vienna proposals

Post on 08-Feb-2017



Art & Photos



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KEY INFLUENCES-RESPONSES My biggest influences for the proposals I have created so far were the influenced largely by the three artists I found most intriguing in Vienna. Egon Schiele, Hundertwasser and Carl Anton Reichler, this led me to look at techniques including Schiele's use of line, Hundertwasser’s colour and Reichler’s use of line and shape. Using these interesting techniques I began to experiment and mix further the techniques used by the artists then including my own work and style. I took these and began to focus on architecture to start creating pieces of my own progressing from other peoples work. Egon Schiele’s work was of particular interest to me due to his mysterious style that portrayed himself in many different ways, quite dark and mysterious, many had very deep hidden meanings. However, I wanted to take his style of line and the rough colour washes used in some of his pieces and add them to my work, which is where I experimented with continuous lines and colour washes. Hundertwasser I was inspired by his thoughtful use of colour and shape, after these proposals I’d like to bring in some more colour and be slightly more brave with the proposals I’ve done develop them to use more colour, as currently they are quite dull.



I created this piece using chicken wire so create the initial shape of the relief column, which I then covered with tissue and paper to shape it. Using filler I shaped and spread the picture to add some texture and a slight raise in areas of the picture. I tried to add shape and shadow to the picture by adding areas of light and dark, however I think the areas are to dark and intense and its created an overall shadowed feel. Although the texture created by using filler really helped to add shape and definition, this is something I would definitely like to use on my final piece. On the left hand side I used a pen to create a slight influence from Schiele with the continuous relaxed line. Through creating an almost panoramic piece I hope to communicate a feeling of intense space and depth in the beauty of the cathedral, so I want to add light and colour and move away from the darkness created in this proposal.

PROPOSAL 1- REFLECTIONTo develop this piece further I want to pull together more of my initial experiments that have strong influences from Schiele and Hundertwasser, to add more light and colour to this piece. My model was the biggest influence for this piece using the composition to create a 3D object to use as observation for my final piece, although I feel I didn’t take enough from my initial experiments and would like to try and incorporate more of my use of colour and styles but taking the texture and relief style with this. I would like to incorporate the use of filler to create the textures and raised areas like in this proposal I want it to have the relief and 3D aspect but work with the beauty of the artists I have taken inspiration from and highlight the areas of light and dark in the cathedral. I hope to create a clear reaction to Vienna highlighting its beauty and size of the cathedral, but bringing my highlights of the trip together and the most memorable areas I saw. Specifically St Stephens Cathedral, Egon Sheile and Hundertwasser.



This piece was made using 3 layers of card, which I thought worked well as it created the height but also shapes of the ceiling, that could then be easily made to have shadow and areas of light and dark. This piece had more light to it which I think enhances the feeling of height and shape whereas the other creates more of an enclosed darker space which is not how I want the Cathedral to be represented. I feel as though I began to lose some influence from the artists apart from that I kept the strength of line in the shape of the cut outs, but I would like to possibly experiment with this more and use Hundertwasser's colours and Schiele's style. I have managed to communicate a feeling of space and height, but not so much of the influence of other artists. I want to continue with the lightness but experiment with colours that were used in the work of Hundertwasser and Egon Sheile.

PROPOSAL 1- REFLECTIONTo progress with this piece I need to go back to my earlier experiments and try and merge the two together with some further experiments as I feel I have lost some of the artist inspiration and designs I had experimented with. I would like to incorporate a few of my favourite experiments and the two proposals to get a more influenced piece, possibly trying on a bigger scale with other materials. Begin to incorporating the use of wood, laser cutting and printmaking along with previous styles and techniques I had used to have a more developed and complete piece.

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