vbreport program

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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1 | P a g e

Program 1

Printing Series


Private Sub Form_Click()

For k = 1 To 5

Print k


End Sub


2 | P a g e

Program 2

Printing Triangle Series


Private Sub Form_Click()

For r = 1 To 5

For c = 1 To r

Print c;




End Sub


3 | P a g e

Program 3

Printing Reverse triangle series


Private Sub Form_Click()

For r = 5 To 1 Step -1

For c = 1 To r

Print c;




End Sub


4 | P a g e

Program 4

Multiply Two Numbers


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) * Val(Text2.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Text1.Text = ""

Text2.Text = ""

Text3.Text = ""

End Sub


5 | P a g e

Program 5

Printing Pyramid Series


Private Sub Form_Click()

For r = 1 To 5

For k = 4 To r Step -1

Print " ";


For c = 1 To r

Print c;


For d = r - 1 To 1 Step -1

Print d;




End Sub

6 | P a g e


7 | P a g e

Program 6

Simple Calculator


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) + Val(Text2.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) - Val(Text2.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) * Val(Text2.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) / Val(Text2.Text)

End Sub

8 | P a g e


9 | P a g e

Program 7

Timer Control


Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Command1.Left = Command1.Left + 10

If Command1.Left = 9840 Then

Timer1.Enabled = False

Timer2.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()

Command1.Top = Command1.Top + 10

If Command1.Top = 9000 Then

Timer2.Enabled = False

Timer3.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer3_Timer()

10 | P a g e

Command1.Left = Command1.Left - 10

If Command1.Left = 0 Then

Timer3.Enabled = False

Timer4.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer4_Timer()

Command1.Top = Command1.Top - 10

If Command1.Top = 0 Then

Timer4.Enabled = False

Timer1.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer5_Timer()

Command2.Top = Command2.Top + 10

If Command2.Top = 9000 Then

Timer5.Enabled = False

Timer6.Enabled = True

End If

11 | P a g e

End Sub

Private Sub Timer6_Timer()

Command2.Left = Command2.Left + 10

If Command2.Left = 9840 Then

Timer6.Enabled = False

Timer7.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer7_Timer()

Command2.Top = Command2.Top - 10

If Command2.Top = 0 Then

Timer7.Enabled = False

Timer8.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer8_Timer()

Command2.Left = Command2.Left - 10

If Command2.Left = 0 Then

12 | P a g e

Timer8.Enabled = False

Timer5.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub


13 | P a g e

Program 8

Chech Box And Option Button


Private Sub Check1_Click()

If Check1.Value = 1 Then

Text1.FontBold = True

ElseIf Check1.Value = 0 Then

Text1.FontBold = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Check2_Click()

If Check2.Value = 1 Then

Text1.FontItalic = True

ElseIf Check2.Value = 0 Then

Text1.FontItalic = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Check3_Click()

14 | P a g e

If Check3.Value = 1 Then

Text1.FontUnderline = True

ElseIf Check3.Value = 0 Then

Text1.FontUnderline = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Option1_Click()

If Option1.Value = True Then

Text1.BackColor = vbBlue

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Option2_Click()

If Option2.Value = True Then

Text1.BackColor = vbGreen

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Option3_Click()

If Option3.Value = True Then

15 | P a g e

Text1.BackColor = vbYellow

End If

End Sub


16 | P a g e

Program 9

Combo Box


Private Sub Combo1_Click()

If Combo1.ListIndex = 0 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo1.Text

ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 1 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo1.Text

ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 2 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo1.Text

ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 3 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo1.Text

ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 4 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo1.Text

ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 5 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo1.Text

ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 6 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo1.Text

End If

End Sub

17 | P a g e

Private Sub Combo2_Click()

If Combo2.ListIndex = 0 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 1 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 2 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 3 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 4 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 5 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 6 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 7 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 8 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo2.Text

End If

18 | P a g e

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Combo1.AddItem "Times New Roman"

Combo1.AddItem "Arial Black"

Combo1.AddItem "Batang"

Combo1.AddItem "Century"

Combo1.AddItem "Courier New"

Combo1.AddItem "impact"

Combo1.AddItem "Lucida Console"

End Sub


19 | P a g e

Program 10

Calculating Student Result


Private Sub Combo3_Click()

If Combo3.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label3.Caption = "data strcture"

Label4.Caption = "visual basic"

Label5.Caption = "database"


Label3.Caption = "accounts"

Label4.Caption = "MIS"

Label5.Caption = "economics"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Label12.Caption = Text1.Text

Label14.Caption = Text2.Text

Label16.Caption = Text4.Text

Label18.Caption = Label3.Caption

20 | P a g e

Label19.Caption = Label4.Caption

Label20.Caption = Label5.Caption

Label16.Caption = Label5.Caption

Label17.Caption = Combo3.Text

Label21.Caption = Text3.Text

Label22.Caption = Text5.Text

Label23.Caption = Text6.Text

Label25.Caption = Val(Text3.Text) + Val(Text5.Text) +


Text7.Text = ((Val(Text3.Text) + Val(Text5.Text) + Val(Text6.Text)) *

100) / 300

If Val(Text7.Text) >= 80 Then

Label29.Caption = "merit"

ElseIf Val(Text7.Text) >= 60 Then

Label29.Caption = "firstclass"

ElseIf Val(Text7.Text) >= 33 Then

Label29.Caption = "pass"


Label29.Caption = "fail"

End If

End Sub

21 | P a g e

Private Sub Form_Load()

Text1.Text = ""

Text2.Text = ""

Text3.Text = ""

Text4.Text = ""

Text5.Text = ""

Text6.Text = ""

End Sub


22 | P a g e

Program 11

Paint Functions


Private Sub Command1_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,

X As Single, Y As Single)

Form1.CurrentX = X

Form1.CurrentY = Y

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,

X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then

'Line (X, Y)-(CurrentX, CurrentY)

Circle (X, Y), 700

End If

End Sub

23 | P a g e


24 | P a g e

Program 12

Puzzle Game


Private Sub Command1_Click()

If Command2.Caption = "" Then

Command2.Caption = Command1.Caption

Command1.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command4.Caption = "" Then

Command4.Caption = Command1.Caption

Command1.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()

Command1.Caption = 1

Command2.Caption = 2

Command3.Caption = 3

Command4.Caption = 4

Command5.Caption = 5

Command6.Caption = 6

25 | P a g e

Command7.Caption = 7

Command8.Caption = 8

Command9.Caption = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

If Command1.Caption = "" Then

Command1.Caption = Command2.Caption

Command2.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command3.Caption = "" Then

Command3.Caption = Command2.Caption

Command2.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command5.Caption = "" Then

Command5.Caption = Command2.Caption

Command2.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

If Command2.Caption = "" Then

Command2.Caption = Command3.Caption

26 | P a g e

Command3.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command6.Caption = "" Then

Command6.Caption = Command3.Caption

Command3.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

If Command1.Caption = "" Then

Command1.Caption = Command4.Caption

Command4.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command7.Caption = "" Then

Command7.Caption = Command4.Caption

Command4.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command5.Caption = "" Then

Command5.Caption = Command4.Caption

Command4.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

27 | P a g e

If Command2.Caption = "" Then

Command2.Caption = Command5.Caption

Command5.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command4.Caption = "" Then

Command4.Caption = Command5.Caption

Command5.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command8.Caption = "" Then

Command8.Caption = Command5.Caption

Command5.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command6.Caption = "" Then

Command6.Caption = Command5.Caption

Command5.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

If Command3.Caption = "" Then

Command3.Caption = Command6.Caption

Command6.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command9.Caption = "" Then

Command9.Caption = Command6.Caption

28 | P a g e

Command6.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

If Command4.Caption = "" Then

Command4.Caption = Command7.Caption

Command7.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command8.Caption = "" Then

Command8.Caption = Command7.Caption

Command7.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

If Command7.Caption = "" Then

Command7.Caption = Command8.Caption

Command8.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command5.Caption = "" Then

Command5.Caption = Command8.Caption

Command8.Caption = ""

29 | P a g e

ElseIf Command9.Caption = "" Then

Command9.Caption = Command8.Caption

Command8.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()

If Command8.Caption = "" Then

Command8.Caption = Command9.Caption

Command9.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command6.Caption = "" Then

Command6.Caption = Command9.Caption

Command9.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

30 | P a g e


31 | P a g e

Program 13



Private Sub Blue_Click()

Form1.BackColor = vbBlue

End Sub

Private Sub Exit_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Green_Click()

Form1.BackColor = vbGreen

End Sub

Private Sub Maximize_Click()

Form1.WindowState = 2

End Sub

Private Sub Minimize_Click()

Form1.WindowState = 1

32 | P a g e

End Sub

Private Sub Red_Click()

Form1.BackColor = vbRed

End Sub

Private Sub Restore_Click()

Form1.WindowState = 0

End Sub

33 | P a g e


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