value of remote working emphasised by new great storm

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Value of Remote Working Emphasised by New Great Storm

Storetec Services Limited


The biggest storm to hit the UK since the famous 1987 episode has had many consequences, some of which will be felt by businesses who have not managed to equip themselves with significant remote working capabilities.

Like the 'great storm' of 1987, the southern half of England has borne the brunt, with winds of up to 80 mph. The memories of the earlier event gave people an idea of what to expect. The Met Office issued severe weather warnings – a change from Michael Fish's famous comments that there wasn't a hurricane on the way – and many will have made preparations to work from home instead of trying to get to offices when flying debris, floods and falling trees all posed dangers and obstacles.

In 1987 thousands of trees fell, including six of the seven that gave Sevenoaks its name. The arboreal casualties can risk human ones and make travel impossible. So it has proved; there have been two confirmed fatalities in England and falling trees have blocked many roads. To this may be added railway lines blocked by standing water, high bridges made unsafe by strong winds and power lines coming down.

The last of these could affect many offices, should staff be able to get there. This may be another virtue of remote working where battery power can power laptops in the event of local blackouts.

Of course, weather events of this severity are rare and soon pass, but in any given winter there will be plenty of storms and occasions where people will either be delayed or unable to get to work at all. Having a remote working facility will make it easier to cope, not least if people pre-empt the situation by making arrangements to work from home.

The remote storage of data may also help, as it could provide backup if an office itself is flooded or damaged in bad weather.

With the right precautions, many companies will be able to get as much work done as on a normal day, however right or wrong Mr Fish's successors are in their forecasts.

Storetec News/Blogs. "

". Value of Remote Working Emphasised by New Great Storm. October 28,2013. Storetec.

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