victorian literature arnold (1822-88): culture and anarchy (1869) from iii [chapter 3:...

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Victorian Literature AN ANTHOLOGY




This anthology includes extensive additional material on an accompanying website at The table of contents lists items that appear in the book as well as those which are available online. All online materials are marked with the web icon: •£>

List of Plates and Illustrations xlii Preface xlv Abbreviations li

List of Web Plates and Illustrations xlii Prcjaic xliii Mfirfvicilion.s xlix

Introduction 1

Victorian Representations and Misrepresentations i "The Terrific Burning" 2 The Battle of the Styles 3

. "The Best of Times, the Worst of Times" 4 Demographics and Underlying Fears 5 Power, Industry, and the High Cost of Bread and Beer 5 The Classes and the Masses 7 The Dynamics of Gender 8 Religion and the Churches 9 Political Structures 11 Empire 12 Genres and Literary Hierarchies 12 The Fine Arts and Popular Entertainment 13 Revolutions in Mass Media and the Expansion of Print Culture 17

Part One Contexts 19

The Condition of England 21

Introduction 21

1. The Victorian Social Formation 27 Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-73): Pelham (1828) 27

From Chapter 1 27

William Cobbett 1763-1835): l-rom Rimi/J<iifc\«''.1S30; 3 Victoria !.i8[g 1901 k From Letters (20 June, 1837: "1,1111 Queen" '• 4

Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881): Chartism (1840) 29 From Chapter 1: "Condition-of-England Question" 29

Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881): Past and Present (1843) ; 30 From Book I, Chapter 1: "Midas" , 30

Benjamin Disraeli (1804-81): Sybil (1845) , , ?2

From Book 2, Chapter 5 [The Two Nations] 32

Friedrich Engels '1X2(1-95'': The Condition of the Working-Chits in Hnghiwl in 1 *44 1845 '• From Chapter 2: "The Great Towns" Manchester slums'

Elizabeth Gaskell ;I8IO Miiry Barton C1 S.-jS;: "Preface" Henry Mayhew (1812 87;: London l.iihouriind the London Poor '.1851'1

From Volume 1: "Statement of a Prostitute" Walter Bagehot; 1826 771: /Vic linglish Constitution ' 1867j

From Chapter 2: "The Pie-Requisites of Cabinet Government" From Chapter 3: "The Monarchy"

(1 ti 8 o g it 11 11

George Cruikshank (1792-1878): The British Bee Hive. Process engraving (18 67)

Matthew Arnold (1822-88): Culture and Anarchy (1869) From III [Chapter 3: "Barbarians, Philistines, Populace"]

34 35 35

Ada Nield Chew :'i 870-1045'-: "A l iving Wage for Factory Girls at Crewe"' in 94;

Fliza Davis Aria ; 1866-10*1:: "My I ady s Evening in I .ondon" in Living London •: IQOI 5 •



2. Education and Mass Literacy 37

Statistical Society of I.ondon: "Newspapers and Other Publications in Colfee. Public, and Haling I louses" < 1819".'

Illustrated London News (1842.): From "Our Address" 37 Illustrated London News (1843): Dedicatory Sonnet 39 Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815-81): Life and Correspondence of

Thomas Arnold, D.D. (1844) 39 From "Letter of Inquiry for a Master" by Thomas Arnold (1795-1842) 39 From "Letter to a Master on his Appointment" 40

William Wordsworth (1770-1850): "Illustrated Books and Newspapers" (1846) 40

Anon. [Thomas Peckett Prest (?) (1810-59)]: "The String of Pearls: A Romance" (1846-47) 41 From Chapter 38 [Sweeney Todd] 41 From Chapter 39 42

The Society for Promoting Working Men's Associations: "Lectures for April, 1853" 43

Charles Dickens (1812-70): Hard Times (1854) 44 Chapter 1: "The One Thing Needful" 44

Thomas Hughes (1822-96): Tom Brown's Schooldays (1857) 17 From Part 1, Chapter 8: 'A War of Independence" 17

Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake (1809-93): From "The Englishwoman at School" (July 1878) 45

3. Progress, Industrialization, and Reform 18 Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-59): From "[Review of]

Sir Thomas More; or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society" (1830) 18

Ebenezer Elliott (1781-1849): Song ["Child, is thy father dead?"] (1831) 20 John Grimshaw (dates unknown): "The Hand-Loom

Weaver's Lament" (1835?) 21 [Anon.] "The Factory Workers' Song" (1842) 22 Charles Dickens (1812-1870): Dombey and Son (1848) 24

From Chapter 6 "Paul's Second Deprivation" [The Coming of the Railroad] 24

Albert, Prince Consort (1819-61): From Speech at the Lord ~ . Mayor's Banquet (1850) [On the Great Exhibition] 26 ;

Charlotte Bronte (1816-55): Three Letters on the Great Exhibition (1851) 28 To Patrick Bronte (30 May). 28 To Patrick Bronte (7 June) 28 1

To Miss Wooler (14 July) 29 Edward Sloan (1830-74): "The Weavers Triumph" (1854) 29 Charles Kingsley (1819-75): From "Cheap Clothes and Nasty" (1850) 31 Ford Madox Brown (1821-93): From The Exhibition of Work,

and other Paintings by Ford Madox Brown (1865) 32 :

Sonnet 33

John Ruskin (1819-1900): The Crown of Wild Olive (1866) 36 From "Traffic" 36

Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881): From Shooting Niagara: and After? (1867) 37 Coventry Patmore (1823-96): From "1867" (1877) 38 George Eliot (1819-80): prom 'Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt" (1868) 39 Matthew; Arnold (1822-88): Culture and Anarchy 40

From ["Conclusion"] 40 Thomas Given (1850-1917): "The Weaver Question (| 1878?] 1900 ; 41 Joseph Skipsey (1832-1903) 43

"Get Up!" 43

Mother Wept 43

Willy to Jinny 44

C. Duncan Lucas (dates unknown): From "Scenes from Factory London" in Living London (1901-3) ; 44

4. Working-Class Voices 45 ! "Marcus" : The Book of Murder! (1838) 45

From "To the Reader of the Following Diabolical; Work" 45 John Smithson (fl. 1830s): "Working Men s Rhymes—No. 1" (1838) 48 T B. Smith (fl. 1830S-1840S): "The Wish" (1839) 49 Charles Davlin (C.1804-C.1860): "On a Cliff which O'erhung" (1839) 50 ; National Charter Association Membership Card (c. 1843) 53 Ernest Jones (1819-69): "Our Trust" (1848) 54

Charles Fleming (1804-57): "Difficulties of Appearing in Print" (1850) 55 William Billington (1825-84): "Gerald Massey" (1861) 57 I

Thomas Cooper (1805-92): The Life of Thomas Cooper Written b y H i m s e l f ( 1 8 7 2 ) . 5 7 From Chapter 24 57

Thomas Cooper (1805-92): "Chartist Song" (1877) 59

5. Pollution, Protection, and Preservation ' ' , 61 Robert Southey (1774-1843): Sir Thomas More; or, Colloquies on the Progress

and Prospects of Society (1829) 61 From Colloquy 7, Part 2 61

Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-59): From "[Review of] Sir Thomas More; or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society" (1830) . 63

William Youatt (1776-1847): The Obligation and Extent of Humanity to Brutes (1839) 64 From "The Repositories" 64

John Stuart Mill (1806-73): The Principles of Political Economy (1848) 65 From Bbok 4, Chapter 6 65

Marion Bernstein (1846-1906) 66

"A Song of Glasgow Town" (1876) 66 "Manly Sports" (1876) 67

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857-1941): Pigsticking or Hoghunting (1889) 68 From Chapter 1 "Pigsticking Is Introduced" 68 From Chapter 5 "Comparisons" [of pigsticking and fox-hunting] 69 From Chapter 11 "Powers of the Pig" 69

Gender, Women, and Sexuality 49

Introduction 49

1. Constructing Genders 56 Kenelm Digby (1800-80): The Broad Stone of Honour: or,

the True Sense and Practice of Chivalry ([1822] 1877) 56 From Part 1, Section 14: "Godefiridus" 56

Sarah Stickney Ellis (1799-1872): The Daughters of England (1842) 57 From Chapter 1: "Important Inquiries" 57 From Chapter 9: "Friendship and Flirtation" 58

Sarah Stickney Ellis (1799-1872): The Mothers of England (1843) : * From Chapter 10: "On the Training of Boys"

From Chapter 11: "On the Training of Girls"

70 70 71

Marion Kirkland Reid (c.1839-89): From A Plea for Woman (1843) Richard Pilling (1799-1874): From "Defence at his Trial" (1843)

59 61

Anne Bronte (1820-49): The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848) From Chapter 33: "Two Evenings"

72 72

Isabella Beeton (1836-65): The Book of Household Management (1859-61) From Chapter 1: "The Mistress"

62 62

Harriet Martineau (1802-76): From "Middle-Class Education in England: Boys" (1864)

Harriet Martineau (1802-76): From "Middle-Class Education in England: Girls" (1864)

John Ruskin (1819-1900): Sesame and Lilies (1862) From "Of Queen's Gardens"


75 77 77

Eliza Lynn Linton (1822-98): From "The Girl of the Period" in the Saturday Review (14 Mar. 1868) 65

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936). "If—" (1910) 67

2. The Woman Question Sarah Stickney Ellis (1799-1872): The Women of England (1838)

From Chapter 2: "The Influence of the Women of England" Harriet Taylor (1807-58): From "The Enfranchisement of Women"

in Westminster Review (July 1851) Caroline Norton (1808-77): From A Letter to the Queen on

Lord Chancellor Cranworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill (1855) Harriet Martineau (1802-76), Florence Nightingale (1820-1910),

Josephine Butler (1828-1906), and others: "Manifesto" of "The Ladies' National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts" in Daily News (31 Dec. 1869)

68 68 68




Margaret Oliphant (1828-97): From "[Review of] Mill's Subjection of Women" (1869)

[Anon.] "The Woman of the Future: A Lay of the Oxford Victory" (1884) 79 81

Sarah Grand (1854-1943): From "The New Aspect of the Woman Question" in North American Review (Mar. 1894) 76

Sydney Grundy (1848-1914): The New Woman (1894) 78 From Act 1 78

Ouida LMarie Louise de la Ramee] (1839-1908): From "The New Woman" (1894) 82

3. Sex and Sexuality 84 Elizabeth; Barrett Browning (1806-61) and Robert Browning (1812-89):

From The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1898) 84 Letters of 1845-46 84

William Rathbone Greg (1809-81): From "Prostitution" (1850) " 87 Hannah Gullwick (1833-1909): From Diaries (1863-73) 89 Arthur Joseph Munby (1828-19x0): From Diaries (1873) 93 Thomas Hardy (1840-1928): Desperate Remedies (1871) 96

From Volume i, Chapter 6: "The Events of Twelve Hours" 96 [Anon.] The Pearl: A Journal of Facetice and Voluptuous Reading (18 79) 98

"AN APOLOGY FOR OUR TITLE" 98 W T. Stead (1849-1912): From "Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon" (1885) 99

"A Child of Thirteen Bought for £5" 99 Henry Labouchere (1831-1912): Amendment to the Criminal

Law Amendment Act 1885 102 John Addington Symonds (1840-93): A Problem in Modern Ethics (1891) 103

From Chapter 10: "Suggestions on the Subject of Sexual Inversion in Relation to Law and Education" 103

Henry Havelock Ellis (1859-1939): Man and Woman: A Study of Human Secondary Sexual Characters (1894) 105

From Chapter i8: "Conclusion" ; Lord Alfred Douglas (1870-1945): From The Chameleon

"Two Loves" (1894) "In Praise of Shame (1894)

The Trials of Oscar Wilde (1895) The Libel Trial * The First Criminal Trial , The Second Criminal Trial

105 107 107 109 110 110 113 115

Literature and the Arts 81 Introduction 81

1. Debates about Literature Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin (1812-52): Contrasts (1836)

From Chapter 1: "On the Feelings which Produced the Great Edifices of the Middle Ages"




Charles Dickens (1819-1870): Oliver Twist (1838) From Chapter XLV: "Fatal Consequences" [Bill Sikes murders Nancy]

116 116

George Eliot (1819-80): From "Silly Novels by Lady Novelists" in Westminster Review (Oct. 1856) 89

Margaret Oliphant (1828-1897): From "Sensation Novels" (1862) 119

Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1835-1915): Lady Audley's Secret (1862) From Chapter 1: "Lucy" From Chapter 37: "Buried Alive"

Colin Henry Hazlewood (1820-75): Lady Audley's Secret (1863) From Act V

91 91 93 94 94

George Meredith (1828-1909): From "On the Idea of Comedy and the Uses of the Comic Spirit" (1877) 121

Henry James (1843-1916): From "The Art of Fiction" in Longman's Magazine (Sept. 1884) 96

George Moore (1852-1933): From Literature at Nurse, or, Circulating Morals (1885)

Bennett George Johns (1820/21-1900): From "The Literature of the Streets" (1887)



2. Pre-Raphaelitism, Aestheticism, and Decadence 98 William Michael Rossetti (1829-1919): The Germ: Or Thoughts

Toward Nature in Poetry, Literature, and Art (1850) 98 From "Introduction" 98

Charles Dickens (1812-70): From "Old Lamps for New Ones" in Household Words (15 June 1850) 100

Christina Rossetti (1830-94): Two Poems on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood [1853] 102 The P.R.B. [I] 102 The P.R.B. [II] 103

John Ruskin (1819-1900): "The Prae-Raphaelites" Letter to The Times (25 May 1854) 103

Walter Pater (1839-94): From "The Poems of William Morris" ["./Esthetic Poetry"] in Westminster Review (Oct. 1868) 105

Robert Williams Buchanan (1841-1901): From "The Fleshly School of Poetry: Mr. D. G. Rossetti" (1871) 128 ;

Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-82): From "The Stealthy School of Criticism" (1871) 13T

Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909): From Under the Microscope (1872) 133

James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834-1903): From "Mr. Whistler's 'Ten O'clock"' (20 Feb. 1885) 109

Arthur Symons (1865-1945): From "The Decadent Movement in Literature" (1893) 134

Richard Le Gallienne (1866-1947) 'A Ballad of London" (1895) 137 : W. B. 1 eats (18 55-1939): From "The Symbolism of Poetry" (1900) 139

I ; 139 : III 140 i

Olive Custance, Lady Douglas (1874-1944) 141 A Mood (1896) 141 The White Statue (1896) 142 Peacocks: A Mood (1902) 143

3. Literature and New Technologies 144 ; 3.1 Book Publishing 144 : Charles Dickens (1812-70): From "Address" (1847) [Prospectus

for the Cheap Edition] 144 ; Charles Knight (1791-1873): The Old Printer and the Modern Press (1854) 146 !

From Chapter 6 146

Mason Jackson (1819-1903): The Pictorial Press: Its Origin and Progress (1885) 147 From Chapter 1 i 147

William Morris (1834-96): From A Note by William. Morris on His Aims in Founding the Kelmscott Press (1898) | 148

John Southward (1840-1902): Progress in Printing and the Graphic Arts During the Victorian Era (1897) , 149 From Chapter 1 149 From Chapter 2 150 From Chapter 3 151 From Chapter 12 151

3.2 Aural Culture 152 [Anon.J The Edison Phonograph" in Illustrated London News (1888) 152 Recordings of Victorian Voices and Sounds 154

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759): Israel in Egypt (1739; recorded 1888) 154 Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900): "The Lost Chord" (piano and cornet) (1888) 155 Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900): After-Dinner Toast (1888) 155 Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931): 'Around the World on

the Phonograph" (1888) 156 William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898): "The Phonograph's Salutation" (1888) 156 Robert Browning (1812-1889): "How They Brought the Good

News from Ghent to Aix" (1889) 157 Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892): "The Charge of the Light Brigade" (1890) 158 "Big Ben": Sounding the Hours at the Palace of Westminster (1890) 158 Florence Nightingale (1820-1910): Speech in Support of the

Balaclava Relief Fund (1890) 158 Martin Leonard Landfried (1834-1902): "Charge" (1890) 158 P. T. Barnum (1810-1891): 'Address to;the Future" (17 Feb. 1890) 159 Oscar Wilde [?] (1854-1900): From The Ballad of Reading Gaol (1900?) 159 Enrico Caruso (1873-1921): "The Lost Chord" (1912) 160 Rudyard; Kipling (1865-1936): "France" (1921) 160 W B. Yeats (1865-1939): "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" (1932) 160

3.3 Photography and Cinema William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877): The Pencil of Nature (1844-46)

From Introductory Remarks [Anon.] "Photography" in Illustrated London News (1853) Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson] (1832-1898): From

"Hiawatha's Photographing" in The Train (1857) ; Victorian Photographers and Photographs

Thomas Annan (1829-87) Francis Bedford (1816-94) Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-79) Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson] (1832-98) Peter Henry Emerson (1856-1936) Frederick H. Evans (1853-1943) : Roger Fenton (1819-69) Francis Frith (1822-98)

161 164 164 165

167 170 170 170 170 171 172 172 172 173

174 175

175 175 176 176 176 177 177 178 178 179 179 179 179.

Religion and Science 113

Introduction "3

1. Geology and Evolution 122

Charles Lyell (1797-1875): Principles of Geology (1830-33) 180 From Book 1, Chapter 1 (1830) 180 From Book 3, Chapter 26 (1833) 181 '

Robert Chambers (1802-71): Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (1844) From Chapter 12: "General Considerations Respecting the Origin

of the Animated Tribes" Hugh Miller (1802-56): The Foot-Prints of the Creator: or, the Asterolepis

of Stromness (1849) From "Stromness and its Asterolepis. The Lake of Stennis

Philip Henry Gosse (1810-88): Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot (1857) From Chapter 12: "The Conclusion"

Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913): From "On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type" (20 Aug. 1858)

Charles Darwin (1809-82): On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (1859) 130 From "Introduction" 130 From Chapter 3: "Struggle for Existence" 133 From Chapter 4: "Natural Selection" 133 From Chapter 15: "Recapitulation and Conclusion" 136

David Octavius Hill (1802-70) and Robert Adamson (1821-48) Robert Howlett (1831-58) William J. Johnson (fl. 1850-60) and William Henderson

(fl. 1850-60) William Edward Kilburn (1818-91) John Dillwyn Llewelyn (1810-82) Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) Oscar Gustave Rejlander (1813-75 Henry Peach Robinson (1830-1901) William Lewis Henry Skeen (1847-1903) William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-77) John Thomson (1837-1921) Benjamin Brecknell Turner (1815-94)

Victorian Cinema Films from c.1890 to 1910 The Funeral of Queen Victoria (1901)



124 124

125 125


The Oxford Debate (30 June i860): From Leonard Huxley, The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry H-uxley (1900) 182

Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913): From "The Origin of Human Races and the Antiquity of Man Deduced from the Theory of 'Natural Selection'" (1864) 188

Samuel Kinns (1826-1903): From Moses and Geology: Or, the Harmony of the Bible with Science (1882) 191 From Chapter 1: "The Word is Truth" 191

May Kendall (1861-1943): "The Lay of the Trilobite" (1885) 193

Agnes Mary Frances Robinson (1857-1944) 140 Darwinism 140

2. Religious Faith and Uncertainty 196 Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847): "Abide with me!"(i847) 196 W J. Conybeare (1815-1857): From "Church Parties" (1853) 197 John Ruskin (1819-1900): Letter to The Times (1854) [on Hunt's Light

of the World] 202 Thomas Hughes (1822-1896): Tom Brown's Schooldays (1857) 204

From Part 2, Chapter 9: "Finis" 204 Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893): From "On the Interpretation

of Scripture" in Essays and Reviews (i860) 206 John William Burgon (1813-1888): Inspiration and Interpretation (1861) 210

From Sermon 3. [On the literal inspiration of the Bible] 210 Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924): "Onward Christian Soldiers" (1864) 214 John Henry Newman (1801-90): Apologia Pro Vita Sua 216

From "Part V. History of My Religious Opinions [from 1839 to 1841]" 216

Mrs Humphrey Ward [Mary Augusta Arnold Ward] (1851-1920): Robert Elsmere (1888) 220 From Book 4, Chapter 26: "Crisis" 220

Empire 142

Introduction 142

i. Celebration and Criticism 148 Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881): From "Occasional Discourse on the

Negro Question" in Fraser's Magazine (Dec. 1849) 148 John Stuart Mill (1806-73): From "The Negro Question" in

Fraser's Magazine (Jan. 1850) 150 John Ruskin (1819-1900): From Inaugural Lecture (1870) 151 George William Hunt (c. 1839-1904): "MacDermott's War Song"

["By Jingo"] (1877) T53 J. R. Seeley (1834-95): The Expansion of England (1883) 154

From Course II, Lecture I: "History and Politics" 154

Walter Crane (1845-1915): "Imperial Federation Map of the World! Showing the Extent of the British Empire in 1886" (1886) 223

Alfred Tennyson (1809-92): "Opening of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition" (1886) 156

Alfred Tennyson (1809-92): "Carmen Sceculare: An Ode in Honour of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria" (1887) 157

Mrs Ernest Ames [Mary Frances Ames] (1853-1929): An ABC for Baby Patriots (1899) 226

Henry Labouchere [?] (1831-1912): "The Brown Man's Burden" (1899) 160 J. A. Hobson (1858-1940): Imperialism: A Study (1902) 162

From Part 2, Chapter 4: "Imperialism and the Lower Races" 162 Arthur Christopher Benson (1862-1925): "Land of Hope and Glory" (1902) 163 Wilfrid Scawen Blunt (1840-1922): From My Diaries: Being a Personal

Narrative of Events, 1888-1914 (1919) 165

2. Governing the Colonies 166

2.1 India 166 Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-59): From Minute on Indian Education (1835) 166 Proclamation by the Queen in Council, to the Princes, Chiefs,

and People of India (1858) 169 G. A. Henty (1832-1902): With Clive in India: Or, The Beginnings

of an Empire (1884) 171 From "Preface" 171

Flora Annie Steel (1847-1929) and Grace Gardiner (d. 1919): The Complete Indian Housekeeper and Cook (1888) 172 From "Preface to the First Edition" 172 From Chapter 1: "The Duties of the Mistress" 173

2.2 White Colonies and Dependencies 229 I Introduction 229 John George Lambton, first Earl of Durham (1792 -1840): From

Report on the Affairs of British North America (1839) 230 James Anthony Froude (1818-1894): The English and the

West Indies, or, The Bow of Ulysses (1888) 232 > From Chapter 17 232 •

2.3 Ireland 234 ; Introduction 234 Jane Francesca Agnes ["Speranza"], Lady Wilde (1821-96):

"The Famine Year" (1847) 235

Charles Trevelyan (1807-86): From The Irish Crisis (1848) 237 ' Presbyterian Prayer on the Irish in Toronto (c. 1850) 240 Dion Boucicault (1820-90): From The Colleen Bawn, or The Brides

of Garryowen (i860) 240 Matthew Arnold (1822-88): On the Study of Celtic Literature (1867) ; 243

From Lecture 4 243

2.4 Africa 245 Introduction 245 "The Rudd Concession" (30 October 1888): From Lewis Mitchell,

The Life of the Rt. Hon. Cecil John Rhodes, 1&53-1902 (1910) '247 Lobengula Khumalo (1845-1894): From a Letter to Queen Victoria

(23 Aug. 1893) ; 248 Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904): In Darkest Africa: Or, the Quest,

Rescue, and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria (1890) 249 From Chapter IX: "Ugarrowwa's to Kilonga-Longa's" 249

William Booth (1829-1912): In Darkest England and the Way Out (1890) ; 252 Part 1. The Darkness. Chapter 1: "Why 'Darkest England'?" 252

3. Imperial Travellers 254 Elizabeth Rigby (Lady) Eastlake (1809-1893): From "Lady Travellers" (1845) 254 Francis Galton (1822-1911): The Art of Travel: Shifts and Contrivances

Available in Wild Countries (1855) . . 257 William Howard Russell (1821-1907): From "The Cavalry Action at

Balaklava" in '['he Times (14 Nov. 1854) ; ' 258 Isabella Bird (1831-1904): Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan (2 vols, 1891) 261

Prom Vol. 1, Letter n; 26 March 1880 26I

Behramji Malabari (1853-1912): The Indian Eye on English Life, or Rambles of a Pilgrim Reformer (1893) 176 From Chapter 2: "In and About London" I76

Mary Kingsley (1862-1900): Travels in West Africa (1897) f 262 From Chapter VIII "From Ncovi to Esoon" : 262

Ham Mukasa (1870-1956): Uganda's Katikiro in England (1904) 178 From Chapter 5 178 From Chapter 6 179

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948): An Autobiography, or, The Story of My Experiments with Truth (1927) 263 From Chapter 15: "Playing the English Gentleman" 263

Part Two Authors 181

Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864) 183

To Robert Browning 183

"You smiled, you spoke, and I believed" 184

Dying Speech of an Old Philosopher 184

"I entreat you, Alfred Tennyson" 184

Charlotte Elliott (1789-1871) 185

"Him That Cometh to Me I Will in No Wise Cast Out." [Just As I Am] 185

John Keble (1792-1866) 186

From National Apostasy Considered 187

Felicia Hemans (1793-1835) 190

Casabianca 191

The Indian Woman's Death-Song 192

The Indian With His Dead Child 194

The Rock of Cader-Idris 195

The Last Song of Sappho 196

Janet Hamilton (1795-1873) 198

A Lay of the Tambour Frame 198

Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) 200

Sartor Resartus 269 From "Symbols" [bk. 3. ch. 3] 269 From "Natural Supernaturalism" [bk. 3. ch. 8] 273

Past and Present 201 "Hero-Worship" 202 "Captains of Industry" 205

Past and Present 277 From "The Gospel of Mammonism" [bk. 3. ch. 2] 277

Maria Smith Abdy (1797-1867)

A Governess Wanted

210 211

Mary Howitt (1799-1888) 212

The Spider and the Fly 213 The Fossil Elephant 214

Thomas Hood (1799-1845) 216

The Song of the Shirt 216

The Bridge of Sighs 219

Sarah Stickney Ellis (1799-1872) 222

From Pictures of Private Life 222 'An Apology for Fiction" 222

Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-59) 225

Lays of Ancient Rome 280;

From "Horatius" ! , 280

The History of England from the Accession of James the Second (1848-61) 225 From Chapter 1: "Before the Restoration" 226

[Introduction] 226 From Chapter 3: "The State of England in 1685" 228

[The Clergy] 228

James Dawson Burn (I8OI?-C.I889) 283 From Autobiography of a Beggar Boy 284

John Henry Newman (1801-90) 230

The Idea of a University Defined and Illustrated 231 From Discourse V: "Knowledge Its Own End" 233 From Discourse VII: "Knowledge Viewed in Relation

to Professional Skill" 237

William Barnes (1801-86) 239

My Orchet in Linden Lea 240

Childhood 240

The Wife a-Lost 241

Zummer An' Winter 242

From "Old Bardic Poetry" [Two Translations from the Welsh] in Macmillan's Magazine (Aug. 1867). 243 I Cynddyl'an's Hall 243 II An Englyn on a Yellow Greyhound 244

Harriet Martineau (1802-76) 244

Society in America (1837) 245 From Chapter 3: "Morals of Politics" 245

Section VI: "Citizenship of People of Colour" 245 Section VII: "Political Non-Existence of Women" 246

L. E. L. CLetitia Elizabeth Landon] (1802-38) 248

Sappho's Song 248

Revenge 249

Stanzas on the Death of Mrs. Hemans 250

The Factory 253

The Princess Victoria [I] 255

The Princess Victoria [II] 257

Elizabeth Duncan Campbell (1804-78) 258

The Windmill of Sebastopol 258

The Crimean War 261

The Schoolmaster 263

The Death of Willie, My Second Son 264

From "The Life of My Childhood" 287

William Dodd (1804-c. 1850) 291 From A Narrative of the Experiences and Sufferings cf William Dodd,

A Factory Cripple, Written by Himself 291

Maryjane Seacole (1805-81) 295 The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands 296

From Chapter 8:1 Long to Join the British Army Before Sebastopol 296 From Chapter 13: My Work in the Crimea 299 1

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-61)

Stanzas Addressed to Miss Landon,

L. E. L.'s Last Question

266 266


The Cry of the Children : ,301 "Sonnets from the Portuguese" I 306 !

I "I thought once how Theocritus had sung" ; 306 II "But only three in all God's universe" 307 ! III "Unlike are we, unlike, O princely Heart!" 307 ; V "I lift my heavy heart up solemnly" 307 ; XII "Indeed this very love which is my boast" 308 XIII 'And wilt thou have me fashion into speech" 308 : XIV "If thou must love me, let it be for naught" 309 XXII "When our two souls stand up erect and strong" 309 :

XXVIII "My letters! all dead paper,.'. mute and white!" 310 : XXIX "I think of thee!—my thoughts do twine and bud" 310 ] XLIII "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways" 310 XLIV "Beloved, thou hast brought me many flowers" 311

The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point. 311

A Musical Instrument 270

John Stuart Mill (1806-73) 272

On Liberty 273 From "Introductory" 274

The Subjection of Women 280 From Chapter 1 280

Autobiography 320 From Chapter 1: "Childhood and Early Education" 320 From Chapter 5: "A Crisis in My Mental History. One Stage Onward" 324

Caroline Norton (1808-77) 285

From A Voice from the Factories 285

The Picture of Sappho 290

Charles Darwin (1809-82) 293

From Autobiography 294

Edward FitzGerald (1809-83) 301

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The Astronomer-Poet of Persia 302

Alfred Tennyson (1809-92) 318

Mariana 319

The Kraken 321

The Lady of Shalott 321

The Lotos-Eaters 330: Choric Song 331:

Ulysses 326

["Break, break, break"] 328

Locksley Hall 335 Songs from The Princess 341

["O Swallow, Swallow, flying, flying South] 341 ["Tears, idle tears"] 342 ["Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white"] 343; ["Come down, O maid"] 343: ["Sweet and low, sweet and low"] 344 ["The splendour falls on castle walls"] 345

In Memoriam A. H. H. 329

The Eagle 415

The Charge of the Light Brigade 416

The Higher Pantheism 345

To Virgil 418

"Frater Ave atque Vale" 419

Crossing the Bar 420

Robert Browning (1812-89) 420

Porphyria's Lover 421

From Pippa Passes 423 Song 423

My Last Duchess 423

Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister 424

The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church 427

Meeting at Night 43i

Parting at Morning

Love Among the Ruins

Fra Lippo Lippi




"Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" 346

Andrea del Sarto 444

Caliban Upon Setebos 354

From Asolando 450 Epilogue 450

Edward Lear (1812-88) 451

From A Book of Nonsense 452

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat 453

How Pleasant to Know Mr. Lear 454

Samuel Smiles (1812-1904) 455

Self-Help: With Illustrations of Character and Conduct 455 From Chapter 1: "Self-Help: National and Individual" 455 From Chapter 2: "Leaders of Industry—Inventors and Producers" [James Watt] 456

Charlotte Bronte (1816-55) 457

The Missionary 458

"My feet they are sore, and my limbs they are weary" 462

Eventide ["The house was still, the room was still"] 463

Dec 24 [1848] [On the Death of Emily Bronte] 463

June 211849 [On the Death of Anne Bronte] 464

Grace Aguilar (1816-47) 464

The Vision of Jerusalem 465

Edwin Waugh (1817-90) 467

Come Whoam to Thy Childer an' Me 467

Eawr Folk 468

Emily Jane Bronte (1818-48) 470

Remembrance 470

Song ["The Linnet in the rocky dells"] 47i

To Imagination 472

Plead for Me 473

The Old Stoic 474

"Shall earth no more inspire thee?" 475

'Ay—there it is! it wakes to-night" 476

"No coward soul is mine" 477

Eliza Cook (1818-89) 477

The Old Arm-Chair 478

Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-61) 479

Qui Laborat, Orat 480

"Duty—that's to say complying" 480

The Latest Decalogue 482

The Struggle 482

Ah! Yet Consider it Again! 483

Epi-strauss-ium 483

John Ruskin (1819-1900) 484

Modern Painters 485

"Of Ideas of Beauty" 361

From "Of Water, as Painted by Turner" 487 From "Of Pathetic Fallacy" 49°

The Stones of Venice 493

From "St. Mark's" 364

From "The Nature of Gothic"

Queen Victoria (1819-1901)

Speech to Parliament 8 August 1851




From Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands from 1848 to 1861 508 Love for Balmoral 508 Visits to the Old Women 508

George Eliot (1819-80) 509

"O May I Join the Choir Invisible" 510

Anne Bronte (1820-49) 511

Appeal 512

The Captive Dove 512

"O, they have robbed me of the hope" 513

Domestic Peace 513

[Last Lines] "I hoped that I was brave and strong" 514

Jean Ingelow (1820-97) 516

Remonstrance 516

Like a Laverock in the Lift 517

On the Borders of Cannock Chase 517

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) 518

Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not 519 Preface 519 [Introduction] 519

"Note Upon Some Errors in Novels" 522

From Cassandra 524

Dion Boucicault (1820-96) r 366 The Octoroon; or Life in Louisiana. A Play in Four Acts _ 367

From ACT 3 [The Auction] 368 From ACT 4 [The Trial] 371

Bill the Navvy (b. 1820?) 375 From'Autobiography of a Nawy" 375

Dora Greenwell (1821-82)

A Scherzo

To Elizabeth Barrett Browning in 1851




To Elizabeth Barrett Browning in 1861 53i

To Christina Rossetti 53i

Matthew Arnold (1822-88) 532 The Forsaken Merman 532

Memorial Verses 536

[Isolation] To Marguerite 538

To Marguerite, in Returning a Volume of the Letters of Ortis 539

The Buried Life 540

Lines Written in Kensington Gardens 542

Philomela 544

Requiescat 545

Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse 545

East London 551

West London 552

Dover Beach 552

Growing Old 553

Rugby Chapel 379

Preface to Poems (1853) 554

From "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time" 384 Culture and Anarchy 391

From [Chapter 1: "Sweetness and Light"] 391 From [Chapter 2: "Doing as One Likes"] 395 From [Chapter 4: "Hebraism and Hellenism"] 398

Coventry Patmore (1823-96) 564

From The Angel in the House 565 Book I: The Prologue 565

III Honoria: The Accompaniments 568 1 The Lover 568

Book II: "The Espousals" 570 X The Epitaph: The Accompaniments 570

3 The Foreign Land 570

XI The Departure: The Accompaniments 570 1 Womanhood 570 Idyl XI: The Departure 571

The Epilogue 572

Sydney Dobell (1824-74) 572

To the Authoress of 'Aurora Leigh" 573

Two Sonnets on the Death of Prince Albert 573

William Topaz McGonagall (1825-1902) 574

The Tay Bridge Disaster 575

The Death of the Queen 577

Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) 578

From "'On a Piece of Chalk.' A Lecture to Working Men" 579

Adelaide Anne Procter (1825-64) 583

Envy 583

A Woman's Question 584

A Woman's Answer 585

A Lost Cord 586

A Woman's Last Word 587

Eliza Harriet Keary (1827-1918) 588 Disenchanted 588

Renunciation 589

A Mother's Call 589

Old Age 590

A Portrait 590

Samuel Laycock (1826-93) 591

To My Owd Friend, Thomas Kenworthy 591

John Bull an' His Tricks! 592

Emily Pfeiffer (1827-90) 594

Peace to the Odalisque [I] 595

[Peace to the Odalisque II] 595

Any Husband to Many a Wife 596

Studies from the Antique 596 Kassandra I 596 Kassandra II 597 Klytemnestra I 597 Klytemnestra II 598

Ellen Johnston (c.1827-74) 598

The Working Man 599

The Last Sark 599

Nelly's Lament for the Pirnhouse Cat 600

Wanted, a Man 601

The Last Lay of "The Factory Girl" 603

V From 'Autobiography of Ellen Johnston, 'The Factory Girl'" 399

George Meredith (1828-1909) 605

Modern Love i ' ' V ' 402 Sonnets I VI ; 403 Sonnet XVII , I 405 Sonnet XXXIII > 406 Sonnets XLIX-L ; 406

Lucifer in Starlight 605

Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-82) 606

Songs of One Household. No. i. My Sister's Sleep 407

The Girlhood of Mary Virgin 607

The Blessed Damozel 608

The Woodspurge 614

Jenny 614

The Ballad of Dead Ladies 623

The House of Life: A S&nnet Sequence <! 409 "A Sonnet is a moment's monument"—[Introductory Sonnet] 409 VI Nuptial Sleep 410 IX The Portrait 410 XIII Love-Sweetness 411 XVI Life-in-Love: , 411 XIX Silent Noon . 412 XXIV-XXVII Willow wood 412 XXVIII Stillborn Love ; 414 XXXI The Landmark 414 XXXII The Hill Summit 415


XLVIIA Superscription L The One Hope LXII The Soul's Sphere LXIX Autumn Idleness LXXIV LXXV, LXXVI Old and New Art

I LXXIV Saint Luke the Painter II LXXV Not as These III LXXVI The Husbandman

LXXVII Soul's Beauty LXXVII1 Body's Beauty

Sunset Wings 625

"Found" 626

Spheral Change 626

Proserpina 627

Gerald Massey (1828-1907) 628

The Cry of the Unemployed 628

The Red Banner 629

The Awakening of the People 630

Elizabeth Siddal (1829-62) 631

Dead Love 632

Love and Hate 632

Lord, May I Come? 633

Christina Rossetti (1830-94) 634

Sappho 635

Goblin Market 635

A Birthday 649

Remember 649

After Death 650

An Apple Gathering 650

Echo 651

My Secret 652

"No, Thank You, John" 653

Song 654

Up-Hill 654

415 416 416 416 417 417. 417 418 418 419

c ID c o o

A Better Resurrection 655

L. E. L. 655

From Sing-Song 656

Monna Innominata: A Sonnet of Sonnets 658

A Life's Parallels 667

"For Thine Own Sake, O My God" 667

Birchington Churchyard 668

Cobwebs 668

In an Artist's Studio 669

An Echo from Willow-Wood 669

Sleeping at Last 670

Charles Stuart Calverley (1831-84) 41? The Cock and the Bull 420

Lewis Carroll (1832-98) 671

From Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 672 [Prefatory Poem] "All in the golden afternoon" 672

From Through the Looking-Glass 673 [Prefatory Poem] "Child of the pure unclouded brow" 673 Jabberwocky 674 The Walrus and the Carpenter 676 [Concluding Poem] "A boat, beneath a sunny sky" 678

William Morris (1834-96) 679

Riding Together 680

The Defence of Guenevere 682

The Haystack in the Floods 693

In Prison 697

From The Earthly Paradise: An Apology 698

From "How I became a Socialist" : 421

James Thomson [B. VJ (1834-82) 700

The City of Dreadful Night 700 Proem 701 I "The City is of Night; perchance of Death" 703

X X X I I II "Because he seemed to walk with an intent" 704


VI "I sat forlornly by the river-side" 704 w, r-

VII "Some say that phantoms haunt those shadowy streets" 706 Ol -l-J IX "It is full strange to him who hears and feels" 707 C O XIII "Of all things human which are strange and wild" 708 CJ

XIV "Large glooms were gathered in the mighty fane" 709 XVI "Our shadowy congregation rested still" 712 XIX "The mighty river flowing dark and deep" 713 XX "I sat me weary on a pillar's base" 715 XXI "Anear the centre of that northern crest" 716

E. B. B. 719

William Schwenck Gilbert (1836-1911) 720

From Patience 720 Bunthorne's Recitative and Song ['Am I alone, and unobserved?"] 720 Bunthorne and Grosvenor's Duet ["When I go out of door"] 722

From Iolanthe 724 Lord Mountararat's Solo ["When Britain really ruled the waves"] 724

From The Gondoliers 725 Quartet ["Then one of us will be a Queen"] 725 Giuseppe's Solo ["Rising early in the morning"] 727

Augusta Webster (1837-94) 729

A Castaway 730

Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909) 746

From Atalanta in Calydon 747 Chorus ["When the hounds of spring are on winter's traces"] 747 Chorus ["Before the beginning of years"] 749

Hymn to Proserpine 425

The Leper 75i

Before the Mirror 755

The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell 429


From "A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of Robert Browning"



Walter Horatio Pater (1839-94)

Studies in the History of the Renaissance



Preface 762

From "Leonardo da Vinci" 430 From "The School of Giorgione" 433

Conclusion 766

Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) 769

Hap 769

Neutral Tones 770

Nature's Questioning 770

A Christmas Ghost-Story 771

The Dead Drummer [Drummer Hodge] 772

The Darkling Thrush 773

The Ruined Maid 774

De Profundis [In Tenebris] I 775

De Profundis [In Tenebris] II 776

Mathilde Blind (1841-96) 776

Winter 777

The Dead 777

Manchester by Night 778

The Red Sunsets, 1883 [I] 778

The Red Sunsets, 1883 [II] 779

Violet Fane (1843-1905) 779

Lancelot and Guinevere 780

Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) 783

The Wreck of the Deutschland 784

God's Grandeur 796

The Starlight Night 796

Spring 797

The Windhover 797

Pied Beauty 798

Hurrahing in Harvest 798

Binsey Poplars 799

Duns Scotus's Oxford

Felix Randal

Spring and Fall:

'As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame"

[Carrion Comfort]

Tom's Garland

Harry Ploughman

That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection

["Thou art indeed just, Lord"]

Louisa Sarah Bevington (1845-95)





Marion Bernstein (1846-1906)

Woman's Rights and Wrongs

A Rule to Work Both Ways

Wanted A Husband

Human Rights

A Dream

Married and "Settled"

Michael Field [Katharine Harris Bradley (1846-1914) and Edith Cooper (1862-1913)]

An ./Eolian Harp

XIV [My Darling]

XXXV ["Come, Gorgo, put the rug in place"]

["O free me, for I take the leap"]

Praise of Thanatos

In Memoriam

Mona Lisa—Leonardo da Vinci (The Louvre)

To Correggio's Holy Sebastian (Dresden)

Cupid's Visit ["I lay sick in a foreign land"]

The Birth of Venus 822

["Sometimes I do dispatch my heart"] 823

['Ah, Eros doth not always smite"] 823

Cyclamens 824

['Already to mine eyelids' shore"] 824

['A Girl"] 824

["I sing thee with a stock-dove's throat"] 825

Unbosoming 825

["It was deep April"] 826

["Solitary Death, make me thine own"] 826

Walter Pater 827

Constancy 827

To Christina Rossetti 828

Penetration 828

To the Winter Aphrodite 829

"I love you with my life" 829

A Palimpsest 829

"Beloved, my glory in thee is not ceased" 830

"Lo, my loved is dying" 830

Alice Meynell (1847-1922) 830

Renouncement 831

Unlinked 831

Parentage 832

Maternity 832

Lucy Luck (1848-1922) 437 From "A Little of My Life" 437

William Hurrell Mallock (1849-1923) 833

Christmas Thoughts, by a Modern Thinker 833

William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) 836

From In Hospital 836 I Enter Patient 836 II Waiting 837

xxx\ XIV Ave, Caesar! 837

IV To R. T. H. B. [Invictus] 838

We Shall Surely Die 838

When You Are Old 839

Double Ballade of Life and Fate 839

Remonstrance 841

Pro Rege Nostra 841

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-94) 843

From Treasure Island 843 To the Hesitating Purchaser 843

A Child's Garden of Verses 844 [From the first section] 844

I Bed in Summer 844 V Whole Duty of Children 845 XXVIII Foreign Children 845

From Underwoods 846 XXI Requiem 846

'A Plea for Gas Lamps" 846

Arthur Clement Hilton (1851-77) 849

Octopus 849

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) 850

Requiescat 851

Impression du Matin 852

Helas! 852

Impressions 853 I Lejardin 853 II La Mer 853

Symphony in Yellow 854

The Harlot's House 854

A Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray 855

The Importance of Being Earnest 440

John Davidson (1857-1909) 857

Thirty Bob a Week 857

A Northern Suburb 860

Battle 861

Constance Naden (1858-89) 861

The Lady Doctor 862

Love Versus Learning 864

To Amy, On Receiving Her Photograph 866

The New Orthodoxy 866

Natural Selection 868

A. E. Housman (1859-1936) 869

A Shropshire Lad 870 11887 870 II "Loveliest of trees, the cherry now" 871 XIII "When I was one-and twenty" 872 XIX To an Athlete Dying Young 872 XXVII "Is my team ploughing?" 873 XXX "Others, I am not the first" 874 XXXI "On Wenlock Edge the wood's in trouble" 875 XXXV "On the idle hill of summer" 875 XLV "If by chance your eye offend you" 876 LIV "With rue my heart is laden" 876 LXII "Terence, this is stupid stuff" 877

Additional Poems 879 XVIII "Oh who is that young sinner with the handcuffs

on his wrists?" 879

Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) 482 A Scandal in Bohemia 483

Francis Thompson (1859-1907) 880

The Hound of Heaven 880

Rosamund Marriott Watson (1860-1911) 885

Scythe Song 886

Triolet 887

Omar Khayyam 887

Dead Poets 888

In the Rain 889

A Summer Night 890

Chimasra 891

Mary Elizabeth Coleridge (1861-1907) 892

Gone 893

The Other Side of a Mirror 893

Mortal Combat 894

The Witch 894

Marriage 895

The White Women 895

Death and the Lady 897

Amy Levy (1861-89) 897

Felo De Se 898

Magdalen 899

A Wallflower 901

The First Extra 901

At a Dinner Party 902

A Ballad of Religion and Marriage 902

Henry Newbolt (1862-1938) 903

Vital Lampada 904

"He Fell Among Thieves" 905

The Dictionary of National Biography 906

The Vigil 9°7

Clifton Chapel 908

Arthur Symons (1865-1945) 909

Pastel 910

The Absinthe Drinker 910

Javanese Dancers 911

Hallucination 912

White Heliotrope 913

Bianca 913

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) 914

The Stolen Child 915

The Lake Isle of Innisfree 916

An Old Song Re-Sung [Down by the Salley Gardens] 917

When You Are Old 9*7

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) 918

Gunga Din 918

The Widow at Windsor 921

Mandalay 922

Recessional 923

The White Man's Burden: An Address to the United States 924

Lispeth 498

Lionel Johnson (1867-1902) 926

The Dark Angel 927

The Destroyer of a Soul 928

A Decadent's Lyric 92.9

Ernest Dowson (1867-1900) 929

Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae 930

Nuns of the Perpetual Adoration 931

Vitae Summa Brevis Spem Non Vetat Incohare Longam 932

Benedictio Domini 932

Spleen 933

Villanelle of the Poet's Road 934

Charlotte Mew (1869-1928) 934

VR.I. 935 I [January 22nd, 1901] 935 II [February 2nd, 1901] 935

To a Little Child in Death 935

At the Convent Gate 936

Song ["Oh! Sorrow"] 937

Not for that City 937

Requiescat 938

The Farmer's Bride 939

Appendix 1: Money and Banking 503 Appendix 2: Nineteenth-Century British Timelines 504

Further Reading 505

Index of Authors and Titles 514

Index of Authors and Titles 941

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