volum xxxvi-vol+36...musdar n be 0 d hebrew g am ma 0 dome

Post on 30-Mar-2019






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.." /i""' .. ,Hl~JlIW ., N liB, ... ,.w..,,,~ I CO If J


Mo.'~f b



charact_ 8 b_a en? of a r. Iy 8 th 8 ? H wo kllown b. t. than t hav


dy pod co the g 08S d seased


29 1880


B F 0 BllBDCK.

at repentance P ebater t 8

In oonc ue on l am able to .. y to hI< fnends of tent p .acb ng th.at

a rather long and try ng calDi, a freah n arest a .pnngtng lip In

"'''II!l(11 our meet ng 0 0 aat F 1ft day afternoon an agad profe ... r 01 re I g on w tb a w c,ed loolring eye

and ea d w tb mnch empb .... tbat the speake had not CODVlDced h m hat he o.v.nth day w .. the Sabbath Th • b ougbt up another aged mao w tb a very beoevoleot ook to oay tbat he W88 lullr con

v need tht t waa the only B ble Sabbath An upre.o on WII theo taken wh ch le.ulted In {avorof the seventh day Several penonl once have pub c y avowed theU' fa th In

the B b e Sabbath and &even uncon vel ed oDes are .eek ng an IDteTeat

the Savor B 0 Cia ke 18 aWllY

th. week on a v s t bome aod the .erv oe of song • d 8peued WIth

We 0 ng tbe 0 d r.Bh ODed .iMlgw aDd ev f'a bymn. n ~ old fuliloD8lI

way and for a change t WOft. .elL Tbe aud ence. fUrnl8b good hell'" to preo de at tbe 0 gan aod have takeD hold n tbe e nglOg pe hap" oat of eympathy for the preaohe. who DOW bn to lead .he 0 ng nit I Dever p eaabed w th more freedom. T~. Lord be p a led Pray for UL

L C Koo ...


.0" CKEKK W v. J u y iiO b 1880 10 au ate 8abba h Mohoo le.sono

• d a 80 n he d Bon 8 on between Ed Wa dner and Dr Ke logg I nu oe va ous reoder ngo of tbe ex p ,on Geo " 17 thou shalt 8ur IU d. aod I wou dike to fix some p oIB n rega d to drawn frpm onen18 study

ot In Hebrew and A ab c words come from verbal roots and n con c e exp esB ons the den vat vo 8 p aced as an object of he ve b hongb oor Engl sh d om does not equ r. and i manv caBeB would

no adm of t; It ra os fa 0 Sm te a sm t ng D a a death

2d Tb 8 denva ve thougb from a e ba root and .ven hav ng the f m of ao olio t ve 0 pa t 0 pie d

• d bya.p 0 al name- n A ab 0

Musdar n be 0 d Hebrew g am ma 0 Dome.. <Idioms (ooun of a I OD~ and posBeBBes a pecul a force ~ot ely ore go to any hmg D EDglsh 3d Tba pecu ar fo 00 slto coDcen

t ate the attent on upon tbe act on of tbe ve b with defio eness and prec 0 00 0 0 der to d st ogu sb f m every 0 he act on o( every otb.r ve b

41h Tb 0 P eo s on 0 d eol og the aot on of he ve b 8 ra gM 0 t. noon of ae on e g Thou obalt d 0 a death 8 oommon n Heb ow and Que of IB eltce lenoos, though often overlooked and d llicn ~ 0 ex

sentenoe of a wh p comes 00 be sst word

6 h F om tbe aboye pr no pleo we eonolode that fol ow II'g tbe o d Heb ew ..i om we must ansla e t, D ath thou shalt deBut u Eog .h wh.n tbe at ent on • con oeotrated 00 the final wo d Thou .ba t d e a de.th but 0 e the caae he fea fn seD ence colm oates 0

death P. haps I can not do ba er thaD

to qoCl e f om 8 Ie te ece ad om

ou H.brew and Arab c teache Dr

F om the above t w I be .een that the Hebrew express on Thoo .balt d • a deatb a ohosen to fix the aDd v ded attent 00 00 the ab so u • 00 to nty the oomp ete cu m oat on aDd awfu real ty of death.


Hon JIIEWB. Cohool &port.

To the patron. of FivB 001'mrS

DIS No 6 Aiji-ed Allegany Co N. Y. For the Ii st hB f of he Spr ng Term (eeven weeke) beg n n ng May 3tl and end ng J one 18tb


Fnendoh p NY

Pb.be Burd ok EmIT Burdlch Peny Burd.k C/aI& Oraudal Mary 00 lUI Bema FenDe Elle Fel1D& lI!&ry Po te EUa Po e Alben Po te lI!& nd Iloae leDDie SWaiD Elmo Swain Clua Saund I'll F raThomaa FzaDkTho .... Charne Thom., E baThomlS Ua UeThomu

A tend 84 85 85 2 8 27 28 84 20 83 84 28 8 88 84 84 84 20 14

Watson, N Y

Dep rt. Be 100 Y6 00 88 70 71l 80 70 9~ 90

100 98 98 84 90 85 00 9G 80 80

100 98 1m

100 98 95 98 110

JULY 17 h 880 T u.. BdJto of be Bahba b Ree n1er:

Think ng that t won d be of n ter •• t to .ome of the readers of tbe }tECOBDBB to learn tbrough ito 001

Umn. wbat Ibe Lo d s do ng for the people n Watsoo I w 11 .ay he 8

ve y good' to UB. We bave been greatly eocouraged and benefited for tbe laot few weeb by tbe labors of Bre hren A. B Prent ce J L. Huff mao and J C arke wbo bave I. bored 80 fa thfull y n th. pace B 0. A. B Prent ce 18 ag!,n w th 00

to .tay two Sabba b. To day he preaohed a solemn and yet praot oa oermon Ilia text W88 a part of Oh .... t. praye for h • d 80 plea J before be 'IVa" betrayed wh olr s re corded In John n 111 I pray not tbat Ihoo .hooldot take tbem out of the world but that thou ohooldst keep them from Ihe ev I I am glad lhal there .. a power that can b.p os from ev I and that we may be 1.001 tied through the troth If the truth mall make U8 free we are free adeed Tbere aro .ome here tbat

enJoy th ••• ootifylng pcwor and are be ng led by the Holy Sp nt. I do earnOtlt.ly dOtlue !.bat we may all r .. l Ibll 01 ..... 101 Sp nt .b ab i.

able 0 cleanBe 118 from an B n I hope hat the t ma 18 not rar d Btant wbeo we shall hear that all oor churcne. have been bapt zed w tb b", BaD (y og powe 1 feel that

I can hea Ily .ay amen to S ster Cook. w"rds I do al,o feel that the e a a g eat eapoos h I ty res og upon no 0 ot. .. and that there B muoh fOfU8 to do May tbe Lo d d eot OB n tbe way that shall ba pleae ng onto h m that we may • ways ba compl.te 0 h m and be

ke the rae planted by the wl'\te "' ..... w

empt an ana. 18 8 0 even a synop s s that wou d do aDyth ng I ke

the exe 0 sea 0

Greenman Geo ireeDman T M. U a ke am Potter Loc U8 Crandal a Baboock J

Below we g ve


p eacbe .. of ntrodnc~y oermons and llicers for thase teo years, v z 1843 1862

lR41i 1846

84B 846 850 85




T B Brown 843-46 Dand DOOD 847~


A. E.toe 1848 44 ..; Clark Greenman 648 "-T B 8 Ilmao 1848 44 1846-5~ Rando ph Dunham IB411 Wm B Maxsoo 18411 49 Da. d Doon 1845 46. W M Fahn .. look B45 Goo B Utte 1846 I D T tlworth 848-49 Gao. GreeD""" 846 47 B Da. BOD 1847 48-E 8 Bai oy 1847~ M&XllOn Greon 1847 NVHu 1~ L And WI 1848 49 J BrJIoy 1848-32 Joseph Po te 1848. Goo 8 Perry 848 49 loaae Moore 1848 L T Rogenl 1848 49 J W LaDgw1Irth1 IB4l1


W B GU e Ie 18411-46. Goo B U ter 1847-62


Luci .. Crand&ll 1848 BamD. Danson 844-40 Thoo. B BlOW. 1847~


Daniel Babcoclr. Ir 1848. Ab ..... D TII.worth lllU-a.



and an ell nest de e m nat; on to he p eupport them

But they have la. y aken an other step wh ch has awakened a good deal of.n hns a.m among tbe ti d en aod that waa to ra se al ha monay hey con d to def ay the

expeo e. of adoc. ng B Ch ne e boy rhe ch Id en 000 d under. aod what he money wa. fo Bnd wh.re

Was go og and t seoored a delin e ness and pc sonsl ote es bat was v. y onoou agIng Inde d he an thue aam n hear og about oor m 8

ona 88 gathenog up the peon as and Bend ng ham w h tbe r praye 8

o fa off Vh nB showed what could be done fo be m 88 oDa y oause among oor l:!abba b soh 001.

L. B B


I a

but oue ou Ch ng Sab

oame runn og oto 00 hooBe eay ng the e were b eves at he r houae and I went the ~ mmed a ely The h ef dug through the wa I of tbe

hooee entenng a oom n wb ob h ngs we e e ored a d the br ck

baok n be ho e and hon h d h m "e f among he tb ngs The bole was firot d ecovered wb oh led eusp 0 on The geotleman wa. fouod and Reverely dea t w tb 10

muoh 80 that I bag"ed tbem ,0 de. s st. He was fioa y taken to the F ench po oe s at 00 and put uode ar es Tb eves 8 e a conB ant d .ad '0 us a thoogh w. do not h ok tbey w do 00 any personal

D H. DAvs


tha money to oor T eaoo er Geo B Ut e WeB e Iy R I on or ba fo e the fi st of September n.x One of tbe moot prom nent featn eo of tbe fo e gu wo k 0 oor day s the way D wh ob Ibe Ch s ao WOm en of our sod are 0 er'38 ng them sel es n the redempt 00 of tbe bea hen. s e s


We had on Sunday n ght .t tbe G ace s reet Bap ot Chu oh an ex cead ng y nte e og ser~ ce n oon neo all WI h a. reeep OD of our m B

e onary Rev D R H Gave who for twenty four yea.... has eerved the Board of the Soutb.rn aap ot Convent on at Canton Ch nil, and e now on a v s tto th ecoun t y Rev D Hatoher pasto of the oburch preo ded and expresoed h s p .aau e at weloom ng and g eet ng oor veterao m o. onary Rev

D H A. Tupper made an eloquent addr ... of welcome.

Dr Gravea made 8 most Appro pnato respon&e 0 wh cb he gave a dtl4lply otoreat ng sketch 'Of the

gan D

Dr Tanner ooot nueS firm n the faat og huo neso w h no remarkab e ahaDge n the 8 tuat on

(JlWf'HJJDndlng S-tlaf'I/-J B Clarke WeatEdm stoD N. Y.

n-....u..-Asa C B=Ilclr. Alfred Cen ",NY

Will ho d • Bix ,,-oinh Annual Be .. OD w b h Firs Chu h G n

N Y on Fonnh-d&y Sept 22<1 1880 at kA.M 8ABBATR SCHOOL BOARD

P uidem-Geo 8 Babcock PlAinfield NJ

r ... Pr~ D Bplcer P aInJIe d NJ

O~tllng Su • a'1l L E L ermore New Maike N J

7"""",,_ D Titsw rth New Morke NJ


P1'Ulde"'-C P te J P alnde d N J &&r6tarJi- L E L1 rmore New Mar

ket.~ J 7 ~E. R Pope P alnfield N J

HlBSIONABY BOOlB'I'Y P uItlont--Geo ge Gre nman My.ti

Bridge at a.-tU"II S-. all' L A. Pate We.

o y R I aor.-upontl "II Su. IMy-A E Ma n

AohAWAY R I 7'r ...... .w-Geo B Ute We 0 y R I

&DUCAT ON SOCIETY P _~E P Lukin Alfred Cen e

HeAdache., t N Y B wrdingSU.tlary-Sn .. c Burdi It A

fred Cen re N Y


DBUommational Directory GBNBBAL CONJ'BBBHOB.

P uidom-A. E lI!& n Aoha .. ay R I y;.,., PrBBIdeo.II-JOD. ban All.. J Bal

a, WBG.te GooBUlo B D Davie Joohua Ol&rlto

B...nlng s-eI<lrr-1. A Pia te Woo tori, R L

(Jorruptmdlnll S-tlary-J Allo Alfred Cen re N. Y

7 ........ _Almond E Crandal Alfred Cen", N Y

TRACT SOCIETY P BBldent-J M Todd B ook6e d N Y &wrd "II S-tlary-Edwln Whi ford

L nardBvi e N Y a.,.,.681J<m<l "fI S-etMy-J BOA ko

West Edmeston, N. Y 7.""",..-8 ephen Burd ok Leonord.


PublulillDg &tsbll'hmen And Tn. Dopo. tory In ohorge of DRS General ADd PobllahlDg Ag nt o Dre N Y

q art

Ba anee to n w a un TO RECORDER 'i'UND


Ba &nee to new a conn TO PUB SHING FUND

To bal rep ned Ap 18 h 1880 $8S 00 STEPHBN BUBD ex T,., a.IU Sf'

E &0 E LEON BDSVILLE N Y J u y 18 h 1880

Quarterly Reports of Tract Pnnting and DiBtribuli Do

Tot. 88UB 12 Recorde 0 to tenl


80,857 5090


1'_ 4000 Wh h day of he week did

Cbrlstlaoo keep dorlng 800 , .... afto (Jhrlat ! 16 000

8000 Did ObriBt 0 hi. apoot eo ohlUlge Ih. Sabbs h from Ibo 11b k> .h. lot day of lb. week t 12000

3 000 The Sa bslb A 7 h day or The 1 h dal WhIch I IS 000

8000 Th. Lord. da" or Chrlotlan Sabbath IS 000


.. DB Ll&B80R UA vaa 14 .. N 4 Btbob Un on van., A. W Oooa UDion Dale, Pa.


o qoote bush 62 b.

B&B.BwlfJ P re wax pe

o @ lot 9i@ 9t 6 @ 7t 8@ 5



Commencemen June 80 h 880


Expense. ,100 0 ,200 po ye. Fan T rm begu> W dneoday BfP 3d 1879 Wlnte Torm D. 17 b 1879 SpnDg T rm M. h 810 1880


117 .. 45c. JODI B ALBIIlf Jr • ..., ...

Is ollared .. a re lab. mod...... f. ... <lIfO of al dla_&I1!iDJ! _All ...... Ita'" of the


IIlloh u ScrofoJa, Balt BhelllD 1UICI1Ik ..... taeUona..

Dr" FAVORITE REMEDy .... II • specific In Kldne, aDd BlAdder Oaa p aln18 OoDBtil"'tion of the Bo""Is .... dis _ of h. Live -'I'o Wom ... '"'" enlfe from any of tho Ills ~ to IIIiI eex, Favorite Romed, pro_ a ~ ~ ng


! '7 ST~ ORHAN8 SUB BASS :1 and up e boxed aud shipped _ y ,97 76 ow P.i&D.. ,1m k> ,1 ~ ur: M d um e ofle n 08 rated free. Ad] eire DAN EL F BEA.TTY Waah!qsooo NJ


aDd HOLMAN S NEW PIOToBIAIl BIBLES Add... fo Clrco a.. A. lJ HOLMAN & 0 Phlladolphla Pa ~

AGENn! TAKE lOUR bo ee and Be he Life of

GAFFIELD 08 HANCOCK, A nd co D m ney Oil' UM and ie IIlIIIne! o a 50 n18 E B TREAT Pub 76 B adway Now Yo k I





~=~==~==~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bers of the Sabbath Aohool who can ent of tbe Sonday scbool-BlacIt: ODDS !Ill BBDB. THE SABBATH RECORDER THE BIBLE SCHOLAR evld""II, held 1M oupn!!II&'" In hlA 1 b L. tb t lHJa~d and Crayon ~g~~~~~~~~~~~~1 '" T hout No lawyer orcoun II Deeded OD study elliOlenJ y t ell .. , .. on WI ou_ LIST 01' LOCAL AG",N S A mODlhlo paperdOYOted to IIuo IDlere, y lbe11eldIDg and Boble IpirU of & truly helps there are more wh<l.need them • • REW YOBK of ollr SABBATH;.scHOOLS '

l1ndor the DIreatIaa of ~ UBBA'.rIl-8CBOOL BOARD

o. ftlt

p 0111 maD See Rom 19 10 PhU 9 lodeed I not oe that tbe learned Babbath-Sohool Anniversary at lIananI, on a Adami-A B PreDI ce • Lot lined up bll e,el T ..... I II ble &todente wbo have prepared Neb B ..... ~Rlehard Stillman .n deocrlbe thai from he lop of a hill a fi B",I,7i-J Bpon WhlltoJ>! I ttJ..to Ih •• ul of Belb.1 b.T can... oar le •• on sbeet and note. n tbe When we rst came on to a.._R A. Barber Ihe Jordan In tact n.arly all Ihe bord ... IlEOOBDEB ~ave been belped by field 0 February lR79 .. Sabbath .D.RUl/lOI'-1!&rton G StUlmo.n

d h h h Id ~E R Crendall B. D. B. OJ1NEllAL VONFEIlENCli

..-OontribuUoDi tor ibJa d.partment of D.0CMw 81I8PIt olllt ....... or aaJ1.hlJll' of 10 .. ran to our Slbb .. b-ecboots. are IOUolted. .A ..rdreu Geo H Bah oak, Prea dent, Plain­.e d • J 0 Kev L. B. LiT8l'IlloS'et hare&.. IT Bt. Market, N J~

of lb. PromlA.d Land Lol coold ••• Ihe otbers whom they have so pert nent- .ohool was starte woe NOW KNOWN AS _ Indoponlknu-Shprman G C anda p aIlla, w.1I ... lered by f.n Izlng rivers y qooteil n the rvery e:lce\lent pro .... on. every Sabbath WIth THE NEW YORK LAKE ERIE AND L_daolllo-AJw. M We.t Dol 1.1 de.lrol ed by Ih. breakiDg oul aDd doot 00. Now wh Je the best and except ono t II thA firet of last July WESTERN RAIl'" -AD ~ ... ~Be~ '~" ~J!: ~ o •• rfio .. og of Ih. Sail Lake and II re- I I ... b 1<0 "" ..,." ..... ,~

've~ge B ble • udent oan get along when t was rego ar y orgaolze" y NiIo-Ezekl.1 R Clarke minded h m of ferWe EgJpl where fam " ." \ P/lrl9iUo-A B Crandall In ...... nnknown H. had torgolleD Ih. olerably well to the study of the tI e appo otment of the uoual ollioera \R .. lIb1wgh-Edwin B Bliaa

nml!!.l'IATIOlPAL Lm!SOJS, 1B80. dangen .. hloh _I h m In Egypl Sabbath BoboolleB"on w tbout help. of euoh organ sat on. L ... t eveo Dg .ill_TKACT OP T >lB TABL& Stal. Bridg&-Joa.ph We. aoee nolo •• In proxlm 11 10 Jordan and 'e' are ont embarra •• ed by them wa held our first anmvereary W th ~=-~n L Barbe

d J ., Adopkd June 211t 1880 H, .. ~ Gomo .... h a repe 10D ot Ih... angers how can the I •• s tbaD the average the follOW ng programme Watoon-BeDj F StiUmBll Betore tile Lord deltroyed See k Won ~ B CIa k. G ... 19 Zoar Se. (len }9 2()...22 be expected to ma e eooourag og 1 Read DIf Sorlplnre. and play.r pullm."e .. Beat Drawing Room .... d

b d f tb I •• 00 ";J Crand.ll ''''.'OVEBIIB or"" OONNlIC\'IOUT I .. u p obably 80U b of Ibe BOa Lot progress n t • "to yo e e 2 Mu.lc- Glory 10 God In Ih. Hlgbeel n ~ •• plng Ciif.chea combining all Mod... K,.t .. Bridge-Goorge Greellll1&n eboolel H. moll •• "weal h I uoa ded? It may b. repl ed bat In Brlghlesl and B .. I LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 [mprovemenlB or. run Ihrough wllboul Wat"""'~lIv.r Muson

b R I C b Ib S 1& ~ - E C ....... """........ 00'''''0''''''' hang. between SalatlULDC& BuJIloJ.o N'· n Pro •• daBadobolce. Ball Fromwh •• they are nnt preoluded from t e use 3 0 • Y e .e e ry DUD ............ e........... ..... .... ,... "_n_ .... RBODB ISLAND

Y H bbard Reapon ... oonlalnlng Ihe "'. rAW> I!lUIp D8l0n Br dge Clev.land Ibel ... re 10 Jordan WaB •• 01 Abram of ,brary help. It should be re word ova An Jr .bman at tl e mmment nek ~ - Th. Po tI •• CnJe iiJlcmnati Cbloago and New York HOo lit Hopkimon--Altred B BW'di k 2d dwelled A .. rer Inh., lanee Canaan membered tbat the clal. of wbom Salu. by M .. ZUlah D .. d of b .1 reo atopped a runaway boree a~d ~~o Coach .. betwe.n N.w York ~~:~:;;;-! ~ ~wo d h.land of p oml,e 10 him In Ih • an d h d U ... E.e .. lAe Je.o_ and lb. a few dajs ago Tbe owoer (lame For all Femal~omp1alnts. EASTWARD WulMltf-Santord P Stillman

I ue raUon 01 Abram. faith H ... as nol we .peak do not oomman .00 a onee CI ... Noy 1 Co H op aft r a wbtle and qu otly re --.......... alonlJIer, -'" Wwdoille-Ho ace S I! man h d I k Ih I and that Ihe pre.ent plan wbeo ap Muolc Com ng .... e re m ng marLed Tbank yoo Oil An V_""'_ .... areharmlaa"'''''''''''''dcl 80 shDrt-Big te &B to ova 00 e reeu " k Brightest and Best A ., C6.tefnn.l.ld. Upon oetrlalthemsrit:l 0 thII Oom NEW .m&sBT

A of hie d .. el ng p ace on h .own cba ... ler p ed to th • oJa.. • very much I e Cas. E.eralBe Tb. I .. ofold Nalure of fa th nD bow a e ye a gOlD to d ........... be....- .................... ond Un-lboro-rJ C Bo ... n b d d vi d I be f? whe ltalUefaeon!1n.ned.fllnlnety-llinEt~tnahun. ---and t.he DJiu8nC6B b ought to bear on m the study of 80 eDce n the darkness Cbrl8 he human an ne ,1 e t at t91aQe two 0 DR dnd.&permanBJl care1lldeeted,aatb'OtlBldlwtn fa. NdtD Markef,-F C Dunn

A Wer.. wicked sinners ex II b Clue No 2 p ed I at tits 00_ ""''''''''''''''''_, '"_'" Pia nji.~J Eta. Mosh., and una ... ted and WI tend to teD •• amat on QuestloD!ngB by H.rbl. ...-.... _1'7""' ..... _10 ShUoh-VI S Bonham eeedlnlJly I ollen bapp.na ba D d f L d ll. Ih. garden ot h. Lo d th1l .1. found Ih. d scoorgement an 10 •• 0 S nblbereh·t 9 Mu •• ~MyaSp rllleFre. Good WI! h,''''::,~ _ .... ...",..,.,., ct faIIInII ~."i~IA mOl!l darlDg dellance ot God Th. peop e in the r leB.oos alld the a at 10 CIa •• Ex. alB. Je.n. our SaerlJIce or "'" ....... Leocorr_ .............. ""'""" Holw...:--Goo ao

k JfenstraUon,aD<mmn~ lnft·mrnstk'tl and MoftMtown-J GreeDe of lb. beel chara""'r are DOt of.n fouDd • hool aod f we are oot m .ta en C 8O' No. 3 _-...""Dl'l'lacom"",. .... tho..... N ... Enltrp".e-D C Long .D bengiooe ""bere wea th • m 8 easJ n the VOW' taken of th 8 qQeBt OD C &8C1Ba~axN~B: Jesus.alw&18 with UB ~ spInalWlll!Lk::l:lell andJs especlaIlf adapted &0 BoWeU -LeRoy Lyman

b ed G 1. d , d Ih. d h b "",,,,,,,-orw& , ""'-.... - ....... "nlOn JJa~A W Coon y 0 1& n v.n a ~a 0 aD the CommIt ee sboul we g t a Mu. c _ Je.ne onll Je.us ...... ""' ...... In .. euIy ...... , ..... __ .... v· chancel'l a e ha tbEi man s be te for It b WiU etmdenqtoeanoe:ro:Jllha:aw:ratbe:EO Is cb.ecke4 ftrf waST VlBG N A

Here appea .. tbe folly and wrong 01 Lol. ma ter very oarefnlly le.t y any 18 E. ay Whal .halllhe Haneel bo T _b7l• ..... w oho. Evil commun cal on. oorrupl cb~oge adopted onr ntereat n oor Mrs J B Willam. .: .... 'i!. ~ ~ :.. t."tbo...: j{ood maDner. Lold d nol hiDk ot th. Sabbath sobool pobl cat 00. may be It. e mple trutb to .ay that the If you have a hen that refu.es to .... , .......... ...,.,. .. """'ct""'_ .... _ H. had eye. only fo wo dly good and depleted and torn towards belpe tbat d d If d lay egg. eVcOry day don t get out =",,=t.!~'!:':"'"::.:

00 001 t.e cre t of pal eooe aoo k II ber It. bet ... ____ -made a tatal miltake a nol uncommOD b bt d from nuta de .~ may eo a ne ~ oat tbe programme ter \0 DJOY bles"nli'~ O".,f;half of tbe I """,m~t!ag n-.....,If __ m IhlDg no .. a day. They •• pe a ed • J CLARKE: b h tIme tl ao to cut off the _ource from -""'-__ .... ~ .... Ind> peGe because 01 Abram B nob e and geD The school bas 8 tota mem era p geat1on. "llla.t eel!ngcrlbea.rlDs'dowDr ICII.1ZII!DQ" pdn,


h .. n bul Lol 800n go iDto I onb. DsRlJYTttR J I, 13 h 1880 of tweoty fi ve tbe 6verage attend wh oh they oome """ ................. __ """"1'7 G h tB1I8t!lo nWWataD1i!mes,&DdtmdireD eI:nmJ:cstan.

it~ ;~w~ ~h :.~;:::/a:':.:;I~': ~a Ie t a ~e? auce for the year was tweoty two we ~~ynl~'i~~h!fy t:~~d \ eThU:~r~.! ::.,:.",. ~""" .... 10 .. - -- 1M

For 8abI>ath da1l AuUtilt 7

G mB :sm 13 1]8-

COQlmlt to meIDor)" veru'. 1.4 18 on. of Ibem We now eater upon our aeoood year ure I ke the bread that was broken ForXldne10amp1a1nt0or_II"" __

III Tbe promised prosperltv Notb ng caD be done w tboo.n w th tbe reso ut on to make a botter tb h II d r Gil It I .. -CENTHAL TBtITH Peace I_ be'

Ur tban .&rlfe • on e I • e a a e. mu p e. Lydia E P nkham s Vegetable Com"""nd

V 1'18 LI'" IlP eves Tb. countenng a d ffereDce of op n on ecord aod above all to follow ID tile haod that take. t to d v de r- o

~ U • d d b IeprepBl'eC!alm&Dd2l5Weatem,':~~"" humb. and UD •• a.h man of God Ie now 88 to t. w.dom When the dec a Je.ue mo e clo.ely Five of our an 81n ute Prloo"-..... ho_t ...... _ .. """'In"" I.f alan. Be bas BhOWD h. oplr 01 on was made to obange the p an of oomber bave been hopefully con S n always beg no w tb pleaaore ;":'~~.:,t,:,::~ =0;: wh eh he Lo d say. B. w aw.1 w h leue,.oD Leavea twa. e:l"ected that d d h and end. \v tb b tler ese It. k "-_all ...... t .. ~ Send to.".". hi h B h verte ur ng t e year G 3 C the co t wh oh tbe I ttle boy sa d ...... _ ....... Jr"",,,, tAU_

m .. 0 p ....... I • may ave tbere woold be a va 6tf of vew. HARVARD N.b Jwy 41b 1880 f "._""",""be", ..... LYDLl e. PINXlWI' ooted npon be depa. ag L w h a sad was ve y tame n root and very LlVERPlLLS. !'bq 1mrO CamUpatlon, BWonsn-

counlenance God now renew. h • P om as to the de. rab I ty of the cbange wId beh nd .... .....-..... u- """ .. "......' IA. 01 chapler 2 7 mo • exp cI Iy Th. and a number of letter. reoe ved It • fool .b to make exouse. for C ~ CBl'l'1'DTO~ G .. .Agt 116 Fulto. 8t.1r y wor d .. hi. daDg." and a na h.d nol spow that that expectat on wae not f you do tbe be.t yon can t • all DRUGGIST~tl~ "1<:R\LT Y GOLDEN TEXT Let 1bere be no

.'rire, _-.pra,. thee between me aDd

.bee '0 -(len a 8

TIM&. au D PCoolCL Tile Land or Canaan

OUTLINE J T e p1aee or prayer y '"'­

n Til., peacel tl pB Un. y /Sa 3-UI The prowl ed pro.aperlty

canup ad h m b. wa. a he more onfo nded for wh Ie aeveralexpres. that B reqo red of you but f we armedag. n •• lnl omha.iDg.xperienced ooqualtSed approbat on perhaps an WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR? do not do &h a we are deser. ng of Ih. sodnc on.ol I In Egyp~ H...... eqoal Dumber tb nk It a mIBtake BY>lABlU.A oensure al&h.an man II wae no .ma IhlDg 10 There are Ju.t aa many fault. of leave hie falhers hQu .. for COn.o en... The cbange bas been two fold The clooda were gatber og n tbp the head as of the bBlrt Men cao .. k. bnl h. was baglnD ng 10 have an lot The Senptore text a om tted we.tern sky and for sam. t me tbey of one wb Ie God caD Jodge ... perleDee 01 .. hat ChrIA p oml •• d w tb the exprees ntent on of pro bad .eemed to be gathenng 00 L z ~ L 0 9 OR • I z e Monroe. face as .he bent over ",a • ~ "" ",I tbe land mot ng the o.e of the B ble tself t tb 1111 -' It. Q- f h her book w Ihoul eveo nottc ng that o ee w ... ve "" ar as a n tbe sebool 2d The qoeat oos needa as ... anderlng pa arch are con the Apnl w od as t came throogh •• rned Ih. land la a ready h. bat of wb ob have eo long beld a place In tbe W odow occa. onally turned a Abram 8 seed there was to come & n& on lesson preparat ODe are 8ucce~ by Esf 0 two

h f f d L zz e • mother watolled her won .nd Ih. land la prom.ed to h.m for • ort ootes 0 In ormatton ao .ug denng what had QC orred to .addeo ev.r Forever TblA mal m.an d1f ge.t 00. for study tho om ee on of her daugbter who was ueually 00

f.renl leng b. of Ime II ueually m.an. the Scnptore g v og room for mora cbeerfol St II Mr. Monroe a fiDe mOllI oua eoa'!... B. ng •• nl a"a1 on a_long as Ihe order of Ihlnge 10 which II fall DoteS tban oODld otberw.e be motherly otu t OD kepL her from Sara a ""conn h. re IUn. Inlo Canaan be ODg. coDlfnu .. Our n perp.lully • h d Th h b f h Ii t Bpeak Dg unt I .be heard a deep. Dh lie ,""ulva enl AI the dnlt of tbe a at teo ~ect 0 t e rs .. Bee chaple 12 eartb A B.bre .. ~xp ... IOD fo •• e~ cbange 's de. rable no one w II de Wbat Irouble. you L Ul e' the

I Tke place ot praTer • 1-4. ., mother asked ktndly O.e 2 000 D ugg.Io h •••• lgned a pa

per sta ng th&t



and every W6&& Y II ekly penon un I'Il11'S Went np Egypl e. low and P... greal man1 A poopl. who ahoa d fil nv bot whether the mean. osed W I ° mamma oame the patbeL c I n.l. b y hence Ih .... pree. on The th. Land of Canaan "hlob Abr&m had acoomp~.h tbe object w tboot do ng reply I can t make up my mod d ec Ion .... ao Ih of ••• ~ Lot IU.. ""D woold be to blm .. " ... ..,...w. more harm tban good may be qoes what to do I really don t know

BEN SON S ' ..... g heD and DU d up h. brok.n down llyektm by bk ng

• Lo ned h Pf.ln ot •• are ~bo"ed lbe o&k.o h bb I b I I 1. 5 I w •• nol m.n 0 10 I 0 of ......... probab ,oat gro... .... toned and o"n only be determ oed w 0 " my nel~ or e eve d •• cen b.caus. no pan In h.o&rJ'&U" I f h want t.o do nght, and troly love my Ih.,. eonc.ro. h m. Into tbe IOUW re See ehapler It II IN A frlond by a fatr tna or some mont • ne ghbor as Chr.t woold have me 01 IhEt LOod 01 P om •• Nodoubl Abr&m and a1l1 of ."..... Rein'... Called It woold seem bowever to adm t Now do plBse belp me to deo de or had beg.n to f •• 1 .re Iblz Ibal EDPt ".. aloo BI~..w,,"" .. Art. ... 0.. 13 of 00 doobt tbat tbe note' are to be deo de for wh ob woold be much no place lor a mI. wllb Ih. D."lmpll _ I I ..... 1 16 ...... - ...... bl' pref~rred to the queBtlon. for the better I aDd the 01 god In ...... bloh h. had t.IL "'"7 ... ...r,rtMI - ..... - ..., .... \M PQrpoI8 of Btody part colarly for looked to J'I"b H. had J> ohably grown deb I. - - ........ '1Iloo """ of ... oItIJ N .. _ ., 1ooIA. IIIJojp ,.. _ _ !llars-at_ .. ho have Ce'" other Eg1Pf Not' he b.g n. 10 f .. 1 - of ... Q II Ih. daDgem.od •• Ua otprooperlt,· - .. .-.. ... ~ 111 __ ... n.m pe. aeeLlo\18 are an eXile ent Atab .h. k • rich who baa .... or._ ... II 10.. - ." b t It 10 .'7 of lead Dg ~he m nd nto I ne. hundred lea ... xl110 0.0 hoadlwtl _ ............ ~- .., *.. '- ." lItoaght aOld e"'plorat 00 bot t " •• and a thooaand Ih .. p and .-... ........... ,............t I W. QItl 1.0 .... k 'loeat 00' UpOD op.e •• , c....J. F. cfB CaUleuw \M ..... - 011_ .-.-.. f • _........... ... _ .... D'" of \lOt ... here the .todent bas chief ... allh of Ih. Eaat Th • ..- ... '=.< _ .. _" at haod for detemt DIng meta. 8 are rare bere amOD,'" of.. Th Abram. po.11 OD H.nee lb • ..,", the ..... e~ e notel atate the beca ... h. bed.1 v.r."d gold. 0..... ... ... .... • It fMtl, ad leave ~hem to be brought 'ourueYI S a Ion bl 11&110. ~ ,..,.." - .-- - ..... """ ... , la rect,.tioaa by loch qDe.t 00. Ii ••• mp ""CO d D/I 10 walel and...... ~....... :'~J" ...... - or &II lhe teacber Ioay see be.t to a.k To Betbel No" In mini aII4 call... for t1t. ...... n.. flold." For thia realoo tbe object on Beilin II.. Daled aboOII".I .. mil. Tnt ... , "" It ....... 'd l .. fot.IICh",,1 north 01 Jeruealem II w .. nol known 10 r- made by a veteran worker eloewbere

thai I b Abram by Ihlo Dame prohabl1 bUI ~ 08' not eeem to e appropr ate to wrll ng after Ih. Dam. wu rI ••• would LEl' '1'IIDlI: BIIo NO BTRIFE. tbe cue n hand for to.tead of de nslo", 1 apeak 01 hie Journ"Jlugtt 10 I pnvlDg the .tudent of helps" the erma whlah Ih. poop. of hlallmo would aod eoforced ao a rule for all emer oew plan gtve. b m mocb fu ler

und.mand Joel .. I m gbl .peak of genule. • oDe Ano~her m gh~ be h I h b f ., rep. t ao e ore p.op • camp nllal n ghl al F.rlna mean the d VI.IOnl wh ch oome WIth pro .. ng the .pol .. here Farina I. DOW al Bot tbere • anotber 0 ass wbo

• bongh lb. name may UOI ho •• beeD at. peri1.v Pot tbe word. Abram and object to the ohange and that s '0 "hen bey .Iopped al Ihal.po1i For Lot on the board ~ tb a wedge be tho.e wbo as teacbe .. bave depend Ih.o g nand m •• DiDg of h. Dam..... tween upon wb oh w te the word ed upoo the questIon. to tbe LeB.on G.n 28 F""", Ihe occurrenee r.Jaled In RUJMs aDd enforce the thougbt that Leaf for 0 •• 10 the cia.. aod lb. .I.rence we.hou d Judg.lhal Belhel It wa. tb. r pro.per ty wb cb

B h b d h plea I made tbat a pereon compe wae raIl e name of I e .pot an I eD wrooght .tr fe and .ep.rat 00 a. t gradna Iy cam. 0 b. he name of the teot to prepare tho les.oo. for pul efly n.& by wb ch allb. firsl wae Las too freqoeotly doe. n ohurohill n hcst 00 caD or g nate better que. Judgel 1 21 26 I mal b. lb. Jacob tbe.e t me. But perhapa tbe ODe t ana thaD tbe average teacber aelooled Ih • opol as Ihe Ir&dll onal place wh ch cao be made mo.t pract cal Wb Ie tbere • pos.,ble truth m tbat of b fI ances 0 B a[ Il1o U 8eemB to bave to our scholars 8 the ODe of mak when pot n that way t a nevertbe been a place of w' eh p • h.r \ru. or og a wIBe obo oe Lot bad a obance lal f t Be J d le.a en oally true that the 0 roum

a. or a g ea many years • u gee to oboose for h m.elf sn do we all .. 20 18 26 31 Where hon .. of God stauoe. and ageB of differeot clas.e. .houldbellelhel uDdonbled y J.roboam He could stay at Sethel (Hooa. of make t qo te mperat ve hat tha paced 011. of hie two go d.n cal... God) but he oho.e to go to tbe qoe.t,oo. be adapted to eaoh par 1 K ng.12 28 29 AI Thlo P ace.... Pia n wb oh was I ke Egypt aod t cular cIao. and no one set oan do ul e ly de.lroyed by Joahua Joah 7) and may repreaent tbe world He obose for all Each teacher f b. have no ~gl I • foond DOW Unto tbe atlfilMy aDd p tched h. tent n the plaCleoJ'lbealtar ThlA(12 8)wuon the proper koowledge of h. cIa a a mountain .... 01 Be.b. and ..... of AI pIa n toward Sodom (bulO og) Bot can frame better qoe.t 00' for that W Ih lb .... oclalona of hlA 0 d P aoe of Abram who .tayed at tbe Hoose olass than can anyone el.e aod be m.e Ing Ih. Lord Ih •• cam. a d •• elo of God reoe ved fre.b prom .ea of w II have no trouble n do ng eo f r.n ... hi. allegIAnce 10 God AI h. flnl kI>.I88I,inl!!'. and tben pitched h 9 tent be al.o have a clear aDd defio te dea h. had eomelhiDg ollbe t.el ng ot a r. and dwelt n the pia n of Mamre con of what h9 want. to teach them

t COD ...... on and h. 0 ••• lb. _pol (strengtb) Let th. ill •• trate be .. b ell hu wi n .... d hlA ea I erdovollo.. N aLorally tbe teaub'!!r wbo bas o.ed II may hi> lhal .. he relurn. h .... h. eon of a w.e or now.e cho ce the pr nted qoe.t OOS 10 the ola •• f ..... hluiD 01 gol.g nlo Egypt whore chooe ng lor God or ohoo.tog for w II feel loat WIthoot tbem but f DO doubl b. had f. t .ome of Ibe .lfeo'" aelf A. the.e thooghts are brooght he w It con.o entloo.1y make the ,t­of Inl.rcou... wi h Idolall1 Ha had oat aDd appl ed the board WIll as

•• If even a \lall for yoo tbere With saFety w I aten no,," I would know voo are troobled "

Well mamma. I have been try ng to love my ne gbbor &1 my Relf aDd so fulliIl the law of Chn.t and I thought I woold nv te all the g Is who are my ne ghbors to my b rthday party To day I w ... talk tog w tb Sue H ghgate about t and • be doe.n t want me to nv.teFanoy M .rrs aod say. f I do .he wUI st.sy away."'

Wbat reaeons doe •• he gtve for th .,

Ob sbe .aya Fanny 8 not a 6t pe .00 for ua tv asaoc ate WIth and that .he doe. not belo g to our oet aDd that .he ooght DOt to expeot nv tat on

And why • FaDny oot a fit person Cor yoo aDd Soe to .... oc ate w tb?

She d rl not g ve any reason tbat yon would CB 1 very good Sbe ta ked of ber wantof stvle aod.a d t was.aoy to sea tbat FaDny WaH not

a b gb bred lady I .uppose tbat .be meant her parents were poor oom pared \IV h othere

So ely my daughter YOD woold DOt a ow suob re ... on. to have any we ght w tb YOll f

No mamma t • DOt tbat whloh trouble. me but wben { tol,\ Sue tbat Faony was my ne ghbor and I mnst nv te her becaose I woaldD t

ke to be left 01It f one of the other g rl. h ad a r arty 8he.a d tbat Fan Dy d d not I ve 0 our e reet and I need not call her a De ghbor onlesl I chose Then too 1f Fanny come. SDe w II stay away and be w h me about t and that .po I the whol. party One m nute I tb ok I w II do as Soe alld aDd not a I Fanoy my De ghbor bot the

ext IJl nute I th nk bow UDl!; nd that woold De Now do help me \0 know mwuty

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Priu 25 C.,.t.



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WISCONSIN AIbMm-E L Bu click Btr n-DalW! E Lew", &lgerton-H.nry W B. maD MUtem- Paul M G een JIWton Junelwn-L T Roge • Utua-L Coon WalllJOrlh-Ho ... ll W Rondo p~

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D 1724 It evaluabl ... eho~ h. ,to of he Sabbath argument at that ~tI VIND CATION OF THE TBUB SABBATH 11

2 parle Pan Firat Narrative i1I II .... E en B Pm Second DiviDe &ppo D men of he Se enth Day by Re J V. Morton I&te M ,,",onary ot h. ll .. fonned PreabylerlaD Church 60 pp Papa 10 cents

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.e,..,..,oo 01 he Sabbath. Jill pp No O-The Tru. ~abbt.tb Embracod and

Obo."ed 16 pp No I-Religious Liber\)' Endangered b,

Leglolati e Enactmenlo 16 pp Iii-An Appeal lor thO Restorallon 0

he BI b • Ilabbt. h 40 pp No Itl-lh. ~abbalh and ... uorcl. lltI p~ No 2ll-'The B b eD_.of Ibe W .k 1

S.bb.1b TOPICAL SERms-No 1 My H 1

Day No 2 The Moral Law by R •• J ames Bailel 28 pp .ach.

THE SABBATH .d. SEI ... eDth »., 0 Tk< S.venth Day Which I' B1 Re. 1I Wardller 4 pp

UK LORD 8 DAY OB CllBi8TlAN MAD BATH By Rev .N '" e.rdner 4 PI>

Dm 1llirio1 or hlo Apo_tle. Cheng_ tho SabDa h'trom he Se.enth 1)&1 to .. e F ire Day ot the Week t" By Rev ~ Wardn. 4 pp

CONSTANTINE A.RD TO,tJ':NDA.Y By Re. N Waidne 4 pp

TBE NEW TXSTAlIENT SABlU.TB By Rev. B Wardner 4 pp

Dm Chrllrt Abo Ieh lb. Sabha h or lb. D.caloguel' ByR.v N Wardnor 4pp

ABa tbe Ten CommandmonlB Bbidlug a] ke UPOD Jew and G.D Uo r By Bey "ardner 4 pp

WmCD Day of Ihe Week d d Ch J.o IADB Keep as b. &bb.1b during 300

youo after Chri8 r By Rev N Wani ne 4pp

Th •• 10 a .ma I .upp y ot Ibo 1u e gh ....... In N orwegiaD

Omara 10 'the t.b;:;LcliT'8 pubfic:ationt accompanied '0' h remlilan .... tor the .... of t8 Agents 0 10 gn.tWlOua diaUibu

on ehould be eddreaeed 10 D R. STILL­ID l'I Alfred Centre N Y

PUBLISHlID WIlKIUoY BYTU I -, ... ·ll b do b" h L'I tempt to frame b a owo quest oos ga Q_ ... e. ut u....... """ osHor some th • form

th. 11m. 80melhlDg of Ih. Impnl .... bleh , ___ ~ ____ -,,-____ ~~tn.dItPt!!d to tb. wan~ of I or Own

Weln zz e \D the first place we wilt .t J .sos .ay who s yoor elgbbo. :YOD remember hllr own

.torv of the good Samantao P


fire look blm from hi. fi her'a hom. C H 0 0 BIN G ola.s Cor a few weelk we bel eve he P.n lenoe com •• 10 110 ghll •• ue In hi. .. HOUSB OF GOD I w'OBLD aappl ca JODS at h Bod p ace of prayer Tti",pnuln., piotto hearl &1".y_ baa I • = BLESSING SELF P &COl .. h ch a •• nd.ared to I by Ihe ; STRENGTH I BUIlNING 8:J:pe lenoo they hllve koown 'bere W H I 0 H ,

II; Tbe peaeetnl partinI' • li-18 And Lot Lo .... aleo a rich • cbl.f wllb • tamil, and follo .. IDg 01 hi. Iason Leaves, &0 0",," Land not able Co 1>e&J' Allow me to g ve a few reasone tile.. II may not ba.e boon fD y r.. .hy I am mpre •• ed that the change ooTared from b. droUgbl bul Ihe trne reuon probably .u Ih. grealne .. of..It 10 condootlng the Sabbath .chool In poe_one Strite Tho ..... anll belps w II not prove to lie an Improve ot each were natura 1 bent OD. h viae lDeot. lb. beat for th.lr o .. n mUIer&, and dJo. let 10 a Sabbath Bobool whera puleo "Puld ... rooly be a.olded whore the etaod ng of each member a. Del b.r parly had an1 rlgh to lb. land a"" rigb* depended on Itrength To IhlA well as of eaob 0.... 18 kept wltb day Ibore are manr ouch quarrllz In Ih. Ibe v ew to .bow ng the grade of Eaol, (JauaaDlte and Perlz. bolareb p at tbe end of any g ven z!U!, II WlUI too lob 10 quarrel In Ih. term It appear. to me that t IB ... of bOIIU.lr b •• "bo be Dg Iirolln tnd apenlabl. tbat 800b achools Ih.l."d bad Ih. prior olalm If Ibey could .bould have a on form .. tab lob II. Theae Irlhet.... al_11 bpi dlollDolln Ih. Blbl.. G.D 15 90 aDd al "the preleot mode pat. the 84 110 Exod 8 8 17 Liitlol. known ... pons b I ty of oonduotlDg the rec of Ih. Por Dllea Th. namo d."O~"el 'tatton of ol ... el opoo tb. teaoher. -.roBjllln ra8tlce Tbe1 d ... 1I1n lho wbo are upected to ongmate tbelr mo •• lalna ofJodah .... dEphralm luq. qaest on. aDd de term De whe'her tbe 1 4 J'oah.17 15 Canaanlleo 10 u .... in > 1.0....... In g.Deral of all uoopllb. aaawera g veo are oorl'llol or nol Io~itleo \a th. Prom ..... Land and ID and loumoch a. to a corpa of ~Icalar Of Iho Irlbee Inbablllng Ibo teacherl 8af from ten to twenty Iowlaoda or 8Oulhom pu\ of PallOllne you embrace a d,ve .. tyof t •• te aod w .. 1 Df lb. Jord.... Let tllere be DO Jlldllment, f not oC ab hty I t not drU'e Th. 1ll&ll1e.. "'" nol all .... ted b All &Iii .. th.oldarmak ... pmpoolIioD 0 VIOQ& that your staodard 8 com which IioDblolD&Y bt a .. oIded. m. do- plex and the des red obJect neoe .. a lin f!'F.JI'~!."" dlAlnlelO8led aad DOhle rtly defeated' .. The .... youl1 prlnolpl. of forbearnce lid Wbtle there are IIOme mem

• Put Your Heart Into t.

Yoar. mamma I kDOW I'L","",:e, tanght tben ib at the one wbo .howed k nd De.. to the sofferer was the

e ghbor \D.tead of tbe ooe who I ved the nearest Bot theo I am not suffer og

How ... as It 1sst year when tbo.e page. of hard problema were gIven you to do and yoor ola .. waa b ddeo to bc p eaoh other and come before the teacher w th everv problem worked l'

I remember now bow ooald I forget? Fanny Morr. helped me wheo the other g .1. would not be

I was BO muob yooDller than hey They .a d I had 00 ngbt JD

the r cl_ Ac.) when yoo had the feve.

L zz e wbo was t that left all pl .... u e for you. sake and .at by yoo with otere.t og hooks and helped ma take care of you when yoo were 00 s ok to bear read og l'

For a momeut L zz e was thought fu Iy" leot theo a I gbt broke over ber face a. ahe 8a d It wa. FaDny aod 00 othe. I am .ure Je.us would .ay .be was my ne ghbor I w II nv te her aDd trost to h m for the con.eqaencoea"

Faony Morr. WII8 made very happy by ao oVltatton to L 11& e Moo roe • party for she had been gr eved by 1ihe BI ghtS of tbe other r cb meo e daugbte .. to the ne,gb borbood tbIB more tban po d lor all .be had boroe

Sue H gbgate d d not liar away but deellll'ed Liu 61 10vlUg Deart. capable of oVQrwlD ng .« preJ1l41oe

~~ T:~~i~~M~~~~'~~·i.lrwll:h bord~re 10 M .. lIoge &0

LJ.CE CURTAINH tl p.r palr to Ihe fI ... 1 Real poTted

Lace 1m

SHEPPARD KNAPP 188 11191 Slxlh A •• cor 18 b SI. N Y

H ISTORY OF CONFERENCE Rev James Batley has left II few

cople. of Ih. lIIztory of Ih. S.ven h-day Baptlel Gen.ral CoDference & he RB DORDER ofllc. for 8&. at $1 50 Sen bl mall po....,e pald on ec. p of pr e Addres. SABBATH RI!:CORDER A Ired

nthrl N V






JIlENT OB TDB SuxnAt TO SAlIlIATlJ S G "D SDmple ot AIl.gaDY COUD y TBII CnAll&EA!lD-R".TlflIT ON A Dio noll.,.la hereby glV.D 10 all persOD, haT OIl1!ll!OD bel ..... D W H LlI5lelohn S.v IDgolalmlagaID.llhe .. tateofGABRIEL enlb-day Adventlai and Ibo Editor of Ih. CORNELIUS. Ia e 01 Ibelown ot Ward ~ BtahJman SSI _e. Pritle In oald counll deco .. ed lhal h.y are re ololh ,I paper 40 _lit -MaIled P"'" quired to preBenl Ih, oame with vouch ..... pald,oD reoelpl of prlce Add:reH SAlIBA'rS Iboreal, 10 Ih. uDd.rs goed Ih. .xeoalor RBooaDU .Allred (l.Dlr. N" 'r of ch.l .. , will aod Ie.;,.m.nl of Ih. oa d

" d_ al Ihe om .. 01 A E & W H B ,OGRAPHlCAL I:!DTCHES Crandall hi lb. Tlllaa:. of A Ired Con re AND PUBLISHED WliffimilG8 In eald eounly on or before Ihe 29 h day

ELD ELI S BAlLEY of Oclober 1880

Ice PrItle ~7 ':~:'Il~:~~::'~~"""" Dated April 981b 1880 '-\>GOt ~ A. E ORANDALL Ex_lor

400 P M daUy e.cept Sunday. from Bl11dlord lop. al K.ndall 404 Lim .. stone 4 Ii and a rlv •• al Cerrol Ion 4 81 PM

700 P M excepl Sundaya from G leo­v estopping & aU sta ODS arriv ng at B adtord 7 40 P M


A tralD willleave GI eavll • al 840 A M arrlvlnl( at Carrolllon 8411 A M and eave' Carrolllon 605 P M arriving _&1

Bradford 554 and CUBler Cily 6 OIl P M 19 16 P M BUDday. ow, alopplng.1

a I.ta ons and arriving at GU.BTill.2 06 PM

Train. 20 BDd 21 ron dally Pas •• ngers oan lea •• T tn,vlll. &j 800

A M and amve al Bradford 11 W A. M Leave Bradford 400 P 111 and .rrlve al T neville 7 80 P M

ur Through Tlcketl to all pointe a' the v~l1 LowOII Bates for lal •• 1 th. Companfo 0lil ....

B I .nllie Block of SILVERWARE


~:: be cheak~1 aD 'l'Ju. ell p allhe Com~1'1 ofIIee I :~~~::~i..~~~

JNO N; ABBOTT L Gene"'l P._llger Ago," • .,,:JIm


0-.... Ih, DenomlnaUotl&l Paper 01 Ih.

~~;::l~~~~ Baptleta II Is a.voted to lb • e.: and. vindication of the vieWl of

people I will itd .... 1e all ""forma m ... .,.,. .. hI"".hall ...,m 1IIt~ to

the moral 8OC1& or ph,Alca1 OOD hum&lllty In lie LlIe....,. and

U"~wg"D""e Departmenll Che b!\olOO1I of all c ..... of read.n WIll ba

conln ted


Per year In advBllce 1S 00 P.pera 10 fo 0 liD oon1ll_ wlll bo

cha ged no cenlo addillonal on ...... 1 of pUB ~e

~ It paym.nl 10 d.layed be10Dd 8iJ: mOb b. DO "'" .ddillotl&l .. ill be diarp!

No paper dlo ... UJlued Dill ....-rag .. are p&ld .... pl al lb. OplioD of I~. pub­

she: ADVXBTlBllfe DRAR~

~ _elll adv.tt\oeJnenli will_ InNn ed for 60 cenlo an lDoh for th~ I\rsI InNr ~ II n and 25 oenlit an Inch ftlh.oh ou_ qu.n 1nNrIIon. Special ..... uaeea mad­with puti .. advotllelng .xten¥ .... l' or for ong terma

Legal ad.ert1oemonll iJIJoi1otl at 1ep1 rate.

Yearlyadvertlee .. '''"1 ha .... their ad •• rtlaeme .. Ie changed q ....... rlJ w\\hDIt1 •• Ira charge

No adv.rtlo.menla of objeellot!&blo elIar actar IorIll be adtnbted

Joa PltDft'Dfe

Th. DllICO 10 furnlahed wllb a I.P~:l obblng material and mo ... will be ulhe bUBln_ ma1 domand .. illal all work, In lhal llno .... b. _tec\ willi

.n .. ,Iti .... and dl.epaloh AJ)DRue

AU _QnlcaUOD8 wt/o\bor"lt b_ ".,. or for ;llbl\J:ltiDlI .btI.wnW a4-,



W... and UoWlB8 JI JdO:le1 for I!.8Iig'

If fa tb may b v tal z ng .ap .end ward .hoot. of • I 0" ng t~e word obo oeno .. of chDrch lif .0 compreheos vely all matenal Slipport reoch og dowo , th ng. and draw" abaolotely n"celi.atl I.tenoe I wonld

world a faot .0 pate be ntrodueed w th must hav Rome Vi

"apport Tbe cbure aod tbnve exerc. n mate funct on8 at! a the m dst of corporA .tract qual t es of go clearly tbey may be m rAl to ~ An"

these bod el be luBtl snol gbt and tbe br .. A. woro~ p to be and II. the b ghelt mU8~ have .lome on. wb oh to expre •• tBel mU8t lIave a oorporat wh ch to carry on tblS form 8 to be III e .ely ao otbers DtO ter to a greater ~

worldly elemeots .1 gbt op n pn of a ... real zed as never to ~ the pla~e of all her thea monev • need. the work wb ch God to the churob and f ... " gned me soggeRh

w.e aud DOW 8E rals og t tban t beo of pr me Importance If I,'0ss ble between t

I. Meehod, TheM Wi S8 for two easons unw .e beoau.e toey est p nc p e. or be not ab.olute y pe n 0 yet ueffio ent u oper que.t \).0 of degree. 1J0th w se a d un 8chem~~ for rel,g onl


To .peo fy un,der th w 8e methode ment 0

of sagac \y That method of ra. ng I

I gOal purposea wb Chr .t ao. have or •• gao ty w manag D~ matte. of the cburob of tl e wo Id U COl bo. ne.. plano or e that '0' h cb they the prov d ng for tI e r o~ lar concern. Sagao I n the •• hle of low CD

VI. ng ways aod meaD ta n ends but praet w edom appl ed ID

top related