villena's moors and christians festival 2014 programme

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Villena's Moors And Christians Festival 2014 Programme


FRIDAY, 29 AUGUST23.00Traditional Pasodoble Concert in Santiago Square. Representatives of Comparsas wil be attending.

SUNDAY, 31 AUGUST 10:00Pasacalles: Parade to announce Villena’s Moors and Christians Festival.Kicking off at Santiago Square, the parade will go all over Villena, ending at Santiago Square, withwaving of the flags and the National Anthem being played.

11:00Mass at Our Lady of the Virtues Shrine. Right after, the sacred statue will be carried inside of the church by every woman who requests.

17:00Mass at Our Lady of the Virtues Shrine.

18:00Romeria: Pilgrimage of the statue of Our Lady of the Virtues from its Shrine to the Salesianos Church in Villena. When the statue arrives in Villena, there will be salutes, fireworks shooting, playing of the national anthem and switching on of the festival lights. Right after, the parade will go on through Villena’s main streets ending at Santiago Church.

12.00Villena’s Moors and Chiristians Festival OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT at Villena’s town hall. Right after, raising of the national flag. Meanwhile, Villena Municipal Music Band will play the national anthem and fireworks will be shot. When finishing, the anthem “Villena Festera” will be played.

Next, the PASODOBLE PARADE, will depart from Santiago Square with the Regidoras and Villena’s Municipal Music Band. They will be followed by Comparsas’ music bands in full dress uniform, headed by the Captains, Bannermen and Madrinas wearing Villena’s traditional costume. The parade will be starting on Santiago Square and ending at the intersection of Plaza del Rollo and Calle Nueva.

16.00GREAT ENTRADA PARADE OF MOORS AND CHRISTIANS.Parade will kick off at intersection of Calle Nueva and Avenida de Elche. The Moor Ambassador will open the parade, followed by the seven Moor Comparsas and the seven Christian Comparsas. Theparade will be closed by the Regidoras and Madrinas, ending at the intersection of Avenida de la Constitución and Calle Coronel Selva.

Right after, there will be party and music at Comparsas’ headquarters.

SATURDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER7.30DIANA PARADE. Moros Viejos will kick off at Santiago Square, followed by the rest of the Comparsas.

8.00Mass at Santiago church.

10 .00Youth Mass at Santiago Church. During the celebration, the Conversion of the Moor into

From Sunday, 31 August, the statue of Our Lady of the Virtues will remain at Santiago Church altar, presiding over the acts to celebrate in the church.

Church will remain open daily from 8.00 to 13.30 and from 17.00 to 23.00.

THURSDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER19.00GREAT CONCERT by the Municipal Music Band of Villena at Chapi Theatre.

22.00Brotherhood dinners at Comparsas’ headquarters.

1.00GREAT FIREWORKS SHOW, to be shot from the Atalaya Castle. Right after, music and party at Comparsas’ headquarters.

FRIDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER8.30Mass at Santiago Church. The Church will remain open from 18.00 to 1.00.

Christianity will be performanced by Child Ambassadors. Right after, there will be salutes and wave of the flags by the Moor Comparsas.

Next, the child bannermen of every Comparsa will wave their flags during the play of Villena’s pasodoble La Morenica. At the same time, children and teenagers fromAlmogavares Comparsa will take out the figure of Our Lady of the Virtues to preside over the act.

Following, HOPE PARADE. Child members of Comparsas will take part in this parade, kicking off at intersection of Avenida de la Constitución and Plaza de María Auxiliadora, going along Joaquín


María López, Corredera and ending at Calle Nueva. The parade will be open by the Child Regidora and Child Ambassadors, followed by Moros Viejos and the rest of the Comparsas.

17.00Guerrilla and Moor to Chiristian Embassy. Blanderbuss shooters will depart from Santiago Square ending at the Atalaya Castle, followed by the Moor and Christian Ambassadors. The embassy and guerrilla is a historical reenactment consisting in a discussion between the Moor and Christian Ambassadors, who finally have an argument and thus end in a fight where the christian troops defend the castle and the moors finally take it over, placing the statue of La Mahoma on one of the castle’s towers.

18.30Pray of the Rosary at Santiago Church.

17.00Eucharist at Santiago Church.

21.00GREAT CABALGATA PARADE. Along with the Gran Entrada, this is Villena’s greatest parade, with about 12.000 people taking part in it. It will kick off at the intersection of Avenida de la Constitución and Calle Coronel Selva. he parade will be open by Villena’s Municipal Band followed by Cristianos Comparsa and the rest of the Comparsas, ending at Calle Nueva. The parade will be closed by the Regidoras and Madrinas.

Right after, there will be party and music at Comparsas headquarters.

de Villores and Santiago Square, where the parade will enter Santiago Church.

18.30PERFORMANCE OF EL CONTRABANDO (SMUGGLING) by the Andaluces Comparsa.Preceded by salutes, the parade will start at Plaza María Auxiliadora, going along Avenida de la Constitución, Joaquín María López and Corredera, ending at Plaza del Rollo. The historical reenactment will take place ant the intersection of Avenida de la Constitución and Calle Elda. During the parade, toys will be delivered to the children attending.

19.30Pray of the Rosary at Santiago Church.

20.00Eucharist at Santiago Church.

22.00RETRETA PARADE.Disguise parade where people participating criticise in a funny way Villena and Spain’s current issues. The parade will start at the intersection of Calle Nueva and Avenida de Elche, ending at the intersection of Avenida de la Constitución and Plaza María Auxiliadora.

0.00Concert by the Coral Society Ambrosio Cotes at Santiago Church.

1.00CELEBRATION OF THE ALBORADA (DAY BREAK).at Santiago Square. The statue of Our Lady of the Virtues will be taken to the side entrance of Santiago Church, at the same time the Morenica composition will be played and the bannermen of every Comparsa will wave their flags.

SUNDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER7.30DIANA PARADE.Cristianos will kick off at Santiago Square, followed by the rest of the Comparsas.

8.00Mass at Santiago church.

11.00Mass dedicated to the patients with chronical illnesses. Right after, there will be salutes and waving of the flags by the christian Comparsas.

12.00 OFFERING PARADE to Villena’s patron saint, Our Lady of the Virtues. With the Regidoras, Madrinas and representatives of the Comparsas taking part. The parade will kick off at intersection of Avenida de la Constitución and Calle Coronel Selva, going along Avenida de la Constitución, Joaquín María López, Corredera, Capitán López Tarruella, Marqués

1.30GREAT FIREWORKS SHOW.To be shot from the Atalaya Castle. Right afer, there will be party and music at Comparsas’ headquarters.


7.30DIANA PARADE.Moros Viejos Comparsa will kick off at Santiago Square, followed by the rest of the Comparsas.

8.00Mass at Santiago church.

10.30Mass in honour of Our Lady of the Virtues at Santiago Church, with the participation of the Coral Society Ambrosio Cotes. Municipal authorities, Regidoras, and Comparsas representatives will be attending. Right after, there will be salutes and waving of the flags at Santiago Square.

12.15Guerrilla and Christian to Moor Embassy.Blanderbuss shooters will depart from Santiago Square ending at the Atalaya Castle, followed by the Moor and Christian Ambassadors.

The embassy and guerrilla is a historical reenactment consisting in a discussion between the Moor and Christian Ambassadors, who finally have an argument and thus end in a fight where the moorish troops defend the castle and the christians finally take it over. At the end, the statue of La Mahoma will be removed from the castle and delivered to the municipal authorities of Biar.

18.00CONVERSION OF THE MOOR INTO CHRISTIANITY PERFORMANCE at Santiago Church altar. Right after, SOLEMN PROCESSION, where the statue of Our Lady of the Virtues will be preceded by the Comparsas, municipal authorities and Comparsas representatives. The parade will start at Santiago Church, going over the main streets and back again to Santiago Church through Villena’s old town. At the end, there will be salutes and waving of the flags by the Comparsas’ bannermen, while the national anthem is played.

Right after, there will be party and music at Comparsas’ headquarters.

TUESDAY, 9 SEPTEMBER7.00FAREWELL PILMIGRAGE of the sacred statue of Our Lady of the Virtues. Preceded by salutes and the Comparsas. The parade will kick off at Santiago Square, ending at the beginning of Yecla Road,

where Villena’s patron saint will be seen off. At the same time the national anthem will be played, with salutes and waving of the flags.

Villena’s patron saint will be received in its Shrine with salutes. Later on a mass will be held. During the mass, the conversion of the moor into christianity will be performanced.

17.00PARADE OF THE NEW COMPARSAS REPRESENTATIVES.The parade will kick off at the intersection of Avenida de la Constitución and Calle Coronel Selva, ending at the intersection of Calle Nueva and Calle el Hilo. Comparsas will be headed by their outgoingand new representatives. Right after, Comparsas’ new representatives will be introduced at Santiago Square, followed by Villena’s Moors and Christians Awards Presentation. Next, the compositions “La Morenica” and Villena Anthem will be played, thus ending Villena’s Moors and Christian Festivals in honour of Our Lady of the Virtues.

Comparsa: The comparsas are associations of people that appeared in Villena during the 19th and 20th centuries. Their origin lies in the groups of soldiers that received and escorted Villena’s saint patron, Our Lady of the Virtues, during her processions in Villena every year in the past centuries. They have an official male and femalecostumes that normally represent part of Villena and Spain’s history. In other towns, they are known as “filaes”. There are small Comparsas and big Comparsas, depending on the number of members. Villena’s Piratas is the biggest Moors and Christians association in the world, with more than 2.000 members. The Marinos Corsarios are the smallest one in Villena, with about 200 members

In Villena there are 14 Comparsas, 7 Moor and 7 Christian. Following the traditional parade order, Villena’s Comparsas are:

MOORS:‐Moros Viejos (Old Moors).‐Moros Nuevos (New Moors).‐Marruecos (Moroccans).‐Realistas (Royalists).‐Bereberes (Berbers).‐Piratas (Pirates).

CHRISTIANS:‐Estudiantes (Students).‐Marinos Corsarios (Corsairs).‐Contrabandistas (Smugglers).‐Labradores (Farmers).‐Ballesteros (Crossbowmen).‐Almogávares (Almogavars).‐Cristianos (Christians).

Festero (female: Festera): Member of a Comparsa.

Regidoras: There are two regidoras. The adult Regidora is a lady that represents Villena and its Moors and Christians Festivals during one year. There is a child Regidora, a girl that represents the child members of the Comparsas.

Cargos Festeros: They are the representatives of every comparsa during one year. There are three diferent representatives: the Madrina, a lady; and two men, the Captain and the Bannerman (in Spanish: Alferez), who carries the Comparsa’s official flag during every event. There are also a child Madrina, Captain and Bannerman, representing the children in every Comparsa.

Arcabuz: The word in Villena for blunderbuss. They are used in Villena’s festival to salute Our Lady of the Virtues and La Mahoma. The people using them are known as “arcabuceros”.

La Mahoma: A huge statue of Muhammad that Villena shares with the neighboring town of Biar. It is the symbol of the moorish Comparsas, and it is placed in the Atalaya Castle between the 6th and the 8th of September, to represent that the Moors had taken over the castle and rule Villena.

Escuadras Especiales: They are groups of about 15 members that are part of the Comparsas, but instead of using the official costume, wear a different one every year. This costumes are colourfull and full of fantasy, and are traditionally made in Villena. They are a very important part in the parades, as they surprise spectators with their new costumes every year.

Alhábega: The word in Villena for basil. Unlike many other places, in Villena basil is rarely used in cuisine, as it is considered a symbol of Villena’s patron saint, Our Lady of the Virtues. Thus, it is very common to see flowerpots with this plant in every street during the festivals.


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