vocabulary 12th. we will begin your vocabulary quiz in about 2 minutes; you have that long to study....

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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We will begin your vocabulary quiz in about 2

minutes; you have that long to study. You will have 5 minutes

maximum to take the quiz.

(I would start studying before the bell to get a little more time.)

Your vocabulary for the year is on the slides that follow. They are root

words/stems. It is important to see these as parts of words and not words

themselves. Stems make up other words, and when you know the stems, you can

decipher words’ meanings (and knowing them will help with spelling). Begin

noticing stems in words, figuring out how the stems fit into the word, and using

more words with the stems that you have learned and the words you are exposed

to. You will see the stems again next year.


• per (through)• co (together)• trans (across)• biblio (book)• phile (love)• demo (people)• graph (write)• sangui (blood)• cred (believe)• plex (weave)

• ob (against)• tens (stretch)• micro(small)• cosmo (universe)• anim (mind)• neo (new)• phyte(plant)• mens(measure)• in (not)• plus (more)


• de (down)• punct (point)• tude (state of)• pre (before)• ad (to)• hend (grasp)• pro (before)• in (not)• dol (suffer)• per (through)

• ag (to do)• val (worth)• ous (full of)• lent (full of)• put (think)• moll (soft)• greg (group)• alter (other)• ego (I)• ambi (both)

WEEK 63• phil (love)• andro (man)• apo (away)• crypt(hidden)• tens (stretch)• in (in)• port (carry)• caco (bad)• ethos (custom)• pre (before)

• cap (take)• ver (true)• ex (out)• tude (state of)• punct (point)• acr (sharp)• per (through)• fid (faith)• phon (sound)• tang (touch)

WEEK 64• alter (other)• ob (against)• sequ (follow)• ex (out)• pend (hang)• und (wave)• amat(love)• xero (dry)• sed (sit)

• de (down)• nihil (nothing)• ism (doctrine)• inter (between)• ate (cause)• ab (away)• ous (full of)• fid (faith)• con (together)

WEEK 65• dia (across)• soph (wisdom)• ist (one who)• ex (out)• dis (away)• nod (knot)• cup (desire)• lent (full of)• ed (eat)• ven (come)

• ten (hold)• inter (between)• locu (talk)• apo (away)• auto (self)• res (thing)• fy (make)• medi (middle)• circum (around)• culp (blame)

WEEK 66• cup (desire)• eu (good)• phor (carry)• proto (first)• ous (full of)• vid (look)• fic (make)• ate (cause)• mend (flaw)• uxor (wife)• epi (on)

• apo (away)• phan (say)• re (back)• ob (against)• jur (sweat)• sopor(sleep)• inter (between)• nec (kill)• dicho(two parts)• tomy (cut)• phan (appearance)

WEEK 67• ek (out)• lect (gather)• numen (deity)• ous (full of)• mend (flaw)• ob (against)• phan (say)• pro (forward)• re (again)• a (not)

• null (none)• fid (faith)• rid (laugh)• sed (sit)• ad (to)• ine (nature of)• vac (empty)• ex (out)• pusill (tiny)• anim (mind)

WEEK 68• sub (under)• fid (faith)• ex (out)• act (to do)• im (not)• lum (light)• -i (plural)• mony (condition)• psych (soul)• osis (condition)• phon(sound)

• neuro (nerve)• ous (full of)• through (per)• ager (field)• re (again)• de (down)• ideo (idea)• pre (before)• curs (run)• eu (good)• ate (cause)

WEEK 69• ad (to)• ten (thin)• extra (beyond)• pro (forward)• fundus (bottom)• se (apart)• in (in)• per (through)• ven (come)• phan (to show)

• pro (before)• legein (to speak)• hedone (delight)• ism (doctrine)• pater (father)• mis (bad)• cred (believe)• terr (land)• de (from)• ate (cause)

WEEK 70• in (in)• peri (around)• patein (to walk)• ambi (around)• ten (thin)• duct (lead)• cilium (eyelid)• ous (full of)• ad (to)• ite (adherent)• sub (under)

• ism (doctrine)• vale (farewell)• dict (say)• tion (act)• super(over)• mort (death)• ex (out)• pos (put)• dis (from)• ate (cause)• rogat (ask)

WEEK 71• re (back)• ate (cause)• trunc(a stem)• trans (over)• scend (climb)• pro (before)• ad (to)• ven (come)• vitium (vice)• man (hand)• ambul (walk)

• noct (night)• dict (say)• in (not)• ex (out)• eu (good)• thanatos (death)• spatium (space)• spec (look)• ous (full of)• xeno (stranger)• phobia (fear)

WEEK 72• clud (close)• re (again)• ad (to)• par (equal)• sag (wise)• an (without)• icon (image)• clast (break)• mord (bite)• equi (equal)• pend (weigh)

• super(over)• ann (year)• non (not)• ous (full of)• con (together)• tang (touch)• in (not)• tract (pull)• ex (out)• greg (group)• ad (to)

WEEK 73• puer (boy)• ile (like)• con (together)• ate (cause)• fy (make)• sym (together)• bio (life)• osis (condition)• necro (death)• phobia (fear)

• retro (backward)• spec (retro)• fin (end)• lent (full of)• re (again)• in (in)• cise (cut)• dia (across)• aedes (dwelling)• ped (child)

WEEK 74• viv (life)• homeo (same)• stasis (stand)• clam (cry out)• re (back)• cad (fall)• ism (system)• in (in)• vehe (carry)• apo (away)• ob (against)• fid (faith)• miso (hatred)

• ate (cause)• pro (forward)• multi (many)• fac (make)• re (again)• ad (to)• prope (near)• in (in)• vac (empty)• crypt (hidden)• dis (not)• string(bind)• gyn (woman)

WEEK 75• prope (near)• trans (across)• ex (out)• pyro (fire)• mania (madness)• stereo (solid)• dis (away)• quis (search)

• ism (doctrine)• alt (high)• ego (I)• punct (point)• ine (nature of)• megalo (large)• son (sound)• myria(many)

WEEK 76• opia (sight)• per (through)• clar (clear)• ob (against)• choreo (dance)• graph (write)• topo (place)• onto (organism)• onto (being)• dis (away)• sanct(holy)

• gen (origin)• viv (life)• voc (voice)• ate (cause)• in (in)• sed (sit)• para (beside)• im (not)• pecunia (money)• simul (feign)• ous (full of)

WEEK 77• epi (upon)• taph (tomb)• pro (forward)• crea (create)• curs (run)• ad (to)• in (not)• fin (limit)• omni(all)

• prob (test)• ism (doctrine)• contra (against)• tempor (time)• hyper (over)• ball (throw)• germ (related)• alt (high)• re (again)

WEEK 78• lingu (tongue)• man (hand)• pan (all)• demo (people)• fic (make)• multi(many)• tude (state of)• venus (love)• ate (cause)

• ad (to)• pos (put)• amphi (both)• ball (throw)• sacro (holy)• re (again)• fract (break)• ex (out)• fus (pour)

WEEK 79• tri (three)• ad (to)• umbra (shadow)• pisc (fish)• ine (nature of)• ob (against)• im (not)• flag (whip)• en (in)• spec (look)

• com (together)• tumere (to swell)• stigma (mark)• ize (make)• logy (science)• tude (state of)• ex (out)• pugn (fight)• per (through)• syn (together)

WEEK 80• pend (hang)• re (again)• juven (young)• tude (state of)• tele (far)• kin (motion)• epi (on)• cyclo (circle)• ab (away)

• dis (away)• idio (peculiar)• ob (against)• fulg (shine)• part (divide)• ante (before)• lav (wash)• pan (all)• trude(push)

WEEK 81• ob (against)• via (road)• und (wave)• sap (taste)• grade (step)• clud (close)• ex (out)• mol (grind)• a- (without)• super (over)

• dys (bad)• scrib (write)• intra (within)• epi (on)• circum (around)• spec (look)• topo (place)• nym (name)• morph (shape)• flu (flow)

WEEK 82• strat (layer)• fy (make)• sacro(flesh)• acr (sharp)• para (beside)• dox (opinion)• onus (load)• in (in)• dur (hard)• co (together)• gen (origin)

• here (stick)• nat (born)• apo (away)• cap (take)• catena (chain)• con (together)• corp (body)• in (not)• per (through)• spec (look)• ous (full of)

WEEK 83• prim (first)• plen (full)• in (in)• vert (turn)• necro (death)• an (not)• pre (before)• circum (around)

• ad (to)• uni (one)• und (wave)• cur (care for)• phan (appearance)• homo (same)• clude (close)• scrib (write)

WEEK 84• bath (deep)• simul(feign)• co (together)• ante (before)• hyper (beyond)• fin (end)• con (together)

• tend (stretch)• ex (out)• sangui (blood)• anthropo (man)• oid

(appearance)• grav (heavy)• fus (pour)

WEEK 85• grat (pleasing)• ped (foot)• sui (self)• tract (touch)• tude (state of)• ism (system)• turb (stir)• turg (swell)

• per (through)• muta (change)• con (together)• voc (voice)• man (hand)• ex (out)• sur (over)• luc (light)

WEEK 86• lachry (tear)• pro (before)• machy (fight)• gno (know)• ob (against)• cad (fall)• gest (carry)• quis (search)• nat (born)• meta(change)

• ex (out)• legere (choose)• ism (doctrine)• pragma (business)• -able (able)• casus (case)• in (not)• re (again)• cumb(lie down)• morph (shape)

WEEK 87• holo (whole)• caust(burn)• pre (before)• con (together)• volv (roll)• extra (beyond)• vert (turn)• intro (into)• ex (out)• loqu (talk)• mur (wall)• bon (good)

• scintilla (spark)• ate (cause)• labor (work)• cata (down)• rhein (flow)• sub (under)• strat (layer)• in (without)• sap (taste)• sens (feel)• eco (house)• hom (man)

WEEK 88• hetero (different)• genos (kind)• oscu (mouth)• ultima (last)• hypo (under)• stylos (pillar)• dia (across)• ana (up)• oss (bone)

• anti (against)• salire (leap)• sap (know)• vert (turn)• gen (origin)• idio (peculiar)• syn (together)• platy (flat)• tude (state of)

WEEK 89• sub (under)• ad (to)• grav (heavy)• umbra (shadow)• ous (full of)• ign (fire)• fatuus (foolish)• dia (across)• spor (mania)

• in (in)• gen (origin)• loqu (talk)• para (beyond)• oxy (sharp)• ultra (beyond)• ostra (shell)• opus (work)• dur (hard)• quis (search)

WEEK 90• hom (under)• magn (to)• paleo (heavy)• onto (shadow)• logy (full of)• ex (fire)• voc (foolish)• sub (across)• tri (mania)• dent (tooth)• dis (not)

• latus (wide)• tude (state of)• in (not)• passio (suffering)• per (through)• pro (forward)• cliv (slope)• non (not)• grat (pleasing)• vid (look)• gen (origin)

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