visiting our location

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Visiting our location

Bill Pain- Yacht Club Productions

The Cellar

The Cellar

• It is a small compacted room that can be used as a location as we could clear it out and use few but significant props in the shot.

Big Clock

Big Clock

• The big clock could be a significant prop for our opening as it could count down the “final hours” of the characters life.

Attic, room 1

Room 1

• Room 1, ladder to access to roof, empty room so access for us to shape the room ready for our thriller.

Room 2

Room 2

• 2nd room similar to 1st ,few props in the room which we can use.

Room 3

Room 3

• Fire place also bar above which creates a uneasy mood in this location.

Hall way of attic

Hall way of attic

• Bare floor boards allows us to loosen floorboards making them creak allowing mysterious mood. Not a lot of things in hallway so easy to clear and able to bring external props there.

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