vol. iii issue 1

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A community newspaper that connects you with Bandra locals


Arun Ferreira back in BandraBandraBuzz

January 2012 | Vol. III Issue 1 | Published Monthly To Advertise, Call 9820783686 | bandrabuzz@gmail.com | 16 pages | Price: `2

c r e a t i n g c o m m u n i t y c o n n e c t

After more than 4 traumatic years, 2012 got the Fer-reira family together again in their flat situated atSt. Martin’s Road, Bandra (West). Early January sawa ray of hope for alleged Naxalite, Arun Ferreira,when he was free to go home to his family. It musthave been a joy just being together, after all hisnever-ending experiences.

When Bandra Buzz contacted his motherYvonne, she replied, “Please let us spend somequality time together. Arun will be available for apress conference in a couple of days”.

Arun Fereira is an ex-Stanislite, a Bandra boywho comes from a noble & religious family. Allthese years, his father Thomas, when visiting hisson at Nagpur Central Jail, was only allowed tospeak to him through bars, wire mesh and constantsupervision. Arun used to tell him, “Daddy youknow me. Do you believe what the police say aboutthe crimes I committed? ”. At other times he toldhis dad that he has never been to the places wherethe police alleged that he has committed a crime.The charges framed have nothing whatsoever to dowith him. He claimed total innocence

The continuous and brutal initial interrogation,torture and narco-analysis have caused Arun muchharm. The physical manifestations wereheadaches, hair loss and stomach-related ail-ments. With God’s grace, he survived all this to bere-united again with his supportive family.

Gordon D’Souza, BCS President, says: “We sup-port Arun Ferreira's petition for a compensation of

Rs. 25 lakhs for subjecting him to torture and de-priving him of his freedom for close to five years.This is a small price considering the immense suf-fering he has undergone due to the wrongful con-finement and torture by the police. At the end of itall, he is acquitted and we are sure he will be ac-quitted in the remaining two cases that wereslapped on his recently. Someone has to pay a pricefor this. The Government has to take responsibilityand pay the compensation”.

Deepa, Tamseel, Surendran, Avijit and theChange.org team were estatic at his release. Theyproudly say: “We won! Arun Ferreira has just beenreleased from jail and can finally enjoy freedomwith his friends and family. Thanks to you, a humanrights advocate that was jailed for standing up forthe rights of people across India is free after fouryears in police custody.

Father Cedric Prakash launched the campaignon Change.org just 3 months ago knowing that hewas taking on state authorities that have locked upthousands of human rights activists in the past. Butsomething incredible happened. More than 6,400people joined the campaign on Change.org --politicians, prominent public figures and the St.Xavier’s college of Mumbai all backed the cam-paign, creating a groundswell of support that theauthorities couldn’t ignore.

The police had arrested Arun on ten falsecharges and were determined to keep him behindbars. But as public support for Ferreira grew, one

allegation after another was dropped by police. Andjust this week the court granted him bail, slappinga compensation charge of 25 lakhs on the state au-thorities over the wrongful arrest. Today, finally,Arun is home with his parents, wife and kids. Afterhis release Arun sent through this message to all ofyou who signed the petition: “Thank you for yoursupport, it feels good to come back home and eatmom’s home-cooked food.”

Arun, the Ferreira family and Father Prakash willall be celebrating today -- and you should be too.You’ve demonstrated the extraordinary power of in-dividuals to start campaigns about issues that mat-ter to them -- unifying the community and winningchange. It is an important victory -- not only for Fer-reira, but because authorities have been watchingthis situation closely. They’ll be more consciousthan ever before in infringing on the human rightsof people across the country.

But there’s a lot more to do in the fight againsthuman rights abuses in India. If there’s somethingthat you want to change in your community, it’seasy -- you can start your own campaign onChange.org by clicking here:http://www.change.org/start-a-petition. Thanksagain for your support.”

Bandra Buzz welcomes Arun back to Bandra,supporting him - with total faith that ‘Truth will al-ways prevail’.

Bandra Buzz Team

Arun Ferreira back in BandraBandraBuzz

January 2012 | Vol. III Issue 1 | Published Monthly To Advertise, Call 9820783686 | bandrabuzz@gmail.com | 16 pages | Price: `2

c r e a t i n g c o m m u n i t y c o n n e c t

After more than 4 traumatic years, 2012 got the Fer-reira family together again in their flat situated atSt. Martin’s Road, Bandra (West). Early January sawa ray of hope for alleged Naxalite, Arun Ferreira,when he was free to go home to his family. It musthave been a joy just being together, after all hisnever-ending experiences.

When Bandra Buzz contacted his motherYvonne, she replied, “Please let us spend somequality time together. Arun will be available for apress conference in a couple of days”.

Arun Fereira is an ex-Stanislite, a Bandra boywho comes from a noble & religious family. Allthese years, his father Thomas, when visiting hisson at Nagpur Central Jail, was only allowed tospeak to him through bars, wire mesh and constantsupervision. Arun used to tell him, “Daddy youknow me. Do you believe what the police say aboutthe crimes I committed? ”. At other times he toldhis dad that he has never been to the places wherethe police alleged that he has committed a crime.The charges framed have nothing whatsoever to dowith him. He claimed total innocence

The continuous and brutal initial interrogation,torture and narco-analysis have caused Arun muchharm. The physical manifestations wereheadaches, hair loss and stomach-related ail-ments. With God’s grace, he survived all this to bere-united again with his supportive family.

Gordon D’Souza, BCS President, says: “We sup-port Arun Ferreira's petition for a compensation of

Rs. 25 lakhs for subjecting him to torture and de-priving him of his freedom for close to five years.This is a small price considering the immense suf-fering he has undergone due to the wrongful con-finement and torture by the police. At the end of itall, he is acquitted and we are sure he will be ac-quitted in the remaining two cases that wereslapped on his recently. Someone has to pay a pricefor this. The Government has to take responsibilityand pay the compensation”.

Deepa, Tamseel, Surendran, Avijit and theChange.org team were estatic at his release. Theyproudly say: “We won! Arun Ferreira has just beenreleased from jail and can finally enjoy freedomwith his friends and family. Thanks to you, a humanrights advocate that was jailed for standing up forthe rights of people across India is free after fouryears in police custody.

Father Cedric Prakash launched the campaignon Change.org just 3 months ago knowing that hewas taking on state authorities that have locked upthousands of human rights activists in the past. Butsomething incredible happened. More than 6,400people joined the campaign on Change.org --politicians, prominent public figures and the St.Xavier’s college of Mumbai all backed the cam-paign, creating a groundswell of support that theauthorities couldn’t ignore.

The police had arrested Arun on ten falsecharges and were determined to keep him behindbars. But as public support for Ferreira grew, one

allegation after another was dropped by police. Andjust this week the court granted him bail, slappinga compensation charge of 25 lakhs on the state au-thorities over the wrongful arrest. Today, finally,Arun is home with his parents, wife and kids. Afterhis release Arun sent through this message to all ofyou who signed the petition: “Thank you for yoursupport, it feels good to come back home and eatmom’s home-cooked food.”

Arun, the Ferreira family and Father Prakash willall be celebrating today -- and you should be too.You’ve demonstrated the extraordinary power of in-dividuals to start campaigns about issues that mat-ter to them -- unifying the community and winningchange. It is an important victory -- not only for Fer-reira, but because authorities have been watchingthis situation closely. They’ll be more consciousthan ever before in infringing on the human rightsof people across the country.

But there’s a lot more to do in the fight againsthuman rights abuses in India. If there’s somethingthat you want to change in your community, it’seasy -- you can start your own campaign onChange.org by clicking here:http://www.change.org/start-a-petition. Thanksagain for your support.”

Bandra Buzz welcomes Arun back to Bandra,supporting him - with total faith that ‘Truth will al-ways prevail’.

Bandra Buzz Team

bandrabuzz.wordpress.com NEWSJanuary 201202

On 6th December around 12pm (midnight)around 200 residents of Sheryl Rajan Road,Bandra gathered in front of Bharat Ratna DrBhimrao Baba Saheb Ambedkar statue to payhumble homage to their belowed leader - thegreat visionary and architect of the Indianconstitution Dr. B.R Ambedkar. People gar-landed the photo, lit candles in front of the thephoto, kept two mins silence, followed by aBuddhist prayer service, with people chantingbhajans and hymns. The prayer service lastedfor about an hour. After that most of the peo-ple proceeded towards Chaity Bhoomi at Shiv-aji Park (Dadar) where Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was

cremated. Every year around 4-5 lakh peoplecome from all over the country, wearing whiteclothes and carry blue flags in their hands, topay homage Dr. B.R Ambedkar on his deathanniversary. Chaitya Bhoomi is a place of pil-grimage to the Buddhists. Many universitiesare named after him, such as Dr. Baba sahebAmbedkar Open Unversity in Hyderabad, DrAmbedkar Law University, Tamil Nadu, Dr.Baba Ambedkar International airport in Nag-pur, Dr Ambedkar Govt. Law College in Chen-nai and Mumbai. Dr Baba Saheb AmbedkarRoad is situated in Pali, Bandra (West).

Sir Minaz

55th Maha Parinivan Day

Muharram is observed very solemnly in Ban-dra in a very big way, with religious discourses(Majlis or Waaz) at different places, Taziasbeing kept and its procession being taken out.We interviewed Islamic Scholar Maulana AbidBilgrami, who gave sermons to the largestgathering in Bandra at Rizvi College - and gotsome interesting insights about Muharram.

Q: Why do Muslims Celebrate Muharram?A: Muharram is the first month of Islamic cal-endar. Islam is perhaps the only religion inwhich new year begins not with festivities butwith mourning, because of the matyrdom ofthe prophet's beloved grandson Iman Hussainon the 10th day of Muharram (called Ashura)

Q: Why is Muharram's message considered tobe universal?A: Iman (leader) Hussain's war against thethen evil 'Yazid' was not for power, but for cer-

tain principles like honesty, humanity,free-dom from oppresive goverement corruption,independence of though and right to protectagainst treachery etc. Hence it is considereda universal message fought on behalf ofmankind.

Q: In what way does this message helps inbuilding character?A: As mentioned, in reply to an earlier ques-tion, the message is to rise against injustice,cruelty, oppresion, treachery... Hence it makespeople understand that to accept injusticewithout raising your voice against it is like ac-cepting it. This makes one's character strong.

Islamic scholar Maulana Abid Bilgrami givinga sermon at a Moharram Majli's at Rizvi Col-lege, Bandra.

Sir Minaz

Muharram in Bandra

A memorial service for Dev Anand, whopassed away following a cardiac arrest at theWashington May Fair Hotel in London at theage of 88 on December 3rd, was held atMehboob Studio, Hill Road. His death camejust months after the release of his last film -'Charge Sheet'. Mr Dev Anand was reportedlyin London for a medical check up, at the time of his death.

Dharam Dev Pishorimal Anand, betterknown as Dev Anand (born on 26/9/1923) died(3/12/2011) was an outstanding actor, writer,

director & producer - well known for hiswork in Hindi cinema.

Dev saab was offered the lead role in Prab-hat films 'Hum ek Hain' (1946) a film about

Hindu-Muslim Unity. It was a full house atMehboob studio in Bandra on Friday, as every-one who is someone from Bolly wood turnedup to pay their last respect to actor Dev Anand.Actors like Hema Malini, Bobby Deol, AamirKhan, Tina Ambani, Prem Chopra, VinodKhanna and many more were present at thememorial. Condolences kept pouring in fromall the corners of the world, with most of themremembering his positive attitude towards life.Dev

Anand's son Suniel Anand with his motherand sister were present at the memorial serv-ice. Bandra Buzz condoles Dev Anand's death.

Ashok Patil

Dev Anands Memorial Service

January 2012REUNIONS bandrabuzz.wordpress.com 03

The 3rd Reunion of the Apostolic Carmel HighSchool was organised by the Apostolic CarmelAlumni Bandra (ACAB) on 30th December,2011 on the school grounds. Around 230

Alumni got together to bond and reminiscetheir youthful days on the very premises thatshaped them into what they are today. Sr.Pearl-Anne the present Principal launched the

first alumni newsletter, ACAB – Yesterday,Today, Tomorrow. She also announced thatthe Diamond Jubilee year 2012-2013 wouldsee the release of a commemorative volume

spanning the past 60 years activities of theSchool. In the next two years a Junior Collegewill also emerge on the same premises.


Apostolic Carmel : 3rd Alumni Reunion

Retired teacher, Mrs. Violet Nunes lighting the inaugural lamp along with Principal, Sr. Pearl-Anne, Manager, Sr. Thelma and Sr. Benita

Singing the School Song – ‘A Happy Band’

St Stanislaus High School celebrates its an-nual alumni reunion “Bond of Boys” onSunday, 15 January 2012, from 7:30 pm on-wards, in the school backyard lawns. Thisannual dinner brings together the mostvaluable teachers of St Stanislaus with theirstudents. Students also look forward to re-connecting with their batch mates fromschool.

As Fr. Jude Fernandes - the principalsays, "I look forward to meeting many ofyou in person along with your families.Please mark these dates in your diary andmake sure you are present with your family.Your presence will add a flavour of nostal-gia to our celebrations".

The evening is set to be filled with fun,networking and reviving old memories.

Donor Passes at Rs 100 each are availableat the SSESA Office Tel :2640 1799, or Ban-dra Medical or Hill Road Cleaners (Opp.Mehboob Studio). For more information e-mail: mc@stanislites.org


If you have upcoming re-unions mail themon bandrabuzz@gmail.com

Bond of Boys 2012Mobile Tipsby Gini Dassan

In case of theft what should a person do ?Firstly, call the service provider and getyour number de-activated, so that it cannotbe misused. Then in case you have in-stalled any mobile tracking software, tryand locate your mobile phone (please notethat a lot of mobile companies have in-builtmobile trackers, however the user has tosimply activate it - which a majority of thepeople don't do).

My mobile keeps saying "MEMORY LOW -DELETE SOME DATA" inspite of me havinga 8GB memory card?There are two types of memories:Phone Memory & Memory CardSometimes our data gets stored in thephone memory and exhausts the phonememory completely. This results in thephone slowing down completely and ham-pering even basic operations. As a princi-ple, we should always store data in thememory card which will result in the phoneworking much faster. Especially MEDIAFILES like, images, videos, music, etcshould always be on the card.


For Blackberry users:H.K. Mobiles BlackBerry Store1, Hortenica, Linking Road,Opp. Amarsons,Bandra (W), Mumbai-400 050

For non-Blackberry users:H. K. Mobiles1, Dheeraj Sneh Building,Next to Toto’s Pub, Pali Naka, Bandra(W), Mumbai–400 050

On the night of 18th December 2011, memo-ries were both relieved and rekindled whenover 350 ex- students from St Joseph’s Con-vent came together on their school groundsfor a school reunion. The reunion which wasorganized by Sister Bindi - the school princi-pal and others, saw ex-students of differentage groups varying from 16 to 80 present infull attendance.

The night began with a wonderful marchpass where each student marched along withthe ‘house’ they belonged to in school. Therewere four different houses and the head girlsof yesteryear lead each of the houses as theymarched across the school grounds.

At the entrance of the school ground everyex student could pose for photos in cardboardcut outs of girl’s in the St Joseph’s uniforms.There was also a beautiful ‘look back’ at theschool’s history through an array of photo-graphs lined across the school walls. Therewas also a game stall that kept all those in at-tendance thoroughly entertained.

The event was hosted by Jenny Martins and

Alison Dutt and their mixture of charismaticwit, along with a hint of naughtiness left allthose present in splits. There were tons of ac-tivities lined up through the night from spotprizes for those ex-students that came to theevent wearing their school badge to karaokethat everyone dutifully participated in.

One of the most memorable moments ofthe night was when all those present, from theschool principal to the ex-students joined to-gether to sing their evergreen school anthem.Another strong point of the night was whenSister Ann Henrita enlightened all those pres-ent about the history of the school and how itwas one of the first educational institutions inBandra.

The night ended with a scrumptious dinnerand as the ex-students were leaving theschool each of them was filled with both em-barrassment as they were reminded of whatwere they were in school and also a sense ofexcitement , for when the next re-union wouldtake place.

Sasha Dutt

St. Josephs Reunion: Memories and Moments Relived

bandrabuzz.wordpress.com EDITORIALJanuary 201204

{we} + {you} = Bandra Buzz

We, at Bandra Buzz try our best to bring you all of Bandra’s news that’s fit to print. But we can’t do it alone! We need YOU. You don’t needa formal writing background to become a writer for Bandra Buzz. If you’ve ever written an essay or posted on a blog then you’ve alreadygot experience! We’re looking for good writers to cover LOCAL NEWS. If you routinely contribute quality content, we’ll even considerbringing you on as a full fledged writer!We’d love to have your feedback, opinions, local civic problems, recipes and anything else you’d be willing to post in a thoughtful andinteresting way.

Shoot us an email on bandrabuzz@gmail.com if you’d like to write for us or just have a news tip you feel we’ve missed. We look forwardto reading your content soon!

BandraBuzzis available at

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• Rajendra Yadavopp. Jean Claude Biguine Salon & Spa

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Waterfield Road• Indian Express

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24th Road• Title Waves

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Chimbai Road• S.R.N. / L.R. Yadav

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2012 - New BeginningsDear readers,

Here we are, another year ahead of us -with hope for new beginnings. A time tomake or break resolutions that canchange the course of our lives, dependingon the decisions we make. This is theideal time to start actions that will fulfillour vision, taking us to new levels in ourlives.

Your continued support has spurred usto new heights. We have re-started ac-cepting subscriptions. For more info,please e-mail: bandrabuzz@gmail.com

With the BMC elections around the cor-ner, we will focus on guiding our readersto make an informed decision. As always,our approach will be un-biased. Your pre-cious vote can change Bandra. And wedesperately need a better Bandra. So,please use your fundamental right wisely.

Cool wintery winds are the ideal settingfor annual socials, weddings & otherevents. Many schools around Bandra havehad their alumni re-unions - where the airis filled with nostalgia.This is the primetime to meet family & friends who havereturned home for a holiday.

We have Mahasankranti - the festival ofkites, Repuplic Day - when patriotic feel-ings go sky high and then Gandhi’s assas-ination - the day that saw Gandhiji shot,with his last words, “Hey Ram” still on hislips.

Let’s start 2012 with a good note - andmaintain the tempo, even improving it,in the months ahead. Wishing you a greatyear ahead !

Regards,Merck D’SilvaEditor-in-Chief

The opinions expressed in this paper be-long to the authors only, and do not reflectthe opinion of the publishers and editors,unless otherwise stated. Readers shouldact on the information provided only afterconsulting with their own independent ad-visors, and the publishers and editors ofthis paper shall be in no way held respon-sible for any such action, or consequencesthereof.

- Letters to the Editor -

BMC ElectionsMunicipal elections are round the corner -and it is the electorate that really matters. Weshould come out and vote because it con-cerns us.

Time and again the majortiy of voters aremigrants, who have their own interest whilecasting their votes. How can one varify iftheir names have been deleted from theirhome place. Dual voting isagainst the law.They vote for those who promise to perpetu-ate slums and illegal colonies.

The middle class has made itself ir-relevent politically. Politcal parties dont ap-peal to them. Cast you vote for the rightcandidate and restore Mumbai to its glory. Ithas become a city of corruption in every stepyou take.; A stringent law to punish the bribegiver and receiver with hefty fines and evenjail terms, is the need of the hour. What islawful in print must be executed.

In these circunstances, are these electedrepresentatives the real voice of the people?

Desmond Pereira.......................................................

Guru Nanak Jayanti celebrationsI came across the December, 2011 edition ofBandra Buzz - and I being a Sikh noticed thenews bearing heading “Guru Nanak JayantiCelebrations”. Firstly, I appreciate your effort to connectcommunities in Bandra and highlight the re-ligious and social events of Bandra. I am sureyou would agree with me that each religiousfollowing has its own traditions and articlesof faith which must be correctly pronounced.In your writings under the above mentioned,you mentioned the words “From Left to RightPrayer Service – L to R – Mr. Kuldip Singh,Priest Gyani Arjun Singh Ji (with Broom) anda devotee”

I am writing to you in relation to yourmention ‘with broom’ which prompted meto advise and educate you, as I do not expectevery non Sikh to know everything about theSikh faith. As such, I need to point it out toyou that the priest who is fanning “Sri GuruGranth Sahib Ji” is doing so with a “ ChaurSahib” and it is not called a ‘broom’. “ChaurSahib ji” has a great respect and significancein the Sikh religious tradition and as far as Iknow there is no English word for this.“Chaur Sahib ji” is a ‘Gurumukhi’ word,hence probably never been translated.

It is my humble effort to point it out to you

for your future reference the correct wordand I would be available to you, should youdesire to have any clarifications and assis-tance, while writing any article on Sikh tra-ditions. Please do not misunderstand me asI am not doubting your or your staff's profes-sional capabilities in their respective profes-sion . Though I am not an expert on all theSIKH matters but being a Sikh I have read alot on my traditions hence feel capable to anextent.

Once again your effort in publishing Ban-dra local news is well appreciated.

Narinder Jit Singh.......................................................

Reply to comments byMrs. Pauline Fernandes.

I completely do not agree with the commentwhat is given by Mrs.Pauline Fernandes. Iclearly know each and every thing about thesurroundings of the area since I am just stay-ing a house away from the shop mentionedby Mrs.Pauline Fernandes.

She says that the shortcut to Uncle Tom'sshop is from Our Lady of Vailankanni Grotto.She says that she is an old resident of thearea, but it looks like she has lost her mem-ory, If she says that she has stayed in thegaothan, has she forgotten that there was alane behind the cross i.e. between 3 Rajan(Barny Villa) and 4 Rajan (now Nooriehouse).

Also, if she says that it was a shortcut toUncle Tom's house, as per what I know whereshe stays - the shorter way to go to UncleTom's shop is via Stardust building or fromthe by-lane of Gannet building and SushiCottage and not from Our Lady of VaiankanniGrotto to Uncle Tom's shop.

When she talks about Mr.Francis Gon-salves, she should also know that if he hascampaigned to get down the illegal struc-tures of the gaothan, he should see the ille-gal structures that he has built himself i.e.Edbern Clinic, 20ft I-Beam structure onwhich stands his water tank, the backKitchen area encroached, the bike parkingarea, the Flower Bed which has narrowed thelane and above all this, he runs a Hostelwhich mostly he gives to foreign origin (fe-males only).

I just don't understand why Mrs.PaulineFernandes is targetting Mr. Stephen Noronhaand supporting Francis - who himself hasdone so many illegal things in and aroundhis premises.

Kapil Bhatia

January 2012CIVIC NEWS bandrabuzz.wordpress.com 05

The Minutes of the H/West Ward ALMs Meetingheld at the BMC Conference Hall on 14th Oc-tober, 2011, are as under:

The meeting was chaired by Mr. KiranAchrekar, DMC Zone III along with Asst. MC Mr.Sunil Dhamne. It was attended by CouncillorsAsif Zakaria, Kavita Rodricks, Rahebar Khan,Ward officials and 63 members. Those presentwere requested to sign the muster and alsomention their email addresses to facilitate fu-ture BMC communication with the ALM mem-bers.

The ALM members welcomed the new Asst. MCMr. Sunil Dhamne and assured him full co-op-eration by ALMs in H/West ward, in solvingcivic problems of the area.

The Agenda - Discussed & Decided:WaterWater shortage was reported from some areas.Department officials said it was due to recentlow pressure in the supply lines. Kavita Ro-dricks (W.No.95) stressed the need for ‘chabli-valas’ to strictly follow the timings for waterrelease.

RestaurantsRestauratns with no ‘Grease Traps’ to drain offthe solid waste from entering the drains werenow listed and residents gave a few morenames. Mr. Acherekar assured that a compre-hensive list will be ready to take up the issue.

Sewage in Storm water Drains The issue of sewage from slums coming intoStorm water Drains was discussed and a list ofsuch spots was given to the BMC.

Stalls selling Tobacco Products In the matter of stalls selling tobacco productswithin 100 meters of educational institutions- the display signs of tobacco products hadbeen removed, but these continued to besold. ‘Gutka’ sales also continued because itwas not included in the outdated list ofclauses in the Act. The DMC promised to insertthis clause.

Solid Waste Management A recent press coverage said that ‘H’ WestWard had the highest dry waste collection.This was appreciated and also the conversionof wet waste generated during festivals intomanure was well noted. The following pointsemerged from the discussion:

a) How many premises were into segregationof wet and dry waste, followed with their sep-arate disposal?

b) ALM members were requested to givenames of buildings in their areas that wereNOT following the 2 Bin Policy. The phonenumber of Zamir Khan - the head of the clean-up marshals was given to the gathering. Res-idents wanted a BMC Circular to increaseawareness for participation of more premisesin Waste Management. There was a sugges-tion for BMC vehicles (mukkadams) not to ac-cept non-segregated garbage.

c) The Peter Dias road ALM requested forgarbage bins to be placed at the slum pocket.

The TPS III citizens’ group requested that themound of garbage at the 14th – 33rd roadjunction be lifted. The collection of garbageon the road to Chuim village was also to belifted. The DMC assured that clean up Mar-shalls will be put on the coastline spots, wherehand cart pullers were dumping debris on thecoast line reclaiming land and altering thecoastline. The DMC promised to put cleanupmarshals at the spot.

Hawkers The issue of encroachments on footpaths onwas raised eg. Pali Naka , Veronica Road. Infact Kalyan Kendra was concerned that thesetback given to the BMC may also get mis-used.

The DMC opined that a meeting of the shop-keepers association which had volunteered tomaintain pavements in front of their shopswould be called to discuss the matter of main-taining the footpaths outside their shops. Theroad behind Avabai Petit School that had be-come a cause for nuisance with hawkers,parked cars and anti-social elements using itfreely since no one maintained it. CouncilorAsif Zakaria (W.No.96) explained that the BMCwould take up its maintenance if and whenthis road was legally handed over the road toBMC.

Any Other Matter: Report from Traffic Dept.A report on traffic issues was received fromtraffic-in-charge - Bandra division, InspectorVijayalakshmi. The report mentioned the fol-lowing points:

Action Takeni) Garages near St. Elias School had been is-

sued notices to cancel license. ii) proposal accepted for fixing traffic signs onelectric poles. iii) No parking boards to be put up outsideschools iv) St. John’s Road to be made ‘One Way’, Eastto West , near Gold Gym.

Proposed Actioni) For pedestrian crossing, white paver blocksshould be used instead of the paint ii) Illegal kiosks and eateries to be monitoredon Linking Road iii) Cars parked on pavements to be towedaway iv) Rickshaw stands to be regulated v) proposed to redirect the bus route from en-tering 20th Road, given by Mrs. Kavita Ro-dricks to the BEST vi) One side parking on Tagore Road, San-tacruz suggested vii) penalties for traffic of-fences should be increased viii) BEST to instruct drivers to keep buses inextreme left lane ix) BMC to trim tree branches that obstructtraffic signals.

Councillor Rahebar Khan (W. No. 91) men-tioned that since the police department wasunder the State Government, any such issuesregarding traffic should be taken to the Leg-islative Assembly by the local MLA.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks tothe Chair.

Bharati Kakkad

ALM meeting at BMC conference hall

Each year, bureau-crats devise newways to deny ordelay informationto RTI applicants,who need to crossan ever-increasingnumber of hurdlesto get it. And Mr.Leslie Almeida

DOPT ( Govt. of India ) RTI certified grade A, de-vises new ways to twist and turn and framequeries, so information cannot be denied.

Hurdles can be as small as the public infor-mation officer (PIO) not listing the name of the1st appellate authority in an RTI reply. It isbinding on the PIO to state the name of theappellate authority in a reply, so that the ap-plicant knows who to appeal - if he or she isnot satisfied with the PIO's reply . But manygovernment bodies hardly follow this norm.

It is therefore better that in ‘informationsought’ to write and ask for the name. desig-nation & address of 1st appellate authority.Please note: "It is binding on the PIO to statethe name of the appellate authority in a reply,so that the applicant knows who to appeal, ifhe or she is not satisfied with the PIO's reply .But, because many government bodies hardlyfollow this norm, the pendency of RTI appealsis rising steadily and the 2nd appeal takesabout a year to come up. However, persever-ance pays.

An RTI - related FREE HELPLINE is in operation

at St. Andrew’s Church, Bandra, Room # 1,Next to CCO office - every Saturday from 9.30to 10.30 am.

How to file an RTI Application1 ) File the RTI application as per format.2) The PIO has to give information within 30days3) If you do not get information within 30 days,File a 1st appeal within 30 days of non-receipt,or If you are not satisfied with PIO’s reply4) 1st Appellant authority will give a hearingwithin a month.The Applicant is not bound to go for hearing,as it can be passed on merits5) An order will be passed by 1st appellate au-thority6) If not satisfied with 1st appellates order file2nd appeal before State Information commis-sioner or Central information officer within 90days, all info on state Govt. to SIC, all info oncentral Govt, eg: central govt offices like Govtbanks, LIC etc To CIC Delhi ( when hearingcomes up, you should go and argue yourcase, although it os not deemed necessary togo for hearing as SIC/CIC can pass orders onmerits of the case.)For RTI State Applications affix Rs 10 court feestamp, 1st appeal Rs 20 court fee stamp & 2ndappeal affix 20 Rs court fee stamp, - RTI CentralGovt Rs 10 cash, demand draft, or Postal order(cheque) 1st appeal and 2nd appeal no charges ( free )

Leslie Almeida

Do you really have the RTI?

bandrabuzz.wordpress.com NEWSJanuary 201206

A Mega Medical Camp was organized by NargisDutt Memorial Charitable Trust along withLions Clubs International Dist 323 A3 on Sun-day 11th December, 2011 at Bandra MunicipalUrdu School, Awami High School. The ChiefGuest of the function was Shri Shri Gulam NabiAzad, ( Hon’ble Union Health Minister) & ShriSuresh Shetty, (Hon’ble Minister for PublicHealth and Family Welfare, MaharashtraState). The camp was also attended by ShriBaba Siddique (MLA) Shri Kripashankar Singh(MLA), Shri Krishna Hedge (MLA)

The camp consisted of various checkupslike General, Blood Group, CBC, Eye, Dental,

Pediatric, Gynecologist, and ECG. Doctors fromSion and KEM Hospital also attended thecamp. Dr. Zahra also conducted a few OralCancer detections on the patients that highlyimpressed Shri GHulam Nabi Azad.

There were more than 1800 beneficiaries tothe camp. It was observed that most of thepatients were predominantly females sufferingfrom Respiratory Disorders, Stomach Infec-tions, Upper throat Infections. They weregiven free medication and also referred to Mu-nicipal Hospitals for follow up treatment.

Ellahe Meherazar

Mega Medical Camp has 1800 beneficiaries

The 2nd Annual Crib Competition was organ-ised in the Bandra West Assembly Con-stituency by Shri Baba Siddique (M.L.A). Itwas held between 25th December 2011 &30th December 2011. Smt Priya Dutt willbe the Chief Guest for the Prize Dis-tribution which is yet to be an-nounced.

The Crib Competition wasdivided into three cate-gories:

Individual : which hadaround 40 participants -and the winners were TracyGonsalves from Chimbai (1st ),Wency Gomes from Bandra Bazaarroad (2nd) and Savio Alex D'Souzafrom Sherly Rajan (3rd).

Community : which had around 23 partici-pants - and the winners were Sea Side CrossCommunity from Chimbai (1st), Rajan Zodiacboys from Sherly Rajan (2nd), and a tie be-tween Agna Square boys from Waroda Road

(3rd) and St. Jude's Project from Waroda Road(3rd), and 3) INSTITUTIONAL : which hadaround 10 participants - and the winners wereSociety of St. Paul from 23rd Road (1st) , Shanti

Avedna (Sr. Aquila Chittatil) from MountMary (2nd) and The Bandra

Gymkhana from St. AndrewsRoad (3rd).

Each Crib was judged onthe basis of a biblicalmessage (Christmas mes-sage), creativity , designetc. Brother Joshan of

St.Anne’s Parish and Mrs.Patricia Furtado were the

judges for Institutional andCommunity Cribs and Mr. Cornel

K.Gonsalves and Mrs. Naomi Fernan-des were the judges for the Individual Cribs.

This year the no of entries were 73, as com-pared to last year - which was around 63,which shows that more and more people aretaking part.

Shakil Kasmani

2nd Annual Crib Competition

On 10th Dec 2011, Municipal Councillor AshishShelar inaugurated Nij Thanw Chowk at 9thRoad, TPS III, Behind Oriental Residency,Khar(West). The founder Punya Dada Chellaramand more than 200 well-wishers were presentfor the event.

This was followed by lunch for all at NiragunaBalik Satsang Mandal. This is a prayer hallused by the Sindhi community for ‘Chautha’,after the death of a person.

Dheeraj Tejnani

Shelar inaugurates NIJ Thanw Chowk

Improvement and construction of new StormWater Drains, Footpaths and Asphalt Road hasstarted at Kadeshwari Road.

On Friday, 2nd Dec 2011 at 11am, a smallsymbolic opening ceremony marked the startof work for improvement and construction atKadeshwari Road with new Storm WaterDrains, Footpaths and Asphalt Road from Gul-nar Society to Ganesh Mandir.

This work is being carried out with thecombined sincere efforts of local MunicipalCouncillor of Ward No. 97, Mr. Khan Rahebar (Raja ), the local ALM’s of Kadeshwari Road andSt. John Baptist Road and local residents. This

work is being done by the Central AgencyRoad’s Department ( BMC ).

The work will take minimum 3 months tocomplete and the Municipal Councillor hassent greetings for a Merry Christmas and aprosperous new year - and has requested thecitizens to bear the little difficulties arisingdue to the development work.

If you have any queries or suggestions,contact Sub Engineer Road Department Mr.Aasudhani on Mob No. 98201 51534 or yourMunicipal Councillor Khan Rahebar ( Raja )98694 10207.

Ganesh Mane

Raja inaugurates improvement scheme at Kadeshwari

January 2012LIFESTYLE bandrabuzz.wordpress.com 07

Our festive week of Christmas & New year par-ties, where bonding with family & friends ac-companied by food & beverages resulted inadded inches around our waist is now justhappy memories.

Sharing experiences, dancing, seeing anold flame, meeting someone after ages - areperfect settings that created cheer. The sorpo-tel, vindalo, roast, tiger prawns, lobsters,turkey... were so inviting. Rich cake, sweets,were so tempting. The cool weather added toour appetite. And the ambience seduced us,as merry spirit flows freely... But, little do werealise how our health gets hit from toxinscaused by this type of diet.

As we start 2012 with thoughts & actions of'new beginnings' - an action plan to neutral-ize the toxin build-up in our system is imper-ative. However, our new year resolutions cancollapse if our zest for life diminishes due tohealth issues. So, what has happened & whatdo we do about it ?

More than 80% of our ailments start in thedigestive system. Our digestive system is made up of the diges-tive tract—a series of hollow organs joined ina long, twisting tube from the mouth to theanus—and other organs in between, that helpthe body break down and absorb our food.

Several factors affect emptying of the stom-ach, including the kind of food and the degreeof muscle action of the emptying stomach andthe small intestine. Carbohydrates, for exam-ple, spend the least amount of time in thestomach, while protein stays in the stomach

longer, and fats the longest. As the food dis-solves into the juices from the pancreas, liver,and intestine, the contents of the intestine aremixed and pushed forward to allow further di-gestion.

Absorption and transport of nutrientsMost digested molecules of food, as well aswater and minerals, are absorbed through thesmall intestine. The mucosa of the small intes-tine contains many folds that are covered withtiny finger- like projections called villi. In turn,

the villi are covered with microscopic projec-tions called micro-villi. These structures createa vast surface area through which nutrientscan be absorbed. Specialized cells allow ab-sorbed materials to cross the mucosa into theblood, where they are carried off in the blood-stream to other parts of the body for storageor further chemical change. This part of theprocess varies with different types of nutrients.As we eat merrily ( Do minute ka maja - jindagika saja ), toxins from our food intake get stuckonto the internal surface of the small intes-

tines and reduces the nutrient absorptionprocess. In time, this solidifies to fill the villicrevices. As more food passes, the ability toabsorb nutrition needed for energy to the var-ious vital organs is near zero. This causes anutrition deficiency - starting with loss of yourzest for life - and eventually leading to variousailments, some even fatal.

The need to detoxifyHence, we need a way of cleansing out thesetoxic deposits, so that our God-given processof digestion is retained, resulting in betterhealth. Our body needs all the nutrition thatour foods provide for maintenance & energy.Forget about those 'tired' times that seemedendless.

Now, what do we do about this importantissue?This toxic build-up is the result of our eatinghabits and the toxic city air that we breathe.Water has little or no effect to break this down.We need to have an 'internal bath' to wash offthis devilish grime that's robbing us of ourhealth. There are various ways - some very un-safe - to detoxify. Let's not get into those. A100% natural and safe way to cleanse & nour-ish your body internally is the real answer toa healthier you. We maintain our cars, air-conditioners, computers... but fail to maintainthe only God-given body we will ever have -ourselves! Yes, take time out to create ahealthier you - now, or you will be forcedsooner or later to lie suffering in some hospitalbed. The choice is yours...

If you just can't wait - and want to know more, e-mail: now.health4u@gmail.com

Jignesh Shah

Health is t rue Wealth

bandrabuzz.wordpress.com NEWSJanuary 201208

All those present witnessed a vocal musicalextravaganza, which began on November 10and went on right up to November 13, 2011.What an opening night on the 10th with theInstrumental in Classical and Non-classicalcategory! What an age range in participantsfrom bubbly five year olds and above to thosegolden girls and boys in the 60s and above!What a treat for the music lovers! What musi-cal virtuosos and maestros in the instrumentalcategory and what maestros entertaining theaudience with their melodies!

The wide spectrum of lilting voices rangedfrom 8 to 60 years of age, and were dividedinto their respective age categories of 5-8, 9-11, 12-17, 18-39, 40-59 and 60 years and above.Every performance was a "KODAK" moment,which enthralled the audience, whoseapplause would make even anonlooker want to perform.

The group singing on Day3 was loved by all, as thecostume and colour co-or-dination added an extraspecial frill to the beautifulharmony. It was nice to seethe young, the old and themiddle-aged blend theirvoices to give off their best tosee their zones win.

The duet singing left our judgesspeechless, as they saw fathers and daughterssinging soulfully among the many others thatparticipated. One of the judges even sug-gested to the cultural committee that the duetgroup be divided into two categories so thatthe kids too would stand a chance to win intheir category. The committee noted the sug-gestion and will make the necessary amend-ment from next year.

It was a treat for one’s senses to see the lit-tle one’s in the age group of 5-8 years and 9-11 years perform on the last day and sing andpitch so beautifully with and without an ac-companist. Our accompanists did a fabulousjob of supporting our contestants on all daysand for this we would like to thank them.

Our panel of judges were faced with theherculean task of finding our winners. And afabulous job they did. Their judgment wastaken in good spirit and was something to belauded. It was truly a proud moment for all ourwinners. Our judges also gave our participantscritical appreciation at the end of each dayand tips for improvement, which went downwell with all. We thank them immensely.

We cannot forget to mention our very ap-

preciative audience, who encouraged all ourparticipants with deafening applause eachtime they went on and off stage, leavingeveryone amazed and inspired by this show-case of great talent.

The Cultural Committee is open to any sug-gestions that you may have and we rely onyour feedback dear parishioners to make thisCarmel Musical Contest better and better eachyear, so that we can give you a platform toshowcase your God-given talent.

Personally, having been a part of the Cul-tural Committee since its inception, I haveseen this contest move from level to level towhat it is now. It started off on a trial basis butnow has emerged as one that parishionerslook forward to each year.

I am grateful to my fellow CulturalCommittee members for their tire-

less efforts in making this con-test a success. A big thank

you to the Parish Fathersteam for their constantsupport and presence onall days. It is encouragingto have our priests with us.

Hearty Congratulationsto all the winners and the

winning zone. You make usproud and encourage us to keep

doing better each year. Last, but defi-nitely not the least, our grateful thanks to Fur-tado’s for lending us their piano year after yearand making it the most awaited occasion forour contestants and accompanists. We lookforward to having many more take part in thiscontest in the future and hope you will usethis platform to the fullest.

Elaine D’Souza

Music is what life sounds like

When I was contacted about a month backfrom students of Wilson College about anevent they planned to host at Carter Road, Iwas overtly ecstatic.Living Outside The Closet(LOTC) is a Wilson College TYBMM initiativethat looks to change a few mindsets towardsthe GLBT community. These third year stu-dents of Mass Media were to hold a musicalconcert to celebrate the right to live by yourown sexuality. This was their second event,they’re first being a PFlag (Parents, friendsand family members) event at the IES Hall,Bandra, which looked to sensitize the familymembers (of gay and bisexual men andwomen) as well as people in general on vari-ous aspects of sexuality.

The reason I was ecstatic was becausethere is no audience more perfect than thatat Carter Road - and no matter the reason,they will always listen with an open mind andaccept what is being said without a prejudice.The concert took place on the 23rd Decemberand was attended by over 200 people. Theconcert included performances by the cele-brated Wilson College band, beat boxer

AvinashTewari, Celebrate Bandra dance win-ners ‘Rhythm and Beats’, the screening of apromo of the film “I AM” and a riveting per-formance by Meiyang Chang, Monali Thakurand Mohan Kannan (the lead singer of band,Agnee).

However towering over all these perform-ances was ‘one stand out moment’ that reallyresonated the true message that was beingput across. It was a monologue by TusharMatthew, one of the members of the group.What was so brilliant about this monologuewas - not only did it both shock and awe thoselistening, it also got them thinking. This is anexcerpt from the monologue “ I am differentonly because I go against your notion of what“normal” is. For that, I have a very simple so-lution. Change your notions”

The students of Wilson College have a lotmore planned in the month of January andjudging by the direction this campaign hastaken off in, its not long before the GLBT startsto get the respect they have long deserved.

Sean D'Mello

Wi lson Col lege Students g ive the GLBT Community A Voice

Artistic Impressions, the art class conductedby art co-ordinator and promoter Mrs. HansaV Jessani held its annual Student Art Exhibi-tion on Saturday, 10th December,2011 at theBandra Hindu Association.

The exhibition was inaugurated at 10am byAdv. Ashish Shelar and Mr. Ajeet Maniyal, sec-retary Bandra Hindu Association and theevent went on till 8pm. The exhibition wastruly a confidence-building exercise plannedfor the students. It gave them all a platform toshowcase their talent and creativity. All theexhibits were categorized, right from toddlersto school level courses and advanced hobbycourses. Medals were given in every category,

in appreciation of their creative work.Artistic Impressions- the art class is con-

ducted and managed by Mrs. Hansa V Jessani.The class has a strength of more than 150 stu-dents. Art is personally taught by Mrs. Jessani,in batches of 15 to 18 students. The art classoffers everything, right from basic drawing toadvanced courses in sketching and paintingin various mediums like ink, water colours,poster colours, charcoal, oil paints etc.

Now, you can Explore the artist withinyou... Age no bar, 2.5 yrs upwards - Classesthroughout the week. For more details, call -9819034634 / 26464249

Ajeet Maniyal

Artistic Expressions at Bandra Hindu Association

January 2012NEWS bandrabuzz.wordpress.com 09

Jari mari mata being carried in a palki, ex-treme left Mr Chetan Varsekar, Secretary of thetrust. photo 2: Mr Ramakant Purarkar, presi-dent of the trust.

The Devotees of Jari Mari Mandirtook out a procession (or car-ried Jari Mata) in a palkiaround Bandra. It is an an-nual Festival, in which Jarimari mata is dressed likea Queen, put in a plakiwhich devotees carry ontheir shoulder. Somedevotees are dressed assoldiers and some as min-isters, while the rest of thedevotees sing bhajans praisingtheir Queen mata.

As history goes, around 300 yearsago, a good part of Bandra Village (nowknown as Bandra) starting from Bandra sta-tion, Turner road, Waterfield road, Hill road(Ramdas Nayak marg) was a big talao - not likehow it is in the present. There were very fewpeople staying in Bandra Village, comprimis-ing mainly of Hindus (who were dhobis), Mus-lims (meat vendors/Horse carriage drivers)and Christians who were office goers underthe British rule.

One day, after being pleased with the

prayers of its devotees, Jari mari mata is be-lieved to be self-incarnated and immerged di-rectly from Bandra talao in a stone form.

Hence Jari Mari Mata is called the Gramdevi (mother goddess) of

Bandra.Thereafter people fromdifferent castes and creeds

started worshiping her. Jarimari mata, when pleasedgrants devotees all theirwishes and when shegets angry she punishesthem.

It is said that wheneveryou call Jari mari mata for

help with faith in your heart,all your sickness, problems will

be solved.Daily morning and evening Jari mari

puja and arti takes place - and on a festival,full day Puja arti takes place in the Mandir. Thesignificance of this Jari mari mata palki is thatdevotees pray to their Gran devi for peace andhappiness between different communities.Jari mari mata mandir was registered as atrust, named as Shatriya Maratha Dhibi samajmandal, with Mr. Rama kant Purarkar as pres-ident, Ravindra Kosekar as vice president andChetan Varsekar as secretary.

Vishal Mhatre

Jai Mari Mata Palki

Bandra is a lively suburb within the city of-Mumbai. It is commonly known as the queenof the suburbs. A place that has given birth toa variety of artists, musicians, writers,dancers, athletes, actors and a pool of intel-lects. From worldwide culinary delights tofashion brands on the footpaths. From quaintvillage homes to concrete high rises, a sky-walk and a sea link. Once in Bandra, foreverin Bandra!!!

Uncles, Aunties, Fadders, Mudders, Bros,Sas’, Dudes, Babes, Dickras, Dickries, Bhai’s,Chicks…whoever you are, whatever you are…Presenting Dis & Dat Men.

Bubble Design & Visual Communication'svery own ‘give back’ to the suburb of Bandra.Dis & Dat Men is an illustrative journey thatexplores quirky and whimsical nuances of thesuburb of Bandra. Or as we lovingly call it…Bandruh!!!

So is it a note book? Is it to sketch or doo-dle? Or is it just for keeps? Well you could usethis book to make your dhobi hisaab, jotdown that quick recipe from TV, keep tab ofthose church notices, maybe even makenotes of that great idea you have in yourhead. We leave it to you to decide new waysto use it. You need something men…for dis

and dat!!! At their studio they create, designand produce for several companies, corpo-rates, eclectic design stores, etc. with all theirheart and soul thrown in. As you may knowthey primarily have a graphic design studiothat develop design right from Brand Identityto Corporate Collateral, from EnvironmentalGraphics to Product Design, and from Pack-aging to Coffee Table Books. They have arange of clientèle both international as wellas domestic. Its been quite a journey for themas a 4.5 year old studio. With a small team ofcreative talent they excel in whatever they setout to achieve. They have also just been fea-tured in the 2011/12 Kyoorius Showcase Bookalong with the top design studios acrossIndia.


To order books as well as to contact themfor any other design related services, pleasecall 022 2642 0964 or e-mail: design.bub-ble@gmail.com or visit Bubble Design & Vi-sual Communication @www.bubbledesign.net

Dis & Dat Men

A function was organised to felecitate all theHaji's (people who have come back after Com-pleting Haj) at the Bandra Jamat Khana nearMaulana Iftekhar Ahmed Chowk, Bandra (W).

Smt Priya Dutt (M.P) & Shri Baba Siddique(M.L.A) were the chief guests on the ocassion.The Chief guests freely mingled with the Haji'sand congratulated them on successful com-pletion of the Haj.Each of the Haji's were fe-

licitated with a shawl and a box of sweets bythe chief guests. Mr. Baba Siddique (M.L.A)came along with his son ZeeshanSiddique,who also felicitated some of heHaji's. The above function was organised byHaji Sajid Mohammed Sahab( president,lockno 39)

Nadia Khan

Felicitation of Haji's

bandrabuzz.wordpress.com NEWSJanuary 201210

On Sunday 18th, Jesus Calls (Bandra) cele-brated Christmas. The function began with asmall prayer which was followed by skits re-lated to Christmas themes presented by chil-dren. The youth had presented a superb skitand dance show. Finally, the elders and seniorcitizens presented a wonderful skit a birthdayparty was celebrated by people without givingmuch importance to the birthday boy.

Brother Simeon and sister Tabassun (whotranslated) Brother simeon's sermon intoHindi, explained to the gathering of around200 people the importance of the birthday skittheme as we all celebrate Christmas with lot offanfare but we forget about our Lord JesusChrist. Brother Simeon gave a beautiful ser-mon and told us all to open our heart, for theLord Jesus is waiting to come in. He is theword, He is the Lord, through Him the worldwas created. He was born to save us all, Hedied for our sins and he resurrected again.Lord Jesus takes away all our problems, sick-

ness, loneliness and fills our life with love andhappiness. Finally brother simeon announcedthat clothes would be distributed to about 200poor children between the age group of 14 -15yrs at the Jesus Call pray tower in Bandra onthe 22nd between 5-7pm. Snacks were distrib-uted to all the people present at the prayerservices and finally Santa Claus came wishingthem all a Merry Christmas!

Jesus Calls Bandra Weekly Program:Monday : Intercession Prayer (4pm) / MarathiFellowship (6pm)Tuesday: Tamil Fellowship (6pm)Wednesday : Bible Study (6pm) Thursday: Telegu Fellowship (6pm) / Youth In-tercession (6pm)Friday: Healing & Deliverance Meet (5pm) Saturday: Family Blessing Meet (5pm)Sunday: Youth Meet (6pm) / Business BlessingMeet(6pm).

Sveta D'Souza

Christmas celebrations at Jesus Calls

The Rotary Club of Bombay Bandra had or-ganized a Vocational & Utility Award Functionon Tuesday 29th November 2011@ 8.30 p.m.at Otter Club.

The function was organized by PresidentMr. M. P. Singh, Vocational Director MonicaGrover and past President Mr. Mohan Lala.The selection committee of the vocationalawards had selected 3 candidates for Voca-tional Excellence awards and they were hon-oured by way of presentation of a shawl anda memento. The recipients were Sdr Manmo-han Singh Bedi - Ex-Mayor of Mumbai, Dr.R.K. Anand - Pediatric and Dr. J.P. Agarwal,Oncologist. They were awarded for theirachievement of excellence in their professionand for the services rendered for the for thebenefit of society at large. Utility awards werepresented to Mrs Manjitkaur Anand - Teacher,

Guru Harkishan Public School, Ms Tara RLokhande, Aayah at K. B Bhabha Hospital, Ms.Anita Kamble Sweeper at Conservancy Dept.,H (W) BMC, Mr. R. A. Kankekar - Wireman atKhar Tel Exchange and Mrs. Theresa Suares incharge of special study classes at UCDC.

As a way of gratitude, an appreciationaward and a token of thanks - Rs.1000/- incash and a certificate of appreciation weregiven to each of them.

Every year the club recognizes the servicesrendered by the people for their honesty, in-tegrity and dedication towards their duties.The function was largely attended by the Ro-tarians, Rotary Anns, officials from Rotary Dis-trict 3140 and the families of those awarded,totaling 70 people. After the awards, every-body present had a sumptuous dinner.

M P Singh

Rotary Awards at Otters Club

Makar sankrati is one of the most auspiciousocassions for the Hindus and is celebrated inalmost all parts of the country with great de-votion and gaiety. It is a Harvest festival.Makar Sankranti is perhaps the only fesivalwhose date always falls on the same day everyyear - that is the 14th of January. It is also aday when Hindus worship the Sun God, whostands for Knowledge, Spiritual Light and Wis-dom.

Makar Sankranti signifies that we shouldturn away from Darkness of Devotion in whichwe live and begin to enjoy new life filled withpurity, wisdom and knowledge. In Maharash-tra and Gujurat, the celebration are even big-ger. People offer thousands of their colourfulgifts to the Sun God in form of Beautiful Kites.The act stands as a metaphor for reaching totheir beloved sun God.

Mr. Asif Khan of Standard Kite Store

(properitor Mr. Shaukat Khan) Bandra (w),says that during Makar Sankranti celebra-tions, he sells around Rs.7000/- worth of Kitesin the price range of Rs.1 & 2 respectively andthe manja( the thread used to fly kites) ataround Rs. 2- 6 Rs a tola depending on thequality.

Most of these Kites on Sale at his shop aremanafactured outside Mumbai, these kitesmostly come to him from places like Delhi,Agra & Rai Barelli - to name a few places.There are China-made Kites of differentshapes & sizes like spiderman etc whose priceranges from Rs 40- Rs 60. These are more ofa show piece and not much in demand.

Most of customers who come to buy kitesfrom him and the other kite shops in Bandraare from suburbs like Malad, Borivali, Kandi-vali etc.

Sir Minaz

Makar Sankranti or Patang Festival

The Bandra Civic & Welfare Group, led by Ex-Councillor Vincy D’Mello helps the underpriv-iliged of Bandra by distributing 1 kilo Onions& Potatoes FREE to 50 poor families everyweek.

Other activities include FREE exercisebooks, visits to Charitable Homes, Medical Aid/ Used Clothes for deserving cases & FREEX’Mas gifts to 700 poor children. Esmeralda,his loving wife helps him to continue thesecharitable activities from ‘Grace Villa, 24, D’-Monte Park Road, Bandra (W).

With the rise in prices, the cost of providing1 kilo onions & potatoes alone to 50 poor fam-

ilies works out to Rs 1,000/- per week. In orderto defray the costs, you can be generous & do-nate to this worthy cause. Any amount will beappreciated. Those who give abundantly, arein some inscrutable way, amply rewarded.We are the world... we are all God’s childrenWe are the ones to make a brighter day... solet’s start giving!Please help us help them !All donation cheques should be crossed &drawn in favour of: ‘Bandra Civic & WelfareGroup’. Call ‘Esme’ on 022 2642 4896 / 9833128691 or email: vincydmello10@yahoo.com

- Sunita Rao

Vincy’s appeal to help the underpriviliged

January 2012RECIPES / EVENTS bandrabuzz.wordpress.com 11

Events12th January 2011Awareness Event on Sex Selection Time: 10.30am to 3.30pm Venue: Chetana College , Kala Nagar, Bandra (E)Contact: 9820749204....................................................................................................................................

Free Introductory Evening with Master Zhi Gang ShaTime: 5pmVenue: Hotel Rang Sharda, Bandra Reclamation, Near Lilavati Hospital, Bandra (W)Contact: 9920867998 / 9920269995 / 8082447176

13th January 2011Anoushka ShankarTime: 7:30pm Venue: St. Andrews Auditorium, St.Dominic Road, Bandra (W)Contact: 022 26459667...................................................................................................................................

PRAJNA - An Awakening with Breath to reconnect with SelfTime: 7:00pm to 9:00pmVenue: 14B, Carter Raod, Next to Landmark Building, Bandra (W)Contact: 9819827972

14th January 2011Street Fighting WorkshopTime: 4:00pm to 6:00pmVenue: Bandra Hindu Association School Hall, Off Linking Rd, Bandra (W)Contact: 9870966910 / 9821423448...................................................................................................................................

Yoga Dance Movement (2 day workshop from 14th to 15th)Time: 10:30am to 12:00pmVenue: The Art Loft, 1st Floor, above Patel Stores, next to Mehboob Studios, Bandra (W)Contact: 9930386960

15th January 2011PARTY ALERT! Urban Dogs Lots of free goodies for grab + one day discount on products and services. Entry free forpets and pet parents. Time: 11am to 6:00pmVenue: Bandra Hindu Association School Hall, Off Linking Rd, Bandra (W)Contact: 022 26441094

19th January 2011Football Fiesta 2012 (3 day tournament from 19th to 21st)Time: 7:00 amVenue: Supari Talao, Mount Carmel Road, Bandra (W)Contact: 022 26513224 / 022 26410925For Registration :- Hafeez Elias - 9920498220, Sandesh Sawant - 9819285933

21st January 2011 (2 day event from 21st to 22nd)Books on Toast - Book Donation Drive and SaleTime: 12:00pm to 8pmVenue: Candies, Pali Naka, Bandra (W)

26th January 2011Flag Hoisting Time: 9amVenue: Bandra Gymkhana, Bandra (W)Contact: 0226428512...................................................................................................................................

Parish Night Time: 6:30pm to 9:30pmVenue: Mount Carmel Church, Bandra (W)Contact: 26421589 / 26434695

28th January 2011Bandra Cycle Club Alliance (NO TV DAY)Time: 6:30am to 8:15amVenue: Carter Road, Bandra (W) to Gateway of IndiaContact: 8898051000 / 9820527899

29th January 2011Musical Fiesta 2012Time: 2:00pm to 5:00pmVenue: Rang Sharda, Bandra Reclamation, Near Lilavati Hospital, K C Marg, Bandra (W) Contact: 9820140675...................................................................................................................................

Bandra Bird RaceTime: 6:30am to 9:30amVenue: R. D. National College, Bandra (W) Contact: Ankur Gadgil 997085687 / Nandita Noronha 9987376596

LIST YOUR EVENT FOR FREE E-mail details (date, time, location, contact) to: bandrabuzz@gmail.com

Dressing:Balsamic vinegar 100ml Honey 50ml, Virgin olive oil 100ml, Ginger paste 5gms, Garlic paste 5gms, Sesame seeds roasted 50gms, Sugar 50gms, Salt & pepper as per taste.

Sauté ginger garlic in oil. Add ingredients except sesame seeds. Add sesame seeds in the lastthree seconds in the blender.

Recipe:Grilled veggie bits 65gms, (Eggplant Zucchini)Cranberry 25gms,Mix peppers 50gms,Feta cheese 50gms,Mix lettuce 125gms.Mix all of it with 50ml of Mediterranean dressing.

Recipe Courtesy: Ray's Cafe & Pizzeria

Mediterranean Salad

Dressing:Goat Trotters (Paya) 8Garlic 1 bunchGinger 3 TBspOnion 3-4Haldi 1 TBspZeera 1 TBsponion thinly sliced 2Garlic paste 2 tspGarlic paste 2 tspRed chillies 2 tspoil 1/2 cuphaldi 1 tspDaal mash boiled & mashed 1/2 cup

MethodCook Trotters with 1st part ingredients for 2-3hours adding a lot of water till trotters are ten-der & soft.Boil daal mash with little ginger garlic paste &mash it.Heat oil in a big pan. Add onion. Fry till lightgolden. Add ginger, garlic paste, haldi, redchillies. Fry adding little water.Add boiled daal mash & boiled trotters, salt.Cook it again on low heat for 1 hour.Sprinkle zeera powder.Garnish with coriander leaves, green chillies& ginger slices.

Paya Soup

bandrabuzz.wordpress.com NEWSJanuary 201212

Literature lovers were treated to a unique lit-erature carnival last month at Mehboob Stu-dios, Bandra. Mumbai Fully Booked, theTimes of India’s literary carnival was a re-sounding success. Large crowds of Mum-baikars thronged this historic site on the firstweekend of December. There were many es-tablished writers, first-time and would-be au-thors, media personalities, publishers andjournalists present on these days. The atten-dees of these events basically wanted to catcha glimpse of their favourite authors and mediapersonalities, and possibly even meet them.International and deshi celebrities includedWilliam Dalrymple, Ekta Kapoor, MohammadHanif, Chetan Bhagat, Vinod Mehta, Tarun Tej-pal, Bachi Karkaria and Vikram Chandra.

Many were keenly interested in the intel-lectual debates between the authors such as“Sex in the City” where four authors discussedstories of love and sexual relationships inMumbai. Several high-profile book launchestook place at this literary carnival includingthat of “Lucknow Boy”, an autobiography byVinod Mehta and Meenal Baghel’s “Death inMumbai” which provided a fresh perspectiveon the gruesome murder of Neeraj Grover, ayoung TV producer, and the controversiesshrouding it.

One of the highlights of the Mumbai FullyBooked carnival was the sparring debate be-tween Chetan Bhagat and the Pakistani au-thors, Mohammad Hanif and Mohsin Hamid,on which of the sub-continental countries wasbetter in the field of literature. The debate wasas exhilarating as those close cricket encoun-ters between the two rival nations. There wasalso a humorous yet tremendously insightfulinterview in which Vinod Mehta elaborated hisviews on the weird opportunistic relationshipsbetween politicians and journalists. VinodMehta’s funny anecdotes and in-your-facereplies had the audience in splits. Evidence ofthe eclectic nature of this carnival could beclearly witnessed by the attendees whofeasted on exotic dishes, viewed an amazingopen door photo exhibition and participatedin fun events like Achyut Palav’s expressivecalligraphy workshop in which participantsrelished the awesome combination of callig-raphy and music.

Vivek Pereira

Mumbai Fully Booked a unique literary event

Rizvi college of Arts,Science and Commerce isgoing through a purple patch in its academiccalendar. Last week in two of the most presti-gious events, Rizvi teachers won two top ho-nours.

At a Science project presentation competi-tion held at Jai Hind college, Prof N. Joshialong with Prof Deshmukh grabbed the 1stPrize, while Prof S. Hussain won the consola-tion prize. At the 64th Indian conference heldat Pondicherry University, the research paperprepared by Principal Dr. M.Z Farooqui andProf A. Khalil won a GOLD MEDAL out of over1800 research papers from all over India. Inthe same conference, a paper by Prof.P Nagoriwas also selected among the top ten papers.Bandra Buzz congratulates the Principal andthe teachers of Rizvi college for their academicachievements and wishes them the best in thefuture endeavours.

Sir Minaz

Rizvi rocks withacademic achievements Meet Your


Agni' is organising an interactive "Meetyour Candidate" meeting for wards 95 & 96on Sunday 5th February at 10:30am at StTeresa's High School, Bandra.

Be an informed voter and interact with theCandidates.

All our invited to attend.

Musical Fiesta- 2012East Indian,

Goan & Mangalorean Artists

Mission Mangaon to help the KathkariTribal Families/Those interested to come for the showWill need to collect the invitationcard.call St. Theresa's Church,St. Peter's Church, Mt Carmel Church,St. Andrew's church, St. Anne's Church& St. Vincent de Paul Church call no. 9820140675

January 2012CLASSIFIEDS bandrabuzz.wordpress.com 13ACCOUNTANT

Vernon Duarte (C.A.) Accounts,Auditing, Co-op. Societies, PANFiling of Income Tax Returns Call:9920767522 / 26435096.

BEAUTY TREATMENTFor a younger looking, wrinkle freeface, botox and fillers, call Dr. J PeterRodrigues 9820061317, 9820221667

BIZ OPPORTUNITYBest Business Opportunity inBandra. Successfully operatingsince 1978, now in 148 countriesworldwide, 10 years in India. Part-Time / Full-Time, No Investment, NoExperience Reqd. No Door To DoorSelling, Free Training Provided -GENUINE - Earn 4,000/- to 40,000/-p.m Call Now: 8108352110______________________________

A little effort, time & desire is all youneed to legitimately increase yourincome from home. Contact8108222187 / 9820586240

CAR RENTALSFor trips in and around Mumbai.Contact: Vincent - 9820380742

CAR SALEHonda Civic 2007, Fully Automatic,Silver, 25,000kms.Call 022 26442915

CARPENTERContact: Raju Sawant - 9769104729.Somnath Lane, Bandra (w).

COACHING CLASSESShalom Classes Bandra. AttentionStd. IX & X. Shalom welcomes youto come & experience . Batches be-ginning from 16th April 2012 smallnos. (15-20) Individual Attention.Professionals for all subjects. Con-tact Delano Aguiar 9819968961 /26004989 or John Pereira9969656305

COMPUTER SERVICES One Stop Computer Solutions. Sales& Repairs of Desktops, Laptops,Networking, Data Recovery & AMC.Contact: Luke Almeida:8097044010/9969276108

CORNED TONGUEFor Corned Tongue and Meat LoafContact: Sunita Pereira 98203 00751(Home made and delicious)

COURIERS SERVICESCharles & Co. 26439618 * Local *Domestic * International * Also SodaGas Refils * Good Service * PromptDelivery & Feedback * Enids Apts.Premises, Chapel Road, near DukesHotel, Bandra (w). (* Charles & Co.is located at Chapel Road & not atSona Shopping, Hill Road)

DECORATORSEverett Creations Decorations /catering along with completewedding packages. Contact: EverettD’Costa 9821182327 / 9920933309everettcreations@hotmail.com

ESTATE AGENTSBernval Buying & Selling Of Flats,Shops, Plots, Leave Licence,P.G, Etc.In Mumbai & Goa Bernard:98203 91586 bernval_est@yahoo.com

FASHION DESIGNERFelix Bendish Design Studio Men &Women fashion Clothing &Accessory Bridal Wedding Gowns-Indian & Western Hand Embroideryon Indian suits & sarees. Men'ssherwanies & suits handembroidered fashion neckpieces.Contact: 6605058. 1st floor, JuhuGazdhar Bandh Road, behind Juhugarden, Santacruz (w) Mumbai400054. www.felixbendish.com

FLORIST Laxman 98672 63461 / 98203 79676St. Andrew’s Road.

FRUIT VENDORMohd. Naeem Fruits Stores - bestquality fresh fruits - widest choice -Opp. Society Super Market, ChimbaiRoad Bandra (w). For FREE homedelivery. Call: 98192 95265 /98677 38152.

GETAWAYSRockdale Bungalow, Manori. Private& exclusive 3 bedroom bungalow /Authentic Veg & Non - Veg, EastIndian, Continental, Indian menu /Kitchen with fridge / Two attachedbath and toilets (Western) / 24-hourborewell water / Children’s swing /Open sitout for parties and barbecue/ Near beach /Ample car parking /Reasonable rates / Discount onweekdays. Contact: 2640 7670 /98195 10183

HOME PRODUCTSSoda Machine (1950/-) exchangeoffer & repair, refill (all flavours).Mini Washing Machine (2800/-)Electric Tandoor (3990/-) MagicSteam Cooker (3090/-) FREE HOMEDEMO Contact: Noble Enterprises9821394504 / 9146729782 /9870639334

HOUSEKEEPING SERVICESFor housekeeping material. Pleasecontact: Vergis N - 9819268248.Free home delivery of phenyl,mops, dusters, towels, etc.

INTERIOR DECORATORSSonia & Dhiraj Bhatia - 9167187856/ 9167187855

INVESTMENT CONSULTANTSJoaquim Cardoz - InvestmentConsultant. call: 9833006757.Flat #3, 405, Patil Pada, Pitale Lane,Ram Mandir Road, Danda, Khar (w),Mumbai 400 052. For doorstep service.

JOBS VACANCYWanted female receptionist for ahotel in Bandra (w) with BasicComputer / Internet Knowledge.Mail CV to : info@luckyhotels.incall: 9820044471. Freshers arewelcome!

KEY MAKERSMohamed Ali - 98674 26398. nrGodrej Nature’s Basket, Hill Road

LOCAL TUTIONSVeena Classes Highly ExperiencedTeacher for Maths & Science Tutionin Bandra for Std 5 – 10, SSC & ICSEContact: 9833176442.______________________________

Prof. Zaidi French ClassesContact: 9967395594 (ICSE, CBSE,IGCSEC HSC, SSC)

BRIDESEast Indian R.C. Bachelor, 28, 6ft.Self Employed invites proposalsContact: 9820063815 /02224020683

PAN CARD Sam: 98330 58917 for Rs 200/- only(service for Bandra only)

PARTY ORDERSNATPHIL GOA - for small party ordersupto 50 people delicious,home-made Goan food, withsnacks. 56, Waroda Road, Bandra (w). call: Philomena 9819152996

PHOTOGRAPHERSJoe Pereira Digital Photography &Video Shooting. Wedding,Parties &Conferences. contact: 9820071928/ 9820501380.

REPAIRS & SERVICES24 hrs Home, Sales & Service(Bandra only) Gas Stoves, Hobs,Table Tops & Chimneys. Contact:Mahendra Sales Shiv Asthan, ShopNo. 7, Plot No. 31, 16th road, nearShiv Sagar, Bandra (w).Amrut 9323431633 / 26486525______________________________

Three Star Repairs, Service,Installation, Buying, Selling of A/C& Fridge. contact George -9930951611. Chuim Khar (w).

REPAIRS & SERVICESRefrigerators / Air Conditioners /Splits / Frost Free Refrigerators /Indian / Imported. GuaranteedRepairs / Installations / AMC -FRIZARE, 30th Road, BansariApartments, opp. H2O, Pali Naka,Bandra (w) 9820197439 / 6544903______________________________

For Radio & TV mechaniccontact : Shantaram Yadav -98203 58155 - Mount Mary Steps,Bandra (w)______________________________

Repairs: Washing Machine, GasStove, Microwave, Fridge, & A.C.contact: Ramesh - 9892387330Bharat Service Centre, Pali Naka.

SALEPretty new baby frocks For 1 yearold- 100/- & working girls dresses.Call: 30656246, 30656243 ____________________________

Back Rx Spine Care Ideal for household & office chair,cars etc. Ergonomicaly designed,reduces lower back pain, helpsmaintain blood circulation,Removal cover for easy cleaning, oruse wet clothes to wipe the surfaceof products.contact 9820793616

STAMPS & COINSVernon Duarte - 99207 67522 - Saleof old Indian & Foreign Stamps &Coins.

TAILORSKnitting Crochet EmbroideryDressmaking Courses - 9820451695

TIFFIN SERVICESBebiana de Goa Daily tasty tiffins,delicious party catering. Contact:Bebiana D’souza - 9819454137

TRAVELGlobal Travel Solutions providessolutions for PassportDocumentation & PAN Card - BusBooking for Goa, Mangalore,Gujarat, Baroda etc. Air Tickets -Domestic & International. Contact:Narayan - 99207 90344

UNDERTAKERSCall Sunil Colaco of LonicaUndertakers & Ambulance Servicefor any assistance on9821182100/26131245/65006674.24hrs service provided

USED CARSBEST PRICE for Used Cars SpotFinalization, Any Make / Model /Registration / Condition. Contact:Zuber - 9820030777. SMS imore1209910 to 5667755

VEGETABLE VENDORSHarilal Yadav - 93245 52451.Chimbai, Opp Solanki Chemist,Bandra (w). (Home Delivery)

WATER PURIFIERSGoodwater & Co. Sales & Services ofWater Purifiers. We offer best QualityProducts, Exclusive Exchange /Discount Schemes, AnnualMaintenance Contracts Special AMCrates for Bandra Buzz readers only.For more details contact:+912226422053,+919769979307.Email: goodwater@sellebrity.co.G/2, Jonelia, 214 St. Andrews RoadBandra(west), Mumbai – 400050

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bandrabuzz.wordpress.com NEWSJanuary 201214

The overcast skies on a Sunday morning did notdampen the spirits of all race drivers and fans whohad come to witness the finals of the JK Tyres Volk-swagen Polo R Cup at the Madras Motorsports Racein Chennai.

The previous day it rained heavily and a fewareas around the race tracks were flooded withwater, due to this the race officials shorten the racetrack to 2.1 kms thus giving due advantage to alldrivers finishing faster to the checker line.

Rahil Noorani was preparing to get ready andwas looking forward to the big day in his career intaking home with him the Championship Trophy,with all due advantage of him being the leader inthe championship position in the finals of the Volk-swagen Polo R Cup Round 2 season.

In the first round Rahil was maintaining a steadyposition all the way during the races but due to theshorten track the race was quicker and the carscame close to each other however in car no 15driven by Capt. Ajay Kini who was behind him camebumper to bumper with his car to displace him offthe track and this cost him much time to regain hisposition and lead in this round.

Having been warned by the races officials afterround 1 Capt Ajay Kini did not pay heed to the ad-vice and once again closed into Rahil's car this timebumping his bumper off-guard for him to go to thepits and take it off thus resulting in precious timeand points wasted in the final second round thusupsetting Rahil of winning the series he came 5thin the overall championship series. Though a verybig disappointment for Rahil who was so close onwinning this title he took it all in his stride.

Rahil spoke to BandraBuzz after the races "TheFinal round of the Volkswagen Polo R cup has beenpossibly the biggest learning experience for me asa racing driver. ups and downs are a part of any

sport and only those who learn from their downscan excel in their field."

"Being in the top 3 was an aim for me from thestart itself. Securing my maiden pole position andrace win in the 2nd round at Coimbatore really gaveme a confidence boost."

In total he had 3 race wins 2 second places and1 third place finish. Almost the most amount ofpodiums after Vishnu Prasad from Chennai claimedthe champinship trophy and his now all set to racein Germany with the Sicriocco Cup.

Rahil said "I do hope to continue racing in thePolo R Cup next year and definately gun for thechampionship! Will need all my friends support andgood wishes! Will give it my best for sure".

Mr. Prithviraj Siddappa, Head of Volkswagen Mo-torsport India, said, “It has been a great season andthe last race has been one of the most memorableones, thanks to the presence of international driv-ers and veteran race driver Sunny Sidhu. The factthat the championship was not won until the lastrace made the Championship even more exciting.I would like to thank the efforts made by my wholeteam to make this a highly successful season.”

Rahil is just back for SriLanka having taken partin a Night Racing event with the Volkswagen PoloR Cup cars, this was part of the Electric Peacock Fes-tival held in Colombo last month the first of its kindheld in the island country.

Thanks to its proven concept of promotingyoung talent abroad, the Polo R Cup enjoys the rep-utation of being an ideal stepping stone to enterprofessional racing. Building on its success withthe debut Polo Cup India last year, Volkswagen Mo-torsport will continue to make Polo R Cup the pre-mier touring car championship in the country.

David Vaz

Rahil disappointed but takes it as learning experience

We all have our unique creative streaks, invarious fields of expression. And Theresa hasher own too. Tucked away near Mehboob Stu-dio, next to Goodluck Hotel is a balconythat has been the centre of attrac-tion for neighbours & those pass-ing by.

Last week, our reporter hap-pened to be passing and got aglimpse of her wonderful cre-ation. On inquiry, she was in-vited by Theresa to visit her firstfloor residence at ‘Sunflower’.She obligingly told her how she al-ways decorates her balcony for festi-vals of all communities - and just lovesdoing it.She regularly changes it. It makes herfeel happy. She found that people who saw itfelt happy too, when they passed by duringtheir morning walk. Many of her admirershave positive comments about her balconydecor. This has encouraged her to innovate &

continue her hobby. Our reporter learned thatshe used to do a lot of wedding & home decorin her youth (her well kept home is enough

proof). In fact, all decorations for familyevents were lovingly done by her. As

our reporter’s rapport with hergrew, she told her somethingabout herself.

Mrs. Theresa Henry D’Souzais an ex-teacher of St. Stanis-laus K.G. Section, Bandra and

ex-principal of Ravidani Nurs-ery, Dadar. She enjoyed her

teaching career - and used to ac-cept wedding decor orders, doing it

in her spare time. Here children have takento art & craft. Now, she is a proud grand-mother, living a very fulfilling life with Henry,her supportive husband.

Nikita Nathani

Theresa’s Balcony Decor - A Unique Christmas Expression

The second Cochlear Implant has been doneat the Holy Family Hospital, Bandra.The Holy Family Hospital ENT Department andthe Department of Audiology & Speech arefully geared to treat hearing disorders of alltypes. These departments offer solutions totreat hearing disorders and have hearing de-vices of all kinds and various sophisticatedsurgeries can be performed.The team of doctors who conducted this sur-gery include Dr. Chris deSouza, Dr. J. Peter Ro-drigues, Dr D.M. Borkar, Dr. Sunita Agshikarand Dr. Pratima Marker.

The team of audiologists and hearing disorderspecialists comprise Mrs. Sneha Satam, Mrs.Arti Arora, Mr. Shivraj Bhimte and Ms. NaheedJumani. The audiology department has a comprehen-sive set of computerized equipment to evalu-ate hearing problems and has the widestrange of hearing aids as well. For further enquiries, please contact the de-partment of Audiology & Speech Therapy orany of the surgeons mentioned above.

Dr. Sudhir G. Shenoy

Cochlear Implants - now at Holy Family Hospital

January 2012bandrabuzz.wordpress.com 15

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BandraBuzzContact us:

m: 9820783686e: bandrabuzz@gmail.com

Vol. IIl Issue 1 > R.N.I. # : MAHENG/8-10-2010/12646 Editor: Merck D’Silva > Printed & Published by Creative Concepts, 401 Anica, 28 St. Paul Rd, Near Bandra Gymkhana, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050

Printed at Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072

Game4u, the specialist game retail store fromMilestone Interactive Group today announcedthe opening of its store in Bandra (W) at Re-liance Time Out, Reliance Trends (BasementLevel), Hill Road. The store offers an array ofvideo, console and PC games; consoles as wellas gaming accessories. Located in the heart ofBandra, at Hill road, it is in proximity to thecommercial, shopping and entertainmentbuzz of the city.

The most fashionable and trendy suburb ofMumbai, Bandra is well known for its restau-rants, pubs, resto-bars and now will have itsown gaming destination as well.

Game4u’s store is well designed; the layoutof the store promises customers a truly de-lightful shopping experience. An invitingdecor in shades of yellow and blue makes thestore warm and pleasant, and it is in completeharmony with the displays that are designed

for easy customer interface. Announcing thelaunch, Mr. Jayont R. Sharma, CEO and Chair-man, Milestone Interactive Group said, “Weare proud to launch the first gaming store inBandra - nestled in the very heart of what isknown as queen of suburbs. With this addi-tion, we will have Six Game4u stores operatingin the country, four in Mumbai and one eachin Jalandhar & Ludhiana. Additionally, our on-line store www.game4u.com continues toservice customers across 160+ cities of India.We plan to substantially increase our panIndia retail presence in the coming years."

The new store opening presents fabulousstore inaugural offers for the customers. Theadvertising communication of the store car-ries a QR code which enables the customer tobrowse through the store products and alsoget some freebies.

Troy Inchiparambil

Game4u debuts in Bandra

MET Institute of Mass Media (MET IMM) has un-dergone tremendous metamorphosis sinceits inception, changing its form from a tendercaterpillar to a fully grown beautiful butterflywith vibrant colours. Be it any field in Mediaand Entertainment, MET Institute of MassMedia has proven it’s par excellence. In a sim-ilar effort towards the unbeaten path ofchange, MET IMM has initiated ‘METAMOR-PHOSIS’ an integrated media event which of-fers budding media professionals toshowcase their talent and interact with the gi-ants of the industry. In the first year META-MORPHOSIS event started on a lighter notewith the ‘Comedy Festickle’, followed by ‘Cel-ebrating Game Changers’.

This year in 2011, MET IMM is celebratingIndia. The theme for the event is ‘Dil se India’– global thoughts, Indian ways! An effort intounderstanding that sense of Indianness weretain and incorporate into our films, ads andall our communication despite being head-to-head with most global superpowers. Forinstance, McDonalds’ the food giant introduc-ing McAloo Tikki for the Indian market exem-plifies how Indian we truly are!

During this mega media fest METAMOR-PHOSIS – ‘Dil se India’. Over thirty events fea-tured across three days, students participatedin workshops, panel discussions, Marathiplays, live reportings, campaign designs, jin-gle creations and many more, with lots of ex-citement. It was an eclectic mix of over 30

pre-entry and on-ground events, 6 panel dis-cussions and 3 workshops in the field of Ad-vertising, Journalism and Entertainment. Over400 students from across Mumbai partici-pated in this media fest.

The event was inaugurated by leading bol-lywood icon Mr. Ramesh Shippy, Mr. BoneyKapoor along with Mr. Chhagan Bhujbal,Chairman – Mumbai Educational Trust. On thisoccasion MET was graced by leading celebri-ties, personalities from the field of Advertise-ment, Journalism and Entertainment. On onehand stalwarts like Rohit Shetty, Anu Malik,Atul Kulkarni, Arti Jadhav, to name a few, fromBollywood added to the fest’s glory, on theother hand top notch professionals like AliMerchant, Founder – Triton, Aman Mannan,Creative Director – Mudra Max, Ajay Jhala, CEO– BBDO, Dhunji Wadia, President – EverestBrand Solutions, Mahesh Gharat, SCD –Ogilvy, enlightened the audience on variousmass media topics.

The Grand Finale was concluded with abang, the theme of the grand finale event wasbased on ‘NAVARASA’, which are the ninebasic emotions of human beings – Shringara,Karuna, Haasya, Roudra, Bhayanaka, Bibhat-sya, Adhbhuta, Veera and Shanta. The win-ners and participants were cheerful to receivetheir awards from the well known actor Mr.Nikhil Dwivedi and the famous director Mr.Dharmesh Darshan.


METAMORPHOSIS ‘11the iconic media fest!

Chief Guests Ramesh sippy and Boney Kapoor, bollywood's leading personalities along withChhagan Bhujbal, Founder Chairman - MET, cutting the ribbon at the inaugural ceremony ofMET's iconic media fest, METAMORPHIS.

With the season’s cheers comes many goodtidings in the month of December -and what better way to bring somecheer and goodwill to all than aspecial Christmas reading bydone by American ActorBrandon Hill at the new bookstore in Bandra called ‘TitleWaves’.

Brandon enthralled theaudience with his uniquestyle and powerful voice, whilehe read out “Scrooge - A Christ-mas Carol” adapted by Karl B. Peter-son from a Charles Dicken’s story, inwhich three spirits take the miserly Ebeneezer

Scrooge on a journey through his life, wherehe learns the true meaning of Christ-

mas and life - and for the very firsttime, the word ‘Merry Christmas’

came into being.This play was presented by

Hill Station productions,along with Title Waves. ElvisDias, Managing Director ofTitle Waves told us “We plan

to bring many more enter-taining events at the book

store this new year”.

David Vaz

Actor Brandon Hill enthrals audiences at Title Waves

bandrabuzz.wordpress.com NEWSJanuary 201216

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