vocabulary work shop

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Vocabulary Work Shop. Unit 2. adverse. Definition (adj.) unfavorable, negative; working against, hostile Sentence Not doing your homework can have an adverse affect on your grade. arid. Definition (adj.) extremely dry; uninteresting, dull Sentence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Vocabulary Work Shop

Unit 2

adverseDefinition(adj.) unfavorable, negative; working against, hostile

SentenceNot doing your homework can have an adverse affect on your grade.

aridDefinition(adj.) extremely dry; uninteresting, dull

SentenceSome teachers are very arid in class.

assailantDefinition(n.) a person who attacks violently (with blows or words)

SentenceYou should never be an assailant.

billowDefinition(n.) a large wave; (v.) to rise or swell like a wave

SentenceThe captain looked up and saw the largest wave he’d ever seen in his life billow toward him.


Definition(v.) to meet face-to-face, especially as a challenge; come to grips with

SentenceWhenever someone confronts me I always stand my ground.

constrainDefinition(v.) to force, compel; to restrain hold back

SentenceSome of you need to constrain your desire to talk without raising your hand.

contemporaryDefinition(adj.) belonging to the same period of time as oneself; (n.) a person of the same time

SentenceDominique Wilkins is a contemporary of Michael Jordan.

depictDefinition(n.) to portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture

SentenceAn American Tale depicts the pogroms in Russia during the late 19th century.

disinterestedDefinition(adj.) fair-minded, free from selfish motives; indifferent

SentenceDisinterested may not always mean what you think it means.

encompassDefinition(v.) to encircle, go or reach around; to enclose; to include a with certain group or class SentenceOur classroom discussions usually encompass a wide variety of topics.

groundlessDefinition(adj.) without any good reason or cause, unjustified

SentenceMany of your excuses are groundless.

hypocriteDefinition(n.) a person who pretends to what he or she is not or better than he or she really is; a two-faced person

SentenceMany religious leaders are hypocrites.

incomprehensibleDefinition(adj.) impossible to understand

SentenceNot doing your homework is incomprehensible to me.

manipulateDefinition(v.) to handle or use skillfully; to manage or control for personal gain or advantage

SentenceMy mother-in-law tried to manipulate my children.

maximumDefinition(n.) the greatest possible amount or degree (adj.) reaching the greatest possible amount or degree

SentenceIf you want to be truly successful you must give maximum effort.

mimicDefinition(n.) a person who does imitations; (v.) to imitate; to make fun of

SentenceMy kids like to mimic just about everything I do.

ruffleDefinition(v.) to wrinkle, make uneven; to annoy, upset; to flip through; (n.) a gathered strip of material used for trimming edges; a ripple; a low drumbeat

SentenceWhen you allow people to ruffle your feathers you are giving them what they want.


Definition(adj.) peaceful, calm; free of emotional upset; clear and free of storm; majestic, grandSentenceThere are many places in Alaska that exemplify serene beauty.

sheepishDefinition(adj.) embarrassed; resembling a sheep in meekness, timid

SentenceMost of you are quiet sheepish when you get in trouble.

staminaDefinition(n.) the strength needed to keep going or overcome physical or mental strain; staying power

SentenceBasketball requires more stamina then any other sport.

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