video 242: the antediluvian aryan race and the world ......robert sepehr also says that up until...

Post on 22-May-2021






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Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2) __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 1

Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2)

by Wes Penre, February 1, 2021

The video to this transcript can be found on our Video channel:


had planned to do this Antediluvian Series in two parts, but the more I researched the

subject, the more valuable and interesting information I found. So currently, I am not

sure how many parts there will be. This, which is Part 2, will discuss, among some

other things, what seems to be some fundamental structures of the underground world,

based on information from many different sources. For those of you who are listening to

the video, lots of footnotes and references will be listed in the article and the transcript

(i.e., in this article/transcript).


Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2) __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 2

In the Wes Penre Papers (WPP), I discussed the underground at some length, also stating

that the Earth is not hollow but honeycombed. If this is a fact, which there is a lot of

evidence for, it’s even more interesting if we consider bees and honeycombs being

associated with Orion, as I mentioned in the WPP, the Second Level of Learning1.

According to Buddhist and Hindu traditions, there are secret tunnels connecting Tibet

with a subterranean world called Agartha2. Furthermore, they believed there were

1 2

Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2) __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 3

underground cities, inhabited by a superior human race, who occasionally came to the

surface to oversee the development of the world above ground. Whether this species was

benevolent or malevolent depended on perspective. It is also said in Buddhist tradition

that the rulers of this subterranean race gave orders to the Dalai Lama in the past.

Therefore, the entry to the tunnel, leading to the underworld, was guarded by lamas, who

were sworn to secrecy. However, it seems like these secrets were handed over to the

Nazis, who sent numerous archaeological expeditions to Tibet, looking for fossilized

remains of giants and many other things, such as to establish communication with

subterranean supermen, who were said to master the forces of the living universe, which

they called Vril, also known as Chi, Ki, Prana, Orgone, and Aether in alchemistic circles.

We will discuss this and the Nazi connection more at length in upcoming articles and

videos in this series.

In Indian Hinduism, the Sanskrit word Shambala, meaning “place of tranquility” was used

to describe the same subterranean kingdoms, and many other mythologies around the

world describe different entrances to these subterranean worlds, as well. Also, many

secret societies and occult organizations concur with this, talking about surviving

antediluvian civilizations3. Then, or course, we have initiated authors, such as Jules Verne,

who wrote the classic novel, Journey to the Center of the Earth, which was not just a story

originating from Verne’s imagination—it was an early soft disclosure4.

In most recent times, we have “whistleblowers,” such as Corey Goode, who talk about

subterranean breakaway civilizations—a modern day soft disclosure. I am convinced it’s

no coincidence that people like Corey Goode come out with this type of information—it’s

part of a bigger plan, i.e., a preparation for something to happen. Also, worth mentioning

regarding Corey Goode is that the humans he claims to have encountered in the

subterranean world are tall, blond, and beautiful women and men, suspiciously similar to

how Hitler depicted Aryans—the Master Race.

Likewise, we have Billy Meier in Switzerland, who is famous for his alleged encounters

with tall, blond, and beautiful women in tights, landing in flying saucers to give Meier

information. They claim to have originated in the Pleiades. And who were the Vril women

of the Vril society supposedly channeling? Super beings from Aldebaran in the Pleiades.

3 Ibid. 4

Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2) __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 4

There are some interesting correlations here, so what are they preparing us for? Could it

be that the beings that people claim to have encountered and channeled are not

extraterrestrials but intra-terrestrials?

Many people might ask themselves how civilizations can survive beneath Earth’s surface,

where it’s supposedly dark without any sunlight. Again, secret societies and occult

organizations talk about a black sun, which supposedly lightens up at least parts of the

underworld, but besides that, the subterranean world is not all that dark, which has been

proven by expeditions that have entered and explored underground tunnels and caverns.

This has been shown in numerous different TV documentaries.

Sunlight is not necessary to sustain life. It can be sustained from heat and chemicals

provided by the Earth herself. The subterranean world is also full of rivers, lakes, and even

oceans, which provide fish, shrimp, and other marine food.

According to Robert Sepehr, if the trees and rainforests were cut down, we would still be

able to breathe, thanks to aquatic plant life, such as algae, which brings us back to the

alternative subterranean light sources. There are, for example, bioluminescent

Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2) __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 5

mushrooms5, and even glowing algae—both found in underground caverns and in water.

These plants, or some of them, can also most likely serve as food for humans.

Many of our visitors have probably heard of Hyperborea, as well—a place supposedly

located inside the Arctic, i.e., the North Pole. Mythology will have it that Hyperborea is

populated with tall Aryans or “Nordics,” being another surviving civilization from Atlantis.

As discussed in Part 1 of this series, these humans correspond quite well with the

Namlu’u/Aryans I discussed in the WPP, who fled underground during the Titan War,

which destroyed an earlier version of Earth, in ancient texts called Tiamat or Maldek.

Putting all the pieces together, it seems reasonable to conclude that there are several

different races living underground—some of them being more benevolent than others. In

the WPP, the Second and Fourth Levels of Learning, where I wrote about the Titan War, I

mentioned that some of the Vulcans, who were Titans and of spiritual nature, changed

sides during the battles for unknown reasons, and thus betrayed the spiritual realm.


Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2) __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 6

Those who survived allegedly fled underground, while others, who did not change sides

but were captured, were placed in stasis in the underworld. The traitors could very well

be the species that Hitler and some other mediums were contacted by—the not-so-

benevolent kind, while those from Hyperborea correspond better with the

Aryan/Namlu’u refugees—our ancestors.

I tend to listen to Robert Sepehr’s channel6. He is a rogue anthropologist, who is also a

researcher of alternative history, such as Atlantis and many other civilizations and

mythologies. He is not aware that the original Aryan race had black skin, but he raised an

interesting question in one of his videos, where he pointed out that there is a black African

tribe with blue eyes, which of course is highly unusual, so I researched that a little further.

I found an article on a website that specializes on Africa, where the author made a brief

but interesting statement, “Some have also suggested that blue eyes are a result of

ancient interbreeding with the Neanderthals, who went into extinction about 25,000

years ago7.” Whether this is true or not, I can’t say with any certainty, but this brings us

back to the time of Atlantis and the blue-eyed Neanderthals8, whom I discussed in the

6 7 8 DNA tests have shown that Neanderthals were indeed blue-eyed.

Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2) __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 7

WPP and elsewhere on our blog, raping homo sapiens women, who then bore hybrid

children. Besides the rapes creating hybrids, this is up for discussion, however, as it also

seems to be scientifically proven that our common ancestors were blue-eyed, as well,

which we will discuss further below.

Robert Sepehr also says that up until about 5,000 years ago, the Asian people were

mainly blue-eyed, spoke an Aryan language, and the swastika, which is originally a

symbol of the Mother Goddess, was their emblem. Then, the Asian Aryans were

mysteriously extinct. Sepehr suggests it might have been a natural catastrophe of

sorts, but to me that’s highly unlikely. There are, according to Sepehr, certain tribes

today that are related to these ancient Aryans but are still far removed9. He also

mentions the Chinese, Iranians (Iran…Aryan), Phoenicians, and Egyptians having

Aryan ancestry, i.e., antediluvian ancestry to a higher degree than other human

bloodlines living on Earth today10.

9 10 Ibid.

Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2) __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 8

Note that in no way is it better or worse to be of a certain bloodline/ancestry—it’s

only related to the physical body and not the soul and Spirit. It is only relevant to

our earthly 3-D experience. The research I’m currently doing is only done out of

curiosity and an attempt to set our history a little straighter.

Another thing Robert Sepehr and I agree on is that homo sapiens come from Cro-Magnon,

who were taller, fair-haired, or red-haired, and had blue eyes. The question is, were Cro-

Magnon black or fair-skinned? I did some research, and lo and behold! The early Cro-

Magnon were dark-skinned, just like the Aryans were supposed to be:

“According to DNA research, ‘early Cro-Magnons like this one had really dark skin,’

Nilsson told Live Science in an email.


…The woman who likely died in childbirth… also had dark skin… and those people's

genetic material shows ‘their skin color to be at least like today's people living in

North Africa, or in fact, a bit darker,’ Nilsson said. 11”


Video 242: The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath (Part 2) __________________________________________________________________

© 2021 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for personal use if not in any way altered 9

Sepehr goes on saying that according to his own research, RH negative blood appeared

approximately 35,000 years ago in the Cro-Magnon, so it looks like the Aryans/Namlu’u

were RH negative.

I will end Part 2 here—I don’t want the videos and articles to be too long. There is much

more to come, so keep seated and don’t move until you’ve absorbed Part 3.

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