vlj industry report

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During my Internship, a market research report through secondary research in publiciations and company information.



Very Light Jet (VLJ) Industry Report

In Comparison to Twin Commander, Inc

July 2006

By: Robert Kazmi


Executive Summary

A new trend is developing in the personal and business use airplane production market. This is

soon introduction of a new class of aircraft entering the industry is the very light jet classification. These

aircraft will be small, jet propelled airplanes which weigh less than 10,000 pounds and hold between five

to seven passengers. This class of aircraft is designed to be the best mix of small, affordable, practical

and performance. This new classification will fit the niche market standing between the high-end jet

propelled private aircraft such as the Lear Jets and the cost efficient and dated jetprop aircraft like those

made by the client, Twin Commander.

Twin Commander, LLC produced and now provides the parts, upgrades and maintenance for the

1000 Commander. This aircraft is one of the most affordable aircraft that can compete with the high-

end jet of Lear and the new class of aircraft, the very light jets. The 1000 Commander has a range of

over 2,000 nautical miles and seats seven passengers. However, the twin commander aircraft has a

much slower cruising and maximum speed than the jet propelled aircraft. Also the 1000 Commander

was last produced in 1986, this makes the latest aircraft over 20 years old; much older than the

competition with brand new zero flight time aircraft. Along this line, Twin Commander has to compete

with the jets “cool factor” and the negative brand image of jetprop aircraft.

Some examples of the soon-to-come very light jets include the Eclipse 500, Cessna Mustang and

the Adams A700. The Eclipse 500 is the product of start-up Eclipse, which has dreams of air taxis and

more access to private air travel. The Cessna Mustang is the very light jet entrant of the aircraft

manufacturing giant, Cessna. One of the most interesting entrants is the Adams A700. The A700 is the

most interesting because of both the design of the aircraft with its twin wing-mounted booms which

support the twin rudders and horizontal stabilizer and the publicity the company is already receiving in


From the analysis of the new competitors and of the changing industrial environment, there

were a few recommendations, “Fight or Flight.” The Flight strategy would be to sell the company as is or

sell the assets of the company to various manufacturers. The Fight strategy would be to find a niche

market in which to market and promote the 1000 Commander as an affordable escape from commercial

airlines in business and personal use. With any strategy taken by Twin Commander, the management

must take into consideration their brand and product image and turning this around at placing a positive

spin on it through publicity, advertising and in fact all aspects of the marketing mix.


Twin Commander, LLC

Company Profile

Twin Commander, LLC started out as the Aero Commander in 1944. Aero Commander produced

a wide spread of piston driven aircraft. The company was acquired by Rockwell-Standard in 1958. In

1960, the production of the Twin Commander started with the 680T and 690 in 1964 and 1971. The first

jetprop commander was released in 1979. In February 1981, the Twin commander group was acquired

as a subsidiary of Gulfstream Aerospace. Under Gulfstream support, the final and most advanced Twin

Commander was produced, the Twin Commander 1000. The Twin Commander subsidiary was purchased

in 1989 by Precision Aerospace Corporation. They reincorporated into today’s Twin Commander, LLC in


The products that Twin commander offers include piston and jetprop aircraft. They also provide

the parts that continue to keep these aircraft operational. Twin Commander provides training and

resources to pilots and technicians to keep these planes in the air. One key aspect of Twin Commander

is the conversions, upgrades and enhancements. To keep up with today’s standards of propeller aircraft

and to keep the cost below that of high-tech expensive jets, Twin commander releases upgrades to their


Twin Commander owns their own sales and service facility to work on the Commander Series.

They also contract out and keep relationships with service stations around the country and global to

maintain and upgrade Twin Commanders. They have over 20 authorize aircraft service centers to work

on and maintain these aircraft. They also maintain a relationship with manufactures of parts to keep

replacements ready for the current users, so these aircraft keep working. Otherwise, the manufactures

might stop producing parts and Twin Commanders would quickly depreciate and become obsolete.

One of the key conversions is the Dash 10 engine conversion. This engine provides a faster

speed, further range, more fuel economy, less noise and general value to the aircraft. It is this and all

the other conversions, upgrades and enhancements that keep Twin Commander Aircraft ahead of the

other airplane manufacturers, both prop and jet.


1000 Jetprop Commander

The model 1000 is the most advanced version of the Twin Commander. The first version of the

1000 (695A) was certified in April 1981, and was the same aircraft as the model 900 except that it used

Honeywell TPE331-511k engines, better known as Dash 10. In February 1984, a second version of the

model 1000 was released (695B) that used Dash 10 engines, raising shaft horsepower output to 820 per

engine. This gave the aircraft a maximum cruising speed of 308 knots and maximum range of 2,080

nautical miles on 482 gallons of fuel. The maximum ceiling rating increased to 35,000 feet. Weight

ratings also increased slightly over the model 900. Minor structural changes were made to the 1000 to

accommodate the increased weight ratings and engine power.

The aircraft is loved by many pilots who prefer this fine example of turboprop technology to the

latest, expensive business class jets. One article by Bill Cox in Pilot Journal, highlights the advantages of

the 1000 and interviews one company that relies on their Twin Commander 1000 to move around the

country. The company is Farsight Studios of Big Bear, CA. Farsight Studios is a video game developer for

the current platform of video game systems. They use their Twin Commander 1000 to get around the

traffic of Los Angeles, and move up and down the west coast. They even went to the National Business

Aviation Association (NBAA) Conference in Atlanta nonstop last year.

Farsight Studio uses their Twin Commander to move their team of developers to clients who are

having problems with their games. They find the speed, range, comfort and affordability of the

Commander 1000 is ideal for their company. “With comfort and range, the Twin Commander is the ideal

plane for the money,” said Cox. He goes on further to say Farsight has plans to acquire a Phantom 100

and 300, but these very light jets will not replace the Twin Commander.


1000 Commander SWOT


1. Range: 2,080 nm

2. 7 passengers and 1-2 pilots

3. Short-field takeoff: 1,407 ft

4. Payload & Interior size

5. Maintenance


1. Max speed: 354 mph or 308 kts

2. Cruise speed: 348 mph or 302 kts

3. Age (last produced 1986, meaning the most recent Twin Commander is 20 years old)

4. Wow factor


1. Be an affordable

2. Durable alternative to VLJs, piston and jet aircraft


1. Affordability of VLJs

2. Speed and being phased out


VLJ Trends

The very light jet, or VLJ, is the newest type of aircraft to hit the sky. The National Business

Aviation Association (NBAA) defines VLJs are aircraft under 10,000 pounds and carry five to six

passengers. They usually cost a little between one and three million dollars. This new style has been

built to fit the niche market between lear-style jets and turboprop or propeller-driven aircraft. VLJs hare

faster than the propeller aircraft and cheaper to buy and operate than the lear-style jets. These aircraft

are for corporations that want to expand a fleet and for example provide better mobility for technical

and engineering teams. VLJs are perfect for smaller firms may want the first chance to purchase a jet.

The new trend of VLJs includes the use of new materials like plastics and renewable materials.

As well as the technology and avionics are advanced and economical. The first example is the plastics

that make up the bodies of the aircrafts. These plastics are made from renewable resources, this is due


to new ways of recycling. The plastics also make the aircraft lighter, faster and easier to produce and

maintain. The second example is the advanced avionics used to keep them in the air. With systems like

the Garmin G1000 and Avidence Entreaga, the new series of VLJs are well ahead of the competition.

Another example of innovation is the jet engines used in the VLJs. With new technology, laws

and developments, the new engines are more fuel efficient, produce less CO2 emissions and provide a

great mix of power and range. To go with the new engine developments, the production of VLJs has

become easier and faster. With the introduction of plastic bodies around aluminum airframes, airplanes

are not longer riveted together but casted together. One of the key production processes that have

been introduced is the advent of friction stir welding. Friction stir welding is when the skin and

underlying for aluminum structure are welded together rather than riveted, as traditional for aluminum

aircraft. Anti-corrosion bonding techniques were also developed.

The final element of the VLJs advancement is the exterior and interior designs. The exterior has

been commented as looking like a child-sized lear jet. But that is not necessarily a bad thing to look like.

The looks flow right into the performance and the practicability of the VLJ. The interiors of the VLJS are

modern, made from quality products and customizable to the order for the customers. The layout of the

seats, refreshments and, on some VLJs, the lavatory, is all customizable to each order placed.

The environmental impact of the VLJs is very little, if any. The raw materials, new technology,

and new production elements makes the VLJ production more environmental friendly than other

aircraft manufacturing. When the VLJs spread to minor airports around the country with smaller, more

local flights; the noise pollution will decrease at both major and minor airports.

Another big picture idea that many companies and some government agencies can project

happening is the expansion of air-taxi services. There are a hand full of companies including Taxijet,

Dayjet and Pogo that already operate this air taxi service. With their ability to land on short, rural

runways, low landing speed and other safety features, VLJs are perfect for the taxiing consumers around

the country. Duane Woerth, Pres. of Airline Pilot Assoc., said it’s more likely the new jets will swarm to

the busy airports about the 35 biggest airports, through which 95% of all air passengers’ travel. This is

the main concern of many commercial pilots, the traffic from these new planes will cause congestion

because they fly at the same altitude as regular commercial jets.

The FAA reports a prediction that in 2016 there will be 4,500 VLJs in flight and NASA reports a

more inflated estimate that in 2010 there will be 20,000 VLJs in use. The one assured number is there

are over 2,500 VLJs ordered already from Eclipse and Cessna.


SWOT Analysis of VLJ


1. Seats 4-8 people, with 1-2 pilots

2. Weighs under 10,000 lbs

3. Has short runway capabilities

4. Middle ground aircraft market, find the niche

5. Cost between $1 million and $4 million


1. Middle ground aircraft market, is there a niche? Or demand?

2. With trying to gain as much range as possible, there is no space for a bathroom

3. Cost between $1 million and $4 million


1. Find the Niche Market

2. VLJs are the entry level jet aircraft that middle sized businesses need

3. Provide first opportunity of access to own business jet


1. Laws: To deal with entire new class of business jets, new regulations have to be made about

the manufacture, flight, training and other aspects of this new aviation segment.

2. Traffic: In large airports, with large airlines, there is concern VLJs and air taxis will clog the

already clogged system

3. In small airports, with prop aircraft, there is concern the airports and air traffic controllers

will not able to keep up with VLJs and air taxi traffic

4. Competition: High end Jets: High luxury and space, most expense, fastest speed, high range

but no more than turboprops, more maintenance, more prestigious

5. Jetprop and Turboprops: less than both jets and VLJs, less speed, high range, dependable,

and same space and luxury as high end jets, just not as new airframe.

6. VLJs: low range, mid speed, less than jets, more than props, seen as trying to hard

Internal Environment:

1. Startup and New Business Ventures

2. Growing Awareness of Entire Category

External Environment:

1. Growing Environmental Concern


Sample of the VLJs

Eclipse 500

The first example of the VLJ is the Eclipse 500. This is a small six-seat business jet aircraft that is

manufactured by Eclipse Aviation. Airframe is designed with a T-tail and straight wings. The structure is

made from all aluminum to be cost effective, anti-corrosion and lightweight. To create this structure,

the new processes of friction stir welding. Another primary feature of the aircraft is how it is one of the

quietest jet aircraft and that it is quieter than virtually all turboprops and piston engine aircraft.

The problem with this specific aircraft is that the claims of the aircraft’s abilities are true in the

real world. For example, the company estimated the maximum speed 375 kts but the Eclipse confirmed

the maximum speed at 355 kts. Also the company estimated the stall speed at 69 kts but the Eclipse

confirmed at 67 kts.

Eclipse 500 SWOT


1. Capacity: 4-5 seats, plus 1-2 pilots

2. Max speed: 335 kts

3. Range: 1,125 nm

4. Taking off distance: 2,250 feet


1. Range is less than 1000 Commander

2. Speed is slower verus other VLJs


1. Lots of orders coming in

2. One of the most popular VLJs


1. High end jets

2. Turboprops

3. Laws

4. Testing before delivery


Cessna Mustang

Cessna is one of the most trusted names in aircraft manufacturing. With their introduction of

the Cessna Mustang, Cessna set the bar by creating their entry VLJ. With a price of $2.7 million, the

Mustang is the high end of the VLJs. The reviews of the Cessna describe the exterior, interior and

performance over the some design elements. One review was released by David Wihl, CEO of

SofthArtisans. The details Wihl lists are very technical and thorough and provide the exterior, interior

and performance. The following are excerpts from the review:

“The exterior of the Cessna has been commented as looking like an adolescent, or entry level

jet. The first negative observation is the quality of the stairs looks cheap and light. As the first part you

feel on the jet is the stairs, this is not a good first step. The next part of the exterior is the magnetic locks

on the doors feel smooth and rigged. There are many other technical aspects of the Mustang that shows

durability and dependently, like the HID lights and gas take placement in the wings instead of the


“The interior of the Mustang is comfortable and one of the best built aircrafts in the industry.

The cockpit is well laid out and has plenty of room for both pilots. The cabin can range from 4 to 8

passengers. One of the most impressive interior features is the noise dampening technology that also

for a maximum of 81 dBA in the cabin. This decibel measure can be compared to the 80 dBA of a

telephone dail tone and 105-115 dBA of a rock concert. One of the luxuries of the Mustang is the in-

flight entertainment system of XM radio and surround sound.”

“The performance is much more than any of the current turboprops on the market. In no time,

the Cessna is up into the air after a short run out on the country airport. And the landing could not have

gone more perfectly for the first time flying the Mustang. When Wihl hit the brakes the plane simply

stopped; no fade, no fire and no shimmy.”

There is a main issue Wihl discusses is the absence of a lavatory. The lavatory on the Mustang

consists of a toilet seat and bucket surrounded by a retractable curtain. The lavatory is only for

emergency-use only and is placed between the pilots’ seats and the passengers’ seats. Some other

Cessna’s offer a relief tube, but the Mustang does not offer this feature.


Cessna Mustang SWOT


1. Capacity: 4-5 passengers and 1-2 pilots

2. Cruise speed: 340 kts

3. Max speed: 399 kts

4. Taking off distance: 3,110 ft

5. Landing distance: 2,380 ft


1. Range: 1,167 nm (less than 1000 Commander and other VLJs)

2. Lavatory

3. Cheap feel in some components


1. Large Loyal Customer base

2. Mixed with a new market and a proven formula for success


1. Cheaper alternative VLJs and Turboprops

2. Better feel of components in other VLJs

3. Not big step up to High end jet from the Cessna Mustang


Adam A700

This final example of a VLJ is the wildcard, the Adam A700. This aircraft, just like the other VLJs,

provides the value proposition by delivering exceptional performance and comfort at a fraction of the

ownership cost of a full-size jet. But unlike the other VLJs, the A700 implements a new radical design to

increase performance and comfort over the traditional jet aircraft design.

The radical design starts with the straight taped wings and twin wing-mounted booms which

support the twin rudders and horizontal stabilizer. The two jet engines are mounted on the sides of the

fuselage behind the passenger compartment. These elements the non-centerline thrust arrangement of

the A500 piston engine prototype that the A700 is based on.

When the hit film Miami Vice came out in 2006, the producers looked for a plane for the main

crime fighting team. “The Adam Aircraft A700 is the ideal airplane for Miami Vice, “said Adam Aircraft

CEO Rick Adam. “The A700 signature twin-boom profile reacts the level of high style & high performance

necessary to meet the standards of Michael Mann production and the footage shows off the airplane’s

extraordinary look, along with its superior speed and maneuverability.”

Adam A700 SWOT


1. Capacity: 4-6 passengers and 1-2 pilots

2. Max speed: 382 mph

3. Range: 1,611 mi

4. Stability and Design


1. Range

2. Max speed


1. Unique design

2. Good PR campaign

3. Set apart from the rest of the pack


1. Like the Lamborghini

2. Goes with cool instead of quality factor


Comparison of VLJs and Twin Commander


The exteriors between the Commander and VLJs differ in many ways. The main difference is the

Commander is a turboprop and VLJs are jet aircraft. The main advantage of the Commander is durability

and sound structure of the exterior. The main disadvantages of the Commander are the age of aircraft

and the lack of a wow factor. The advantages of the VLJs are the learjet looks and modern structure. The

disadvantage of the VLJs involves the speed and amount of aircraft made. This means the mass

manufacturing process of the VLJs leads to sometimes cheap feeling materials.

The exterior of these different aircraft have different strengths and weaknesses. The 1000

Commander lacks the wow factor of the VLJs. The most recent 1000 Commander was most recently

made in 1986 and therefore is 20 years old. The VLJs all look generally like a child-sized or adolescent

learjet. But that is not necessarily a bad thing to look like. The Eclipse 500 has the airframe designed

with a T-tail and straight wings. The structure is made from all aluminum to be cost effective, anti-

corrosion and lightweight. The Cessna Mustang’s quality of the stairs looks cheap and light. The

magnetic locks on the doors of the Mustang feel smooth and rigged. There are many other technical

aspects of the Mustang that shows durability and dependently, like the High Intensity Discharge (HID)

lights and gas intake placement in the wings instead of the fuselage. The Adam A700 has radical design

elements that start with the straight taped wings and twin wing-mounted booms, which support the

twin rudders and horizontal stabilizer. The two jet engines are mounted on the sides of the fuselage

behind the passenger compartment.

Interior/ Avionics

The interiors between the Commander and VLJs differ in many ways. The Commander is older

but with conversions and updates, the interior can include all the modern amenities. The VLJs all are

new and using the most modern equipment available. The main advantage of the Commander is the size

and durability of the interior. The main disadvantage of the Commander is the age and older equipment

installed, or the need to update this old equipment. The main advantage of the VLJs is newer interiors

and trendy set ups. The main disadvantage of the VLJs is the small size and need for modern aviation

knowledge to fly the plane.

The interior of these aircrafts has many different positives and weaknesses. The 1000

Commander is 20 years old and the interior is mostly from the 1980s. There have been many

conversions that take time and is costly if done yourself, cheaper if bought with upgrades already done.

The 1000 Commander has all the features in all aircraft including tables, big chairs, lavatories and


entertainment systems. The interiors of the VLJs are modern, made from quality products and

customizable to the order for the customers. The layout of the seats, refreshments and on some VLJs,

the lavatory, is all customizable to each order placed. The advanced avionics of the VLJs used to keep

them in the air. With systems like the Garmin G1000 and Avidence Entrega, the new series of VLJs are

well ahead of the competition.

The cockpits are laid out well and have plenty of room for both pilots. The cabin can range from

4 to 8 passengers. One of the most impressive interior features is the noise dampening technology that

also for a maximum of 81 dBA in the cabin. This decibel measure can be compared to the 80 dBA of a

telephone dail tone and 105-115 dBA of a rock concert.

There is a main issue is the absence of a lavatory. The lavatory on the Mustang consists of a

toilet seat and bucket surrounded by a retractable curtain. The lavatory is only for emergency-use only

and is placed between the pilots’ seats and the passengers’ seats. Some other Cessna’s offer a relief

tube, but the Mustang does not offer this feature.


The innovation between the Commander and VLJs differ in many ways. The innovation and

engineering of the aircraft are state of the art, for their specific time periods. The innovation of the 1000

Commander is that it is comfortable, quiet and dependable aircraft made for the business and

government traveler groups. The innovations of the VLJs are lightweight, re-usable materials and made

to be affordable and provide value to the business and personal traveler.

The 1000 Commander is the first version of the 1000 (695A) was certified in April 1981, and was

the same aircraft as the model 900 except that it used Honeywell TPE331-511k engines, better known as

Dash 10. In February 1984, a second version of the model 1000 was released (695B) that used Dash 10

engines, raising shaft horsepower output to 820 per engine.

The trend of VLJs includes the use of new materials like plastics and renewable materials. As

well as the technology and avionics are advanced and economical. The first example is the plastics that

make up the bodies of the aircrafts. These plastics are made from renewable resources, this is due to

new ways of recycling. The plastics also make the aircraft lighter, faster and easier to produce and

maintain. Another example of innovation is the jet engines used in the VLJs. With new technology, laws

and developments, the new engines are more fuel-efficient, produce less CO2 emissions and provide a

great mix of power and range. To go with the new engine developments, the production of VLJs has

become easier and faster.


With the introduction of plastic bodies around aluminum airframes, airplanes are not longer

riveted together but casted together. One of the key production processes that have been introduced is

the advent of friction stir welding. Friction stir welding is when the skin and underlying for aluminum

structure are welded together rather than riveted, as traditional for aluminum aircraft. Anti-corrosion

bonding techniques were also developed.


The performance between the Commander and the VLJ is significant but comes with sacrifice.

The Commander has a longer range than the VLJs. The VLJs have a faster cruising and maximum speed

than the Commander. The take off distance is about the same for the Commander and the VLJs. The

ceiling of the VLJs is at the same level as most other commercial jet aircraft, while the Commander flies

at the same altitude of other turboprops. Overall, in performance, the two aircraft types are about the

same. The Commander is best in range and take-off distance. The VLJs are best in speed, rate of climb,

landing and ceiling.

See table below for performance statistics


The first element of practicality is the comfort and space of the room inside the aircraft. Inside

the 1000 Commander, there is plenty of room for seven passengers and full amenities, including a

lavatory. The VLJs has enough room for four to six passengers and not many amenities, most do not

have lavatories or elaborate entertainment systems.

The second element of practicality is the dependability and ease of maintaining the aircraft. The

1000 Commander has been flown for over 25 years and has an excellent maintenance system. The 1000

Commander is very dependable and flows frequently. The VLJs are brand new and needs more

engineers and technicians able to maintain the new category of aircraft. The jet engines are new as well,

so they need more time in the market to be truly defined as dependable.

The next element of practicality is the cost of the aircraft. The 1000 Commander is priced

between $400,000 and $850,000, with some high luxury and recently upgraded and converted parts.

The VLJs are priced between $1.5 and 3 million. These are all new costs and made to each order.

The final element of practicality is the prestige of the aircraft. Adding an aircraft as a personal or

business asset, adds prestige to any person or business. The prestige is greater for jet aircraft, because

of the ultimate want for the learjet. Therefore, VLJs are considered as more prestigious than turboprops

including the 1000 Commander.

See table below for practicality statistics


Table of Comparison of Practicality:

Rankings Cost (low to


Maintenance (least to


Dependability (most to least)

Prestige (most to


Space/Room (most to



Learjets 3 3 3 1 1 7

Jetprops & Turboprops

1 1 1 3 2 7

Very Light Jets 2 2 2 2 3 4 to 6

Table of Comparison for Performance:

Long Range (mi)

Max Speed (mph)

Cruising Speed (mph)

Rate of Climb


Take off Distance


Landing Distance


Ceiling (ft)

1000 Commander

2,393 354 348 2,802 1,407 2,670 35,000

Eclipse 500 1,295 425 425 3,424 2,345 2,250 41,000

Cessna Mustang

1,324 479.56 391.46 3,010 3,110 2,380 41,000

Adam A700 1,611 391 382 2,550 2,950 N/A 41,000



To counter that entry of VLJs, Twin Commander is recommended to perform to actions. One

option involves Twin Commander’s exit from the marketplace. The second option involves a fight

strategy. The fight strategy involves targeting specific markets or niches and then expands the fight on

the wow factor of the VLJs.


The flight option entails the exit from the aircraft market and plans to be acquired by a VLJ

Company with two options. The first option is the plan would be to find an organization that could

acquire the company in its present standing. The second option is to call the business a loss and sell the

assets to other aircraft companies. Both these are not very competitive options, and involve the loss of

jobs and of a historic company. This also means the current Twin Commanders in flight will be put out of

commission as the parts run out.


There are two fight options involved in counter the new very light jet market. The first option is

to find the niche, probably the low end demographic. This low end of the aviation industry includes

high-end individual clients and mid-size business clients that need to move their teams quickly. An

example of this is the video game programming company, Farsight Studio. They use their 1000

Commander for community from their rural town headquarters into meeting in Los Angles. As well as

long cross country trips and occasional family trips.

The next step is to go after other niches and markets. Both of these series of steps should

include expanding to fight the wow factor of the VLJs. Imagine going after companies that have teams of

experts that need to be moved around quickly and at their own convenience. Another addition is that

they can land closer to the meeting than ever before. Aiming for teams of experts, executives, ad

agencies and consulting groups is a good start.

The second fight option is to merge or combine with a larger company like Cessna, Piper or

Gulfstream. This can be a buyout of the company or a sizeable share of the company. This way overhead

cost is down and Twin Commander can focus on providing its products and services.

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