village of wellington comprehensive plan sustainability element

Post on 07-May-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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1Village of Wellington Sustainability Element

Introduction“Local authorities construct, operate and maintain economic, social and environmental infrastructure, oversee planning processes, establish local environmental policies and regulations, and as the level of government closest to the people, they play a vital role in educating, mobilizing and responding to the public to promote sustainable development”

Chapter 28 of Agenda 21 (LA21)

Local sustainability refers to a locality that is designed, built and operated in the way that energy and natural resources are utilized efficiently and equitably, for both present and future generations. Making a community sustainable needs to integrate economic development, community development, and environmental protection. Creating sustainable communities also requires a proactive, localized and highly participatory approach. Therefore, the context of each specific locality is crucial, as each particular area has distinctive characteristics in terms of economic, social and culture, and environment, which makes each locality, has different challenging issues. To achieve local sustainability requires attention to municipal economic, environment, and community actions, beyond merely land use planning.

By focusing on the quality of life of the residents, the Village of Wellington intends to play a proactive role by going beyond day-to-day decisions. The Village incorporates sustainability goals, objectives and implementation in the Village’s plan and policies based on assessment of the Village conditions, vision, and adaptation through time. There are three components in this report: economic sustainability environment sustainability and community sustainability

2Village of Wellington Sustainability Element

Economic sustainability components

IntroductionEconomic Development - “Any change in a community that enables greater production, increased employment, and a better distribution of goods and services.”

American Planning Association

The economic aspect of this sustainability element takes into account the interconnectedness of all other aspects – how public policy can help to shape an economically sustainable Village of Wellington. The purpose of this aspect is to outline the goals, objectives and policies which the Village will employ in order to promote and sustain a vibrant and successful local economy.

Often, economic pressures stem from various forces exterior to local influences. The day-to-day operation of local governments may at times preclude the ability to keep abreast of opportunities located outside of the municipality that may be of significant benefit to the Village. In order to maximize participation of the Village of programs, opportunities, initiatives etc., as well as to monitor potential impacts of decisions/policies, it is crucial for the Village to keep abreast of developments and opportunities at international national, state and regional levels.

The current fiscal circumstances highlight the need for local governments to keep appraised of the potential awarding of grants, designations or services. However, regardless of the economic climate, it is in the long-term interests to remain “connected” to various levels of government, quasi-governmental and select private organizations or entities that may be of benefit to or affect the Village.A

sustaining job as used by the United Way is a person or family employment situation that provides a permanent and stable job, wages adequate for food, clothing, and shelter, full health benefits, and the opportunity for job advancement.

Goal Objective Policy Remarks

Goal 1.0.Keep appraised of current and

Objective 1.1.The Village shall establish or

Policy 1.1.1.The Village shall monitor and analyze

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developing circumstances that are of potential interest to the Village.

designate a staff position whose primary responsibility is to research, gather, analyze and disseminate information that may be beneficial to the future of the Village.  Information sources may include, but will not be limited to government, private organizations and entities, and public organizations or entities. The responsible staff member will prepare and distribute to all departments a bi-annual summary and analysis of activity for each of the following policies

international, national, state, county, and local legislation, events, and policies that may affect the Village. The Village shall regularly monitor all national, regional, state and local legislation that may affect the municipality or region.

Policy 1.1.2. The Village shall maximize research opportunities for the potential obtaining grants, entering into partnerships, and utilizing other fiscal tools that may further it’s goals and long-term interests.

Policy 1.1.3.The Village shall strive to maximize its current and future eligibility for designations, awards and other “honors” that enhance community spirit, pride and prestige.   

Goal 2.0.The Village of Wellington will strive to develop policies which sustain and enhance the availability of stable, rewarding, and family-sustaining employment opportunities.

Objective 2.1The Village will promote the diversification of the local economy in order to promote a variety of employment opportunities suitable for supporting a high quality of life.

Policy 2.1.1.The Village will promote a varied assortment of businesses in its commercial and employment districts through incentives for innovative entrepreneurs.

Policy 2.1.2.The Village shall encourage small business and non-profit ventures for local entrepreneurs providing sustainable incomes for the community.

4Village of Wellington Sustainability Element

Objective 2.2.The Village shall assess the existing land use patterns and the way they affect existing and emerging businesses.

Policy 2.2.1The Village shall research the economic viability of creating zoning that allows for renewable energy generation on unused land by 2012.

Goal 3.0The Village shall strive to sustain real estate values for current and future landowners.

Objective 3.1The Village shall strive to identify and eliminate blight in order to maintain property values.

Policy 3.1.1The Village shall consider an annual city tour comprised of: community CRA, city manager, village council, zoning and code enforcement agents, and all affiliated parties, to assess redevelopment and re gentrification goals focused on eliminating blight.

Goal 4.0 The Village shall diversify and engage in a balanced local economy.

Objective 4.1 The Village shall promote the development of new healthcare facilities and expand on its current Medical Arts District.

Policy 4.1.1 By 2012, the Village will conduct a study for the feasibility of new development pertaining to innovative healthcare facilities for educational, research, rehabilitation, and clinical activities within its Medical Arts District.

Policy 4.1.2The Village shall promote knowledge-based techniques within its Medical Arts District.

Policy 4.1.3The Village shall promote Forest Hill Blvd. as a potential business corridor

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connecting commercial centers and its medical arts district.

Objective 4.2The village shall promote a flexible, mixed-based local economy

Policy 4.2.1The Village shall conduct a study of the development of tourism, eco-tourism, and equestrian elements.

Policy 4.2.2The Village shall make incentives available for new/relocated businesses.

Objective 4.3The Village shall promote the revitalization/redevelopment of aging commercial centers.

Policy 4.3.1The Village shall promote high density flex-use development along its commercial center corridors.

6Village of Wellington Sustainability Element

Environmental sustainability components

Introduction “The problems of today cannot be solved with the same level of thinking with which they were created.”

Albert Einstein

Protecting and Enhancing the Environment

Sustainability is achieved with the recognition that economic and environmental progress should occur simultaneously. While economic and environmental progress typically goes hand in hand when viewed from a long term perspective, it often requires the forethought to make investments which may take several years to pay dividend. The Village of Wellington recognizes the importance of such prudent planning, and due to its location in South Florida and its important equestrian character, has both unique opportunities and challenges.

Goal Objective Policy Remarks

Goal 1.0The Village shall strive to reduce nonrenewable energy consumption.

Objective 1.1The Village will strive to reduce overall energy use.

*Policy 1.1.1The Village shall immediately mandate the implementation of a "Go Green Guide" to direct internal affairs.

Objective 1.2The Village of Wellington will strive to develop programs which will increase the use of renewable energy devices.

Policy 1.2.1The Village will conduct a study to assess the feasibility of employing underutilized land, private and public, for the implementation of wind and solar technologies by 2010.

Policy 1.2.2The Village shall strive to complete a study by 2011 regarding the implementation of photovoltaic cells on existing

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residential and commercial structures.

Policy 1.2.3The Village will investigate a partnership with FPL to begin on the Wellington Green Mall Solar Array by 2012.

Policy 1.2.4The Village shall strive to offer investment opportunities for companies that service or manufacture renewable energy alternatives by means of reduced rent discounted utilities costs, or other incentives. The Village will work in cooperative efforts to obtain government and private grants.

Objective 1.3The Village shall promote the use of environmentally friendly vehicles that utilize sustainable alternative fuel/power sources.

Policy 1.3.1The Village of Wellington shall conduct a study regarding the feasibility of implementing alternative fuel stations and/or electric charging stations.

Objective 1.4The Village shall strive to monitor its intensity of energy consumption in order to more efficiently direct its efforts.

Policy 1.4.1The Village shall conduct a study seeking to identify particular target initiatives tailored to the Village of Wellington with the intention of reducing energy consumption.

Policy 1.4.2The Village shall conduct studies to indentify the districts which consume the most energy, beginning in 2011.

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Objective 1.5The Village shall research the economic viability of creating zoning that allows for Green energy production on unused or under-utilized land.

Policy 1.5.1The Village shall encourage private investment through the use of Green energy parks that offer businesses tax credits for installing renewable power systems.

Policy 1.5.2The Village shall provide information on commercial land/lease options for property owners that seek to develop Green energy grids in order to offset tax liability (this policy seeks to highlight the importance of protecting real estate values in Wellington).

Goal 2.0 The Village shall strive to maintain and enhance its natural resources.

Objective 2.1  The Village shall promote the idea of environmental aesthetics.

Policy 2.1.1The Village shall conduct an inventory of existing open spaces in order to determine their eligibility for national, state, or local conservation as unique areas or wildlife habitats.

Policy 2.1.2The Village shall reduce habitat fragmentation by creating connections between water bodies.

Policy 2.1.3The Village shall connect public green spaces in order to sustain the ecological integrity of the landscape and to enhance recreational functionality.

Objective 2.2The Village shall strive to develop innovative means of storm water management.

Policy 2.2.1The Village shall pursue the utilization and preservation of permeable surfaces for the purpose of storm water filtration and storage.

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Policy 2.2.2The Village shall conduct a study determining more efficient uses of designated water catchment areas.

Objective 2.3The Village shall continue to strive to reduce its overall water consumption.

Policy 2.3.1The Village shall encourage water conservation measures following LEED certification guidelines.

This objective would update the existing Objective 1.5 in the Infrastructure Element, and this policy can be work with the existing policies under that objective.

Objective 2.4The Village shall consider utilizing horse manure as a renewable resource.

Policy 2.4.1The Village shall conduct a feasibility study by 2012 into various options for manure disposal, such as fertilizer creation or methane gas collection for power generation.

Goal 3.0The Village shall strive to conserve resources by enhancing community awareness regarding sustainable living.

Objective 3.1The Village shall continue to encourage the implementation and success of recycling programs.

Policy 3.1.1The Village shall provide information on its website regarding appropriate recycling procedures as well as yearly announcements marking the positive impact citizens have made.

Policy 3.1.2The Village shall enhance its recycling service throughout the city limits by providing receptacles where they do not exist and by extending collection to these areas.

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Policy 3.1.3The Village will investigate the feasibility of providing drop- off points for electronic waste in convenient locations.

Objective 3.2The Village shall host an annual Wellington “Green” Conference.

Policy 3.2.1The Wellington “Green” Conference shall invite the exhibition and promotion of green business.

Policy 3.2.2The Wellington “Green” Conference shall offer a consortium of environmental initiatives.

Policy 3.2.3The Wellington “Green” Conference shall disseminate information regarding the recommendations of the “Go Green Guide” to the public.

11Village of Wellington Sustainability Element

Community sustainability components

IntroductionStrengthening Community Components

Wellington consists of several distinct neighborhoods that vary greatly and all have their own unique character. An important component of sustainable development is creating a sense of place that everyone in the community can experience. This involves strengthening community ties by creating facilities, events, and jobs that fulfill individual needs and create a commonality for all socio-economic groups within Wellington. The job provision objectives use the term “family sustaining jobs,” which is defined by the Urban Land Institute as those which serve households earning forty to sixty percent of the local median income.

Goal Objective Policy Remarks

Goal 1.0Establish a partnership with FAU to expand the capacity of Wellington by implementing elements of sustainable development in the comprehensive plan and other planning documents.

Objective 1.1The Village shall strive to work with Florida Atlantic University to provide and maintain an internship program to keep abreast of developing advancements which can enhance the village.

Policy 1.1.1The Village shall strive to research the feasibility of making this venture a low cost program by 2010.

Goal 2.0Promote and sustain the availability of, and equitable access to, essential community resources needed to support stable, healthy neighborhoods.

Objective 2.1The Village shall research important neighborhood resources and their accessibility to the community.

Policy 2.1.1An assessment, inventory and report of essential community resources and their accessibility shall be conducted and distributed to the department for review by the year 2011.

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Objective 2.2The Village shall preserve and strive to increase the quality and quantity (pending Policy 2.1.1 establishes a necessity) of essential community resources.

Policy 2.2.1The Village shall research the feasibility of acquiring facilities for development of community resources purchased with budgeted funds and/or portions of profits earned through newly established cultural event activities.

Objective 2.3Improve connectivity within neighborhoods and between residential, commercial, and recreational areas.

Policy 2.3.1The Village shall consider a navigable circuit connecting points of interest near public venues for use as a walking district.

Policy 2.3.2The Village shall strive to promote pedestrian and cycle-friendly amenities near public venues.

Policy 2.3.3In order to increase connectivity for walking and bicycling, the Village shall strongly discourage dead-end streets or cul-de-sacs in any new residential developments. Instead, the Village shall encourage the use of connecting streets and multi-use paths.

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Goal 3.0 The Village shall encourage cultural values and partnerships as well as promote access to cultural events to the entire community.

Objective 3.1 The Village shall strive to facilitate a connection with the equestrian and non-equestrian community to promote one or more recurring equestrian events such as an annual parade.

Policy 3.1.1 The Village shall establish an Equestrian Historical Society to harbor the Village's strong equestrian tradition.

Policy 3.1.2 The Village shall meet regularly with the equestrian preserve committee to create a cultural education forum within one year.

Policy 3.1.3 The Village shall embark on a community relations initiative to open communications between equestrian and non-equestrian communities.

Objective 3.2 The Village shall conduct a study by 2011 regarding the feasibility of constructing an open-air venue for cultural events.

Policy 3.2.1 The Village shall create a conceptual master plan design for an amphitheater.

Objective 3.3 The Village shall investigate partnering with an international or national “sister city” which shares the same lifestyle.

Policy 3.4.1The Village shall research common cities like Saratoga Springs, New York.

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Objective 3.4The Village shall strive to enhance the character of the community.

Policy 3.3.1The Village shall strive to promote the character of the village through revitalization of an avenue or boulevard that attracts the community.

Policy 3.3.2The Village shall provide one or more “town centers” to help create a sense of place in the community.

Goal 4.0 Village shall strive to attract and retain Family Sustainable Jobs that offer opportunity for  community growth through nonprofit/private partnerships.

Objective 4.1 The Village shall seek to actively recruit twenty-five to fifty new businesses—including, but not limited to, small businesses—by the year 2014.

Policy 4.1.1 The Village shall strive to create a business-friendly environment that is consistent with the Economic Development Initiative.

Policy 4.1.2 The Village shall encourage small business and non-profit ventures for local entrepreneurs providing sustainable incomes for the community.

Objective 4.2 The Village shall strive to retain all employers in the village which provide family sustaining jobs.

Policy 4.2.1 By 2010, the Village shall conduct an inventory of all businesses with over ten employees and note those which provide value-added jobs.

Policy 4.2.2The Village shall provide infrastructure and encourage support services needed to attract businesses which recognize their social commitment to the community.

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Goal 5.0 Foster higher education that provides career-enhancing education opportunities for residents, as well as creating a workforce that is more attractive to valuable employers.

Objective 5.1 The Village shall encourage the establishment of a vocational/technical school or community college.

Policy 5.1.1 The Village shall strive to purchase vacant or occupied properties that might be needed for such a project. Policy 5.1.2 The Village shall strive to relocate existing businesses consistent with the future land use map if needed to accommodate a campus.

Policy 5.1.3The Village shall consider various technical institutions such as; Equestrian, Equine and Equitation studies, and also medical training schools.

16Village of Wellington Sustainability Element


Some additional things to consider when implementing this sustainability element include the existing goals, objectives, and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. Some of these may actually hinder long-term, regional sustainability. In order to pursue sustainability, the Village needs to evaluate these existing goals, objectives, and policies as well as any other additions to ensure that they meet the needs of both current and future generations.

While the goals presented in this report have been divided into three separate categories, the nature of sustainability requires that they improve more than one area of the “sustainability triangle.” The object is for policies to provide a balance between economy, environment, and community—which most of these policies do. For instance, the economic development initiatives contribute to more than just the economy. The staff position to gather information can apprise the Village of opportunities that help the environment or build community as well as improve the economy. Expanding the Medical District in Wellington should improve the economy, provide sustainable jobs for community residents, and potentially improve access to healthcare for the entire community.

The quality of life of residents in the Village of Wellington will be determined by the sustainability of the economy and the impact on the environment. Creating sustainable jobs in the future relates the economic picture with the community. The community activities and open air venues have the dual result of adding to the economy and bringing a community of people together for common goals. The planning of a historical society will be combined with the preservation and revitalization of natural locations throughout the Village of Wellington. There will be a review of past and future planned events as to how they relate to supporting the environment and community. There will be an initiative to bring the communities of the Wellington together for understanding the needs and impact of the economy and the environment.

The environmental policies can help show people why they should be interested in the status and the creation of a sustainable environment. There will be outlets designed to give the community of Wellington a voice in connection with the status of the environment, and how their lives are being affected. Policies geared toward the environment ensure the preservation and safety of the Village of Wellington for future generations of residents. Policies to reduce energy consumption can provide a reduction in costs fairly quickly, and investment in renewable energy offers a reliable long term return on investment. So these policies support both environmental and economic areas.

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One cannot plan very much if one does not have a sense of the present state of events and their probable future direction. Thus many comprehensive planning efforts begin with a data-gathering and forecasting phase." 

Contemporary Urban Planning. John M. Levy 2009 

The goals presented in this paper are by no means all-encompassing. This comprehensive plan can be used as an outline for moving forward in addressing current needs of the community. These goals, objectives, and policies are being recommended as a result of today’s conditions. There will be adjustments made as the needs of the community changes. The comprehensive plan has to be written in a way to serve the needs of the present and future generations of the community in a more modern and efficient way. The community of Wellington needs to have a voice with regards to the decisions being made in the community in which they live. Based on the observations, research and discussions, we believe that the concerns raised this week and in the future can be solved with smart policies geared toward the interests of the community, economy, and environment.

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