmanNorthern Areas, Qamarul Zaman Kaira whiletalking to the Secretary General of PPP NorthernAreas Syed Mehdi Shah.


“Split in Azad Kashmir ruling Party widens,”Pakistan Times, November 27, 2008ISLAMABAD: Split in the ruling party of AzadKashmir – Muslim Conference – took a new turnwhen rival factions stepped in an atypical politicalwrestle on November 26. The new state of affairssurfaced when the AJK Prime Minister Sardar AttiqueAhmed said ‘No’ to the insist of his opponents –phrased as ‘Forward Bloc’ – to put-off the partyassemblage which was to take place in Mirpur onNovember 27.


Northern Areas to Be Renamed as GilgitBaltistan, November 25, 2008

GILGIT: Northern Areas Legislative Assembly(NALA) on November 24 approvedrecommendations of its select committee, which hadproposed that the Northern Areas should be renamedas Gilgit-Baltistan. The legislative assembly speaker,Malik Mohammad Miskeen, presided over theproceedings of the house.Member of the legislativeassembly (MLA) Fida Mohammad Nashad took thefloor to present the recommendations of the committeethat had been mandated by the house to come upwith a suitable name.The committee proposed Gilgit-Baltistan and said this was the name which coveredall segments of the society and all stakeholders.


November 2008 10

Amir Wasim, “AJK’s PM asked to take trustvote or resign,” Dawn, November 26, 2008ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan People’s Party hasintensified behind-the-scenes efforts to dislodge theMuslim Conference-led government in Azad Kashmir.Sources stated on November 25 that the PPP hadstarted contacting disgruntled elements in the rulingparty to strike a deal. Although, PPP leaders havebeen denying that the party intends to dislodge theAJK government, sources said its central leadershiphad established contacts with some members of theforward bloc within the ruling party.


November 2008 11

Economic Developments

Dilshad Azeem, “NWFP, NAs at oddsover royalty,” The News, November 24,2008

ISLAMABAD: The NWFP government and theNorthern Areas (NAs) administration have lockedhorns over royalty from generation of 4,500 megawatts(MW) of hydel power by the Diamer-Basha Dam.Both the Frontier and the NAs appear to be stickingto their guns over sharing the royalty and naming ofthe $12.6 billion project even before the launch ofpractical work, scheduled to begin towards the endof 2009. Under the relevant constitutional article,royalty will be the right of the federating unit wherepowerhouses are located. However, there is a clearmismatch of perceptions between the NAs — wherethe Constitution of Pakistan does not apply — andthe NWFP. “The reservoir is being built in Diamerand not Basha,” argued a top NA official whilereferring to the latest round of discussions with PrimeMinister Yousuf Raza Gilani. On the other hand, theAwami National Party-led NWFP governmentvehemently rejected the NAs claim over royalty andits call for changing the name of the project to merelyDiamer Dam.


Nirupama Subramanian, “Cross-LoC traderuns into problems,” The Hindu, November19, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Less than a month after it wasinaugurated with much fanfare, trade between thetwo sides of the divided Jammu and Kashmir Stateacross the Line of Control has run into a wall ofproblems, with traders even threatening last week tosuspend supplies if these were not sorted out. Thecross-LoC trade began on October 21 after Indiarushed it through as one way of handling the crisis inthe Kashmir Valley that erupted around the land-for-Amarnath controversy, and the subsequent blockadeof the Srinagar road by Jammu residents.

Pakistan, not wanting to be seen as dragging its feeton what was termed a historic development for theresolution of the Kashmir issue, cooperated with Indiato get the trading off the ground as early as possible.But Kashmiri traders are now complaining that in the

hurry, neither side paid attention to essential details.Top on the list is the basic issue of money. Tradersare grappling with how to obtain the money for thegoods they send across the LoC.(http://www.thehindu.com/2008/11/19/stories/2008111961261200.htm)

Ijaz Kakakhel, “Rs 130 billion Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric Power Project,” DailyTimes, November 14, 2008

ISLAMABAD: The bilateral donor countries andinstitutions are likely to offer Pakistan the muchneeded funding in foreign exchange for theconstruction of the Rs 130 billion Neelum-JhelumHydroelectric Power Project. The donors’ meetingis likely to be held on November 17. The Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric project was launched by formerpresident Pervez Musharraf in February this year.

For financing the Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectricpower project, as sources state, four Islamicinstitutions had expressed willingness and confirmedthat they would attend the joint meeting of donorslikely to be held on the 17th. The Islamic DevelopmentBank, Saudi Fund for Development, Kuwait Fund forDevelopment and Abu Dhabi Fund for Developmentare the four institutions. These institutions wereexpected to financially help the government in theconstruction of the much-needed hydroelectric powerproject.

( h t t p : / / w w w . d a i l y t i m e s . c o m . p k /default.asp?page=2008%5C11%5C14%5Cstory_14-11-2008_pg7_18)

Sayed Abid Hussain Shah, “FJ&KCCI tablesproposals to make cross-LoC trade viable,”The News, November 09, 2008

MIRPUR: The Federation of Jammu & KashmirChamber of Commerce and Industry (FJ&KCCI)has asked the Governments of India and Pakistanand the State Governments of AJK and J&K tomake cross-LoC trade substantive, meaningful andviable beyond symbolic gestures. FJ&KCCIrecommend that cross LoC trade should not berestricted to only 21 items and the list should beexpanded at the earliest including all items gesture.

November 2008 12


Abdul Qayyum Malik, “Projects in AJK to ridPakistan of power shortage:Measures afoot toturn Valley into welfare state,” PakistanObserver, November 03, 2008

GUJRANWALA: Prime Minister of Azad Jammuand Kashmir, Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan noted thatseveral projects have been undertaken in AJK to storewater and generate Hydel power. With the completionof these projects, thousands of megawatt electricitywill be produced. He further said, currently 23projects are being completed at a cost of 25 billionrupees. The Neelum – Jhelum Hydro- Power Projectis of great importance. It would cost Rs 130 billion.He affirmed, with the completion of all plannedprojects, Azad Kashmir would be able to produce17,000 mega watt electricity. “Most of the power willbe transferred to Pakistan’s national grid”, he said.


“ECNEC okays various development andeducational projects,” Daily Times, November09, 2008

ISLAMABAD: The ECNEC approved theestablishment of Karakoram International University,Gilgit with cost of Rs 449.792 million. The mainobjectives of the project are: to provide campus ofthe university at Gilgit to enhance the access of thepeople of the Northern Areas to higher education andresearch and to serve as examining body atintermediate, graduate and post graduate levelcandidates of Federally Administered Northern Areas.The project will be funded through Federal PSDP

( h t t p : / / w w w . d a i l y t i m e s . c o m . p k /default.asp?page=2008%5C11%5C09%5Cstory_9-11-2008_pg5_10)

Haq Nawaz and Usman Cheema, “Bhasha Damto cost $12b,” The Nation, November 11, 2008ISLAMABAD- The federal government in ameeting on November 11 accorded approval to

FJ&KCCI recommend that cross LoC trade shouldnot be restricted to only 21 items and the list shouldbe expanded at the earliest including all itemsproduced and manufactured in the state of Jammu& Kashmir in order to make it a viable andmeaningful trade and to take it beyond symbolicgesture.


“Fruit traders to suspend cross-LoC trade,”Daily Times, November 11, 2008

LAHORE: Fruit growers and traders in the KashmirValley decided not to send their consignments to AzadJammu and Kashmir (AJK) on November 11 due tolack of communication, banking arrangements andcontact with traders across the Line of Control (LoC),as report stated. “We have no knowledge about whathappened to the 7,000 boxes of fruit we have alreadysent to Muzaffarabad since the trade began October21,” said Farooq Ahmad Malik, president of thevalley’s fruit buyers’ association. He was also quotedas stating. “The fruit consignments amount to Rs 3.5million and we don’t even know whether these havebeen sold at all or not.”

( h t t p : / / w w w . d a i l y t i m e s . c o m . p k /default.asp?page=2008%5C11%5C11%5Cstory_11-11-2008_pg7_2)

A.H.Rao, “Plan for speedy development ofagriculture in AJK kicks off,” PakistanObserver, November 05, 2008MIRPUR: AJK Prime Minister Sardar AttiqueAhmed Khan on November 04 declared that anintegrated phased plan has been kicked off to bringabout green revolution through the speedydevelopment of agriculture sector in Azad Jammu &Kashmir. He was speaking at a ceremony held tosign a memorandum of understanding for thedevelopment project of promotion of mechanisedfarming for agricultural productivity enhancement inAJK. The AJK government and the state-run ZaraiTraqiati Bank Ltd (ZTBL) entered into strategicpartnership by signing a memorandum ofunderstanding (MOU) for the promotion ofdevelopment of mechanized agriculture sector inAzad Jammu & Kashmir harmonious to the need ofthe modern age.

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the Diamer Bhasha Dam worth $ 12.6 billion, andbids for the pre-qualification of the contractorswould open by November 30. The Dam oncompletion would add 4,500megawatt electricityin the system, as stated by Federal Minister forWater and Power, Raja Pervez Ashraf during pressbriefing on the Diamer Bhasha Dam project.


“No Compromise on Basha Dam Royality:NALA,” Hunza Times, November 27, 2007

Northern Areas Chief Executive Mir Ghazanfar AliKhan told the legislative assembly on November 27that he had made it clear to the federal governmentthat there would be no compromise on the rights ofDiamer-Bhasha dam’s royalty, adding the centre hadagreed in principal to give the people of Gilgit-Baltistanthe right. He also demanded that the rights of theregion should be ensured during a meeting with theprime minister. The house witnessed a heated debateon a resolution tabled by Fida Mohammad Nahshadregarding creation of new districts in Skarducomprising Kharmang and Shigar subdivisions.


November 2008 14

International Developments

“J&K better than PoK, say Euro MPs,”November 02, 2008

Prominent Members of European Parliament(MEP) have come down heavily on the Pakistangovernment for ‘lack of democracy anddevelopment’ in Gilgit and Baltistan areas of Pak-occupied Kashmir. While Pakistan was seekingself-determination in Jammu and Kashmir, “it wasnot even prepared to allow democracy on its sideof the border,” Baronness Emma Nicholson MEPsaid at a two-day international conference on‘Constitutional, Political and Socio-economicconditions of Gilgit Baltistan’ at the EuropeanParliament in Brussels on November 02. Nicholson,who represents the Liberal Democratic Party, hadauthored a report on the “suppression of humanrights” in the Northern Areas of PoK which wasadopted by the European Parliament in 2007.


EC gives grant for AJK schools,” The News,November 21, 2008

The European Commission released a grant of11.95 million Euros to Asian Development Bank(ADB) for the reconstruction of governmentmiddle schools in the earthquake-affected districtsof (AJK). The amount will be used in the educationcomponent of the Earthquake EmergencyAssistance Project (EEAP) as stated in a pressrelease. Together with its implementing partner,ADB and two other donors, Finland and Australia,the European Commission focuses through thisproject in particular on the construction of around300 schools, provision of school furniture, watersupply and sanitation facilities, and training ofteachers and school management committees. JanDe KOK, Ambassador of European Commission toPakistan, said the education sector is pivotal todevelopment and was amongst the most affectedby this natural catastrophe in AJK, as around 3,800schools and colleges were either damaged ordestroyed.


“UNICEF from Kashmir to Kenya,” KashmirWatch, November 14, 2008

UN agency has failed to complete the reconstructionof a single school or a health facility even after threeyears of the October 2005 devastating earthquake.“It is three years since the earthquake struck partsof Pakistan and Azad Kashmir but UNICEF couldnot complete a single school or health facility in thequake hit areas of Kashmir”, said an official. “It hasnot handed over us a single school or a health facility”,he asserted.


“SPAPEV provides winterized tents to CDAMuzzaffarabad for distribution among quake-affectees,” November 20, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Saudi Public Assistance for PakistanEarthquake Victims provided some 150 winterizedtents worth more than 2 million rupees to ChairmanDevelopment Authority Muzaffarabad for onwarddistribution among quake-affectees. It is pertinent tomention here that SPAPEV was working here inPakistan on the directives of King Abdullah Bin AbdulAziz, the custodian of two holy mosques, and underthe supervision of Prince Naif Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud to mitigate the sufferings of the October 08,2005 devastating earthquake.


November 2008 15

Other Developments

AJKHEB Azad Jammu and KashmirHydro Electric Board

AJK Azad Jammu & KashmirAPHC All Parties Hurriyat

ConferenceBNF Balawaristan National FrontCBM Confidence Building MeasuresCDP Community Development

ProgrammeFATA Federally Administered Tribal

AreasFBR Federal Board of RevenueGBDA Gilgit-Baltistan Democratic

AllianceGBUM Gilgit Baltistan United

MovementISI Inter Services IntelligenceJIAJK Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Jammu

& KashmirKAC Kashmiri American CouncilKKH Karakoram HighwayKNM Karakoram National

MovementLoC Line of ControlNLI Northern Light InfantryNALA Northern Areas Legislative

AssemblyNAEDC Northern Areas Executive

Development CommitteeNWFP North West Frontier ProvincePoK Pakistan Occupied KashmirPOGB Pakistan occupied Gilgit

BaltistanPPP Pakistan Peoples’ PartyUJC United Jihad CouncilWAPDA Water and Power

Development Authority

Bhasha dam is being opposed by downstream Sindhand simultaneously people in Gilgit as they fear it wouldaffect the social, economic and ecological balance inthe region and would inundate 32 villages of theDiamer district in Northern Areas, renderingthousands of people homeless. Minister for Waterand Power Raja Pervez Ashraf conceded that about28,000 people, or 4,250 families, would be affectedby the project in the NWFP and Northern Areas.The displaced people of Tarbela, Mangla, LBOD,RBOD and other projects are still not resettledproperly and they have become poorer.

The Diamer-Bhasha dam is being built in the HinduKush and the Himalayan ranges. On April 4, 2008, itwas reported that over a thousand rare stone carvings,sculptures and statues of Buddha have been found atthe construction site of the dam. The protection ofheritage and culture is another area of great concernas Pakistan is signatory to some of internationalbindings of protection of culture, history andarcheology.



(Contd after abbreviations)“SPAPEV provides winterized tents to CDAMuzzaffarabad for distribution among quake-affectees,” November 20, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Saudi Public Assistance for PakistanEarthquake Victims provided some 150 winterizedtents worth more than 2 million rupees to ChairmanDevelopment Authority Muzaffarabad for onwarddistribution among quake-affectees. It is pertinent tomention here that SPAPEV was working here inPakistan on the directives of King Abdullah Bin AbdulAziz, the custodian of two holy mosques, and underthe supervision of Prince Naif Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud to mitigate the sufferings of the October 08,2005 devastating earthquake.


Zulfiqar Halepoto, “Bhasha Dam: Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts,” IndusAsia Online Journal, November 17, 2008

November 2008 16

James Palmer, “Thousands in tents after ’05Pakistan quake,” Chronicle Foreign Service,November 15, 2008

MUZAFFARABAD: Despite its scenic alpine rivervalley, this Kashmiri city is littered with eyesoresborn of a 7.6 magnitude earthquake in 2005. Threeyears later, thousands of survivors in the Pakistani-administered Azad Kashmir capital ofMuzaffarabad, still live in tents and temporarystructures while 25,000 of the city’s 75,000residents have fled the area.According to the city’sdevelopment authority, only 450 of the estimated1,500 damaged homes have been rebuilt. Thesituation is similar in other northern cities, whereresidents and local government officials complainreconstruction has been slow.


Gagan Deep, “Historic Gurdwara in POKconverted into Police lines – Sikhs want PMintervention,” November 07, 2008

PATIALA: Kashmir Sikhs who lived here havesought the intervention of Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh to initiate diplomatic efforts withPakistan government for the reconstruction of thehistoric Gurdwara of sixth Sikh Guru Shri HargobindJi at village ‘Naloochhi’ near Muzaffarabad whichhas been converted into the police lines in PakistanOccupied Kashmir. Sarwan Singh, president, CentralCommittee All Jammu and Kashmir Refugee (1947)said here on November 07 that a six memberdelegation led by him visited Muzaffarabad (POK)from October 9 to October 23. He said that a formalrequest will be given to Indian Prime Minister in duecourse. He however appealed Punjab governmentand SGPC to use their good offices for the purpose.


“AJK to have two more varsities: Zulqarnain,”The Frontier Post, November 07, 2008

ISLAMABAD: President Azad Jammu ANDKashmir Raja Zulqarnain Khan on November 06

disclosed that two more universities would beestablished in Azad Kashmir. Addressing the 6thconvocation of AJK University here, he said thatKing Abdullah campuses would be set up inMuzaffarabad, Rawlakot and Kotli with a cost of$50 million while an international standard scienceand technology university is being established inMirpur. He informed that AJK government wasspending 35% of its budget on education. He notedthat students despite securing 80% marks fail to getadmission in medical colleges due to limited quotasystem. In order to address the grievances of thestudents, there is a need to set up a medical collegein Muzaffarabad, he said adding that thegovernment was making all out efforts to bridgethis gap.

( h t t p : / / w w w . t h e f r o n t i e r p o s t . c o m /News.aspx?ncat=hn&nid=2822&ad=07-11-2008)

November 2008 17

Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), legitimately anintegral part of the Indian Union is presently underPakistan’s control. Pakistan occupied the territoryas a result of tribal invasion in 1947 engineered bythe Pakistani army. It covers one-third of the totalarea of 86,023 square miles/ 222,236 squarekilometers of the state of Jammu &Kashmir. Thearea under occupation comprises two administrativeunits: Mirpur- Muzaffarabad and Gilgit Baltistanreferred as ‘Azad Kashmir’ and the ‘Northern Areas’respectively by the government of Pakistan. Pakistanceded a segment (2,700 sq miles) of this occupiedterritory lying to the north-east border of the NorthernAreas known as the Trans Karakoram Tract to Chinain 1963.


Pakistan envisaged the Azad Kashmir as a countrywith a President, a Prime Minister and a Legislatureof its own according to the Karachi Agreement ofApril 28, 1949. These structures and thedesignations are only titular in nature as this invadedterritory is neither a country nor even a province.Significant subjects such as defence, supposed‘foreign policy’ of POK, rehabilitation of refugeesand the overall control have been carefully placedunder the discretion of the political establishment ofPakistan.

Area: 13,297 square km

Mirpur comprises 3 districts: Bhimber, Kotli,Mirpur

Muzaffarabad is divided into five districts: Bagh,Muzaffarabad, Neelum, Poonch, Sudhnati

Population: 3,271,000(1.685 million Male, 1.665million Female)

Capital: Muzzaffarabad

“President”: Raja Zulqarnain Khan

“Prime Minister”: Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan

“Azad Jammu and Kashmir” Council: Total 11members- 6 from the government of AJK and 5 fromthe government of Pakistan. The AJK Council isheaded by the President AJK.Legislative Assembly: 49 seats

Tribal population: Awan, Abbassi, Ansari , Gilani,Gujar, Jarral, Jat, Qureshi, Malik, Mughal, Pashtuns,Rajput, Rachyals, Sudhan, Tarkhan


The Northern Areas officially referred to by thegovernment of Pakistan as the FederallyAdministered Northern Areas (FANA), is thenorthernmost political entity within the Pakistanoccupied part of Kashmir and is a self governingunit under Pakistani control. The area is five timesbigger to that of Azad Kashmir. The status of thisregion being unstated in the successive constitutionsof Pakistan over the years, the people are deniedbasic socio-political and legal rights. The NorthernAreas have no representation in the NationalAssembly and are governed by the Northern AreasCouncil headed by Minister of Kashmir andNorthern Areas. A Judicial Commissioner exercisesjudicial powers in the absence of a High Court. Thepopulation mainly comprises Shia, Sunni and IsmailiMuslims. Ethnic groups include Baltees, Shinas,Vashkuns, Mughals, Kashmiris, Pathans, Ladhakhisand Turks.

Governor/ Commissioner: Imran Ali

“Chief Minister”: Irfan Ali and Shahid Hussain

Legislature: Northern Areas Legislative Assembly(29 seats)

Languages: Balti, Shina, Brushaski, Khawer,Wakhi, Turki, Tibeti, Pushto and Urdu

Area: 72,496 km

Capital: Gilgit

Districts: seven

Baltistan is divided into Ghanche and Skardu

Gilgit divided into Astore, Diamer, Ghizar, Gilgitand Hunza Nagar

Population: 1.5 million

Political groups: United Jammu and KashmirPeoples’ National Party, Balwaristan National Front(BNF) and Gilgit Baltistan United Action Forum forSelf Rule, Gilgit Baltistan United Movement(GBUM).

Literacy rate: 14% male- 3.5% female

State of Infrastructure: No pipelines for watersupply and no electricity supply for at least two thirdsof the population in Northern Areas.

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir-An Overview

November 2008 18

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Volume 1 Number 6 November 2008


PoK News Digest is a collection of news reports and press releases published invarious newspapers and local media related to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK),referred as ‘Azad Kashmir’ and ‘Northern Areas’ by the government of Pakistan.The news reports have been abridged to provide clarity. IDSA is not responsible forthe accuracy and authenticity of the news items.

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