v'* the new leland department store ......if your shoes could talk they couldn't extend a...

Post on 04-Aug-2020






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Dollars Worth of Brand New Fafl and Winter Merchandise Coming to You if You :Will, at The Lowest Prices Ever Named:



Men's Fur Coats See our Large Assortment

Oak Tan Fur Coats Duck Coats and Mackinaws.

Necessary Bedding

500 pairs grey and tan Blankets, Colored Bord er; asoft Fleecy grade 75c Special 58c Ex LargeComfortersl.25

With the largest, most complete showing of Winter Merchandise ever exhibited in the West. Departments complete with good things at small prices. The advantage oi

Inspect our Lines. QpCtlS The Season Departments complete with good things buying direct from the manufacturers, the middleman's profits saved is yours.

\X7> a** Woctorn P^embtivK oftheMayfleld Woolen Mills and carry their complete line of ^^^^arj^^^MSS1iern^jl\epreSentai>lVeS^-i|n!!1-"g a saving to you of 25 per cent; which means that you take the Jobbing Houses Profits. This Clothing is backed by a Double Guarantee. You are fully protected. If our prices don't bring you it's because you don't wear Clothes or you've no mind to save on that next suit, f-98 buys an All Wool Suit worth $25.00

The Largest and Best Line of

Men and Boys Underwear

At Furitan Mill Prices. We can make your Pocketbook laugh.

Outing Flannels

at 5c, 7c, 8c, 10c, 12%,

Cottons are much high­er but our prices are

the same as last year.

Men's and Boys' Fine aud Heavy

Shoes and Arctics,

The Kind That Wears and Gives Satisfaction.

Sheetings, L, L. at 5c Per Yard*

Men's and Boys' Sweaters, Socks and Woolen Shirts,

Hats, Caps and Woolen Gloves, In Endless Variety and Correct Prices.

New Waistings and Fleeced

Goods at Democratic Prices

lOqt tin pail Corsets 38c 48c, for 13c. Visit this de­partment and see where you can save money

We are closing out Several of ou lines

Prices formerly 75 to $2. Now only 38c and 48c.

New Fall Creations & Our Great Second Floor Cloak and Suit De­partment will present an interesting scene

This week. New High Art Tailored Suits, Cloaks,

Jackets and Skirts. The display will be one of the most extensive showings of New Ideas ever shown in the west. We ask your criticism. Never were we so confident of our ability to meet every requirement.

Prices ranging from $i2.5o to $45.0o Suits " " " $5.00 to $3o.oo Cloaks " " " $3.50 to $2o.oo Skirts

Our Children's Cloaks are Especially Fine and


More Elegant are the NeW Fall Waists—Chic and Smart in every Detail—Come and see them and you will know "What's What."

High Art Millinery. Paris and American Modes in all the new jnodes and coloring—our show windows re­flects but few creations to be found within.

Dress Goods and Silks* Comprising the latast Domestic and For­eign Weaves—Our Dress Trimming Depart­ment is over full of the Beautiful Appliques and Pendants shown only by the large city

Ladies and Misses Furs

Beautiful «£ and «£ Exclusive

The Lashens & Annis Furs have a reputa-tionaround the world. We have them and can satisfy VOUJ fur wants with dependable furs at lowest prices.

Underwear and Hosiery# Direct from the Puritan, Mills, the largsst assortment for Ladies and Chilnren ever brought west—at prices to suit all.

Ladies' and Children's Shoes

and Slippers «£ & & From the best Manufacturers in the United States. We aim to give satifaction and can do so.

Try Our Groceries-=-We Can Save You Money—If You Don't Know it You Should. <.*


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In the matter of Silas Wells deceased: Notice is hereby given by the under-

sighed Arnold J. Brunner testamentary administrator of . the Last Will of Silas Wells late of the county of Ward and State of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, with­in four months after the first publication of this notice, to said administrator at his office in the city of Minot in said Ward county, N orth Dakota.

Dated Sept 28th A. D. 1903. —Arnold J. Brunner,

Testamentary Administrator First publication on the 7th day of


Department of the Interior. Land office at Minot, N. D. Oct. 5,1903, Notice is hereby given that the follow-

ing-named settler has filed notice of . his intention to make final proof in sup­port of his claim and that said proof will be made before register and receiver of U. S. land office at Minot, N.D., on Nov. 13,1903, viz:

H. E. No. 17505 of Thomas J. Mc­Laughlin of Burlington, N. D., for the s% se)4 Section 24, n% ne% Section 25 Township 156 Range 84.

He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon",and cultivation of said land, viz:

W. L. Miller, John Y. Miller, Dan Conan and. D. J. Robins, all of Burling­ton, N. D,

R. C. Sanborn, Register. James Johnson, Attorney for Claim­

ant, Minot, N. D. 10-7-11-11


Notice for Publication. Land office at Minot, N. D. Oct. 5th,1903 Notice is hereby given that the follow­

ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to made final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before John Lynch clerk of the district court, for Ward county, N. D. at Minot, N. D. on November. 25th, 1908 viz: Frederick A. Fuller H. E. No. 11M3 for the w % ne% and e % nw Section 32, Township 154, Range 82.

He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ^upon and cultivation of said land, viz: C. P. Lee. A. C. Nedrud, Iver Grothe. Charles Taylor, all of Minot. N. D. 10 7-11-11 R. C. Sanborn, Register.

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Of­

fice at Minot, No. Dak., Oct., 7th, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the follow­

ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be 'made before the Register and Receiver United States Land Office at Minot, N. D. on Nov., 21st 1903, viz: H. E. No. 16006 of William Babst of Mi­not N. D. for the N. E. % Sec. 28 Twp. 154 Rge. 83.

He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:

Jack Frost, Tom Johnson, Mike Mc-Grath, Eli Smith, all of Minot. North Dakota. 10-7 11-11 R. C. Sanborn, Register.

James JJohnson Atty, for claimant Minot, N.D.

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TREASURER'S REPORT. Report of the Treasurer of Chilcot

school district No. 27, County of Ward, State of North Dakota, for the year be­ginning July 1, A. D. 1902, and ending July 30, A. D. 1903.

BECBIPTS. Cash on hand at beginning of

the school year, July 1,1902 $ 977 11 Amount received during the

year from taxes levied by the District School Board includ­ing outatanding warrants re­deemed or indorsed in the col­lection of taxes 1 678 16

Total receipts for the year, including cash on hand July 1, 1903 1,655 27


Amount paid during the year for teachers' wages 123 75

Amount paid during the year for services and expenses of School Officers 94 65

Total expenditures during the year 218 30

Cash on hand June 30,1903 1,436 97 Grand total expenditures

and cash on hand, to balance above total receipts 1,655 27

We have 160 acres of land just two miles from Des Lacs, and one mile from the elevator at Lone Tree, that $800 in cash will handle. Come in and see us about it. Kent Realty & Investment Co.

New Tobacco Store.

C. H. Weed will ©pen an ex­clusive cigar and tobacco store in Martin Jacobson's storeroom now occupied by McKone Bros, about Oct. 20. He has purchas­ed $1,800 worth of fixtures and will have one of the swellest stores in the state. He has plan­ned to give to his friends at the opening thousands of fine cigars. Mr. Weed returned Wednesday from Chicago where he bought the fixtures.

Are you looking for desk room in one of the finest locations and in one of the best buildings in the city? We have it, and would be glad to do business with you. Kent Realty and Investment Co.

Builds up muscular flesh, healthy tis­sue, rich, red blood; clears the stomach, kidneys and liver. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents.—A. S. Blakey.

The happiest couple in the world should be a deaf husband and a blind wife, both taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Keeps peace in the family. 35 cents.— A. S. Blakey.

Management of Hospital. The county commissioners

Tuesday let tfie county hospital to two well known trained nurses for one year—Miss Hendrickson and Miss Haarstad. The county agrees to pay for the fuel, light, telephone, water and ice and the superintendents agree to allow the county to have one patient in the hospital free continually. The remainder of the patients are to be charged one dollar per day. Miss Haarstad has been engaged as nurse in the hospital for sometime. Miss Hendrickson has been nursing Mrs. Williams, wife of our county treasurer, who is recovering from tvphoid fever. Both understand their business and the commissioners could not have made a better selection. Mrs. Heustis who has been in charge of the hospital for three months, made an excellent record.

We can sell you a relinquishment for a fine quarter section of land just two and one half miles north of Minot.

Kent Realty & Investment Co.

SAMUELSON'S SHOE STORE Bargains In Shoes. Women's Vici Kid Lace Shoes with Light or Heavy Soles, Kid or Patent Leather Tip Stylish and Serviceable Shoes, $3.00 Qual­ity, now, $2.5o.

A Complete Line of Men's Women's and Children's Over-t* shoes for Winter- at

Children's Dongola Kid Lace Shoes With Patent Leather Tips and Low Heels Good Looking Good Wearing; $J.0(X

Men's Goodyear Welt Box Calf Heavy Sole Stylish and Serviceable at $3 & $4


Larson is Puzzled.

County Auditor Larson re­ceived a telephone message from Albrant, N. D., which is original. If any of our readers can make out what is wanted, they can do better than Louis can do. Court House.

Minot, N. D., Drar Sir:—

Please send me the intention papers for T. 163-87, sw& filed April 17,1901.


We have 10,000 acres of the best farm lands in Ward county for sale on any or all kinds of terms, both improved and unimproved, it will pay you to see us before buying your farm. Kent Realty and Investment Co.

We have a fine suit of office rooms for rent that we would like to show you. If you want anything of this kind come in and see us. Kent Realty and Investment Co.

IF YOUR SHOES COULD TALK they couldn't extend a more pressing in­vitation to the feet than they do now. Their appearance makes one feel that the feet will never be stylishly and com­fortably shod until put in these shoes.

While conforming to the shape of the foot they are absolutely correct in style. And there's more wear in these

SHOES than their appearance or their price would lead one to suppose.


Ryder & Mansfield Fashionable Clothing

Furnishers tseand.se Merchant Tailors MINOT, North Dakota.



Curtis Bros. Canned Goods W. C. Liestikow's Flour

Highest prices paid for butter and eggs Fresh vegetables arriving daily. Let us figure with you. Our prices are right



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