v'. - nys historic...

Post on 16-Apr-2020






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Um Modern, E««y-to-AwrfyFataito

gfihm ii Soper Kemtone TeaoUte OBni^ote

Pine Hill Country Club Swinubmg Pool WashedOdt After Funcrest Lake Gave Way to Storm

SPBGIAL I r twior g u t PttiBt fO QCm d to * O o l< ^saL

WAIXPAPEB from*18e Boa


Guaranteed 3 Years

Tuttlc sPaint & Wallpaper StorePbflae 187-B BfargmretvUle

f tr H liz e rBy Taking

Delivery NOW • •

Yon gel lib m d ditcoanL A fk a b o n til.

w'e Toa are mo* of your n e ^ and waoH get can |^ wU^ « ■! a H^pfy next ^ring. ^

'« Tm are eare of feftflter Aal has kad pknljr of tiaee to

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Mm a t Asm jo u r ordtTm w .

V i

Have you



Giv«this n«w

WtMt M w ft H M ljn i SB BOH popiiijg pomno

e w aoUI fiat 38 iMk iBMae pfofanooal IsqF-

ta f d and Ihe fatlett a c te <f* A «e dKMT yo8* w y r adeairt^gM, y o r t w M ll Jar ifMMHI C one la lodqpf


Bovina Cent^, Dec. 6.—^Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gow of Endicott and Miss Jannett Forman of Delhi called on several relatives and friends in town Saturday.

Mrs. Willard Chase returned home Friday of last week from the Binghamton City hospital. She was taken ta the home of Francis Schabloski where she is being cared for by Mrs. Schlahloski.

Mrs. ‘Edwin Doig returned to her home Tuesday of last week from the Margaretville ho^ital, and Mrs. Norton Forest has been car­ing for her and assisting in the household duties the past week.

The Elizabeth Lee Missionary society will h(M Its monthly jieeting Dec. 14 at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Blair. ., Donald Hoyt, John Robinson and Gus Jackson each killed a buck during the recei^ season.

David Roberts, \ nUiam Storie £uid Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bun» motored to Syracuse Monday. Thie men were there in the interest of the Bovina Center Dairies.

Former locatl<m o£ the Pine MU Country Oub swimming pooL Chunks of cement and tw is ^ pool ladders remain after tiie walls of ttie Funcrest laice gave way, sending torrents of water througn this spot.


By Mrs. MatbUde SmitbI^oenicia, E>ec. 5.—^Mr. end

Mrs. David Freid and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rabinowitz of Brook­lyn were at their cottages over theweekend. They came to see if there was damage from the storm.

Larry Ennist, Earle Every and Clifford Schmeidal of Chichester attended the Army and Navy


By Iva FernsAndes, Dec. 5. — The Ladies

Auxiliary of the United Presby­terian church will meet Thursday, Dec. 14, at the home of Mrs. W. E. Bramley at 2 p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Champlin were Friday evening guests of their son and daUghter-in-law, Mr. and Mre. Richard Champlin, at Franklin. They helped their

footbaU game in PhUadelphia on granddaughter celebrate her sec-Saturday.

|ilr. and Mrs. Lynn Sunricker and diildren of Poughktepsie cal­led on Mrs. William Haskell last Sunday.

On Sunday, Dec. 3, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hdzer minus “Inky"’ left for S t Augustine, Fla., for Jthe w int^. *

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lindner d Brooklyn w&re in town on Fri­day to ins^tect tbeir inn wbidi wm by the »t$rm* >

Oa trorsdfi^, Dee. 14, the Ai0 at tb e ^ 0B|je

<a iSn, j . J Lyona. After tiSe regular meeting they will have a Christmas party with the guests exchanging gifts.

Dr. and Mrs. Fred H. Voss are en-route to Bradenton, Fla., for the winter as usual. They will spend a few days with Miss Ger­trude E. Savary in Weehawken on the way down.

The American Legion will have a dinner for themembers on Thurs­day evening, Dec. 14. They have invited 'the members of the American Legion Auxiliary of Chi­chester as their guests.

The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Shandaken Nursing Committee was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Botdiford in Wood­land Wednesday afternoon.

Ridiard Stewart Mid son, Den­nis, erf Kingston spent the week­end with his mother, Mrs. GraceStewart.

Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Baldwin and daughter, Vera, of Wappin- gers Falls had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Segel- ken and family.

were Sunday ^ e s ts of her brother and sister-in4aw, Mr. and Mrs.


and Mrs. Saturday Katie E.

Arena, Dec. 5.—Mr.Dewitt Day Jr. spent shopping in Oneonta. and Paula Ann stayed with Mrs. K^iar that day.

The stores here had good ludc selling their frozen foods during the power shutoff. We are so glad no one lost to any great ex to it

l Olliam Pierpoint has been wcnidng in the storm area on electric light wires.

Thomas Liddle had the nUsfor- tuneto lose a tire ^lain when coming to the village s h o ^ ^ Saturday afternoon. /

Mrs. Raljdi Sanford is <»e of the victims of the coW ^dem ic.

Fri^ids of Qraon Slack w i^ to see him improve more r^ d ly tiian he is. He suffered a heart attack from a falL

Mr. and Idrs. Percy RheinhartOneonta and Mrs. Carl Fowlar

of Adams called last Thursday on Bertha

Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmour of Downaville called on the Orson Sladca Sunday morning.

Gale Simmona ai Downsville spent the wedcend with his par- rats, Mr. a i^ Bfra. William Her- pobit.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moseman ot Gbrand Gorge and Mrs. Arthur Mosier at Arena took Ar^ur

to Al>aBy City haqpital vi^ere he will tmdefso MOrgay. V r. and Mra. Mowc— m Sun­day Mr. «i^ Mrs. Wpiam' 0 3 d en . ,

ond birthday.Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Oles left

Thursday for Philadelphia, Pa., and attended the Army-Navy foot­ball game Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns and Mr. and Mrs. George Redden at­tended the Army-Navy football game at Philadeli^a, Pa., Satur­day.

Walter B. Gladstone, after spending s<nne time in the Mar^ gcyretvilte hospital f i ^ a heart attiU^, returh€^ to Wa home

|ifr. and Mrs. Lawrence were Sunday guests of their ^ n and daughter-in-law, Mr. wid Mrs. Maurice Emerson, at Arkville.

The rehabilitation chairman of the American Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. Irving Campbell, reports that the veterans card party held at the central school last Wednes­day evening sent to the Bath hos­pital 38' gifts valued at $41.25. The veterans there will select the gifts to send their families for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Mural O. Miller ay m -in ii'

Ivan Delameter, a t Margaretville.Mrs. Wiliam Palmer visited her

son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hebbard, at Daven­port one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs: Benjamin Mills of nion spent a couple of days at Thantegiving time with their son- in-law and-daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steber.

The Village Improvement so­ciety will meet Wednesday eve­ning, Dec. 13, at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Harland Jester. This meeting will be a Christmas party. Eadi <me please bring a joke present.

Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Doig are movhig this week to the lil»«ry. Mrs. Doig is the new librarian, taking the place of Mrs. \^ ^ a m Hisman.

Fred Hanlon, student at Ithaca college, practice teacdiing at the Walton school, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K Hanlon.

Mrs. J c ^ Babel underwent a serious <^>eration a t the Margaret- ville hoapital last Tuesday. Her many friends wishes her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mra. Donald EUibtt moved their furniture from their h(»ne the past wedcend for stor­age. They recently sold their house to Mr. and Mrs. George Liddle. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott in­tend to travel.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Emerson received word from his brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mra. Robert McEIman, who resicte in Sacramrato, Calif., that they were f<nrced to leave th d r hcnne for aix days last week during a flood. Much damage was done.

Miss TJIIian Dickson, daughter of Mr. and M ^ C L. Dkdcson, ^ployed in New York dty, en­joyed a few days’ vacation laat week in BermudL

little Kathy and Susan Oles spent the weekend with thefar grandpai^ta, BCr. and Mrs. Ed- win R o w ^ a t FrankUn.

Mr. and Mra. Loc^ Vetrobe of Haneodg were SundiQr gueata d her pm nta, Mr. and Mrs. Ja<& Aiwiiemaan Sr.

The fourtli annual 4-H Booirter nifi^t prognm will be held a t the

Andes central school Dec. 16 a t 8 p. m. The public is invited.

The American Legion Auxiliary unit and coimty are sponsoring an Americanism contest. This in- clu4es pupils through grades 6 to 10. More particulara will be pub­lished next week.

Fred R. Hanl(xi of Andes, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hanlon, a student at Ithaca college, is completing his practice teaching requirement for a degree frcMn the School of Health and Physical Education.

Observe 62d AnniversaryAndes, Dec. 5.—^Mr./ and Mrs.

Lee J. ^ sb e e observed their 62d wedding anniversary Tuesday, Nov. 28. A f^w relatives and friends gathered at their home Tuesday evening to help celebrate with them.


Kelly Comers, Dec. 5.—^Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Trowbridge returned home Tuesday after spen(Mng the weekend in Schenectady with his brother and family.• Mrs. Ruby Conine and Richard

Kendell of Pennsylvania spent" the first of the week with Mr. and Mra. James Stoutenburg and at­tended the funeral of Mra. Gil­bert Streeter.

Rali^ Felter shot a spike horn Wednesday.

Misses Esther and Gertrude Hoy of Downsville spent Sunday with M.r and Mrs. Robert Hoy.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jaycox of Harvard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Felter.

Mr. and Mra. Wilbur Trow­bridge and sons of Schenectady and Mr. and Mrs. Addison Trow­bridge and daughter of Stamford were Sunday guests of their mother, Mra. Bertha Trowbridge.

Mra. May Clark, who has been spending s<»ne time with her daughter, returned to her home in Andes Tuesday.

The K i^ WiU Rave About These

Modek of Farm MachineryDisc harrows, trailer plows,

spreaders, trucks, wagons,

com binders, crawler trac­

tors, wheel tractors.




OaaaUled Ada, Carda of Thaiika» etc., 2c word, none leaa than 50c.

AUCTIONHaving sold the Scott Homestead, I wUl sell my persoaal

property a t the homestead, on tiie FUl dove road, halfway between the Cabin Hill Church and Pepacton*

FRIDAY, DEC. 810:80 A. M.

L I V E S T O C K19 sheep, 1 pair horses, one cow 5 yeara old just fresh, one

yearling bull, one heifer calf, 6 geese.E Q U I P M E N T

4 lumber wagons, one-horse lumber wagcm with box, John Deere farm wagon on rubber, 2 wa^on boxes, 2 hay rig ^ g s, 2 McCormick-Deering mowing machmes (one 6-ft. on rubber, like new), tedder, horse rake, land roller, steel ditcher, sulky

.plows, 2 Leroy i^ows, harrows, set one-beam bobs, log bob, K)ng ^eigh, cuttera, iron saw frame, lumber car, potato hiBar, Delco light engine, electric fencer, wheelbarrow, ste^dadder, dirt scraper, woven-wire fence stretcher, Stewart sheep shearer, grain cradles, large iron sink, large iron kettle, 2 acaldhig bar- rels, and many s n ^ tools.

, F U R N I T U R E* Some antiques, player piano and roUs, Maytag Wkiher, chest

of drawera, v^eeled chair, Morris chair, 5 bedsteads with springs, large extension table, buffet, 6 dining room chatas, 6 rodcera, 2 couches, base rocker, stands, 2 chunk stoves, tnmk, and other items.

Terms: CASH. Lunch will be served by the Ladies of the Cabin Hill Church.

MRS. ROBERT BROWN, OwnerDe](<aiiMyf N. Y.

L.A.SHUBERTAuctioneer and Sale Maaagw

FrankUn, N. Y.‘— Phone 16-F-S


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Coine fa a a • see tfiia beautifo], finely balanced Chevrolet for 1951 • • • fceshin^ new in aS t e tilings 'you want, yet OBg^ proved hi p ta e and featme . * . end jo M agree Amerketa kF§m mul ftnat ear.Come in and see li at foareudieat eooveideoc^



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