viewbtec level 3 diploma. start date: ... overall deadline for all amendments and completed unit....

Post on 28-Jun-2018






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Unit Title: Unit 1: The Business EnvironmentName Qualification: BTEC Level 3 DiplomaStart date: Week starting

Deadline date:Assessor:

Assessment Matrix:

Task: Pass: Merit: Distinction: Task 1 P1Task 2 P2 M1 D1Task 3 P3Task 4 P4Task 5 P5 M2Task 6 P6 M3 D2

Completion deadlines:

Task: Criteria to be met: Issue date (w/c) Submission date (w/c)

Deadline met: (Y/N)

Task 1 P1Task 2 P2


Task 3 P3Task 4 P4Task 5 P5

M2Task 6 P6


Overall deadline for all amendments and completed unit

Grading criteria met & date achieved:P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2

Final Feedback to Student

Final Grade Awarded:

Fail Pass Merit Distinction


Student Signature: Date:

Tutor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier: Date:


Date Comment Target

Assignment title: Business Environment

The purpose of this assignment is to:Allow you to demonstrate your understanding of a range of business organisations and the factors which impact the operations of these businesses in the contemporary world.


You work for the Chamber of Commerce as a Business Adviser and have been asked to visit businesses in the local area to outline to them the variety of businesses which exist and to explain to them the factors

which can impact businesses.


To achieve a Pass grade the evidence must show the learner is able to:

To achieve a Merit grade the evidence must show the learner is able to:

To achieve a Distinction grade the evidence must show the learner is able to:

Pass 1 – Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting businesses

Pass 2 - Describe the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of two contrasting businesses

Merit 1- Explain the points of view of different stakeholders seeking to influence the aims and objectives of two contrasting organisations

Distinction 1 evaluate the influence different stakeholders exert in one organisation

Pass 3 – Describe how two businesses are organised

Pass 4 – Explain how their style of organisation helps them to fulfil their purposes

Pass 5: Describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments on business activities within a selected organisation

M2- Compare the challenges to selected business activities within a selected organisation in two different economic environments

Pass 6- Describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders

Merit 3 – Analyse how political, legal and social factors have impacted on the two contrasting organisations

Distinction 2 – Evaluate how future changes in economic, political, legal and social factors, may impact on the strategy of a specified organisation

Task 1:

As a Business Adviser for the Chamber of Commerce you have been asked to produce a document which will be sent to all businesses in Ealing which describes the activities, purpose, size, scale and ownership of two businesses for use by new entrepreneurs who are interested in setting up a business in Ealing

You are required to complete the following for P1:

I. Select two businesses, one privately owned and one either public or voluntary owned (you must choose organisations you can access a lot of information on) and provide an introduction to each business

II. Explain the sector of ownership (public, private or voluntary) and what this means for the company

III. Identify and describe the type of ownership (sole-trader, partnership, PLC, LTD, franchise or cooperative), and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of ownership on the business referring to liability

IV. Outline and explain the purpose of the two organisations and the activities they undertake including the economic sector it operates in (primary, secondary or tertiary?- remember a business can operate in more than one sector)

V. State and describe whether the business is local, national, regional or global.

VI. State and describe whether the business is small, medium or large


Company Websites – Ealing PCT & Carphone Warehouse

This provides evidence for P1

Student confirmation that P1 is complete:

Tick to indicate completion:

P1- Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting businesses

Deadline for Pass 1-

Task 2:

The next task you must undertake as part of your role as Business Adviser for the Chamber of Commerce is to visit local businesses to explain to them the concept of stakeholder and to identify stakeholders that can impact a business. This should be completed in the form of a PowerPoint, in which you identify what a stakeholder is, provide examples of stakeholders and describe using your 2 business examples from P1 how stakeholders can impact businesses

You are required to complete the following for P2:

I. Define the term stakeholder

II. Identify possible stakeholders which can impact a business

III. For each of your two businesses in P1, identify and describe how a minimum of 6 stakeholders influence the business, using real life examples of their influence where possible. This can be completed in the table below and amendments can be made to the table where necessary

Resources:On line research of organisation websitesOn line research of stakeholder activity e.g. BBC news, Guardian online, etc.

This provides evidence for P2

Student confirmation that P2 is complete

Tick to indicate













Task 2- OPTIONAL- Merit 1 TaskTick to indicate


Now that you have identified the key stakeholders that influence the business, some of the new entrepreneurs have asked you to provide more detail about stakeholders. They want you to explain the view point of the different stakeholder groups, identifying how they aim to influence the aims and objectives of both businesses you studied in Task 1 and 2.

You are required to complete the following for M1:

I. Research and identify the aims and objectives of the 2 businesses selected in P1 and P2

II. For each of the stakeholder groups identified in P2 table, explain in detail the view point of the key stakeholders

III. For each stakeholder group, ensure you describe how they seek to influence the aims and objectives of the two contrasting organisations


BTEC National Textbook- Pages- 14- 16On line research of organisation websitesOn line research of stakeholder activity e.g. BBC news, Guardian online, etc.

This provides evidence for M1

Student confirmation that M1 is complete

Task 2- OPTIONAL- Distinction 1 Task

The entrepreneurs are keen to understand which stakeholders can influence a business the most. You understand that this wholly depends on the individual organisation. Nevertheless, using one of the organisations studied in M1, you should demonstrate to

the entrepreneurs which stakeholders are most influential in this organisation and explain the reasoning of your judgement/

You are required to complete the following for D1:

I. Identify the organisation you have chosen and the organisations key stakeholders

II. Taking each stakeholder individually, discuss the extent of influence they have. You should argue why they do have some influence but also how their influence may be reduced

III. Provide an overall conclusion, identifying, based on your discussion, the stakeholders with the greatest and least influence, justifying the conclusions you have formed


BTEC National Textbook- Pages- 14- 16On line research of organisation websitesOn line research of stakeholder activity e.g. BBC news, Guardian online, etc.

This provides evidence for D1

Student confirmation that D1 is complete

Task 3:

The organisation of a business is very important and can influence the success of a business. It is important that you explain to a new group of entrepreneurs what an organisation structure is, the purpose of one, the various types of structures as well as the role of the different functional areas. This should then conclude with how the business makes strategic decisions. To fully explain this area to the new entrepreneurs you should demonstrate your understanding of this topic through two organisations and in the form of a report.

You are required to complete the following for P3:

I. Define the term business organisation and explain the purpose of a business having an organisational structure.

II. Identify and illustrate in an organisational chart the type of structure adopted by the two organisations you have selected in P1-P2.

III. Define the term functional area and briefly outline the purpose of functional areas. Using the identified functional areas, for each organisation, describe the role of the area focusing on marketing; production; customer service; sales; human resources, and other researched areas

Resources:Company websites for selected businesses

This provides evidence for P3

Student confirmation that P3 is completed-

Task 4:

The strategic planning process is very important in a business, and this process and the

organisational structure play an important role in helping a business to achieve their objectives. The new entrepreneurs need to understand how businesses organise their strategic planning and how this, along with the organisation structure selected by the organisation, help them to achieve their aims and objectives. This should be completed in the form of a leaflet which will be forwarded to all hopeful entrepreneurs.

You are required to complete the following for P4:

I. Define the term strategic planning process, aims and objectives (SMART) and briefly identify the role of this process in a business

II. Identify the planning process for one of your organisations and explain how it, and the structure of the organisation help ensure the business meets its aims and objectives

III. Identify the planning process for the second of your organisations and explain how it, and the structure of the organisation help ensure the business meets its aims and objectives


Respective organisation websitesThis provides evidence for P4

Student confirmation that P4 is complete

Task 5:

In recent years, the economic climate has had a severe impact on many businesses in

P4- Explain how their style of organisation helps them to fulfil their purposes

Deadline for P4

the Ealing district. Due to this the Chamber of Commerce believe it imperative that new entrepreneurs are aware of how their business will be influenced by the economic climate they operate in. To ensure they understand this task you must create a presentation on one of your chosen organisations, identifying how their business activities have been influenced by two contrasting economic environments.

You are required to complete the following for P5:

I. Identify the selected organisation you will create the leaflet on (choose an organisation in which you will be able to research a lot of material on).

II. Identify the two contrasting economic environments you will describe (e.g. growth and a recession)

III. Describe how the first economic climate influenced the business (e.g. growth) including evidence of research to support your description

IV. Describe how the second economic climate influenced the business (e.g. growth) including evidence of research to support your description


Internet- BBC news, The Guardian Online, The Economist, The Financial Times- any other valid website

This provides evidence for P5

Student confirmation that P5 is complete


The new entrepreneurs now understand how that business was influenced by the two

P5- Describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments on business activities within a selected organisation

Deadline for P5

contrasting economic environments, however they would like to know if the other business you have explored in this unit would have faced the same level of problems, or would it have been influenced by a greater or lesser extent by the climates. In this task, you should produce a report, outlining firstly how the second organisation was influenced by the two contrasting economic conditions, and secondly how the challenges the two organisations faced were similar and different.

You are required to complete the following for M2:

I. Identify and describe, based on research how the second organisation was impacted by the two economic climates.

II. Compare the problems faced by the organisations, explaining to what extent the problems were different and to what extent they were similar


Internet- BBC news, The Guardian Online, The Economist, The Financial Times- any other valid website

This provides evidence for M2

Student confirmation that M2 is complete

Task 6:

The last aspect the Chamber of Commerce would like you to explain to the new

M2- Compare the challenges to selected business activities within a selected organisation, in two different economic climates

Deadline for M2

entrepreneurs is the impact that political, legal and social factors have on the two selected businesses. You should also refer to how these factors impact the stakeholders of the respective organisations. This task should be completed in the form of a table to allow the new entrepreneurs to make quick comparisons of the two organisations/

You are required to complete the following for P6:

I. Copy the table format on the following page. In order to complete this, you should conduct research in small groups.

II. For each of the two organisations explain how political factors impact the selected businesses (including the following where applicable; political stability; government support for different types of organisations; fiscal policy; direct support, providing infrastructure; enhancing skills of the working

III. For each of the two organisations explain how legal factors impact the selected businesses (including where applicable; company law, protecting consumers & employees, and ensuring honest & fair trading). Refer to the impact of this on relevant stakeholders.

IV. For each of the two organisations explain how social factors impact the selected businesses (including where applicable; demographic issues, changes in structure, education, attitude to work, religion, attitudes to male and female roles and ethics). Refer to the impact of this on relevant stakeholders


This provides evidence for P6

Student confirmation that P6 is complete

Factor: ORGANISATION 1: Impact on business and

stakeholder groups:

ORGANISATION 2:Impact on business and

stakeholder groups:

P6- Describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their


Deadline for P6





The detail you have provided the entrepreneurs with in the previous section was adequate for most of the new entrepreneurs and they are content that they

understand the impact of political, social and legal factors on the two businesses. Some however, have asked the Chamber of Commerce for a more detailed analysis of the impact the three factors have on the two businesses and how they have forced the businesses to modify their activities.

You are required to complete the following for M3:

I. Build on the information from P6 to provide a detailed account of how political, legal and social factors impact the two selected businesses

II. Explain at least three ways in which the selected businesses have modified or changed their business activities in response to changes in legal, political and social factors


BTEC National Textbook- Pages 41- 51Internet- BBC news, The Guardian Online and any other valid websites

This provides evidence for M3

Student confirmation that M3 is complete


Finally, the new entrepreneurs want to know how the two businesses should have reacted and changed their activities in light of the changes to the economic, political,

M3- Analyse how political, legal and social factors have impacted on the two contrasting organisations

Deadline for M3

legal and social factors in their business environments. You should in a word report recommend three changes the business could make to help them respond to the changes, and explain how the changes will impact the business.

You are required to complete the following for D2:

I- For a selected businesses selected, identify 3 recommendations the businesses could each adopt to help them cope with changing economic, political, legal and social factors which impact them

II- For each recommendation explain how the business will be impacted and what the consequences of the recommendation will be for the business


Internet- BBC news, The Guardian Online and any other valid websites

This provides evidence for D2

Student confirmation that D2 is complete

D2- Evaluate how future changes in economic, political, legal 2and social factors, may impact on the strategy of a specified organisation


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