village level micro planning program- exhaustive presentation- garry

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Village Level Micro-Planning


Supported by: District Administration, Shivpuri and UNICEF, Bhopal

Implemented by: Sambhav Social Service Organization, Shivpuri

Contents District Shivpuri Shivpuri Block VLMP Approach Expected Outcomes Benefits Methodology Phases Preparations Activities Involvement of Children Findings Achievements

District Shivpuri

Population 1440666

Sex Ratio 858

Sex Ratio- Urban 878

Sex Ratio- Rural 855

0-5 Sex Ratio 905

Literacy 59.5

Male Literacy 74.8

Female Literacy 41.5

Shivpuri BlockPopulation 134222

Families 22226

0-3 Children 10179

Male 5142

Female 5037

Target Couple 25700

Panchayat 74

Villages 187

Hamlets 130

Difficult Villages 54

PHC Satanwada

Sub-Center 28

ICDS 112

Temporary ICDS 49

ASHA Worker 49

ANM 28

MPW 20

Trained Dai 187

JSR 187

Private Doctor 100

Sweeper Families 200

Village Level Micro-Planning VLMP is a process of involving the

communities directly in framing the development plan of the villages, and also ensuring optimum utilization of resource.

Approach a five-day long exercise in a particular

village in the Integrated District by a team of  Village Planning Facilitators belonging to identified NGOs/CBOs, usually in groups of three or more depending upon the population size and spread of the village. 

Facilitators reside in their allotted village for the entire period living on what the villagers can offer in terms of food and place to stay.

Expected Outcomes Registration and certificate to all children within 28 days of

birth. All deliveries by trained people. Breast feeding to infants up to 6 months. Complete Immunization of 90% children. ORS consumption for children suffering from Diarrhea, and

preventive care on respiratory problems. All children get complete doses of vitamin A. No child should fall under grade 3-4 of malnutrition, 30%

reduction in children falling under grade 1-2. All children complete primary education and are linked to the

process of developing basic learning skills. Awareness and knowledge among 15-24 years on HIV/AIDS.

Practicing safe sexual behavior. 50% Reduction in children marrying before age of 18. Ensuring protection of children from unsafe work and

hazardous working conditions.

Expected Outcomes Use of Iodine salt in every household. Outreach of every family to safe drinking water sources,

and no water source should remain malfunction for more than 4 days.

Safe hygiene practices to be followed by every person of the family (washing hands before and after meals and defecation).

Outreach of all to safe hygiene and sanitation facilities. Pre and Post natal care to all pregnant women, and PPTC

services. Facilities for children at ICDS center and health centers on

the basis of individual evaluation. Village level micro-planning in every village. Promoting safe behaviors through behavior change

communication Planned implementation of various child and mother

development programs, and evaluating them on the basis of performance.

VLMP- Benefits Problem solving and decision making on the basis of

alternatives. Helps find root causes of problems. Better understanding of communities on problem

identification, analysis and problem solving. Identifying resources available at village level. Improved community participation in planning Social issues will be a part of the plans. Deprived classes will immediately be identified as primary

beneficiaries. Communities will be able to differentiate between needed

and available services. People will be the key players in planning processes. Increased participation of community and involvement of


Methodology Community Interaction PRA- Social Mapping,

Seasonality Chart. Disseminating key

behavior messages Video Shows “Meena” Involving sarpanch/


VLMP- Phases Analysis of every village of the district and

problem evaluation Prioritization of problems by the community. Common opinion building and acceptance of

problems. Common opinion on alternatives to problem

solving. Micro-planning of every village on the basis of

common opinion and approval by gram sabha.

Initial Preparations Framing survey formats- village, family Testing survey format Presentation by cultural group (Kala


Organization Preparations Final preparation and rehearsal of

performances to be made by kala jattha. Zero phase and Planning level plan

preparation. Formation of teams Distribution of material Environment building

Zero Phase Activities Village level meetings on

information dissemination regarding VLMP

Family survey Social Mapping Matrix Ranking, Preparing

list of problems, prioritization of problems.

Selection of two people in each meeting who would support in VLMP

Activities Decorative Rope with Flags- 74

panchayats Flash Hoardings- 10 boards Wall writing- 740 locations Banners- 74 Large Hoardings – 2 Awareness Chariot- 170 Children Rally- 74 Visiting places where village planning wont

take place- 27

VLMP- Activities Master Trainer Training – 17 April to 31 April’2005 Training of trainers- 13 June to 17 June’ 2005 Cluster animator training- 20 June to 24 June’2005 Panchayat animator training- 3 Batches Training of cluster animators on street theatre. Inauguration of VLMP program Commencement of VLMP on pilot basis in Suhara,

Sirsod and Tanpur (Training phase) Weighing all children under Bal Sanjeevani Involvement in Pulse Polio Program Implementation of VLMP plan Orientation of Panchayat representatives

VLMP- Process Activities Community Meetings Social Mapping Family Survey Matrix Ranking Volunteer Selection Group Discussion Venn- Diagram Seasonality mapping Time Line Gram Sabha

VLMP- Activity Table Panchayat: 74 Villages: 206 Village Visit: 206 Intensive Visit: 206 Social Mapping: 206 Family Survey: 19209 (approximate) Matrix Ranking: 206 Time Line: 191 Season based change mapping: 191 Venn Diagram: 206 Community Meetings: 768 Gram Sabha: 206 Volunteers: 551

Involvement of Children Rally Painting Competition Educational Games Promotion of moral science Support in social mapping Support in providing survey information Bal Sabha Making efforts to form children clubs and

groups of adolescent girls.

Major Family Survey Findings Low birth registration Low birth certificates issues Incomplete pre-post natal care Use of iodine salt in very few houses Lack of knowledge on HIV/AIDS Low institutionalized deliveries Traditional home based treatment of Pneumonia Family having average 4-5 children Very low number of girls attending schools Iron folic acid consumption low.

Problem, Cause and Solution  Problem Cause Solution

1 Drinking Water Hand pumps not working Hand pump maintenance should be in the hands of community

    Repairs works not done in time With the falling water level, all the hand pumps should be rechecked and re-engineered as per need

    People ignorant on taking ownership Rain water harvesting should be done

    Technical Problems  


2 Open Defecation Mindset of going out for defecation Awareness on relation of diseases with open defecation, and relation of diseases with poverty.

    Uncomfortable in using toilets Construction of household toilets

    Low preference to low cost toilets Government should take timely disbursement of funds at priority

Problem, Cause and Solution

  Problem Cause Solution

3 Garbage/ Contamination

No place available for disposal Construction of compost pits

    Garbage dumped outside house Panchayat should provide community place for garbage disposal, for people who cannot construct compost pit.

    Waste water and child feces drained at door step

Awareness and BCC on Hygiene, Sanitation and Safe Health Behaviors


4 Girl Child Education Responsible to be at home and look after young ones

Sensitizing parents on the importance of girl child education.

    Sexual exploitation by the teachers PTA should be made active

    Mindset of sending girls for education is of no use

Outreach of girl child education schemes should be facilitated

Problem, Cause and Solution  Problem Cause Solution

5 Distribution of Nutrition at ICDS

Irregular distribution, once in 3 months Distribution of nutrition should be done strictly on monthly basis.

    ICDS not opening as in the prescribed format

ICDS should open on time, and Panchayat should be given responsibility of working as a watch group.


6 Irregular Immunization by ANM

ANM live in city and report to village rarely

ANM should stay at sub-center, this will increase immunization coverage and institutional deliveries.

    Have no proper MIS to track record Capable supervisory work to be done.

Records and authenticity should be checked regularly on monthly basis.

Problem, Cause and Solution  Problem Cause Solution

7 Employment Work not available in nearby areas resulting in migration

Employment generation to be done by Government

    National park area being increased, and mines being shut down

Fixed decisions should be taken regarding boundaries of National Park.


8 Electricity Due bills Bills should be paid on time, and people paying bills on time should be provided regular electricity

    Theft (More than one person using a connection)

In cases where free electricity is being provided, there should be a monitoring system to check the supply and consumption.

    Long time cut-offs  

Problem, Cause and Solution

  Problem Cause Solution

9 Ration Distribution


PDS shops not opening regularly PDS should open regularly.

    PDS influenced by power centers of


Panchayat should have a watch dogcommittee who looks at thefunctioning of PDS

    Ration weighed less, supplied less Surveillance should be done on the distribution of ration

    All Should be bought at once in one day Arrangements for taking ration in installments as per convenience


10 Birth Registration


Ignorant attitude of community Efforts should be made to sensitize community on importance of birth registration.

    No initiative by Secretary to promote

Birth Certificate

Monitoring of the program should be done by Janpad

SeasonalityMonth Disease 1 Disease 2

January Pneumonia Cold, and Cough

February Pneumonia, Respiratory Problem Cold, and Cough

March Diarrhea Boils

April Diarrhea, Fever Boils

May Diarrhea Heat Stroke

June Diarrhea Heat Stroke

July Diarrhea Conjunctivitis

August Malaria, Jaundice Skin Disease

September Malaria, Jaundice Skin Disease

October Cough, Pneumonia Common Cold

November Cough, Pneumonia Common Cold

December Cough, Pneumonia Common Cold

Community Level Issues Garbage Open Defecation Washing hands before meals Washing hands after defecation Not using ladle for drawing water Breast feeding Personal hygiene Village sanitation Leaving waste water standing on roads Other feeding to infants before 6 months Iodine Salt Consulting quacks Girl child education Low number of girls from backwards classes Caste discrimination Participation of women and children in decision making

Community-Government Level Issues Drinking water Birth registration Education not efficient Electricity Using ORS Toilet Construction in BPL families

Government Level Issues Distribution of supplement at ICDS Immunization by ANM ANM not staying at Sub-center Unemployment Distribution of Ration (PDS) Distribution of Birth Registration Certificate No ICDS building No sub-center building School building not adequate Roads

Achievements Accredited Health Activist ASHA selection given in the

hands of Sambhav. Success in establishing 42 temporary ICDS centers. Promotion of Nutrition Supplement to children falling in 3-4

grade of malnutrition. 268 children have been admitted in district hospital till now.

Establishment of 2 NRC centers for malnourished children, a result of Sambhav’s advocacy efforts.

311 early marriages stopped 319 child labor linked with formal schools Gradual improvement in institutionalized deliveries,

especially in villages: Girmora, Mehdawali, Manakpur, Bichi, Arjungawan, Gatwaya

Promoting household toilets has helped initiate construction of household toilets in Lalgarh, Khyawada Kalaan, Khorgaar, Theh, Satanwada, Patara, Sakalpur, Chaand, and Bara.

Monitoring StructureGovt. of Madhya PradeshUNICEF, Bhopal

District Level Task Force, SHIVPURI

BLTF – BadarwasNGO - Rachna

BLTF – KolarasNGO - CID

BLTF – ShivpuriNGO - Sambhav

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

1 Coordinator/Block

2 Supervisors/ Block

7 - 8 Facilitators/ Supervisor= 15 facilitators/Block

5 Panchayat/Facilitaor AND8 Volunteer/Panchayat =40 volunteers/ facilitator Reporting Relationship

Monitoring Relationship

BLTF – PichoreNGO - Parhit

Direct PCA

Reporting Format- Part INarrative Summary Objectively Verifiable Indicators Progress Process involved

Output 1Enable the community to

continuously assess, analyze and take action whenever required on issues affecting their children and women

Volunteers identified from all villages of the project area and trained in community monitoring and IPC skills

Community Monitoring System established in all Panchayats of the project area with regular monthly review meetings on indicators decided by the community

Regular Gram Sabhas being held (atleast one in each quarter) with quoram requirements met and with discussions on issues affecting women and children

Project Functionaries identified and database prepared (attachment 1)

Volunteers identified and database prepared (attachment 2)

Training Plan prepared (attachment 3)

Consolidation of PRA findings done – Village Information Table prepared (No. of Panchayats)

20% of the project area identified for setting up child friendly Panchayats List of selected Panchayats attached. (attachment 4)

Intensive dialoging with the community initiated in Child Friendly Panchayats (social maps, matrix ranking, action plan revisited)

Village Information Centre Set up in ….. Panchayats

Monitoring Plan for the month of November ’06

(attachment 5)Monitoring Plan for the month of

December 2006(attachment 6)One large village meeting held to

initiate this phase of community programming (no. of meetings…)

Reporting Format- Part IIOutput 2Support the

community in its endeavor to realize its aspirations through development and strengthening of a reference – redressal system

A volunteer federation structure created with adequate representation at the Panchayat, Cluster and Block Level

Regular representation of the issues affecting the community by Volunteer & NGO representatives in the Block Level and District Level Task Force Meetings.

No. of meetings at the Cluster and village level with volunteers explaining to them the future strategy of the programme

Consolidation and analysis of the Household and PRA findings at the Block Level – ready for presentation in the BLTF/DLTF meetings

Reporting Format – Part IIIOutput 3Promote Key

Behaviors essential for survival, growth and development of children and help in demand generation (raising aspirations) for basic and essential services

Wall Paintings, Bal Melas, Exhibitions as detailed in the NGO action plans completed

Increase in the level of Knowledge, awareness and practice by 30% over the village planning baseline on 4 key behaviors

Report in accordance with the BCC reporting format (attachment 7)

Task Load Analysis of VPF  Panchayats

Days P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

1 ABC        

2   DEF      

3     ABC    

4       DEF  

5         ABC

6 DEF        

7   ABC      

8     DEF    

9       ABC  

10         DEF

11 Meeting with Volunteers at Cluster Level 

12 Meeting of Functionaries at Block Level

A Institutional Delivery

B Birth Registration

C Malnourished Children

D Girl's Education

E Individual Toilets

F Immunization - MCD

Points to be noted –

1. The Facilitators will be working for at least two days in each of their 5 Panchayats

2. 2. They will be responsible for achieving 100% across the 6 indicators in integrated districts and 80% level in the remaining 4 Panchayats.

LFA- SynopsisNarrative Summary Objectively Verifiable Indicators Means of Verification Assumptions

GoalTo promote survival,

growth and development of Children in Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh

30% improvement over and above the agreed baseline across all the 17 indicators listed in the 19th Nov. Memo

Repeat village planning household survey

Analysis of available and future data from NFHS, NSSO, RCH, SRS, CRS

Sufficient political and administrative will exists for social development and child rights

Strategic ResultTo enable and support

the community so as to ensure the realization of their aspirations for survival, growth and development of their children

Analysis, Redressal (at the level of the community) and reference of issues affecting children and women in the Panchayat and in the Gram Sabha

Regular representation of issues affecting children and women in the BLTFs and DLTF and their timely and effective redressal

Monitoring Reports on Gram Sabhas from Govt. Counterparts, NGOs and UNICEF Extenders

Monthly Progress Report on implementation of action plan from NGOs

Minutes of the Meeting of DLTF, BLTF and Review Meetings

Sufficient resources and administrative will exists at the District and Block Level to accept,

continuously monitor and address issues which might be different from line department programme priorities.

Panchayat Fact Sheet: Part I

Panchayat Fact Sheet: Tanpur

S.No. Particulars Tanpur Jhund

1 Panchayat Tanpur

2 Sarpanch Rampal Jatav

3 Secretary Girraj Sharma

4 Volunteer Bharat Yadav, Harnaam Jatav Vijay Rawat, Karan Rawat

5 Anganwadi Worker Hemlata Gautam Shreebai

6 ANM Meena Vyas

7 MPW Bal Mukund Kushwaha

8 Teachers

Manoj Shrivastava, Tulsi Das Dubey, Lokesh Bobal, Surendra Bhatnagar, Shashikant

Arya, Parsadi Lal Arya, Anil Khare, Uttam Chand Soni, Ramniwas Bhargava,

Neelkant Dubey

Kishori Sharan Chourasiya, Santosh Sharma, Neeraj Sharma

9 PHE Mechanic Kali Charan

10 Total Population 1091 279

11 Female 603 164

12 Male 488 115

13 SC 383 67

14 ST 0 0

15 Others 708 212

16 0-3 Years 98 14

17 3-6 Years 114 35

18 6-14 Years 203 52

19 Kaccha House 141 37

20 Pakka House 16 5

21 Total Houses 157 42

22 Toilets 4 0

23 Pregnant Women 7 1

24 Newly Wed Couple 5 1

25 Handpump 11 3

26 Well 7 1

27 Tap 0 0

Panchayat Fact Sheet: Part II

28 Primary School 1 1

29 Middle School 1 0

30 High School 0 0

31 PHC Satanwada

32 Sub Center Tanpur

33 Iodine Salt Consumption 130/157 20/42

34 Primary Diseases Malaria, Diarrhea, Fever

35 Primary Agricultural Crops Wheat, Gram, Soyabean

36 Source of Income Agriculture, Agricultural Labour, Labor

Panchayat Fact Sheet: Part III

Volunteer Federation


Cluster Level

Panchayat Level

2 volunteers represent the community at the Block Level Task Force

30 Volunteers

Two Volunteers from each cluster

150 Volunteers (2*75 Panchayats)

2 Volunteers represent each Panchayat

8 volunteers from each Panchayat


District Level Task Force

(Headed by Collector)

Block Level Task Force

(Headed by SDM)

Volunteer Federation

•CEO, Janpad




•M & C D








•AJKV (Tribal)

•M & CD



Future Directions and Components Village Information Centers

Data collected during VLMP Information on various government schemes

Mother and Child Health IEC Material (Mother, Child and Key Messages)

Setting up a community monitoring system at village and Panchayat level which empowers community to come up as a pressure group and promote demand generation for safeguarding the lives of mother and children.

To empower volunteers to play a dual role as community facilitators as well as pressure persons for service delivery on service providers.

To build and create 15 model child friendly Panchayat which intensive interventions later forecasted to be replicated in all the Panchayats of a block.

Building a volunteer federation in a hierarchical manner which has representation from villages and clusters at the block and district level, and which acts as representative of the community to share various related issues.

Next Phase Activities Training of volunteers Establishing community monitoring Monthly review meetings at village level Strengthening Gram Sabha Creating volunteer federation Promotion of 4 key behaviors

Exclusive Breastfeeding Girl Child Education Hygiene and Sanitation Practice HIV/AIDS

Training of HIV/AIDS Children New Agency

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