version 9 manuals installation update upgrade skadate 9 installation guide for webmasters

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Version 9 Manuals Installation Update Upgrade SkaDate 9 Installation Guide for Webmasters


SkaDate 9 Installation Guide for Advanced Users © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. Al rights reserved

SkaDate 9 Installation Guide for Advanced users

Upload SkaDate 9.0 package to your hosting account root folder (for ex.:

/public_html/, /httpdocs/,etc.) via FTP; • • •

Upload a phpinfo.php file to the root directory via FTP. Open the phpinfo file in browser: Check if the following requirements are fulfilled:

PHP version must not be lower than 5.2.4 Mysql version must not be lower than 5.0 Server API must be Apache Server or CGI GD library must have Free type support

Find the following section (all of them are required for the software to operate properly):

cURL dom json Register_globals must be off safe_mode must be off

Suexec, suhosin, suphp, suapache modules must be disabled

Also, your server must have a Mail server (SendMail, Exim or other) and Cron

• Login to your server account via SSH. Go to the folder containing the package

archive using a cd command. • Use the following command to unpack the archive: tar-xzf package-name.tar.gz • Go to Cpanel and create a new MySQL database. Create a database user. Add the user to the database. Give all privileges to the user.

Type in your browser.

Installation Step 1 - Site Roots (Home Directory/URL)

Here you should indicate a path to the software in your file system, and the full URL of your site. Usually the installation script automatically detects them, so you should simply click Next .

• Installation Step 2 - RWX Directories (777 permissions for $ directories)

Here you should set [r-w-x] - read-write-execute - permissions for the cache directories containing $ sign in the name: "$external_c/", "$internal_c/" and "$userfiles/". Set 777 permissions for these folders via FTP or SSH and click "Next". You will see the following message “Set 644 permissions for $config.php file” Set 644 permissions for this file via FTP or SSH and click "Next".

Installation Step 3 - MySQL Connection

Here you should enter the following data to enable the script to connect to MySQL

SkaDate 9 Installation Guide for Advanced Users

© Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. Al rights reserved

database server:

- Host Name - host address, in most cases it is "localhost" - Username - name of the database user - Password - password for the database user - Database Name - name of the database -Prefix - prefix for the names of SkaDate software tables. Click "Next".

Installation Step 4 - Core Configuration File Here you should set 777 permissions for the "$config.php" file (which is in the "internals/" folder).

Click "Finish". As soon as you complete the installation you should set this file

permissions back to 644. If you are not automatically directed to the Index page of the website you've just installed, simply remove the word install from the site URL. • Set up cron jobs on your Cpanel using this example: /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/your-site-root-dir/public_html/cron/index.php and

• /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/your-site-root-dir/public_html/cron/heavy.php

Note: The Cron commands may vary depending on the server configuration. Note: You should configure Cron to run the cron/heavy.php file once in 30 min.

Cron Jobs setup via SSH.

-Login to your server via SSH -Use cd command to access the directory containing the installed software -For example, enter cd public_html command -Run ls -l command to see the the list of directories -Run cd cron command to enter the Cron folder -Run pwd command -You will see the path to the Cron folder (e. g. /home/yoursite/public_html/cron) -Run which php command -You will see the path to PHP (e. g. /usr/local/bin/php)

-Run crontab -e command

-this will open the crontab file editor -To make changes to this file, press the i key on the keyboard - In the bottom left corner you will see the following message: insert

You should make the Cron commands based on the paths to php and cron folder. They

should look similar to the commands given below: * * * * * /usr/local/bin/php –f /home/yoursite/public_html/cron/index.php */30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php –f /home/yoursite/public_html/cron/heavy.php

* - the time when Cron runs

/usr/local/bin/php-path to PHP -f – variable /home/yoursite/public_html/cron/- path to Cron

SkaDate 9 Installation Guide for Advanced Users © Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. Al rights reserved

index.php and heavy.php - Cron files

After you inserted the commands, press the Escape button. The Insert message will disappear. Type: wq - this command rewrites the Cron document and closes it.

Don't exit SSH if you want to check whether Cron has been set up correctly. Here is how

you can do that: Copy your command (for example, /usr/local/bin/php –f /home/yoursite/public_html/cron/heavy.php) and paste it. Click Enter.

If there are no errors, and the following line appears

[root@server cron]# the Cron Jobs have been set up properly.

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