video session friends the one where they all turn

Post on 29-May-2017






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Video Session!

Turning thirty!Meet the characters 1. Have you ever watched friends? If not, what have you heard of them? 2. Get acquainted with these pictures and the characters:

Rachel Phoebe Joey Monica Chandler Ross

__________ a person who always makes jokes, is in love with Monica

__________ believes in everything supernatural, has an evil twin sister, Ursula __________ likes women and pizza, is an actor

___________ was in love with Ross, loves fashion

__________ likes everything clean, is in love with Chandler

___________ is Monica’s brother

At rachel’s APARTMENT…

TASK 1: Watch the scene and then decide if the following statements are true or false

1. Monica prepared breakfast. _________

2. Joey’s thirties were okay. _________

3. Rachel feels she is overreacting. _________

At the street…TASK 2: Watch the scene and match the statements

1. Ross bought… ____

2. Ross claims he has… ____

3. Phoebe wants to go… ____

4. The sports car is completely boxed in… ____

A. always been interested in cars.

B. a red sports car.

C. for a ride.

D. and then can’t get out.

At Monica and Chandler’s APARTMENT… TASK 3: Watch the scene and then complete the statements

1. Monica is ______________________________.

2. Chandler has organized a _____________________________________.

3. Monica‘s parents have never _______________________________________.

At Ursula’s APARTMENT…

TASK 4: Watch the scene and then choose the correct word to complete the statements

1. Phoebe gives her twin sister a Hippity-Hop / ball / doll as a birthday present.

2. Ursula says they are twenty-nine / thirty-two / thirty-one.

3. Ursula sold Phoebe’s birth certificate to a Polish / Turkish / Spanish runaway.

At rachel’s APARTMENT…

TASK 5: Complete the script with the words below. Then watch the scene and check!

married – hug – couple – fun – joke – list – guys – grandma – funny – card – any

Tag: This one’s from me.

Rachel: Ahh!

Tag: It wasn’t on your list, but hopefully you’ll think it’s really 1.________.

Rachel: A scooter!

Ross: Stick to the 2.________. Always stick to the list.

Rachel: No! No, no, I love it. Thank you.

Chandler: Okay, open ours next. Open ours next!

Rachel: Okay.

Joey: Now that you’re a 3.__________, we don’t get two presents from you 4.__________?

Chandler: For my last birthday you gave me a 5.____________! Okay, read the card! Read the card!

Rachel: Okay. Happy birthday 6.__________! It’s better to be over the hill than buried under it. All our love Monica and

Chandler. That’s 7._________, yeah!

Chandler: No-no-no-no! That was the 8._______!

Rachel: No, I know! I get it! It’s funny!

Chandler: No, because you’re not a grandmother!

Rachel: No I know, because to be a grandmother you have to be 9._________ and have children and I don’t have

10.________ of those things. That’s why it’s so funny.

Monica: All you had to do was buy the 11.________!

TASK 6: Watch the scene and complete Rachel’s plan with numbers

Rachel wants to have ______ kids.

She should have the first one by the time she’s _________.

She doesn’t have to get pregnant until she is ________, which gives Prada ______ years to start

making maternity clothes!

She wants to be married for __________ year before she gets pregnant.

She doesn’t have to get married until she is _____, which is ______ whole years from now!

However, she needs a year and a half to plan the wedding, and she would like to know the guy for a year, year and a half

before they get engaged. Which means she needs to meet the guy by the time she’s __________.

TASK 7: Who said what: Ross, Phoebe, Joey or Monica? (throughout the episode)

“Why God? Why?!! We had a deal!! Let the others grow old! Not me!!”___________

“I really like to say that I’m … You know what I’d really like to say? I’m drunk!! That’s right mom and dad your little Harmonica is hammered!! And guess what!

I’ve been drunk before! And I’ve smoked a cigarette! It’s all okay. It’s okay because I turned thirty today.

And, and I can do anything I want… because I am a grown up.”__________

“How would you feel if you found out you were 31? It totally ruinedMy schedule! I haven’t done any of the things I wanted to do by

the time I was 31! I haven’t met any Portuguese people!I haven’t had the perfect kiss!

And I haven’t been to sniper’s school!”______________

“ Do you realize in ten years we’re going to be forty?”__ ___________________________

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