virginia sanchez newfeds presentation at careers in federal libraries for 2011 ala annual conference

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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Virginia Sanchez, contract analyst for DHS and Chief Petty Officer United States Navy Reserve, presents as a NewFed during the Careers event in New Orleans, LA on June 24, 2011.


  • 1. Flexing your Librarian Super Powers
    Virginia Sanchez- Librarian Long Beach Public Library- Analyst Six3systems for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Homeland Security Intelligence (HSI formerly ICE)
    - Chief Petty Officer (CPO), Navy Intelligence Reserve Region South West (NIRR SW)
  • 2.
    Intelligence study and intelligence degree programs are typically designed to prepare students to understand the dynamic threats facing one's country in an uncertain security environment. While some intelligence degree programs are topical or thematic in nature, such as those which focus specifically on terrorism, other programs focus on the analytics behind intelligence analysis, thus helping to develop students' critical thinking skills. Such programs concentrate on one or more function within intelligence operations: collection, analysis, counterintelligence, and/or covert action. Well- rounded intelligence degree programs encompass the art and science of how intelligence professionals employ analytic and operational tradecraft to achieve their goals and objectives.
  • 3. Librarian Career and Job Description
    Since automation has become so common within libraries, it is important that librarians are skilled in database searching. Librarians are responsible for the development and indexing of databases as well as instructing patrons how to efficiently search through and located needed reference materials Thus librarians need to understand how to utilize all types of resources in the search for desired materials.
    Those skilled in computers and information systems might be employed as automated-systems librarians, involved in the planning and operation of computer systems, or as information architect librarians, who design information storage and retrieval systems and develop techniques for the collection, organization, interpretation, and classification of information. These librarians work on analyzing and planning for information needs that might arise in the future.
    An increasing number of librarians are utilizing their information management and research skills in fields beyond libraries, like database development, reference tool development, information systems, publishing, internet coordination, marketing, web content management and design, and training of database users. Librarians with entrepreneurial desires might found their own consulting firm, or work as freelance librarian or information brokers for other corporations, government agencies, or libraries.
  • 4. Breaking into the Intelligence Community
  • 5. Follow your Passion
  • 6. Breaking into the Intelligence Community
  • 7. "If we try to resolve terrorism with military might and nothing else," Mortenson said, "we will be no safer than we were before 9/11. If we truly want a legacy of peace for our children, we need to understand that this is a war that will ultimately be won with books, not with bombs."
  • 8. Breaking into the Intelligence Community
    Engage, teach and inform no matter where you are: from Avalon to Arizona to Afghanistan

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