verses against the enemies

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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The following verses are tools, codes which you can recite so that Allah can manifest Himself through theses verses and give you protection, even take charge of the battle by sending angels to fight for you; provided that you have strong faith, fear and trust in Allah alone.


Verses against the enemies

Surah 8: 60 Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power including steeds of war to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies and others besides whom ye may not know but whom Allah do know. Whatever you shall spend in the cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you and you shall not be treated unjustly.

The enemies of Allah know the importance of the youth and the role they play in the building of a nation. Hence, they have schemed various ways to eliminate and destroy this asset, to poison the thinking minds of the youth and to plant the spirit of unsteadiness and moral depravity in their lives. Some of the despicable ways in which they achieve their objectives are as follows:

1. To employ every possible means to stimulate and excite the natural impulse in man through:

2. Colorful, captivating and stimulating pictorial illustrations and images;

3. Female and male actors and sport-players whom the masses have accepted in order to frame their minds in such a manner that they can be easily influenced; to give them by means of these actors and sport-players a pattern and model of life;

4. Magazines that deal with women employed in the field of fashion, art, cinemas, sports and beauty;

5. Senseless music that is directed to degrade man;

6. Collections of poetry that decreases the soul to sense its natural feelings;

7. Imaginary and fictitious love stories and narratives sold on street-corners; and

8. Movies and films which the agents of the Jews produce to destroy the good-character of people so that it could become easy for them to rule the world.

9. To place imaginative obstacles and impediments on the straight path at a time when shaytân is also working hard to stimulate the passion of man.

10. To place social, individual, mental and economical barriers to impress upon the youth, that the affair of marriage is a difficult matter. This second method of the enemies of Islam is, in reality, a closure of the legal doors whereby a person could satisfy his natural desires.

What do the enemies of Allah SWT want from the Muslim Woman?

There are those who want to distract the Muslima from meeting her noble obligations of following the religion of Allah SWT as commanded by the Prophet Muhammad SAWS and becoming successful in the Hereafter.

Shaytan and his army use many methods to ruin a Muslima and evict her from her rightful place in Paradise, as he had done with her mother, Hawaa (Eve).

First: Shaytan distracts her from the only purpose Allah SWT had created her to fulfill, that of ibaadat. He uses this worldly life as bait towards an atmosphere of incessant insatiability. Constantly changing trends and fashions stir desires to acquire the latest and the greatest and the delusional satisfaction and pleasure assumed to accompany them. Any pleasures received, however, are short-lived and temporary as trends shift and become outdated. She becomes stuck in a never ending cycle of competition, unfulfilled and ingratitude.

Allah did not create us for this. Indulging in these matters is usually accompanied by wasting time, money and igniting enmity and competition between the rich and the poor alike: for the rich to differentiate themselves from the poor and for the poor to portray the false perception of wealth.

Second: Shaytan ignites enmity between woman and man. In fulfilling her Islamic obligations, he makes her into a daughter that is put down, a humiliated mother, an abused wife and an oppressed sister! Likewise, Men are always unjust, hypocrites, dictators, freedom preventers and suppressers. This is a fabricated war that these evil ones have started for no reason other than to direct her to rebel against her father, be arrogant with her brother and disobedient to her husband.

They do not call for justice, mercy and unity. They call for hatred, arrogance and destruction, both in this temporal life and the everlasting next.

Third: They do not stop at their call for rebellion against parents, brothers and husbands; rather, they plot against Islam. They call upon you to rebel against the obligations of Islam and the decrees of the All-Knowing King. Islam, to them, is unjust and Islamic laws are imperfect and restrictive. They call upon her, day and night, to rebel and insist on the disobedience of this religion. They try to rid her of religion. They try to rid her of comfort and safety under generous parenthood, happy marriage and good brotherly relations.

These devils portray piety and honor as chains on freedom. To them, Hijab does not cover the head, but also covers the mind; prayer, fasting and Zakat are a waste of time and effort; and obedience to the husband is slavery and a remnant of the Stone Age. They distort all facts and change all truths, all to serve their evil goals.

For a Muslim Wife: Beware of the loyalists of Satan who want to lead you astray. Be a slave of Allah, righteous and descendent of righteous women and know your role in building this great Ummah. Perform your duty and be grateful, do not become a cause for destruction. Be a maker of righteous generations that will lead mankind, again, to what is right and proper, to the great religion of Islam. For a Muslim Husband: Treat your wife kindly. Do not be harsh, tough and despotic. Do not force your will and decisions upon your wife in every matter without consulting with her. Take into consideration her feelings, exchange views on the matter and be pleasant with this wife. Do not consider your wife like some kind of chattel [instead of another human] and therefore deal with her with coldness and coarseness without any compassion or gentleness. In the Farewell pilgrimage, the Prophet (pbuh) laid down the basis of behavior amongst spouses: treat each other kindly.

The following verses are tools, codes which you can recite so that Allah can manifest Himself through theses verses and give you protection, even take charge of the battle by sending angels to fight for you; provided that you have strong faith, fear and trust in Allah alone.

Surah 4 v 45

).45: النساء(واللھ أعلم بأعدائكم وكفى باللھ ولیا وكفى باللھ نصیرا And Allah is most knowing of your enemies; and sufficient is Allah as an ally, and sufficient is Allah as a helper.

Surah 18 v 44

). 44: الكھف(ھنالك الوالیة للھ الحق ھو خیر ثوابا وخیر عقبا There (on the Day of Resurrection), Al-Walayah (the protection, power, authority and kingdom) will be for Allah (Alone), the True God. He (Allah) is the Best for reward and the Best for the final end. (La ilaha ill-Allah none has the right to be worshipped but Allah).

Surah 33 v 25

كان ورد اللھ الذین كفروا بغیظھم لم ینالوا خیرا وكفى اللھ المؤمنین القتال و).25: األحزاب(اللھ قویا عزیزا

And Allah drove back those who disbelieved in their rage; they gained no advantage (booty, etc.). Allah sufficed for the believers in the fighting (by sending against the disbelievers a severe wind and troops of angels). And Allah is Ever AllStrong, AllMighty.

Surah 65 v 2-3

). 2: الطالق(ومن یتق اللھ یجعل لھ مخرجا ویرزقھ من حیث ال یحتسب ومن یتوكل على اللھ فھو حسبھ إن اللھ بالغ أمره

). 3: الطالق(عل اللھ لكل شيء قدرا قد ج

And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things.

Surah 66 v 11

رب ابن لي عندك بیتا في الجنة ونجني من فرعون وعملھ ونجني من القوم ).11: التحریم(الظالمین

"My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise and save me from (say the name of the

oppressor) and his deeds and save me from the wrongdoing people."

Conclusion: Surah 41: 19 On the Day that the enemies of Allah will be gathered together to the Fire they will be marched in ranks… Surah 41:28 such is the requital of the enemies of Allah the Fire: therein will be for them the Eternal Home: a (fit) requital for that they were wont to reject Our Signs.

Junaid SALIM

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