vol xxxvii - konarkgrouphair. poor diet, illness and deficiencies of any particular vitamin and...

Post on 25-Jun-2020






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I welcome everyone to the first edition of our Newsletter of this New Year. Enjoy this New Year with our Guduchi Dry Extract and Pumpkin Liquid Extract. Guduchi or Amrita is an important drug of Ayurvedic System of Medicine and found mention in various classical texts for the treatment of diseases such as jaundice, fever, diabetes and skin disease etc. Currently this extract has been subjected for numerous chemicals, pharmacological, pre-clinical and clinical investigations and many new therapeutic applications have been indicated. References to pumpkins date back many centuries. The name pumpkin originated from the Greek word for "large melon" which is "pepon. They are used for Halloween and are a must for some households for Thanksgiving. Pumpkin seeds rich in healthy fats, antioxidants and fibers, may provide benefits for heart and liver health, particularly when mixed with flax seeds. Our new addition of the cosmetic complex, BalBal Oil Soluble Complex, is full of all herbal beneficial components which will nourish, treat the damaged hair and helps to maintain healthy hair. Also I present Konark Red Wine Flavor and Musk fragrance.

I wish all of you a Happy and Prosperous 2014.


- Rakesh S. GuptaCMD

usk is a class of aromatic substances commonly used as base notes in perfumery. Musk is the most commonly used raw material present in almost all fragrant compositions. The compound Mprimarily responsible for the characteristic odor of musk is muscone. Musky fragrances are earthy

and deep, masculine in nature but often softened with spices and floral. It is used in cosmetic products like lotion, creams, soap, talcum powder and spray. Musk has been an essential element in many beauty products and personal care products.

Packaging details

Konark Musk fragrance is available in packing of 1 Kg, 5 Kg, 10 Kg and 25 Kg.

Free samples are available up to 25 gm.

Contact address: arg@konarkgroup.com


Musk Fragrance...............Pg. 1

Guduchi Dry Extract.........Pg. 2

Pumpkin Liquid Extract.....Pg. 3

Balbal Complex ................Pg. 4

Red Wine Flavour.............Pg. 5


The scientific name of hepatotoxicity. Aqueous soothing application in Guduchi or Amrita is extract of stem and root of the p r u r i g o , e c z e m a a n d Tinospora cordifolia, is p l a n t h a s b e e n u s e d impetigo.

an herbaceous vine comes therapeutically because of u n d e r t h e f a m i l y immunomodulation property During last two decades, the

drug has been subjected to M e n i s p e r m a c e a e . I t i s as well as antimalarial and extensive phytochemical, indigenous to the tropical a n t i l e p r o t i c a c t iv i t i e s . pharmacological and clinical areas of India, Myanmar and Guduchi is widely used in investigations and many Sri Lanka. The plant is a veterinary folk medicine and interesting findings in the glabrous climbing shrub ayurvedic system of medicine areas of immunomodulation, found throughout India, f o r i t s g e n e r a l t o n i c , anticancer activity, liver growing in deciduous and dry antiperiodic, anti-spasmodic, disorders and hypoglycaemic forests. The leaves are heart a n t i - i n f l a m m a t o r y , a re re p o r te d . Ko n a rk shaped. The succulent bark is antiarthritic, anti-allergic and provides Guduchi dry extract creamy white to grey in color, anti-diabetic properties. The in different strength which with deep clefts spotted with a c t ive p r i n c i p l e s o f T. can be used in various lenticels. The aerial roots are cordifolia, is found to possess Ay u r v e d i c a n d h e r b a l often present. Flowers are anticomplementary and f o r m u l a t i o n s a n d yel low, growing in lax i m m u n o m o d u l a t o r y nutraceutical products.racemes from nodes on old activities.

wood. Packing details Tinospora cordifol ia is Packing sizes: generally prescribed in A variety of constituents have 1 Kg, 5 Kg,10 Kg and 25 Kg

general debility, diabetes, b e e n i s o l a t e d f r o m T. fever, jaundice, skin diseases, cordifolia belongs to different Free samples of 50 gm are r h e u m a t i s m , u r i n a r y classes such as alkaloids, available upon requestdiseases, dyspepsia, gout, d i t e r p e n o i d l a c t o n e s , gonorrhoea and leucorrhoea. Contact details: g l y c o s i d e s , s t e r o i d s , T h e p l a n t i s u s e d i n sesquiterpenoid, phenolics, Ayurvedic, "Rasayanas" to aliphatic compounds and improve the immune system polysaccharides. Leaves of and the body resistance guduchi are rich in protein a g a i n s t i n f e c t i o n s . A (11.2%) and are fairly rich in decoction of the stems, leaves calcium and phosphorus. The and roots is used to treat a c t i v e a d a p t o g e n i c fever, cholera, diabetes, and constituents found in T. snake-bites. An infusion of cordifolia are diterpene the stem is used as a c o m p o u n d s i n c l u d i n g vermifuge and also to treat tinosporone, tinosporic acid, sore eyes and syphilitic sores. cordifolisides A to E, syringen, The stem is registered in the the yellow alkaloid, berberine, Thailand Pharmacopoeia, Giloin, crude Giloininand, as and commonly use in hospital well as polysaccharides, t o t r e a t d i a b e t e s . including arabinogalactan Traditionally an infusion is p o l y s a c c h a r i d e ( T S P ) . used to treat fever due to Picrotene and bergenin were malaria and also in cases of also found in the plant.jaundice and for use against intestinal worms. The leaves Ethanolic extract of the stem are given for the cure of exhibits protective effect in gonorrhoea. It is also used carbon tetrachloride induced externally as a cooling and



Pumpkin seed extract is building block) that your desirable. It is especially a hydrolyzed protein body converts into serotonin, recommended for anti-aging fraction obtained from which in turn is converted formulations. Pumpkin seed

t h e C u c u r b i t a p e p o into melatonin, the sleep extract has demonstrated ( p u m p k i n ) s e e d c a k e . hormone. that it will smooth the Pumpkins, like other squash, appearance of fine lines and are native to North America. It inhibits testosterone action wrinkles and improve skin Pumpkins are widely grown on the prostate, thus treating vitality and tone. It may prove for commercial use, and are benign prostatic hyperplasia. useful in preventing and used both in food and It helps both men and women attenuating the appearance of recreation. Of the seven to balance hormones, also stretch marks, making it a continents, only Antarctica is used to treat impotence, useful addition to body care unable to produce pumpkins. frigidity and also used as an products. Pumpkin is rich The biggest international aphrodisiac. It Improves source of potassium and this producers of pumpkins metabolism, digestion and nutrient is especially useful in include the United States, give a sense of well-being. An promoting the re-growth of Canada, Mexico, India, and e x t r a c t d e r i v e d f r o m hair. Pumpkin is especially China. pumpkin may improve blood good for moisturizing dry or

glucose levels in diabetics and damaged hair. The carotenoids and the exert antioxidant effects, o m e ga - 3 fa t s fo u n d i n according to a new study. Not Konark provides Pumpkin pumpkin seeds are also being o n l y i s b e t a - c a r o t e n e extract in different forms studied for their potential responsible for pumpkin's which can be used in various prostate benefits. Men with deep-orange color, it also herbal and nutraceutical h i g h e r a m o u n t s o f provides potent protection formulations, cosmetic and carotenoids in their diet have against free-radical damage personal care products.less risk for Benign Prostatic caused by the sun's harmful

Packing details:Hyperplasia (BPH). Zinc is rays . Applied topical ly, one further nutrient found in pumpkin extract can even Pumpkin extract is available in pumpkin seeds that might e n h a n c e t h e e f f e c t o f

packing of 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg and impact prostate function. The sunscreen and shield skin

25 kg. fact that pumpkin seeds serve from other environmental as a good source of zinc may f a c t o r s , i n c l u d i n g a i r Free samples are available up to contribute to the role of p o l l u t i o n , s t r e s s a n d 50 gm. pumpkin seeds in support of secondhand smoke (SHS). Contact address: reducing the risk of prostate They are notable for being a arg@konarkgroup.comcancer. Pumpkin seeds have great source of zinc and long been valued as a source omega-3 fatty acids, of the mineral zinc, and the which not only help World Health Organization p ro m o t e h e a l t hy (WHO) recommends their bone density and also consumption as a good way of sharpen the brain obtaining this nutrient. skills.

Pumpkin seeds rich in healthy P u m p k i n s e e d fats, antioxidants and fibers, extract is excellent may provide benefits for f o r u s e i n heart and l iver health, formulations where particularly when mixed with a n i n c r e a s e i n flax seeds. Pumpkin seeds are s m o o t h n e s s , a rich source of tryptophan, firmness, elasticity an amino acid (protein and skin tone is


The note develops herbal, rasberry, spicy, fruity light bodied wine with crisp finish. The aroma and taste makes you feel satisfaction and abundance of fruity sensation. Konark

provides Red Wine flavor in both liquid form The Red Wine flavor serve with light spicy Indian dishes. It can be used in cakes, chocolates, drinks and beverages.

Packaging details:

Konark Red Wine Flavor is available in packing of 1 Kg, 5 Kg,

10 Kg and 25 Kg.

Free samples are available up to 25 gm

Contact address: arg@konarkgroup.com


Hair is a filamentous biomaterial that grows from follicles found in the dermis. Most common interest in hair is focused on hair growth and hair care. Hair

is an important biomaterial primarily composed of protein, notably keratin. In today's era there are many things such as diet, lifestyle and pollution that influence the health of the hair. Poor diet, illness and deficiencies of any particular vitamin and mineral affects the quality of hair and problems like dandruff, thinning, hair, balding, premature graying etc. spoil the hair. Hence it is necessary to take care of hairs to keep them healthy and to treat damaged hairs. We have introduced our Balbal Oil Soluble Complex to accomplish this task which is blend of various Oils like neem, amla, chamomile, brahmi, hibiscus, bhringraj, jatamansi, shikakai, almond, henna, licorice, tulsi, aloe vera, methi, lemon, baheda, manjistha, kaporkachli, maca, rosemary, vacha, nagarmotha, lavender, haritaki and karanj. It is full of all herbal beneficial components which will nourish, treat the damaged hairs and helps to maintain healthy hairs.

Packing details:

Available in 1 Kg, 5 Kg, 10 Kg and 25 Kg packs. Free sample of 10 ml is available up on request.

Contact details: arg@konarkgroup.com

KonarkKonarkKonark Research


KONARK HERBAL & HEALTH CARE332, Adhyaru Industrial Estate, Sunmill Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013. INDIA.TEL.: + 91 22 40914300 Fax: + 91 22 24934171 Web: www.konarkherbal.comEmail Id :cmd@konarkgroup.com

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