visionary focus magazine 2nd quarter 2011

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a quarterly publication of New Covenant Believers' Church


second Quarter 2011

e Are AbleW


New Covenant Believers’ Church - Visionary Focus - Second Quarter 2011 3


In Every IssueOne Voice 4Moments with Momma T 7Streetlight Comic Strip 16 The Man Cave 17Prayer/Bereavement/Thank You 18Calendar of Events 20


In This IssueWomen of Excellence

Have a Little Faith

Issue Contributors

Chris Branham Ellen BrooksGwen ElkinsHerchel NewmanMyrna Rich-RayValerie RidgewayRance Robinson

CORRECTIONS:We strive to provide accurate infor-mation, but are not immune to mis-takes. Please report all errors made in the Visionary Focus to Dorcas Taylor Jones at Please include your contact information in the message, in addition to the correct information. If the mistake is verified, we will follow-up with corrections in our next issue.

Magazine Policy:The Visionary Focus staff and its edi-tors reserve the right to hold submis-sions and publish them at their dis-cretion. Submissions sent to are not guaranteed publication in the magazine. Visionary Focus staff reserves the right to edit all submissions for appropriateness, length and clarity of thought. Submissions will be accepted and utilized based upon editorial oversight and decisions.

Reminder: Editing is not to discredit the writer’s perspective, but to enhance the total concept of the publication. Send submissions and suggestions via e-mail to We welcome your input!

Written by the Marketing & Communica-tions Department. Copyright © 2011 by the New Covenant Believers’ Church, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publi-cation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without first obtaining written permission from the publisher.


To Your Health


Small Steps Make a Big Difference

What are High Cholesterol and Triclycerides?

I Made A Change



New Covenant Believers’ Church - Visionary Focus - Second Quarter 20114

Continued on page 4


One VoiceOver the past few months, I’ve spoken to you about the difference between ‘Divine

Reality’ and ‘Earthly Reality’. Divine Reality is the expression of what is final, with no hint of change. Earthly Reality is what we see with our eyes and experience in

our daily lives.

Ten of the 12 spies who went to search out the Promised Land were burdened by their Earthly Reality. Yes, the people of the land were bigger than they. Yes, the cities were large and fortified. And perhaps the people of the land were stronger than the Israelites (stron-ger than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?). The nation of Israel forgot that God had already declared that the land was theirs. The ‘we are not able’ mentality of the spies trans-ferred into their hearts and minds. As a result, they were defeated by the enemy before ever wielding a sword in battle. The beliefs that developed among the nation of Israel in Numbers 13 because of the spies’ negative report are just as real for many of us in our day-to-day lives. How often have you declared that you were unable to start a new exercise routine, increase your devotion time, find more time to spend with your children, or arrive to work on time? When we’re intimi-dated by what we see, we do nothing. I believe that’s because we’re afraid of what might happen if we do it. But I am convinced – WE ARE ABLE.We are able to do what God’s Word says. We are able to live a holy life. We are able to devote more time to prayer and Bible study. We are able to take a 30-minute walk for exercise. We are able to spend more time with our children. We are able to “set aside the sin that so easily besets us.” WE ARE ABLE.Discipline is discipline no matter the issue. Our second quarter Visionary Focus is an antidote to the ‘we are not able’ mindset. Our special ‘To Your Health’ section will encourage you and inspire you to take steps to make some changes. Read about how one NCBC member applied information, obedience and discipline to lower her high cholesterol. Learn that the process of treating your body better begins with small steps. And if you’re ready to be challenged, set aside time to read “Are You Still Getting High?” This issue also features several women of excellence who have chosen to pass on their wis-dom, grace, and love of God to generations. May you be empowered to sow your own pearls of wisdom into the next generation. And read how words of faith from believers can encour-age others to believe (even if it is mustard seed sized.)I’m excited about what will happen when we throw out the ‘we are not able’ mindset and adopt a WE ARE ABLE mentality. God is, can, and will do awesome things!

Because He Reigns,

Bishop Howard Tillman

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Moments with Momma T

Recently, I had a conversation with my brother about organization. He said he was going to clean out his office and I responded that just last week I had decided to clean out my office. I took a look in my office and the closet was full of papers and boxes and things I hadn’t looked at in years. And then I looked on my desk and thought I needed to get rid of some

trash on top of the desk.

I began thinking about how cleaning our offices compared to our lives. Sometimes we don’t go through the clutter in our homes because it represents the clutter in our lives. There are boxes we haven’t looked in. There are envelopes we haven’t opened. There are drawers that we have stuffed full. There are articles in the basement and backrooms that we haven’t entered in years. And we wonder why we are not productive. There is a television show that I often watch called ‘Clean House.’ The show looks for messy homes and helps the owners clean their home. At some point during the show, the host asks the people why they are living this way. Inevitably, it always comes back to an issue in their lives.I have a challenge for you. Go in the room or basement that’s filled with stuff. Open that box that’s overflowing. Don’t let fear stop you. The Word says that perfect love casts out fear. And because we know God is not the author of confusion, He wouldn’t want you to live this way. So let’s do something. Let’s start to get rid of the clutter in our lives.While you’re unpacking the closets in your home, start thinking about the closet of your heart. Think about what you have been holding onto because you’re afraid to get rid of it. Are you holding on because you don’t know what it will be like if that ‘thing’ is not there? Start getting rid of the past hurts, pains, and memories. Often we don’t like to think about those things because when memories are triggered, painful emotions rematerialize.I guarantee that if you get rid of the clutter in your life, the love of God will come in to fill up that space. He has a way of coming in and cleansing, freeing, and delivering. And it’s such an awesome feeling. I know; I’ve been there. As I’ve been going through my closet, I’ve been asking ‘Lord, why am I holding onto this? I don’t need it anymore.’ I’m shredding things into tiny pieces, never to be put back together again and never to come into my home again. I often pray Psalm 51, “Create in me a clean heart. Renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence.” Once you go through this process, you won’t only have a clean closet and basement, but you’ll have a clean heart and mind! Your thoughts will be clearer and purer and God will begin to minister to you. You’ll say thank you God. I’m so sorry that I waited so long to clean out the clutter in my life. Thank you for spending this moment with Momma T.

Lady Glenneth Tillman

Clean Out The Clutter

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. Women of Excellence ,Every year, the Women’s Wholistic Ministry hosts its Women of Excellence Luncheon. As a preview to

the luncheon, we’d like to introduce you to two generations of women of excellence.

Interviews by Ellen Brooks

Psalm 145:4 says, “One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.” Three generations of women prove this verse’s truth. Mildred Cornelius is the mother of NCBC member, Sis. Janet Hudgins, who is the mother of Sis. Cindy Westmoreland. Each loves each other, their family, and the Lord.

What does a Woman of Excellence look like to you? Cindy: A Woman of Excellence is a unique woman full of wisdom, love, and [who] follows God’s plan for her life. She is a good steward, humble, God-fearing, holy, a woman of integrity, a woman of faith, prayerful, steadfast and unmovable.

Janet: Respect yourself, live so others can see Christ in your life; a woman should have self-esteem; women of excellence should be able to witness to others about Christ.

What have you learned from your mom? Cindy: Always keep God in your life.

Janet: Love the Lord, be honest, show respect, forgive, share family history, and spend time reading the word and prayer.

Janet, what do you hope your daughter has learned from you? Love the Lord, honesty and respect

Why do you think it’s important for women to have other women to look up to? Cindy: Having a positive role model inspires one to greatness both spiritually and natu-rally.

Janet: Other women can help you through your issues.

Cindy, what’s your most memorable time with your mom & grandmother? I think the most memorable times with my mother was traveling to the Council and Young People’s Services and traveling to California after graduation. My grand-mother used to take us to the Ice Capades and dinner on our birthdays. My brother, my cousin, and I had birthdays in Janu-ary and we went home with an individual birthday cake.

Janet, what’s your most memorable time with your mom & daughter? Holidays, vacations, baking donuts with mom and time with Cindy when she had her children (two boys now 12 and 13 years old)

Please share with us about your relationship & what it means to you. Cindy: I think the word family comes to mind. My grandmother was a widow at an early age and she had to go through a lot of obstacles and hardships but she always persevered, even through the death of her husband and two daughters. I think there is something to learn from each generation; if they made it through hard times, then by the grace of God we can make it too.

Janet: We’re always there for one another. We have a good relationship and we all love the Lord.

Sis. Mildred Cornelius is the family matriarch. At 93 years old, she faithfully attends her church’s Bible Insti-tute and is an ‘A’ student. “You’re never to old to get an education,” she said. At the top list of must-have Woman of Excellence characteristics is a love for the Lord. “As a woman learn to carry yourself with respect. You should love God, spend quality time with God in prayer, and trust His word. You must live so others can see Christ in your life. You must love people, learn to forgive, help others who are in need. You must learn to think for yourself, be honest with yourself & others. You must start teaching your children about the Lord at a young age, and take them to Sunday School. And, respect other people’s thoughts. Also, keep yourself in good health.”

Hudgins makes sure to stay connected to her mother, who lives in Pennsylvania. “We have prayer every night at 9:00 p.m. and talk about the goodness of the Lord. We tell each other I love you before we hang up.”

From left to right: Janet Hudgins, Cindy Westmoreland, and Mildred Cornelius

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Sis. Omelia Young is proud of her daughter. Sis. Kim Bodrick loves her mother. As I observe their inter-

action, I’m reminded of Apostle Paul’s admonishment for older women to wisely train younger women (Titus 2:3-4). Young and Bodrick are gifted, attractive, intelli-gent, and successful women, and much of the credit goes to another woman of excellence, Young’s Aunt Christena. That makes three generations of strong, faithful women.

Describe a “Woman of Excellence”. What characteristics might she have?Omelia: She is gracious, patient, well-groomed and dresses modestly. She speaks with authority based on knowledge. She is approachable, giving, shares her time with others and is always improving and fine-tuning herself. She loves God and her family. She sets a wise and Godly example for others.

Kim: She loves God and nurtures an intimate relationship with Him. She is trustworthy, reliable, honest, sincere and respectful of others and their feel-ings. She exudes confidence, yet remains humble and approachable. She is kind and generous. She desires the BEST for her family and makes great sacrifices on their behalf.

What woman of excellence most influenced your life?Omelia: My Aunt Christena had a tre-mendous impact on my life. She was a minister’s wife and became my caregiver when my mother passed away - I was five years old at the time. Aunt Christena was a quiet person, but a woman of strength. She was resourceful at a time when money was tight. She found ways to supplement her husband’s salary as a minister. She owned property and a small candy store. She also designed church hats for the ladies. She loved children and planned outings and programs that drew children from the streets and into the church. I loved being around her. She encouraged me to strive for excellence. Aunt Chris-tena loved God and family. She was an inspiration to her church and community. She opened her home to the homeless and fed the hungry. She laid the foundation for my faith by encouraging me to study God’s Word, pray, sing and become an active member of the body of Christ.

Kim: My mother is my Woman of Excellence (as if you had to ask!). Thanks to her guidance, support and prayers, I have a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I understand the impor-tance of fellowship with other believers, giving of time and resources, serving God with my whole heart, and worshiping God through ministry, tithes and offer-ings. My mother is one of the most patient people I know. She is slow to

anger and quick to forgive. She taught me that the GREATEST gift I can give my family is unconditional love, support and time. God gifted my mother with amazing creativity. From writing skits and plays for School on Sunday, building props, designing and sewing costumes - she seems to do it all with grace, ease and excellence. She has a passion for life and her energy is contagious. I thank God for the example He has given me through her - I am a better person because of her.

What life lessons do you try to impart to your children?Omelia: The importance of family. Put family first. Teach your children to love God. Cook and clean and be a good wife for your husband. Volunteer when you can to help others. Share your faith with others.

Kim: Honor God and be an example of Christ wherever you go. Leadership often requires sacrifice. Treat others the way you want to be treated. When you give your word, keep it. Always lend a helping hand. With God all things are possible!

How long have you been involved in children’s ministry?Omelia: About 10 years. I love working with children. As teachers and Joel’s Place volunteers we have a wonderful opportu-nity to introduce children to God.

Kim: 8 years. I love working with chil-

“Bid the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment, as becomes those engaged in sacred service, not slan-ders or slaves to drink. They are to give good counsel and be teachers of what is right and noble, so that they will wisely train the young women to be sane and sober-minded – temperate, disciplined – and to love their husbands and their chil-dren.” Titus 2:3-4 (AMP)

Women of Excellence ,Interviews by Valerie Ridgeway

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dren and playing a role in helping them develop a personal relationship with God.

How did you and your daughter come to work together in Joel’s Place?Omelia: Each class was assigned two teachers, but I had been working alone for awhile. I asked Kim to help me with activities and crafts. She did a great job. I then asked her to help teach some of the lessons. She agreed to think about it. Then one day she said okay. She is a wonderful teacher. She relates to the chil-dren in a youthful way. I too am learning from her presentations. We work very well together.

Do you think self-sufficient and inde-pendent women of today truly want (or even need) mentors and role models?Kim: Absolutely. Self-sufficient and independent women don’t know every-thing! There are always lessons to be learned from someone who has traveled similar life-journeys and overcome the challenges and obstacles of life. Having a role model with whom to share successes, insecurities, fears, and mistakes provides validation and invaluable insight that will help women make wiser life choices. We

all need mentors and role models.What do you see when you look at your daughter?Omelia: Working with Kim every Sunday for the last four years, I have observed first-hand her strength, talent and areas of growth. She is a strong Christian mother – she has taught her sons well. She respects authority and goes above and beyond what is expected of her when given an assignment. She is a good wife, cook and housekeeper. She shares her gifts, wealth and time with others. She laughs often. She is a good daughter. She is a good friend.

Tell me something that you love about your mom.Kim: Her creativity and ability to think outside the box in any given situation. She’s resourceful. She’s fun to be around and one of my biggest supporters. She is loved, valued and respected greatly by our family.

What pearls of wisdom would you offer to the women of NCBC?Omelia: Love your family and enjoy your family. Listen to your children – encour-age open conversation with them. Let them express themselves. Be a good

listener. Offer advice when appropriate. Love them unconditionally and encour-age them in the Word of God. Sup-port your church in tithes and offerings. Never pass someone without a smile. Show love to others whenever you can. Be approachable. Take time to give care and express care to others.

Kim: Be willing to help when help is needed. Share yourself with others - volunteer. Discover your God-given gift and use it to bless others. Discover your passion and what brings you joy -- then share both with the body of Christ.

A woman of excellenceIs what I long to beFilled with your godly wisdomSo it is a part of me

A woman of integrityNo matter what I faceStanding up for righteousnessAnd for your saving grace

A woman of destinyLiving out your planKnowing where you’d have me walkBeing guided by your hand

A woman of promiseStanding on your wordHolding on to all the truthsWhile carrying out your work

A woman of compassionFor the ones in the darkThose that do not know your loveAnd have darkness in their hearts

A woman that will neverCompromise the faithWith what the world may offerBut will keep the narrow way

A woman who loves JesusAnd will only follow HimGladly to give up the worldSo his light can shine within

Lord this is my earnest prayerAs a daughter by your graceGrow in me these qualitiesAs I walk with you in faith

“A true Woman of Excellence, Aunt Christena passed away

four years ago at the age of 93.”


Provided by Sis Cindy Westmoreland

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She’s an older lady and by older I mean 60ish with gray white hair and blue gray eyes. She works across the aisle in

the section behind me at the Honda plant. If she’s talking, she’s charging her words with laughter. It’s kind of annoying. She came a little closer in the lunch room, sitting at the same table as I. She raised my curiosity because she wrapped laughter around all her conversations. I mean, every-thing wasn’t funny. Know what I mean?As these encounters continued, I talked less–which I admit took some effort on my part–and watched and listened more. I learned that laughter was a shroud she used to blanket the stress in her life. Daddy, I was so proud that you had got-ten published in “The Book of Miracles” by Chicken Soup for The Soul; I took a copy with me to work and was sharing it with the people at the table. After telling her about your story she began to open up more about her husband. As she talked the laughter lessened.In the following weeks she confided in me more and more about the seriousness of her husband’s physical condition. He’s lived with this disease most of his life. It has no name because doctors don’t know what it is, but they calculated that he would live perhaps six years. She said after every deadline for death they’d give him a new one and that’s been going on for fifty years or more.The disease is degenerative, affecting his nerves and muscles. They’ve had to remodel their house and get a van for his wheelchair. He does water therapy and the buoyancy it provides allows him his greatest freedom. Through the years he’s subjected himself to all sorts of experimental drugs and treat-ments including electrical shock at levels high enough to burn him. Finally, he’s given up and says no more.Daddy, I’ve felt so sorry for them. I told her, Helen (not her real name), you know what? If I had the time and means I would be your champion in this cause. I believe that with some of the things that medical science has been able to accomplish, that there is an answer for this. The right people

have just got to know about it. The Oprahs and Montels of the world can raise aware-ness for you. Pound a pot or do whatever is necessary to bring attention.She said, “We’ve settled our minds that life is the way it is and that’s it for us.”I said, “Then think of it like this. Your spiritual, mental, and emotional quality of life can be lifted knowing that what you do can make it better for others around the world who have no advocate. You gotta have some faith!”She said with growing laughter, “Now, we ain’t no people of faith. We’ve had faith in so much only to be disappointed.”“Helen, I ain’t talkin ‘bout faith in people and things.”“Well, we don’t do the church thing either. All we know about church is there’s this guy in a robe up there and he’s all serious or else there’s the guy who has his arms all goin’ and hollerin’. Through her laughter she asked, “Which kind of church do you go to?” Through my laughter, I asked her, “What kind do you think? Then we both put our hands in the air and opened our mouths like we were praising real loud. “You’re right, Helen.”She told me that, to be truthful, she does pray for her family when someone is sick or hurt.I said, “So you do have some faith!”“Not very much,” she laughed.“Helen, you don’t need very much. God, can work with the little you’ve got. I’ve been taught that there is power in the words we speak and I’m going to add my

little faith with your little faith and say out loud, in Jesus name help will come. Only believe!”Daddy, that was on a Friday. Guess what she told me on the following Tuesday? Jack (not his real name), had gone to his regular doctor’s appointment in October and went to his follow-up appointment at the begin-ning of November. When he got to the doctor’s office there were a number of other people there. His doctor introduced them as her colleagues in medicine and medical science research.They were led by some doctor with a long title. His doctor told him she couldn’t let him leave without some sort of answer. They explained to them that they were going to work together and with his insur-ance company. Said not to worry about when insurance ran out because they would find the funding somewhere. Daddy, I couldn’t talk. I could only cry and put my hands up and wave like the guy up there in the robe like she says.I found it strange that her husband told them, “Just don’t cure me.” She said his explanation was that he doesn’t like the thought that they could have helped him years earlier.I told Merit one never knows what going through the valley of the shadow of death does to a person, but that is not the response the crippled beggar who sat at the temple gate called “Beautiful” gave. After Peter told him (and helped him I might add) in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk, he probably made the guy with his arms waving look quite subtle in his praise.

Daddy, after this last conversation and I composed myself, I told her to keep me posted and to remember saying it out loud with a little bit of faith worked.

by Herchel Newman as told by Merit (Newman) Poole

Have a Little Faith

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Do you not know that your body is the temple (the

very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within

you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from

God? You are not your own, You were bought with

a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid

for, [made His own]. So then, honor God and bring

glory to Him in your body. I Corinthians 6:19-20


The following pages are designed to challenge and encourage you to care for your body in a way that hon-ors God. Are we advocating you purchase new workout gear, join a gym, and hire a personal trainer? No. Are we advocating change? Yes.

On the following pages, you will learn how small steps toward a reachable goal can take you farther than you ever thought you could go. Be inspired by the testimony of one NCBC partner who was determined to change her life – and her amazing results. Get the facts on cho-lesterol and triglycerides (in an easy-to-read format).

If the body of Christ isn’t healthy how will we fulfill the mandate of Christ to ‘GO’?

To Your Health,

The Visionary Focus Team


Small Steps Make a Big Difference

What are High Blood Cholesterol and Triglycerides?

I Made A Change

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The Message Bible tells us in I Cor-inthians 6:13, “You know that old saying. “First you eat to live and

then you live to eat. Well, it may be true that the body is only a temporary thing, but that’s no excuse for stuffing your body with food and indulging it with sex. Since the Master honors you with a body, honor him with your body.”

It is easy to read the Word and not be doers of the Word as God has com-manded us. How do you respect your body? Are you making conscious efforts to honor the body that God has given you or do you take your body for granted? Do you just assume that medication will take care of everything?

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and future.” (NIV)

God has plans for us to succeed but we make it difficult when our physical body is unable to perform those tasks. If we are unable to get up and down the stairs, how much more difficult will it be for you to effectively minister to the sick and shut-in? If we are bed ridden because of diabetes, can you fulfill the vision that God gave you to minister to youth?

I am persuaded and fully confident that God is commanding us to be good stew-ards over our bodies. But in reality, it is not so easy. Over the years, many of us have been exposed to bad habits that have put our health in danger. Some of our unhealthy habits were established as children and now we have passed them on to our children.

But thanks be to God whose grace is everlasting! He will always prepare a way

of escape. Having a healthier lifestyle and fitness level is possible for each one of us. It won’t happen overnight. Just as it has taken months and years to get out-of-shape, it will take time to get in shape.

Every year millions of people start out the New Year with a resolution. By March more than half of them have forgotten about the resolution or resolved that they can not continue it.

Instead of a vow to never _________ or to stop ________ this year, make a com-mitment to make small changes. Once you have transferred that change into a habit, then make another change. Before you know it you will start to feel bet-ter, look better, be able to do more, and will have changed bad habits into a new mindset.

Yes, it is a process. Sometimes it is difficult to get started or even imagine where to begin. But God has not left us alone. The God that is concerned about our salvation is also concerned about our health and our well-being.

Do you ever ask Him to guide your eat-ing or to lead you to where you can gain knowledge about how to live a health-ier lifestyle? Sometimes when we call on Jesus, we don’t think about asking for the strength to stay out of the cookie jar that is on the secretary’s desk. We think it has to be a major crisis for the Holy Spirit to help us. But He’s concerned with the ‘little things’ too. Sometimes we isolate those things we allow the Lord to handle rather than give everything to Him. His guidance comes in a variety of forms; ask for it.

Not sure where to start? Here are a few tips on how small changes can add up to big results.

One:Daily acknowledge that you need God’s help to make permanent changes. Confess that you will do your part and you will resist “the devil” (food that is not healthy for you).

Two:The Journal of the American Medical Association recommends that all Ameri-cans take a multivitamin daily to help pre-vent chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

Three: Find parking spaces that are a little farther away from the entrance and walk those extra steps to the door.

Four: Avoid the elevator and take the stairs whenever possible.

Five:Try to add 10 to 30 minutes of walking as a daily activity – this can be done during 15-minute breaks or your lunch hour.

Six:Try not to drink your calories. Eliminate soda, fruit drinks, sugary teas and coffees and other drinks that are loaded with calories and replace them with water.

Seven:Drink at least eight 8 oz glasses of water daily. Start where you are and increase your water intake gradually to get to the eight glasses.

Myrna Rich-Ray is the co-owner of Curves @ Easton, located on NCBC’s Wholistic Life Campus and is an avid believer in making healthy lifestyle choices. For more informa-tion about Curves, living a healthy lifestyle or a free consultation, contact Myrna at 740-819-2266.

Small Steps Make a Big Difference

submitted by Myrna Rich-Ray

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What is high blood cholesterol?Cholesterol is a soft, fat-like substance found in the bloodstream and in all your body’s cells. Your body makes all the cho-lesterol it needs. The saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol you eat may raise your blood cholesterol level. Having too much cholesterol in your blood may lead to increased risk for heart disease and stroke. About half of American adults have levels that are too high (200 mg/dL or higher) and about 1 in 5 has a level in the high-risk zone (240 mg/dL or higher). The good news is that you can take steps to control your cholesterol.

What’s so bad about it?Cholesterol and other fats can’t dissolve in your blood. To travel to your cells, they use special carriers called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is often called “the bad kind.” When you have too much LDL cholesterol in your blood, it can join with fats and other substances to build up in the inner walls of your arter-ies. The arteries can become clogged and narrow, and blood flow is reduced. If this buildup of plaque ruptures, a blood clot may form at this location or a piece may

break off and travel in the bloodstream. If a blood clot blocks the blood flow to your heart, it causes a heart attack. If a blood clot blocks an artery leading to or in the brain, a stroke results. A “good kind” of cholesterol, on the other hand, is called high-density lipoprotein (HDL). It carries harmful cholesterol away from the arteries and helps protect you from heart attack and stroke. It’s better to have a lot of HDL cholesterol in your blood.

How can I lower the bad cholesterol in my blood?Cut down on foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol. These include fatty meats, butter, cheese, whole-milk dairy products, egg yolks, shellfish, other fish, organ meats, poultry and solid fats (foods from ani-mals).• Do physical activities at least 30 minutes

on most or all days of the week.• Eat more foods low in saturated fat

and cholesterol, and high in fiber. These include fruits and vegetables, whole grains and grain products, beans and peas, fat-free and low-fat milk products, lean meats and poultry without skin,

fatty fish, and nuts and seeds in limited amounts.

• Lose weight if you need to.• Ask your doctor about medicines that can

reduce cholesterol (not recommended for all patients).

What are triglycerides?Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in your body. They’re also a major energy source. They come from food, and your body also makes them. High levels of blood triglycerides are often found in people who have high cholesterol levels, heart problems, are overweight or have diabetes.

What about fats?There are different kinds of fats in the foods we eat. Saturated fat is the kind that raises blood cholesterol, so it’s not good for you. Avoid animal fats like lard and meat fat, and some plant fats like coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil.Trans fat comes from adding hydrogen to vegetable oils and tends to raise blood cholesterol. It’s used in commercial baked goods and for cooking in most restaurants and fast-food chains. It’s also in milk and beef.Polyunsaturated fats are found in vegetable oils and fish oils. These tend to lower blood cholesterol when consumed in moderation and used to replace saturated or trans fats in the diet.Monounsaturated fats are found in olive, canola, peanut, sunflower and safflower oils. In a low saturated-fat diet, they may lower blood cholesterol.Information acquired from the American Heart Association “Learn and Live” ™

What are High Blood Cholesterol and Triglycerides?

New Covenant Believers’ Church - Visionary Focus - Second Quarter 201116

As of February 8, 2010, I decided to change my eating habits. I was taking medication for high cho-

lesterol. My HDL (good cholesterol) was very good but the LDL (bad) was too high and because my total cholesterol had gone up to 313, my doctor wanted to add a statin to what I was already tak-ing. That was too much. I didn’t want to take more medication, so I didn’t fill the prescription; instead, I thought I would try changing my diet.

I knew I would need God’s help because I can eat baked chicken but I always want my fish fried. So I started on this venture with these changes: No fried foods, no red meats, no dairy, no desserts, no sodas. For breakfast I mostly had a piece of fruit and a slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter and a cup of decaf green tea. Occa-

sionally, I would have a veggie omelet using only egg whites, or a bowl of whole grain cereal with soy or almond milk. For lunch I usually had a tossed salad with very little dressing. Sometimes I would add grilled boneless, skinless chicken to the salad, or I would eat leftovers from dinner. For dinner I made homemade soups: cel-ery root soup, vegetable soup, broccoli

soup, chicken and vegetable soup, bean soup, or I ate mixed vegetables. Occasion-ally I would have “baked” fish or baked chicken with baked sweet potato (no but-ter) and greens cooked with vegetable broth. I always drank plenty of water and ate more fruit, and in March I started walking again. In early April, I went back to the doctor and had blood drawn. By the grace of God, the cholesterol had gone from 313 to 272 and I had lost 12 pounds (I needed to lose some weight anyway). I thank God that He helped me cope with this new way of eating which actually tastes good and is healthy. On my most recent visit to the doctor, my LDL went down another 35 points! And Praise God, I have been able to maintain my weight loss!

I Made A Changea Personal Testimony submitted by Gwen Elkins

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Are You Still Getting High?Submitted by Rance Robinson on behalf of The Lions of Judah Men’s Ministry

Addiction: (a) the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. (b) A habitual or compulsive involvement in an activity.

TheMan Cave

I’m a Christian Service Worker; I am on the Men’s Ministry planning team at New Covenant Believer’s Church; I

am saved; I am (pausing to wipe my fore-head), whew… (hard swallow)… this is hard to admit… I have an issue. A ‘limp’ as Pastor calls it. I’m an addict in recovery from some things. Before you judge, let me explain. One Sunday morning a few months back I was minding my business in service when I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to take a good hard look at the brothers of Destiny House Recovery Center. These men had to do something that should be a testament to us all. They had to admit that they have/had a prob-lem and then take/took steps to change it. Think about that for a second. These men realized they had a problem and are now taking steps to change from the lifestyle and choices that had thrown them off the course of their destinies.Then it dawned on me that I too have been addicted to a cocktail of destiny derailing vices. My drugs have come in the forms of fear, sugar, and TV (namely ESPN). These are my addictions. To be clear, I’m not downplaying narcotic sub-stance abuse or alcoholism; vices play the same role. They consume you and distract you from having a productive life. If you don’t believe me, ask the weed head that can’t get motivated by anything but mari-juana. Or look at the vanity addiction that caused Michael Jackson to mutilate his face. Addictions are fillers for something else with a deep root. Until recently, I was getting high on ESPN so much that it killed a lot of my produc-tivity. It started with SportsCenter and then continued as the channel kept add-ing updates to the SportsCenter line-up. Then, as I’m about to change the chan-

nel “Outside the Lines” played a preview for a “must-see” story, and then a game comes on. When I’d look up, my whole day was consumed and I didn’t move one step closer to the goals that have been set for my life. Sugar is the physical vice that I watched kill my grandfather. I watched for years as he couldn’t resist Snickers and Pepsi; he had them together. Yuck. He drank sugar with a little coffee poured in the cup. He couldn’t resist sugar until the day he died in the hospital after having his second leg amputated. I picked up his habit. Loft House Sugar Cookies and Little Debbie Brownies take me there and Meijer and Kroger are my pusher men. I recently lost 40 lbs as a part of my reha-bilitation from my confection vice but it’s still a battle.At the root of it all? Fear. I’d lose myself in TV because my fear of rejection made it easier not to put in the effort. My thought process was, “they’re going to reject me anyway, right?” The depression of not being on the path that I know I should caused me to lie down on Little Debbie’s couch and dose up. When we say prayer changes things, believe that it does. It was prayer that enabled me to hear God tell me that I had a problem and then hear how to deal with it. Praying was a struggle because ESPN runs 24/7. My dealing with it has caused me to become a different person; I’m over-coming daily. Before you can overcome anything you have to be honest and admit that there is something to be overcome, and then you have to figure out a way to get help.So my question to the readers of The Man Cave is this, are you still getting high? Are you still addicted to excuses (my father

wasn’t around for me, and that’s why I can’t _____)? Are you still getting high on the pain from your past? Do you need to be rehabbed from bad financial decisions? Is God trying to have an intervention with you? Is the Lord trying to get your atten-tion because you are addicted to red meat and He wants you to live but you can’t shake the NY Strip? What are the habits and things that are standing in your way stopping you from you living your best life to HIS glory? Is your wife nagging you or is she really your Ezekiel or Jeremiah trying to turn you from your idol (your addiction) so you don’t destroy your marriage. Are you stoned because of your anger issues? Young man, are you such a junkie to cer-tain music that even when you want to read God’s Word or pray, you’re distracted by that hit on your iPod? That same hit that can completely destroy your future even as your Savior was trying to give you a moment of clarity?I beg you to run a diagnostic on yourself. Just like the brothers of Destiny House were honest and said at a point “I need a change,” maybe you do too. Once you win the battle, help someone else and become a mentor for overcoming it. It is said that the greatest trick the devil pulled on the world was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist. His encore act must be convincing the world that our vices aren’t a big deal if they don’t eat us up like crack, heroin or alcohol. The fulfillment of your destiny may rescue us all one day. Figure out what’s standing in the way. We need what you have.My brother, there is a KING in you.

New Covenant Believers’ Church - Visionary Focus - Second Quarter 201118

Please remember the following and their families in your prayers...

Please pray for these families who have recently lost a loved one:

The family of James BooneThe family of Inez Chiles

The family of Robert K. DanielsThe family of Mack Davis

The family of Elder Johnny A. EdwardsThe family of Neal B. France, Sr.The family of John W. Hardiman

The family of Lewis HinesThe family of Othar Hunter

The family of Helen HusbandThe family of Lawanna Johnson

The family of Norma J. LawrenceThe family of Lucille MartinThe family of Emma Munjin

The family of Frank Benjamin Pitts, Sr.The family of Michael Ridgeway

The family of William RiversThe family of Lucy Mae SawyerThe family of Rosalind Walton

The family of Ebb Williams

If you want to make the church aware of a bereavement, illness or hospitalization affecting a member of this fellowship,

call the CARE ministry line at 475-1678, ext. 6127.

Thank Youw

We deeply appreciate your thoughtful expression of sympathy which was of the

greatest comfort to us in our sorrow. - Kathy & Adam Ridgeway


Thank you for being there, sharing your words of encouragement with the chil-dren, and your prayers during Johnnie’s

final days. Your friendship will be forever remembered.

-- Sis. Faye Edwards and family


On behalf of our mother, Camille Cash, we want to thank you for your prayers,

visits and love. -- The family of Camille Cash


This is just a little note of thanks, but it comes with a great big feeling of grati-

tude! May God bless you. -- Eugene Martin


What a wonderful blessing your thought-fulness has been. Special thanks to you

for the phone calls, get well wishes, visita-tions, and prayers extended to me during

my recent illness.-- Sis. Karen Gott

Camille Cash Mary Chilton-Jones

Kenneth DaveLewis Gordon

Kim Guest- CuevusDarrell HollandCurtis Holloway

Elder Curtis NewmanMaxine PoindexterErmintrude Smith

Mary TillmanBernadine WadeDella Williams

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