voice at work march 2010

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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newsletter of UNISON Scotland members employed in the community and voluntary sector


JJOOIINN tthhee CCoommmmuunniittyy sseeccttiioonnooff tthhee ddeemmoo,, mmaakkee ssuurree yyoouurr

eemmppllooyyeerr iiss rreepprreesseenntteedd..DDoonn’’tt mmooaann -- OORRGGAANNIISSEE!!

The electronic

MARCH 2010

Newsletter for UNISON Scotland’s Community members

@@vvooiiccee wwoorrkk

UNISON the union for ALL workers in the third sector

March and rallyagainst the cuts

When politicians and media com-mentators continually attack the pub-lic sector and those who deliver vitalservices, our union, UNISON standsup for us and the communities weserve.Neither we or our service users causedthe recession - we should not be theones paying for the mistakes of highpaid bankers!!Come along to the march and rally andtell the politicians and the media:-� We provide essential services -even more in demand during a reces-sion;� Public spending is vital to sustaineconomic recovery - cuts will only pro-long a recovery;� We can afford it - UNISON has pro-duced an alternative budget outlininghow to pay for the crisis without cuttingservices.

Saturday 10th April. 9.30 am

Assemble University Ave, GlasgowYou are NOT the problem - you are part of the solution!

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