vocabulary agronomy toritos

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Tractor: tractor

The tractor is mine

Mayz: maíz

Corn is my dad

Chopper: picadora

Chopper is good

Cow: vaca

Cow is grander

Agriculture: agricultura

Agriculture is good

Plow: arar

Plowing is good

Fumigate: fumigar

fumigation is best

Harvest: cosecha

the harvest is good

Experimento: experimento

exeperimento for a better harvest

Estudy: estudio

study to better manage my land

Pastures: patos

meet new pasture is good

Coffe: café

I sow coffee

Vegetables: vegetables

I harvest vegetables

Loroco: loroco

Loroco is green

Farm: granja

that nice farmhouse

Horse: caballo

the horse is great

Plants: plantas

plants are beautiful

Pala: pala

the blade is good

Ground: terreno

Land is the best farmer

Tree: árbol

the tree is good for all

Grooves: surcos

grooves look good

Pigs. Cerdos

Pigs are great

hens: gallinas

There are many chickens

Estate: finca

the estate is large

Bull: toro

the bull is angry

Pickaxe: piocha

The goatee is hard

Machete: machete

the machete is a good friend

Irrigations: rriegos

risks are good

pruning: poda

I like pruning

Greenhouses: invernaderos

greenhouses are large

Fertilizers: fertilizante

I apply fertilizers

Hoes azadón

hoes are helpful

Work: trabajo

the work is hard

Fertilizing: fertilizar

Fertilizing is good

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