video chinese food

Post on 20-May-2015



Self Improvement



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How to successfully order in a Chinese restaurant - this easy how to guide gives full insight on what to order, secret dishes, unlisted Chinese dishes. Easy written, both in Chinese and English, this guide is invaluable for travelers to China


Chinese dish recipes - How to successfully order in a Chinese Restaurant

Ever felt lost ordering those special Chinese dishes whilst sitting with friends or business colleagues in a Chinese restaurant ?

Easy to learn, fastest way to a successful Chinese dinner invitation

.. watch how an expert on Chinese food selects the most succulent dishes – right in front of his business colleagues – whilst his speechless friends keep staring at him ...

how to stand out in front of colleagues, business groups don't have to be a martial arts expert to impress your colleagues or friends ..Give them a taste of your Chinese dish skills by pronouncing ' this special dishes in original MANDARIN ' Chinese language ...

by demonstrating skills in Chinese cuisine.

Comprehensive listing of Chinese menu,

Call for your favorite dishes by using original terminology – imagine your customers , colleagues – having this look of astonishment ?

Using ' Mandarin ' - including correct pronunciation ?

including pronunciation of Chinese terms and dishes

Chinese menu dishes

..including ORIGINAL Buddhist vegetarian dishes served in Vegan restaurants ….

Real Chinese menu dishes from real experts only ..

Easy described in Mandarin – and English – so you can point out this dish effortless ...

Read it in both English and Chinese Mandarin( it even contains the correct pronunciation )

Sauteed Chinese cabbages with mushrooms. ..

we 'll post more dishes on : Heinz Rainer and Pingpingyu

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