ve user guide

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  • 8/13/2019 VE User Guide


    User Guide 5.8

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  • 8/13/2019 VE User Guide



    1. Registration............................................................................................................32. Introduction............................................................................................................

    2.1. What is the ?.......................................................................................... 42.2. Starting the ............................................................................................ 42.3. Components of the ................................................................................ 5

    2.3.1. ull!"o#n $enu %ar........................................................................................................... 52.3.2. $o"el %ro#ser................................................................................................................... &2.3.3. 'ppli(ation )a*s................................................................................................................. &2.3.4. 'ppli(ation %uttons............................................................................................................. +2.3.5. 'ppli(ation Wor,spa(e....................................................................................................... +

    3. !ile "#tions............................................................................................................83.1. Starting a -e# roe(t............................................................................................................... /

    3.2. '(tivating a 0e(ent roe(t........................................................................................................ 3.3. in"ing an Eisting roe(t........................................................................................................ 3.4. Coping roe(ts........................................................................................................................ 3.5. 'r(hiving roe(ts.................................................................................................................... 1

    3.5.1. Create 'r(hive.................................................................................................................. 13.5.2. Etra(t 'r(hive................................................................................................................. 11

    . $ettings "#tions..................................................................................................134.1. referen(es............................................................................................................................. 13

    4.1.1. Start!6p............................................................................................................................ 134.1.2. Sstem Colours................................................................................................................ 144.1.3. $o"el Vie#er Settings...................................................................................................... 144.1.4. 6nits................................................................................................................................. 15

    4.2. 'uto!Save................................................................................................................................ 1&

    4.3. Colour )a*le............................................................................................................................ 1&5. %em#lates.............................................................................................................1&

    5.1. %uil"ing )emplate $anager..................................................................................................... 1+

    '. %ools......................................................................................................................18&.1. 7i(ense Control........................................................................................................................ 1/&.2. )rou*leshooting....................................................................................................................... 1/

    &. IE$ "nline.............................................................................................................1(+.1. $ 6ser 'rea........................................................................................................................... 1+.2. 0e8uest 7i(ense 9es............................................................................................................. 1+.3. '(tivate Soft#are..................................................................................................................... 1+.4. )e(hni(al Support.................................................................................................................... 1+.5. :ES ;omepage........................................................................................................................ 1

    8. )el#.......................................................................................................................2*

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    1. Registration)he first time ou run our soft#are ou #ill *e as,e" if ou #ant to sele(t =es an" a "ialog *o #ill appear "isplaing our :- num*eran" re8uesting that a soft#are ,e *e entere". 'lternativel ou (an sele(t@:ES Anline !> 0e8uest 7i(en(e 9esB.

    An(e (omplete the user (an (li(, the *utton la*elle" EmailD ,esiesve.(om#hi(h #ill generate an automati( ,es re8uest email.

    )o manuall register a pro"u(t the user shoul" (li(, the *utton la*elle" FonGt;ave Email. )he resultant "ialogue allo#s the user to manuall enter a 14(hara(ter ,e (o"e for in"ivi"ual pro"u(ts.

    lease (onta(t :ES #ith the :- num*er an" ou #ill *e given a soft#are ,e totpe in. )his soft#are ,e allo#s ou to run the soft#are for the spe(ifie""uration of the li(en(e perio".

    E!mailD ,esiesve.(om)el. H44I 141 45 /5

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    2. Introduction

    2.1. What is the ?

    )he is an integrate" suite of appli(ations lin,e" * aCommon 6ser :nterfa(e JC6:K an" a single :ntegrate" Fata $o"el J:F$K. )hismeans that all the appli(ations have a (onsistent @loo, an" feelB an" that "atainput for one appli(ation (an *e use" * the others. $o"ules su(h as@'pa(heSimB for thermal simulation @0a"ian(eB for lighting simulation an"@SunCastB for solar sha"ing analsis. @$o"el:)B is the appli(ation use" for inputof 3F geometr use" to "es(ri*e the mo"el.

    2.2. Starting the

    % "efault #hen ou start the a *lan, mo"el isinitialise" an" the @$o"el:)B #or,spa(e is a(tive.

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    )hree other possi*le start!up options (an *e sele(te" * ti(,ing the re8uire"*o from the @6ser referen(esB #in"o# o*taine" from the @SettingsB >

    @referen(esB menu.

    2.3. Components of the

    )he @Common 6ser :nterfa(eB (onsists of the follo#ing (omponentsD

    2.3.1. +ull,do-n enu /ar

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    2.3.2. odel /ro-ser

    2.3.3. 0##lication %as

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    2.3.. 0##lication /uttons

    Ea(h appli(ation ta* has a "ifferent set of *uttons relevant to the appli(ation.

    2.3.5. 0##lication ors#ace

    )he ea(t appearan(e of this area #ill "epen" on the appli(ation that is (urrentla(tive.

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    3. !ile "#tions

    3.1. Starting a New ro!e"t

    )he "efault s(enario is to initialise a ne# proe(t la*elle" @untitle"B. When theuser (loses this after (reating some geometr the user is prompte" to givethis proe(t a name.

    )he user (an *ro#se to the re8uire" lo(ation an" give the proe(t anappropriate name. 6sing the @ileB > @SaveB or @ileB > @Save 'sB options #illalso have this effe(t.

    :f the name" proe(t eists then the follo#ing prompt is "isplae" L

    When the proe(t is save" a su*!"ire(tor #ith the given @roe(t nameB is(reate" in the @7o(ationB "ire(tor. Within this su*!"ire(tor (ertain other su*!

    "ire(tories are (reate" ea(h relating to potential appli(ations #hi(h ma atsome time in the future *e re8uire" e.g. 'pa(he 0a"ian(e SunCast.

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    3.2. #"tivating a $e"ent ro!e"t' list of re(entl a(tive proe(ts (an *e vie#e" in the @ileB pull!"o#n menu.

    3.3. %in&ing an E'isting ro!e"t

    Cli(,ing on the @ileB > @Apen roe(tMB item pops!up the @roe(t %ro#serB#in"o#D

    3.(. Cop)ing ro!e"ts

    When ou #ant to (op a proe(t to another fol"er or to a flopp "is, oushoul" use @ileB > @Save 'sB rather than attempting to (op files through

    Eplorer. )his ensures that all the "ata files in the su*!"ire(tories are (reate"in the ne# lo(ation.

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    3.*. #r"hiving ro!e"ts'r(hiving a proe(t is use" to (ompress the proe(t for *a(,!up purposes an"also allo#s a mo"el to *e sent via email to :ES for te(hni(al support ifne(essar.

    3.5.1. Create 0rc4ive

    )o (reate an ar(hive enter the an" open the proe(t ou #ish to ar(hive. -etthe user shoul" sele(t @ileB > @'r(hiveB > @Current roe(tB on the menu *ar. '#in"o# #ill then open as,ing the user #here the #ish to save the N.(a* file. )heuser (an sele(t the name of the .(a* file at this same time.

    )he user (an also (reate an ar(hive of an proe(t at an time * sele(ting @ileB >@'r(hiveB > @Create 'r(hiveB an" then sele(ting the J$o"el:)K file of the proe(t

    the #ish to sele(t in the pop!up #in"o#.

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    3.5.2. Etract 0rc4ive

    :n or"er to etra(t an ar(hive the user must sele(t @ileB > @'r(hiveB > @Etra(t'r(hiveB an" in the pop!up #in"o# that appears sele(t the N.(a* file of interest (li(,@Etra(t J%ro#seKB an" then (hoose the "esire" lo(ation of the proe(t. )he proe(t(an then *e opene" in the normal manner. @Etra(t to ol"erB etra(ts the mo"el tothe same fol"er as the .(a* file.

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    . $ettings "#tions

    (.1. referen"es

    .1.1. $tart,U#

    )his allo#s the user to sele(t a start!up option see Se(tion 2 for more "etails.

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    .1.2. $6stem Colours

    )his allo#s the user to sele(t #hi(h (olours are a(tive. )he main use is to (hangethe "efault (anvas (olour from *la(, to #hite Jan" gri" from #hite to *la(,K.

    .1.3. odel Vie-er $ettings

    )his allo#s the user to sele(t #hether to vie# the $o"el in @-ormalB or @ull siOeBmo"e.

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    .1.. Units

    )his allo#s the user to sele(t the tpe of units use" for "ata input an" output $etri(or 6S : J:mperialK.

    :f 6S : units is sele(te" the user must a""itionall spe(if the format use" to"ispla lengths in feet!an"!in(hesD

    Fe(imal ! Fispla feet as a "e(imal num*er #ith no separate in(hes partDo e.g. 3.125G

    Engineering ! Fispla feet an" in(hes #ith the in(hes part "isplae" as a"e(imal fra(tionD

    o e.g. 3!1.5B

    'r(hite(tural ! Fispla feet in(hes an" fra(tions of an in(h Jlonghan"KDo e.g. 3!1 PB

    -ote that the user (an enter feet!an"!in(hes in an of the a*ove formats regar"less

    of the "ispla format sele(te".

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    (.2. #uto+Save

    )his allo#s the user to sele(t a time interval for the automati( saving of(hanges to the a(tive proe(t. )he "efault is @neverB *ut novi(e users shoul"perhaps (onsi"er if there is an a"vantage in having this set to up"ate theirproe(t at one of the other time intervals.

    (.3. Colour ,a-le

    )his allo#s the user to a"ust the "efault (olour pallette.

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    '. %ools

    0.1. i"ense Control

    :n"i(ates the vie#s availa*le to the user *ase" on their soft#are ,es.

    0.2. ,rou-leshooting

    )he trou*leshooting #in"o# J)ools > )rou*leshootingMK allo#s the user tovie# (urrent sstem information relevant to the proper running of the virtualenvironment. :f ou are eperien(ing pro*lems an" #ish to (onta(t :ES forassistan(e it #oul" *e a"visa*le to generate a full report using the *uttonprovi"e". An(e generate" ou (an in(lu"e this report in the email.

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    &. IE$ "nline

    .1. /) ser #rea

    )his option ta,es the user to their =6ser 'rea on the :ES #e*siteJ###.iesve.(omK an" #here the (an vie# their soft#are ,es.

    .2. $e4uest i"ense 5e)s

    See se(tion 1 on 0egistration.

    .3. #"tivate Software

    '(tivates the soft#are through the "o#nloa"e" ,es file.

    .(. ,e"hni"al Support

    Apens up the users email to supportiesve.(om for soft#are support issues.

    .*. 6ES 7omepage

    ' lin, to the :ES homepage J###.iesve.(omK #here the user (an a((essinformation on :ESR these *eing the soft#are pro"u(ts :ES Consultan(servi(es the (lients area latest ne#s an" (onta(t "etails.

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    8. )el#)his se(tion allo#s the user to loa" up the online help se(tion an" the soft#areversion (urrentl installe".

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