version 9 manuals installation update upgrade skadate 9 update manual for webmasters

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Version 9 Manuals Installation Update Upgrade SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters


SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

Skadate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters

1. You should find out the current version of Skadate software installed on the site.

You can do it using the following command:

cat internals/ | grep PACKAGE_VERSION

Stage 1: File System Updating

1. Upload these files to the server: skadate_diff.tar.gz, the latest database version

db_update.tar.gz(for example skadate-8.0.2115.tar.gz), the version of package

installed on the site and the latest software version (for example skadate-


2. If the mobile version is installed, upload the mobile packages (SkadateMe-

8.2115.tar.gz and SkadateMe-8.2400.tar.gz)

3. You should backup the software before updating it.

a) You can backup the files using this command

tar -czf 'update/backup02112011.tar.gz' --exclude='\$external_c' --

exclude='\$internal_c' --exclude='\$userfiles' --exclude='update' --

exclude='skadate_diff' ./*

b) You can backup the database using this command

mysqldump -u db_user -p db_name > filename.sql

If mysql server is installed on the different server, use this command:

mysqldump -h db_host -u db_user -p db_name > filename.sql

You can find the account details in internals/$config.php file

SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

// MySQL Connection

//define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

define('DB_USER', 'user');

define('DB_PASS', 'password');

define('DB_NAME', 'skadate_project');

define('DB_TBL_PREFIX', 'skadate_');

4. Copy skadate_diff.tar.gz to your server account root directory

5. Unpack skadate_diff.tar.gz archive using

tar -xzf skadate_diff.tar.gz


6. Copy the old package version file to the skadate_diff/old directory

Run the commands given below:

cp skadate-8.0.2115.tar.gz skadate_diff/old/

cp SkadateMe-8.2115.tar.g skadate_diff/old/

7. Copy the new version package file to the skadate_diff/new directory

Run the commands given below:

cp skadate-8.0.2400.tar.gz skadate_diff/new/

cp SkadateMe-8.2400.tar.gz skadate_diff/new/

8. Unpack all packages. Run these commands:

tar -xzf [filename.tar.gz]

cd skadate_diff/new/

tar -xzf skadate-8.0.2400.tar.gz

tar -xzf SkadateMe-8.2400.tar.gz

cd skadate_diff/old/

tar -xzf skadate-8.0.2115.tar.gz

tar -xzf SkadateMe-8.2115.tar.gz

9. Move the packages to the upper level. Run this command:

SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

mv [filename.tar.gz] ..

cd skadate_diff/new/

mv skadate-8.0.2400.tar.gz ..

mv SkadateMe-8.2400.tar.gz ..

cd skadate_diff/old/

mv skadate-8.0.2115.tar.gz ..

mv SkadateMe-8.2115.tar.gz ..

10. Remove $internal_c, $external_c, $userfiles folders from skadate_diff/old

and skadate_diff/new folders. Run these commands:

cd skadate_diff/old

rm -rf \$external_c/ \$internal_c/ \$userfiles/ install/

cd skadate_diff/new

rm -rf \$external_c/ \$internal_c/ \$userfiles/ install/

11. Set 777 permissions for reports directory in the skadate_diff - chmod 777


12. Set 777 permissions for log directory in the update - chmod 777 update/log

13. Set 777 permissions for configuration file in internals - chmod 777


14. Suspend your site via Admin panel /Global configuration/Site status section

15. Go to skadate_diff directory and run the update script

php index.php client [path_to_the_software_folder]

16. Create a folder for the modified files

mkdir skadate_diff/merge

17. Create a folder for the custom modified files

mkdir skadate_diff/merge/b

18. Create a folder for the files from the old version

mkdir skadate_diff/merge/old

19. Create a folder for the files from the new version

mkdir skadate_diff/merge/new

SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

20. Copy the files from report (skadate_diff/reports/client_report.txt) to the folders

listed in this section:

The list of files for merge:

21. Run these commands:

from the folder software is installed in

cp --parents [list_of_files_for_merge_with_spaces] skadate_diff/merge/b

from skadate_diff/old

cp --parents [list_of_files_for_merge_with_spaces] ../merge/old

from skadate_diff/new

cp --parents [list_of_files_for_merge_with_spaces] ../merge/new

For example:

cd /public_html

cp --parents components/Attachment.cmp.php

components/LatestActivity.cmp.php internals/Apps/

internals/Apps/ internals/



layout/components/invite_friends/default.tpl layout/

layout/themes/dreamdate/index_page.html skadate_diff/merge/b

22. Go to skadate_diff/merge directory and pack files for merge

tar -czf merge.tar.gz *

23. Download the archive with the files for merging and unpack it

24. Copy "b" folder and rename it to "m" .

"b" folder is a backup of the modified files for merge

25. You should perform all changes during the merging in the "m" folder

SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

The files Merging process

Files from the old version are on the left (old) The modified files from the site are in the middle (b)

Files from new version are on the right (new)

We can see that in the new version several lines of code were added, you should

copy them to the “m” folder

Here we can see that in the “m” folder the code has been modified, but old and

new versions are the same, so there is no need to merge this code


SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

We can see that “m” file was modified, but the new version of the file was modified

as well. You should check if the code contains the changes before copying the lines.

File from the new version was modified on line 68:

if( !$post )




It is added after below this line

$post = $service->findBlogPostById($feed->items[0]);

We should insert the newly added part of code in the file from “m” folder on

line 98 after the modified code

SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

Follow the next steps while reviewing the code:

– First of all, you should review the old version and new version and define

what changes were made to the file

– Check the old version and “m” version of the site, to define what changes

were made on the site

– After that copy the changes from the new version to “m” version, do not

modify the code that was added to the site

As soon as the merging is completed, upload the files from “m” directory to the


SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

Stage2: Database Update

It should be performed after the files merging.

1. Unpack the archive. Run this command: tar -xzf db_update.tar.gz

2. Go to the update folder and set 777 permissions for the log folder: chmod 777


3. Check permissions of internals/$config.php: chmod 777 internals/\$config.php

If the software version is older than 7.0.1350, you should comment these

code lines in internals/ file


// check config for mobile version

$redirect = SK_Config::section('mobile')->get('redirect_to_mv');


if ( $redirect )


if ( SK_UserAgent::get('is_mobile') )


$dir = DIR_SITE_ROOT . SK_Config::section('mobile')->get('mobile_directory') .


$conf_file = $dir . 'mconfig.php';

if (file_exists($conf_file) )


require_once $conf_file;

if ( defined('MOBILE_SITE_DOMAIN') && strlen(MOBILE_SITE_DOMAIN) )




} */

SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

4. Go to http://[domain_of_the_site]/update/

If this page does not open, check .htaccess file in the update folder and

temporarily remove it

Updates should be performed in the builds ascending order


from_7.0.1295_to_7.0.1350 from_7.0.1365_to_7.5.1485 from_7.0.1485_to_7.5.1550 from_7.5.1550_to_7.5.1879 from_7.5.1892_to_7.5.1933 from_7.5.1933_to_8.0.2115 from_8.0.2115_to_8.0.2140 from_8.0.2140_to_8.0.2230 from_8.0.2243_to_8.0.2317 from_8.0.2324_to_8.0.2400

5. After that check the update logs and if some errors occur, fix them.

6. Create .htaccess file with the following content:

deny from all

7. Copy the Virtual Gifts images, if the old version was released before 7.5.1550

SkaDate 9 Update Manual for Webmasters © Copyright 2005-2011 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

software build.

8. Set permissions for the configuration file. Run this command:

chmod 644 internals/\$config.php

9. Remove the following files from internals directory

/ContactGrabber/plugins files (if these files exist)



10. Check the new features of the package from new version

11. Truncate skadate_diff/old and skadate_diff/new folders;

Remove skadate_diff/merge folder;

Remove the old skadate software package;

Remove skadate_diff.tar.gz package;

Remove db_update.tar.gz

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