visual arts - grenfell campus...visual arts bachelor of fine arts (bfa) it’s the way you perceive...

Post on 28-Jan-2021






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  • visual artsCanvas. Paintbrush.And finally getting to rock that beret.

  • visual artsBACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (BFA)

    It’s the way you perceive and interpret the world. Visual artistsare driven by their passion to express themselves through theirwork and are motivated by the reaction of their audience. As avisual arts student, you’ll learn to use various media to conversewith the rest of the world. Whether your medium is paint or ink,video or photography, our faculty are established visual artistswho can work with you to master your craft. You will be influencedby Newfoundland and Labrador’s natural beauty – a backdrop ofmajestic mountains, lush forests and the beautiful Bay of Islands.

    your studiesThe visual arts degree is an intensive studio program. You willhave the opportunity to express yourself in courses such as:

    n Drawingn Paintingn Sculpturen Printmakingn Photographyn Multimedian Digital imagingn Art history/visual arts

    It’s top-notch Along with dedicated studio space for printing and drawing,there are printshops for lithography, intaglio, relief andserigraphy. Learn photography skills in our photographicfacilities complete with darkrooms and a large digital inkjetprinter. We’ve got a fully equipped sculpture studio and anew Mac lab. And when you’re ready, your art will be ondisplay in the Grenfell Campus Art Gallery.

    It’s connected Grenfell Campus regularly hosts visiting national and internationalexhibitions in the art gallery. Visiting artists and guest lecturersoffer students unique professional perspectives. You may beawarded the rare opportunity to work one-on-one with starsof the art world. And you’ll form professional relationshipsand friendships that will last a lifetime.

    It’s personalAt Grenfell, your professors will know you by name. Our lowstudent-instructor ratio ensures that your learning will bepersonal and relevant. With just over 1,300 students on campus,you’ll make real connections with your classmates and becomean important part of the Grenfell community. The visual artsprogram boasts a 12-to-1 student instructor ratio for mostadvanced classes.

  • It’s affordableYou’ll enjoy the lowest tuition rate in English-speaking Canada.The provincial government gives high priority to education,providing extensive funding to Memorial University. Thiscommitment allows us to provide an affordable, yethigh-quality, post-secondary education.

    It’s excitingAs a visual arts student, you can take advantage of several travelopportunities. You can take art history/visual arts courses at ourcampus in Harlow, England. You can participate in an exchangewith the Faulty of Arts at the University of Brighton, or do aco-operative course in printmaking at the renowned St. Michael’sPrintshop in St. John’s, NL, among other opportunities.

    career opportunitiesn Artistn Teachern Gallery ownern Art historiann Animatorn Art conservationistn Graphic designern Art administratorn Art therapist n Video game designn Comic book illustrationn Architect n Forensic artistn Police photographer

    what you’ll needApply for admission directly from high school. If you haveattended another post-secondary institution or are missingcredits, you should meet with an academic advisor at GrenfellCampus to discuss transfer credits and appropriate courseselection. This is a competitive program. In addition to thegeneral admission application you will need to submit a facultyapplication as well as a portfolio of your work and a writtenstatement outlining your involvement with art and yourreasons for wanting to enter the program. Applicationdeadline is March 1.

  • for more information:Student Recruitment OfficeGrenfell Campus, Memorial University20 University DriveCorner Brook, NL A2H 5G4

    Tel: 709 637 6269Toll-free in North America: 1 888 637

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