vatican ii

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Vatican II: Tales of the Unexpected

A personal viewby one privileged to be in Rome

October 1962 A great adventure Venerable English College, Rome

Seminary Regime 1962 Monastic model College Retreat Arrival of Bishops Procession of Prayer

John XXIII Angelo Roncalli, ‘caretaker pope’ “When on 28 October 1958, the Cardinals

chose me at 77 years of age, everyone was convinced that I would be a provisional and transitional Pope. Yet here I am, on the eve of the 4th year of my pontificate, with an immense programme of work in front of me to be carried out before the eyes of the whole world, which is watching and waiting.”

Inspiration for a Council “As regards the initiative for the great event

which gathers us here, it will suffice to repeat our personal account of the first sudden bringing up in our heart and lips of the simple words “Ecumenical Council”

Public on 25th Jan 1959: “It was completely unexpected, like a flash of heavenly light, shedding sweetness in eyes and hearts…it gave rise to a great fervour throughout the world in expectation of the holding of the Council.”

Yves Congar, OP “Lay People in the Church” (1951) Forbidden to teach, write or publish

(1954) Roncalli had copy of “Reform of the

Church” He wrote in margin: “Is it possible?”

Why a Council? “to let fresh air into the Church” Aggiornamento “to read the signs of the times”

Context of the Council The Church after Vatican I Bishop de Smedt of Bruges: 3

complaints: In describing its mission, Church

must avoid “triumphalism” Its own life must be rid of

“clericalism” It must make no concession to


The World in 1962 What was the world like in 1962? What were “the signs of the times” to

which the Church needed to respond?

The World Two devestating World Wars The spread of atheistic Communism The Cold War The atomic bomb Poverty, injustice and the developing

world Progress of science and technology Spiritual poverty

Church relates to the Peoples of the World

Remember where John XXIII had been: Bulgaria, Turkey & Greece, France

Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus To whom did the Church need to

relate in new ways?

A Pastoral Council John XXIII wanted the Church to

examine how it relates to all people, within and outside the Church

Hierarchy – religious – laity Other Christians of all denominations Monotheistic faiths Other faiths People who do not share faith but

good will

Preparation for the Council Consultation with Cardinals, Bishops,

heads of Religious Orders, Curia giving subjects for thorough study

Preparatory commissions wrote draft documents to be submitted to Fathers

Expectation of Bishops like Bp Cyril!

Prayer of Pope John XXIII Renew your wonders in our time,

Divine Spirit, as though for a new Pentecost, and grant that the holy Church, preserving unanimous and continuous prayer together with Mary, and also under the guidance of St Peter, may increase the reign of the Divine Saviour, the reign of truth and justice, the reign of love and peace. Amen.

11th October 1962 “We sometimes have to listen to

voices of persons who though burning with zeal, see nothing in these modern times but prevarication and ruin. Our era is getting worse. We feel we must disagree with these prophets of doom who are always forecasting disaster. Divine Providence is leading us to a new order of human relations.”

Christian Doctrine to be guarded and taught more efficaciously

“Our duty is not only to guard the precious treasure of sacred doctrine, but to dedicate ourselves to that work which our era demands of us”

“The substance of the deposit of faith is one thing, and the way in which it is presented is another.”

The Council is pastoral in character, to take a step forward in “doctrinal penetration”.

Surprises of the First Session Committee Chairmen, prepared by

the Curia, presented for automatic approval: French and German Bps ask for recess to discuss: applause from all the Fathers!

The Council was going to be a Council!

Rejection of the Draft Constitutions

Bp Cyril was not proved correct! Several rejections in Oct and Nov Climax on 20 November on the

schema for “Revelation” Ratzinger: “A vote was taken in a

rather unfortunate form” 1368 voted for interruption, 822

against: just short of 2/3 against schema

Intervention of John XXIII Pope removed schema from the

agenda of the Council, and appointed a new “Mixed Commission” headed by Cdls Ottaviani and Bea to draw up a new schema.

A decisive moment New work commissioned at end of

first session: John would not see the 2nd Session, but the die was cast.

Talks by Theological Experts Bernard Lonergan SJ: Four types of

Consciousness “Classical Consciousness”: there exists a

static, perfect world in which there is a ‘right’ way to do everything, to believe, to think.

The next generation must be taught the right way, the classic way, without questioning.

Emphasis on authority and obedience

Historical Consciousness Man is not static – customs evolve and

change Travel brings us contact with other ways of

thinking, believing, acting We need to question: why do we believe,

think and act in this way? Could it change? How might we understand things better

and communicate them more effectively?

Pre-Vatican II Church A Church of “classical consciousness” Catechism gave us our belief, in simple

formulas to be learned, and told us what to do, and not to do!

Catholic “practice” clearly defined All rules seemed equal (mortal sins brought

equal punishment) Liturgy fixed by ‘Tridentine Rite’, rubrics for

‘correct’ and ‘valid’ clebration

Advent of “Historical Consciousness”

Liturgical Movement Impetus of Pius X (frequent HC, music,

psalms) Society of St Gregory (1929) promoted

active lay participation (music, dialogue Mass, English Scripture)

Historical research (eg Joseph Jungman SJ) Pius XII: Mediator Dei and reform of the

Holy Week Liturgy

Biblical Renewal 19th Century challenges from science and

liberal protestantism Catholic “Modernism” and rejection by Pius

X Historical research sees Scripture as a

living Word, rather than texts ‘proving’ Catholic doctrine

Pius XII: Divino Afflante Spiritu encourages study of languages, archeology, literary forms

Vatican II: An exercise of “Historical Consciousness”

Process of Council: 4 years of real theological debate: “faith seeking understanding”

Debates underpinned by fresh understanding which were fruits of the biblical, liturgical, ecumenical movements, and experience of the missionary church

A real exercise of collegiality

Death of John XXIII “The moment has come to discern the signs

of the times, to seize the opportunity and to look far ahead. It is not that the Gospel has changed, it is that we have begun to understand it better”

“We have no reason to be afraid, fear comes only from a lack of faith. When it comes to a Council, we are all novices. The Holy Spirit will be present when the Bishops assemble; we’ll see.”

Paul VI and Vatican II John Baptist Montini: “pensive,

reflective, careful Paul” “The pre-eminent part of our

pontificate will be occupied with the continuation of 2nd Vatican Ecumenical Council. All men of good will look to it.”

Angelus on Sunday: Cdl Suenens at his side

Cdl Leo Joseph Suenens Importance of the Ecclesia ad extra –

the Church as a “Sign lifted up for the nations” (Is 11:12): how is the Church to be seen by others?

The Pastoral intent of the Council (ad extra) requires revitalisation and reform of the Church’s own life (ecclesia ad intra)

Karl Rahner SJ on Vat II The Church’s fundamental understanding of

itself: Lumen Gentium (Constitution on Church)

Inner Life of the Church: Work of Sanctifying: Liturgy Teaching: Revelation & Christian Education Ruling: Bishops & Eastern Catholic

Churches States of life: Priests, Priestly Formation,

Religious Life, Apostolate of the Laity

Church in its relations Ad Extra Relations to non-Roman Catholic

Christians: Ecumenism & Eastern Catholic Churches

Relations to non-Christians: Non-Christian Religions, Missionary Activity

Relations to Contemporary World: Church in Modern World, Social Communication

Relations to Pluralism of the times: Religious Freedom

A Privilege To hear daily reports, to discuss with

Bishops and theologians: a huge learning curve!

To be studying Theology 1965-69 and unpacking all the documents

An influence for life!

Themes to explore and live Pilgrim People of God Full, conscious active participation in

the Liturgy Collegiality Infallibility of the Church Lay Apostolate Biblical Spirituality Grace active in world

Tasks to be addressed Within the Church: in Dioceses,

religious orders, seminaries In ecumenical and inter-faith dialogue Peace and Justice and Development Engagement with the world (eg

rulers, scientists and philosophers, artists, women, poor, sick and suffering, workers, youth)

Pope Paul ends Council “In a few moments you are about to

leave the Council assembly to go out to meet mankind, and to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Christ and of the renovation of His Church at which we have been working together for four years. This is a unique moment, a moment of incomparable significance and riches.”

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