vitamins konečná soňa a vavrysová alena. vitamins a vitamin is an organic molecule required by...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Konečná Soňa a Vavrysová Alena

Vitamins A vitamin is an organic molecule required by a living organism in minute amounts A vitamin is an organic molecule required by a living organism in minute amounts

for proper health. An organism deprived of all sources of a particular vitamin will for proper health. An organism deprived of all sources of a particular vitamin will eventually suffer from disease symptoms specific to that vitamin.eventually suffer from disease symptoms specific to that vitamin.

Vitamins can be classified as either water soluble, which means they dissolve easily in water, or fat soluble, which means they are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of lipids.

In general, an organism must obtain vitamins or their metabolic precursors from outside the body, most often from the organism's diet.

The word vitamin was coined by the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk in 1912. Vita in Latin is life and the -amin suffix is short for amine; at the time it was thought that all vitamins were amines. Though this is now known to be incorrect, the name has stuck.

Proper – řádnýDeprived – zbavenýSuffer - trpět

Human vitaminsIn humans, there are thirteen vitamins, divided into two groups, the four fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and the nine water soluble vitamins (eight B vitamins and

vitamin C).Vitamin Name

Chemical Name

SolubilityDeficiency Disease


Example Estimated Average Minimum


Vitamin A Retinol Fat

Night-blindness, Keratomalacia 25,000 IUs 620μg

Vitamin B1 Thiamine Water Beriberi n/a 1mg

Vitamin B2 Riboflavin WaterAriboflavinosis n/a 1.1mg

Vitamin B3 Niacin Water Pellagra 2,500 mg 12mg

Vitamin B5Pantothenic acid Water

Paresthesias n/a

Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine Water n/a 400 mg 1.1 mg

Vitamin B7 Biotin Water n/a n/a 30 µg

Vitamin B9 Folic acid Water * 1,000 µg 320 μg

Vitamin B12Cyanocobalamin Water

Pernicious anemia n/a 2 µg

Vitamin CAscorbic acid Water Scurvy n/a 75 mg

Vitamin D1-D4

7-dehydrositosterol Fat Rickets 50,000 IU

2 µg for all Vitamin D

Vitamin E Tocopherol Fat n/a 50,000 IU 12 mg

Vitamin KNaphthoquinone Fat n/a n/a 75 µg

Vitamins fat solubleVitamin A

Retinol, the dietary form of vitamin A, is a fat-soluble, antioxidant vitamin important in vision and bone growth. It belongs to the family of chemical compounds known as retinoids.

Retinol is ingested in a precursor form; animal sources (milk and eggs) contain retinyl esters, whereas plants (carrots, spinach) contain pro-vitamin A carotenoids.

Ingested – přijatý (potrava)

Precursor - předchůdce

Vitamin A is used in the production of rhodopsin, the visual pigment used in low light levels

Vitamin A is essential for the correct functioning of epithelial cells. In Vitamin A deficiency, muscus-secreting cells are replaced by keratin producing cells, leading to xerosis.

Vitamin A may be needed for normal haemopoiesis; deficiency causes abnormalities in iron metobolism.

Vitamin A affects the production of human growth hormone.

Retinol and Chemical structures of some biologically active retinoids

Vitamin E Tocopherol, or Vitamin E, is a fat-

soluble vitamin in eight forms that is an important antioxidant.

Antioxidants such as vitamin E act to protect cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially damaging by-products of the body's metabolism. Free radicals can cause cell damage that may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer

Protect – chránitDamaging – ničeníSuppressors – tlumičeDue to – v důsledku

Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants recycle vitamin E end-products back into effective suppressors of free radicals.

Vegetable oils, nuts, wheat germ and green leafy vegetables are the main dietary sources of vitamin E.

A vitamin E deficiency is usually characterized by neurological problems due to poor(bad) nerve conduction.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K denotes a group of 2-methilo-naphthoquinone derivatives. They are human vitamins, lipophilic (i.e., soluble in lipids) and therefore hydrophobic (i.e., insoluble in water). They are needed for the posttranslational modification of certain proteins, mostly required for blood coagulation.

Normally it is produced by bacteria in the intestines, and dietary deficiency is extremely rare unless the intestines are heavily damaged.

Denote – značitIntestines – střevaRare – vzácnýUnless – jestliže ne

Vitamins watter soluble

a) B1 = Thiamin

- colorless compound, insoluble in alcohol

- Discovered by Umetaro Suzuki

- Important function in the metabolism of carbohydrates, while transketolase functions in the penthose phosphate to synthesize NADPH and the pentose

sugars deoxyribose and ribose.

I) Vitamin B – complex of a several vitamins:

b) B2 = Riboflavin

- easily absorbed, water – soluble micronutrient

- Is reguired for red cells formations, respirations, reproduction, essential for healthy skin, nails…

- sources: milk, cheese, liver, almond and soybeans

Micronutrient – stopový prvek

Reguired – potřebný

Sources - zdroje

c) B3 = Niacin

- Also known as nicotinic acid

- Derivates (NADH) has essential roles in the energy metabolism

- Is used in nutritional treatments of alcoholism, cancer, shizophrenia and other mental ilnesses

- Sources: liver, chicken, milk, eggs, nuts, mushrooms, broccoli, carrots…

Derivates – derivátyNutritional – výživnýCancer - rakovina

d) B5 = Pantotheic acid

- Is an antioxidant

- Is needed to break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats

- Is used in natural medicine

- Sources: whole grain cereals, legumes, eggs, meat, royal jelly

Legumes – luskoviny

Royal jelly – mateří kašička

II) Vitamin C = Ascorbic acid

- Nutrient essential for life, it´s a weak acid and

strong antioxidant

- It´s used for many purpose: - important for production of collagen in the

connective tissues- It´s required for syntesis of dopamin,

noradrenalin and adrenalin in the nervous systém

Purpose – účel

Tissues - tkáně

III) Vitamin H = Biotin

- Also known as a B7

- It´s important in the catalysis, in gluconeogenesis and to metabolize leucin

- It plays role in the Crebs cycle, in which is energy released from food

- It´s used in the cosmetics ( healthy hair and nails,…)

Released - uvolněný

Vitamins are one of the most important nutrients, which are

necessary for human body.

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