verbos en ingles #3

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Topic: Irregular verbs.Studen’s name: Ana G. Melgoza Núñez. English Level: “Basic 2”.Date: Thursday, April 19th 2015.

“Sell”, “Vender”

Simple past: Sold

We sell our dreams and our potencialto scape through that buzz.

Past participe: Sold

“Send, Enviar”

Past participe: Sent.

Simple past: Sent.

Please send the mail to my newaddress."

“Shake”, “Sacudir”

Simple past: Shook.

Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake.

Past participe: Shook.

“Sing”, “Cantar”

Past participe: Sung.

Simple past: Sang.

Bunbury sang very well.

“Sit”, “Sentar”

Simple past: Sat.

She sat down to wait.

Past participe: Sat.

“Sleep”, “Dormir”

Past participe: Slept.

Simple past: Slept.

That cat sleeps anywhere he can lay his head.

“Speak”, “Hablar”

Simple past: Spoke.

She has learnt to speak your language…

Past participe: Spoken.

“Spend”, “Gastar”

Past participe: Spent.

Simple past: Spent.

We spent everything on this car.

Gatamos todo en e

“Stand”, “Permanecer”

Simple past: Stood.

Don't jus stand there. Help me!

Past participe: Stood.

“Steal”, “Robar”

Past participe: Stolen.

Simple past: Stole.

Luis stole my job.

Luis stole my jobLuis stole my jobLuis stole my jobLuis stole my job

“Swim”, “Nadar”

Simple past: Swam.

The children swim in summer.

Past participe: Swum.


Past participe: Taken.

Simple past: Took.

What do you take me for?

“Teach”, “Enseñar”

Simple past: Taught.

Life helps me to teach others.

Past participe: Taught.

“Tell”, “Contar”.

Past participe:Told.

Simple past: Told.

Your face tells me that you are a nice person.

“Think”, Pensar”

Simple past: Thougth.

I think in a lot of things right now.

Past participe: Thougth.

“Throw”, “Arrojar”

Past participe: Thrown.

Simple past: Threw.

Please throw that rubbish away in the bin.

“Understand”, “Entender”

Simple past: Understood.

He can´t understand the situation.

Past participe: Understood.

“Wake up”, “Despertar”

Past participe: Woken up.

Simple past: Woke up.

I usually wake up at midday on Sundays

“Wear”, “Vestir”

Simple past: Wore.

I always wear blue jeans.

Past participe: Worn.

“Win, “Ganar”

Past participe: Won.

Simple past: Won.

Do you think our team will win?

“Write”, “Escribir”

Simple past: Wrote.

Shakespeare wrote plays and sonnets.

Past participe: Written.

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