vitenskapelig spilling

Post on 30-Oct-2014



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En introduksjon til Theorycrafting. Presentert på Join Game


Vitenskapelig spillingKristine Ask

“Theorycraft is the attempt to mathematically analyze game mechanics in order to gain a better

understanding of the inner workings of the game. “

Eksempel: Frostfire bolt

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Eksempel: Frostfire bolt

avg_damage_per_cast_noncrit = (avg_cast_base_dmg + (spell_coefficient + empowered_fire + empowered_frostbolt + arcane_empowerment) * final_spell_dmg) * (firepower + ffb_glyph + spell_impact + arcane_blast_buff + arcane_power) * pwf * piercing_ice [* ebon_plaguebringer or coe+malediction or earth&moon] * arcane_instability * frostbolt_glyph * molten_fury [* sanctified_retribution or ferocious_inspiration] * tricks_of_the_trade * troll_beast_racial/worgen_racial

ex: frostfire bolt -- molten fury + berserking(20%) + bloodlust + icy veins + 4pct7 + CSD included, 2000 spelldmg, 55% crit, 500 haste ratingavg_damage_per_cast_noncrit = ( (722+838)/2 + (3/3.5 + 0.15) * 2000 spelldmg) * (1.1 + 0.02) * 1.03 * 1.06 * 1.13 * 1.12 = 4324.43avg_damage_per_cast_critical = 4324.43 * (1 + 0.55 * (3.34565 - 1)) = 9903.41final_cast_time = 3 / (1 + 500/32.78998947/100) / 1.05 / 1.03 / 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.2 = 1.29

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Theory-craftted versson

Byggeklosser på vei mot en teoriThreat modifiers are mechanics that increase or decrease your threat caused, per point of threat. Threat modifiers are multiplicative; so, when you see something like: "Reduces your threat by 30%", it means "Multiplies your threat by .7". Alternatively, you can reverse threat modifiers to see how much damage you gain by using threat modifiers.

Threat modifier: 1 - [(1 - X) x (1 - Y) x (1 - Z)] = Threat Modifier

“”To quote one of my former guildmates and good friend on what he said about the Blizzard forums: “I almost never use them cause there is nothing interesting there and I tend to get a headache when that many retards are at one place»»

”Jerks”● ” Rule no 7. Do not beg for

hand-holding. ”

● ”Familiarize yourself with The Banhammer, an archive of all infractions given by the moderators here; it will give you some examples of what not to do. Also feel free to take a gander over The Dung Heap, which will give you a good idea of what these forums would look like if we weren’t such jerks.”

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