viking religion

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Viking ReligionMaxwell Vidler, Ryan Hickey, Joshua MellorA Vidler Enterprise

Sources that tell us about Norse Religion Archaeological Sources such as Petroglyphs, art and jewellery and runes Sagas – while not extremely accurate, are useful for providing a broad

overview of Norse beliefs Literary sources – extremely rare, mostly made after the Viking Age but

can still give us information about the culture

Worship Vikings did not have compulsory places of worship such as churches It could occur in sacred groves, an altar piled with stones known as a

hörgr, or at home There were important centres such as  Skiringsal, Lejre and Uppsala

which usually involved larger congregations Worship of ancestors was common in Norse Religion.

Religious Practices and Customs

Human Sacrifice: Performed for the Gods at Religious Festivals, or performed at funerals, often so that those being sacrificed could ‘accompany’ there masters to the next world.

Funerals: It is customary to leave gifts for the deceased known as grave goods. Funeral monuments became places where ancestors could be worshipped

Death and the Afterlife: Although the Vikings found honour in dying through battle, there was still fear that If burial rights were not performed properly, the deceased would not find peace in the afterlife. The dead could then come back as a revenant or draugr (again-walker)

The Transition of Paganism to Christianity

Viking leaders saw Christianity as the means to unite multiple Viking clans

They attempted to convert everyone to Christianity however there were those who still believed in Paganism

‘Old Testament Style Duels’ Eventually this religious disagreement sparked additional civil wars

Norse creation story

Before the world and even time existed there was a place called Niflheim it was dark and cold and a place called Muspelhiem these places were in a vast void of emptiness called Ginnungagap.

Giants were formed from the combination of the two places and when one died (got killed) the world was made from his dying body

-flesh was the land - blood was the water – bones were the mountains – teeth were rocks – hair become grass and trees – and his eyelashes became midgard

Viking Beliefs

The Vikings believed in the main religion of paganism Many different myths One myth is thor proving his strength and lifting a cat Their beliefs did not spread throughout Europe as the priests had hoped due to them

killing the current religion The Vikings believed that if you didn’t die with a sword in your hand you were lost


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