_victoria booklet non-conf, fbc-gp ammendments, heights

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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City of Ventura General Plan Refinement Part II

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

General Plan & Zoning Code Recommendations


City of Ventura General Plan Refinement Part II

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-2

Illustration of five minute (1/4 mile) & ten minute (1/2 mile) pedestrian distances, central to the Victoria Code vision

Victoria Avenue

Telephone Road

Santa Paula Freeway

US 101

Ralston Street

Moon Drive

Government Center

Montalvo Square

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-3

General PlanRecommendations

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-4

Current General Plan description of Victoria Avenue:

– Currently a wide artery with high traffic volumes and shopping centers, Vic-toria needs effective traffic management and pedestrian and streetscape im-provements with strong attention to additional mobility options. Actions in this General Plan, along with the new Development Code, will call for revi-talizing this corridor by redesigning the current array of single-use shopping centers and retail parcels with a mix of building types, uses, and public and private frontages. By eliminating “big box”, mega-block, auto-oriented strip development, and the traffic patterns it generates, Victoria Avenue could create tremendous opportunity for healthy economic investment in walkable blocks, connected to better serve surrounding neighborhoods. Creative solutions, in-cluding dedicating transit or streetcar lanes, wider sidewalks, and bike lanes could transform Victoria’s image into a regional thoroughfare of great and so-phisticated diversity. All new commercial development within the Victoria Av-enue corridor must follow this approach.

Proposed General Plan description of Victoria Avenue:

– Currently a wide artery with high traffic volumes and shopping centers, Vic-toria needs effective traffic management and pedestrian and streetscape im-provements with strong attention to additional mobility options. Actions in this General Plan, along with the new Development Code, will call for revi-talizing this corridor by redesigning the current array of single-use shopping centers and retail parcels with a mix of building types, uses, and public and private frontages. By eliminating “big box”, mega-block, auto-oriented strip development, and the traffic patterns it generates, Victoria Avenue could create tremendous opportunity for healthy economic investment in walkable blocks, connected to better serve surrounding neighborhoods. Creative solutions, in-cluding dedicating transit or streetcar lanes, wider sidewalks, and bike lanes could transform Victoria’s image into a regional thoroughfare of great and so-phisticated diversity. All new commercial development within the Victoria Av-enue corridor must follow this approach.

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-5

2. Change to NL from NM

Recommended General Plan Land Use Changes (3 recommendations, see next page)

3. Change to C from NM

1. Change to NM from NH

Telephone Road

Santa Paula Freeway

Ralston Street

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-6

General Plan Recommendations:1. Change six lots between Moon Drive and 8th Street from Neighborhood High to Neighborhood Medi-

um. This change will allow 9-20 units/acre instead of 21-54 units/acre and will be more sensitive to the existing residential Neighborhoods. Current zoning on three lots along Moon Drive is R 2, to remain. The three lots along Alameda and 8th are within the Victoria Code zoning area and recommended zoning change is T4.5 from T4.9 (see zoning recommendations).

2. Change Montalvo Neighborhood designation of Neighborhood-Medium to Neighborhood-Low. This change will allow up to 8 units/acre instead of 9-20 units/acre and will be sensitive to the existing Mon-talvo Neighborhood. Current Zoning is R 1-6 and is to remain.

3. Change Neighborhood-Medium-designated parcels at the corner of Ventura Boulevard and Grand Av-enue to Commerce. This change will allow a variety of functions including housing. Current Zoning is CPD to be changed to C-1 which limits to 3-story maximum (see zoning recommendations).

1. Change to NM from NH

Moon Drive

8th Street


eda Avenue

Ventura Boulevard

US 101

Grand Avenue

3. Change to C from NM

Change zoning to C-1

2. Change to NL from NM

Keep R 1-6 Zoning

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-7

Zoning Code Recommendations

Existing Zoning Designations and areas of Zoning Recommendations

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-8

Telephone Road

Ralston Street

Moon Drive

2. 3.





Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-9

Zoning Designation Recommendations for Victoria Avenue and Montalvo Annexation Area:1. City Council Ad-hoc Committee Request: In areas outside Moon Drive Overlay replace all T4.9 with


2. City Council Ad-hoc Committee Request: Replace T5.3 or change height limits to 3 stories maxi-mum.Recommendation:

• Apply a 3-story height limit all across the Victoria Avenue Code area except in the Walmart and Montalvo square areas, the T5.3 areas.

• T5.3 was envisioned as the Victoria Avenue Town Center and borders an electric utility corridor used as park to the north and as storage facility to the north and west. There is single-family west of Montalvo Square. Recommend keeping T5.3 and the 4-story height limit but maintain-ing a residential height transition overlay along residential areas.

3. City Council Ad-hoc Committee Request: Apply a residential height transition overlay east of Mon-talvo Square and remove residential option south of T5.3 areas.

Recommendation: • Maintain a height transition overlay along residential areas throughout the Victoria Corridor• Keep residential option in the area north of Ralston or north of Edison utility easement and

either remove residential south of T5.3 - zoned areas or apply a non-residential overlay. If initiated by Council, such a proposal will mean a complete redoing of Victoria Code to effectuate the above direction.

4. Montalvo Community Council Request: Replace MPD (Manufacturing Planned Development Zone)with M-1 (Limited Industrial Zone) on Grand Avenue and Ventura Boulevard. This change will allowfor 3 stories (45’ max height) instead of 6 stories (75’ height).

Recommendation: • Since M-1 allows “by right” emergency shelter use, staff recommends retaining the existing

MPD Zoning and create an overlay zone for a 3-story maximum height.

5. Montalvo Community Council Request: Change Neighborhood-Medium designated parcels onVentura Boulevard and Grand Avenue to Commerce. This change will allow a variety of functions in-cluding housing. Current Zoning is CPD to be changed to C-1 which limits to 3-story maximum.

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-10

6. Moon Drive Overlay Recommendations (community, ad-hoc committee, & staff): • Replace all T4.9 with either T4.5 or T4.8 designations as shown on the map below• Apply a 3-story height limit overlay (up to 45’ max height) to both zones to avoid 6-story struc-

tures• Apply a residential height transition overlay to address edge condition next to residencies• Split lot 2284 in two zones to address adjacency concerns: T4.9 along Victoria Avenue and T4.5

along Alameda Avenue. This lot currently stretches from Victoria to Alameda with an undevel-oped part adjacent to Alameda


Proposed change from T4.9 to T4.5


Lot 2284 currently stretches from Victoria to Alameda Avenue with an undeveloped part adjacent to Alameda. Split lot in two zones to address adjacency concerns: Apply new T4.8 along Victoria Avenue and T4.5 along Alameda Avenue.

Residential Transition Overlay along residential boundary

Zone Split

Proposed change from T4.9 to T4.8


Moon Drive Overlay Area Recommendations

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-11

Other Zoning Designation Recommendations:1. Possibility of allowing mixed-use but not requiring it in commerce designated areas2. Allow facade and parking lot improvements at Walmart site. Walmart has expressed interest for store

improvements which are currently restricted by the Victoria Avenue Corridor Development Code, Section 24V.300.050.H.2 on nonconforming buildings. Modifying section 24V.300.050 H.2.a.Addi-tions of Victoria Avenue Corridor Development Code rather than waiting for that provision to sunset (expire) in 2019, will allow Walmart to proceed with improvements:Victoria Avenue Corridor Development Code, Section 24V.300.050.H.2 on nonconforming buildings:

2. Nonconforming Buildings or Structures. Buildings or otherstructures that are nonconforming as to setback, height, orother Development Code provisions may be added to, repaired,or replaced only to the extent permitted by this section.a. Additions.i. Additions or expansions to nonconforming buildingsor structures shall be limited to entrance vestibules andloading docks, and additions or expansions limited tono more than ten (10) percent of the gross floor area ofthe existing building or structure only upon review andapproval by the Design Review Committee. Additions,expansions, or modifications, including the removal ofinterior demising walls that would result in an increase inthe gross floor area of an individual retail establishment tomore than 100,000 square feet, are prohibited. Nothingin this section shall be construed to authorize uses thatare not permitted in Table C, Allowed Land Uses.

ii. Maximum value of improvements over any 5-year periodshall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the estimatedcost of duplicating the entire structure as it existed priorto such addition.

iii. This section (24V.300.050.H.2.a, Additions) shallautomatically be repealed on May 20, 2019, unlessotherwise ratified or amended by the City Council.24V.300 Administration 176

Replace strike-through text with following:

a. Additions. A nonconforming building or other

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-12

structure may be added to, provided thatan addition of 50% or more of the existingfl oor area shall trigger compliance with allDevelopment Code provisions for the portionof the building or structure comprisingthe addition.

Remaining Section 24V.300.050.H.2, subsections b, c, d on nonconforming buildings shall remain unchanged:

b. Restoration of buildings or other structures. If a nonconforming building or structure is damaged or partially destroyed by fire,flood, wind, earthquake, or other calamity or act of God or thepublic enemy to the extent of not more than fifty (50) percentof the estimated cost of duplicating the entire structure as itexisted prior to such damage or partial destruction, structuralalterations, or other repairs for purposes of reconstructionmay be carried out so long as they are repaired or replaced tothe condition in which they existed immediately prior to the damage.

Structural alterations, or other repairs for purposes ofreconstruction may be carried out so long as they are repairedor replaced to no more than their original size (i.e., no additionalfloor space shall be added) except when it would bring thebuilding or structure closer to conformity. Restoration shall besubject to approval by the Design Review Committee.

c. Other repair. Repair of nonconforming buildings or structures,other than repairs required for restoration of damaged orpartially destroyed buildings, may be carried out provided that:

i. No structural alterations may be carried out unless thosestructural alterations are determined by the building officialto be required for protection of the public health or safety

ii. The total cost of repairs over any 5-year period shall notexceed twenty-five (25) percent of the estimated cost ofduplicating the entire structure, as it existed prior to suchrepair.

d. Alterations. Alterations to nonconforming buildings orstructures, including but not limited to loading docks, new

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-13

facades, and modernizations for the purposes of improvingthe energy or water efficiency of a nonconforming building orstructure such as the installation of solar collection systems,energy efficient electrical or heating or cooling systems, orwater conserving plumbing systems may be permitted so longas the total cost over any 5-year period does not exceed twenty five (25) percent of the estimated cost of duplicating the entirestructure, as it existed prior to such alteration.

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-14

Existing and Alternative Height Transition OverlayExisting and Alternative Residential Height Transition Overlay locations

Telephone Road

Ralston Street

Moon Drive

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-15

Recommendations: 1. Rename the 1 to 4 Story Height Limit Overlay to Residential Height Transition Overlay. The Victoria

Code in 24V.202.060 introduces the 1 to 4 Story Height Limit Overlay which mitigates the impact of tall buildings adjacent to residential zones and adds a four-story limit to specified areas. Since a 3-story overlay is proposed throughout the Victoria Code area the new Residential Height Transition Overlay addresses adjacency to residential only.

2. Replace the existing 1-4 story Height Limit Overlay requirements in the Victoria Code with a Residen-tial Height Transition Overlay. The existing 1-4 story Height Overlay addresses proximity issues to existing residential but a 25’ two-story building at 20’ distance from the adjacent residential property line might create an uncomfortable situation for home owners. In many areas, the proposed change of zoning to a recommended T4.5 zone and without an alley, would require a 20’ rear setback for 1-2 story buildings and a 30’ setback for 3-story buildings. Allowed rear setback under current T4.9 and T4.8 zones is 10’ without an alley. The new Residential Height Transition Overlay offers a more sensi-tive architectural transition of buildings next to residential and would provide discretion to the Design Review Committee for adjacent lot compatibility:• A minimum 20’ setback for all buildings regardless zone or stories, unless a higher setback is

required• A second and third floor 7.5’ min. required step-back• A 4th floor 15’ min. required step-back, and• Possible vegetation screening as a means to ameliorate visual impacts to adjacent residential prop-

erties.3. Apply the proposed Residential Height Transition Overlay to all indicated areas, and with the discre-

tion of the Design Review Committee, where future structures abut residential uses.

The following diagrams show the 2, 3, and 4-story instances of the existing 1-4 story Height Overlay, fol-lowed by the diagrams of the proposed Residential Height Transition Overlay:

Existing 1-4 story Height Limit Overlay:The following diagram represents the existing 1-4 story Height Limit Overlay requirements in the Victo-ria Avenue Code:

T5.3: 10’ rear setback for a 4-story building without an alley.

T4.8, T4.9, and T5.3: 10’ rear set-back for 3 or more stories without an alley. A building will be at 10’ min distance from property line at a max. height of 25’ at that point.

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-16

Two-story example

Three-story example

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-17

Alternative Residential Height Transition Overlay:The following diagrams represent an alternative Residential Height Transition Overlay along residential zones and the east side of the Montalvo Square, which could replace the existing 1-4 story Height Transi-tion Overlay Zone:

Four-story example

Victoria Avenue & Montalvo Annex

Wk. V-18

Alternative Residential Height Transition Overlay (cont.) :

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