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  • Volume 104 Jan. 1997 THE VIEQUES TIMES Page 2



    Vacation Rentals117 Calle Muffoz RiveraMonday through Friday 10- 5Property shown by Appointment800-772-3050 LJS

    P,O. Box 358Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765


    Professional Beauty ProductsAvon in Stock

    The Beach Comb’R117 MuSoz Rivera Unisex Hairstyling byVieques, PR 00765 Lynne 741,0625

    ATLANTICAt 741-2999

    Professi.nal Art & Printing"T" Shirts Wholesale & Retail

    We make tYames to your specs.Or bring yur work and P.O. Box 614We’ll frame it here Vieques, PR 00765


    Name..............................................Address..........................................City......................State. ,..ZipOther..............................................Foreign (Send for Rates)Checks to: THE VIEQUES TIMES

    FINANCIAL CONSULTANTSBusiness Plans DevelopedCommercial Loan ProcessingInvestment Projects AnalysisIncentives ExpeditedFinancial Statements & PortfoliosComputerized ProjectionsTax ReportsGeneral & Specialized AccountingTel. 741-0710 Fax 741-1654

    Member National Society of Public Accountants, Inc.




    THE VIEQUES TIMES153 Fl;waboyan St. Esperazza BeachVieques, P.R. 00765 Tel. 741-8508

    The Vieques Times is independent publication withpolitical, governmental or other organizational aftiliationsI is supported entirely by the sale of ads and subsctip0ons

    There are no secret backersPublisher: Charlie ConnellyEdflorial Asst: Jenny BenitezAds/Circulation Michael Pablo ConnelIy PaginPrxtucfion AssI: Sandra ReyesFrequent contributurs include: Nana Ordz de Castafio, JulioTortes, Flavio Silva. Myrna Pagitn, Henry Ramos Roblesthe field is open: we welcome wriIlen submissions of 500

  • (" Volume 104 Jan. 1997 THE VIEQUES TIMES Page 4 )NOSTALGIAby Nana Ortiz de CastafioAt long last the Christmas Party is over, and with it

    the lights, brilliant colored banner, little trees that willbe recycled or converted into cinders. Santa Claus andthe Magi brought many expensive and less expensivepresents, taking into consideration the economicsituation of each family. What I can assure withoutfear of error is that many people had to renew loans inthe banks and fin,ance companies on the local and statelevel. In truth, it s an epoch of ephemeral rejoicingthai leaves deep tracks in pocketbooks and happinessto many children.

    In my youth i awaited the Nativity and Epiphany asa sacred festival in which we celebrated the birthdayof the Messiah, He who came into the world to save usand redeem us through His death on the cross. Thesememories are deeply impressed in my being as a goodChristian, who in spite of the cross that has been mylot to bear, I accept the pain with faith and love forthat Chris! who loves us so and left us the priceless

    ift of a new commandment: Love one another as He)YeS US.The },ears of 1994 95 left rne with deep and painful

    wounds I have not been able to heal. The p,’issin"g ofthe first fruit of my womb, nay son, Miguel, and thenthe farewell of the husband of all my life. Although Itry to put on a happy face, my li.f,,e, is empty inside thatpain, solitude and sweet memories Drecisely durinil3e holidays when the whole family l\ins together tring out the old year with its scythe, but confident of anew year tell of blessings and tiappiness.

    Lamentably, since the 17th of November I sufferedpneumonia thai kept me in bed fo three weeks. Nowafter Christmas, New Years and Three Kings Day, Istill have not re,covered sufficienlly tsubmit myselfto a cataract operation. As you can see, 1996 has alsolefl scars of physical suffering as those of the soul.

    In truth, feel depressed and nostalgic. Thanks toall the friends, relatives and very especially tn mycont, nental readers who also remembered to send mecards and presents for which I am thankful from thebottom of my heart and which will keep forposterity.

    The bible, the rosary, my prayers and my Godaccompany me night and day. Since [ cannot walk iochurch, 1 settle for televised Mass on Channel 13.

    must excuse myself and beg forgiveness from myreaders for not fee]tug in my present state up towriling my usual column for your pleasure anddelight. Let us ask God to grant me health and

    Peiiitual strength to be able to please you. May ourlestial Father bless you now and fnr always.

    [1 I’q ELFCTRd-J741-5411

    Monte Santo, next to Morales

    Fishing TackieElectricidadPlomeria

    Paints 1000 colorsSe Preparan Pinluras

    Efectos MatinosMarine Materiais

    Home maintenance materia!sTools


    NOSTALGIAper Nana Ortiz de CastafioPer fin se fueron las fiestas de Navidad, llevindose

    consigo lutes, cruzacalles de brillantes colores,arbolitos que sern reciclados o convertidos on pavesas.Santa Claus y los Reyes Magos trajeron muchosregales costosos y etros baratos, tomando enconsideracidn la situaci6n econ6mica de cada familia.Lo que puedo asegurar sin temora equivocarme es quemuchos tuvieron que renova[ prdstamos en los bancosy financieras a nivel local y cstatal. En verdad, es unadpoca de regocijo effinero que deja profundas huellasen los bolsillos y alegrfa a touches nifios.En mis aries mozos yo esperaba la Navidad y Epifanfacome una festividad sagrada en la que celebramos elcumpleafios del Mesias, aquel que vine al mundo parasalvarnos y mdimirnos en una muerte de Cruz. Estosrecuerdos estfin bien impresos en mi set come buenacristiana que pese a la cruz que me ha tocado cargar,acepto el dolor con f6 yamor per ese Cristo que tantonos ama y nos dej6 el preciado don de un mandamientonuevo: el amarnos los unos a los otros come dl nosama.Los aries de 1994-95 me dejaron heridas tan

    profundas y dolorosas que no he logrado cicatrizar. Lapartida del primer fruto de mis entraas, mi hiio Miguely el postrer adfos de mi esposo de toda la vid.Aunque irate de disimular, mi vida esti vacfa dentro deesie dolor, soledad y dulces mcuerdos precisamente enNavidad cuando toda la familia permanecfacompartiendo juntos la despedida del Ao Viejo con suguadaa, pero confiando en otto Ao Nuevo plet6ficode bendiciones y felicidad.Lamentablemente desde el dfa 17 de noviembre de1996 sulii una pulmonfa quc me retuvo en camadurante tins semanas. Pasados Nochebuena, AoNuevo y Reyes no logro mi recuperaci6n total parapoder somcterme a la operacidn de cataratas. ComeverSn, el 1996 tambidn me ha dejado huellas desufrimiento corporal ademfis de los dcl alma.En verdad me siento deprimida y nosuilgica. Gracias

    a todas las amistades, familiarcs y muy especialmente amis lecterns continentales que tambidn me recordaronenvifindome postales de felicitacidn y regales queagradezco desde las reconditeces de mi coraz6n, loscuales conservard para la posteridad.La Biblia, el rosin’to, mis razes y mi Dies me

    acompafian noche y dfa. Come no puedo caminar a laiglesia me conformo con escuchar la misa televisadaper el Canal 13 de Teleoro.Pido excusas y perddn a mis lectores per no sentir mi

    estado animfco en condicidn para escribir una columnacome las que acostum bro escribir para deleite deustedes. Pidamos a Dies que me conceda salud yfoaleza espidtual parapoder complacerlos. NuestroPadre Celestial les bendiga ahora y siemprc.


    ViEUES CAMPING74i-3362




  • Volume I04 Jan. 1997 THE V1EQUES TIMES PageCartas/Letters

    Estimado Charlie,Quiero aprovechar tu periddico para llegar al

    individuo (s) responsable (s) de echar VENENO en laplaya ptblica al este del vertedero antiguo.lndependiente de sus sentimientos para con losanimales, es morahnente imperdonable infligir esteripe de dolor y sufrimiento a cualquier criaturavlviente. Y es prohibido per Icy.A mf me gustan mis perros, y trato de ser un amoresponsable per mis mascotas, asf que entre otrascosas, yo los acompafio en sus caminatas.

    Dgsafortunadamente, un dfa en aquella playa tres dem]s perms fueron envenenados. Gracias a CathyPiolino y Penny Miller de la Vieques HumaneSociety, se salvaron los perros. Sin embargo tuve quemandar uno de los cachorros a la isla grande paratratamiento de emergencia: hospitalizaci6n paracuatro noches aun costo de $168.00 Io que notengo. Yo no quisiera pensar que sucederfa si un nifioen la playa tragase algo de aquel veneno, Dies quieraque no, pore si sucediera, ;continnarian diciendo queesta pnctica nefasta no es gran c a ?

    Si usted tiene problemas con animales, habla consus duefios, llame a la policfa o a la VHS. Gracias,Charlie, per el lore.Firma: J. KarnsDear Charlie:I would like to use your paper to each the individ,ualor individuals who are respous ble for u//ing POISONon the public beach beyond the site of the formerdnmp. Regardless of how you may feel about animals,it is morally wrong to intlict that k nd of pain and;suffering on a living creature AND tt s againSt-the

    them. Still, 1 bad to send one puppy to the main islandto receive emergency care, resulting in four nightsthe animal hospital Iotal cost $168.00 which 1 donhave. hate to think what would happen ira child onthe beach stuck poison in their mouth would thispractice of setting poison oot for the animals still be nobig deal’? If you have a problem with an animal(s) talkto te owner, call the police, or call the hum;msociety. Thank you for the(Signed) J.SUCCESSFUL HOLIDAY FAIRb’he 2nO Holiday Arts & Crafts ’air was hel,d, at the. me of Richard and Dee Morissctte in I,os Chivesior the henelt ot the 4 HClob ot Veques" fi-om any ,fiend, merchants and visitor .c.!-e.)ery supportive and generous. Last year’scc*pents were The Litlle League of Vie(lnes" Wewish to thank every me lot th.r cuntmued supportbese etremely important childeu’s groups. HappyNew Year 1997!

    ARTFor the month of February, Casa Vieja Gallery willexhibit the recent work of Eve Aspinwall and RAMoseley. Moseley’s oil paintings feature thelandscape and beaches of Vieques, including scenesfrom the Pil6n road. Aspinwall’s work includes pasteldrawings of flamboyin trees done during the summerof 1996, paintings of horses at Sun Bay and abstractwork on corregated zinc. The show opens onSaturday, February and runs through February 31.There will be an opening reception on Saturday,February from 6 8 pm. Gallery hours are Thursdaythrough Sunday from 5-9 pm, or by appointment bycalling 741-3078.DISCOVER MODERN POETRY

    You are invited to take a look at what poets have tosay about common every day experiences in a PoetryDiscussion Group limited to twelve participants andtwo guests, an hour a week for five weeks, beginningMarch 3rd. Topic for the first meeting is "Our TimeAs Seen By Poets". Other themes for review with anexperienced reader, on successive Monday,s, include"Frustration" (March 10th), "Childhood and Loss oIInnocence" (March 17th), "Doubt and Struggle"(March 24th), and concludes with "Poets on Poelry" onMarch 31st. A free "What’s It All About" orientationmeeting is planned for February 24th. The suggestedlee for {he five meetings is $i5.00 and $4.00 forindividual meetings. For more information pleasephoue 741-3069 weekdays, 9 to 10 a.m. or 6 to 7 p.m.Joe Pelkev. des geared reader for the PoetryDiscussion Coup has sailed he seas a bil. In 1942 hefounded Editions Limited, makers of fine art silkscreen prints, museum posters, signed and numberededitions and prestige greeting cards, and continued asArt Directm until retirement ten years ago. in the 60’she also served as Chairman of the Board and ExecutiveSecretary for the Berkshire Theatre Festival inStockbridge, Ma. for seven years, and subsequently aspresident of The Public Theatre in Pittsfield, MA. ForTown Players he produced Eugene Ionesco’s "TheBald.Soprano" winning a New England Little Theater,Best Director Award and Best Actor Award in EdwardAlbee’s "Zoo Stnr3 and also directed "TheHarmfulness of Tolmcco" by Anton Chekov.Previously he was Sales Director for the St. LouisArtst’s Guild and the Sena Plaza Galleries in Santa Fe,New Mexico. In the 930s he orgamzed and opeatedthe Provincetown Art Market, the first retail Galleryand Craft Shop on Cape Cod, U.S.A.


    A non-po/Iutmg electric engine

    Phone: 7d,]-8600i-ore 9:(g) an-i to 4:00 pm Beeper: 800 75’-) z55ask lbr ClarkUnit: 95-722.j

  • Volume 104 Jan. 1997 THE VIEQUES TIMES

    Youths mch against Radar with hand-woven flo*acr bmnerproclaiming "Vmqucs s Ours". 1

    LetterPeople, Leaders, and Radar

    Our town of Vieques, like every town m theworld, does nt mnve alone. It is an i]lusinn to thinkthat the town as such has to put itself into motion todo such and stch a lhing. e town as such is acollective cnily composed of persons who think, feeland suffer...all organized into large or smallnrganizations, be these political, :eligious or civic.Our island of Vieques is mined with these groups andeach one has a leader who dh-ecls i{.

    Each leader is responsib e t{ direct or lo raise theposture conscinusness of its Ikllowers so that/bestcan make decisions that benefit our people.Tn the extent Ihal these leaders sound a call totheir followers [o join them in their determined causeor io the sohtion or" a specific problem, in thismeasure the collective entity that is the town is goingto unite and resolve the problem.1i on the contrary these leaders remain silent,tmmoved, thinking only aboul their personal andparticular interesls, speaking behind closed dnors, thiss when the collective enlity of people will not bemoved.hope that lhe leaders of our town: political, civicand religinus, will.join in a common eflk)rl and thateach will assume the responsibility required at themoment to convoke their lllowers, moving them insolidary consciousness to the eflEcl that in our is/andof Vieques there must not be established a radartransnntler that we understand in the short and longwill affect our health, environment and ecology.We are going Io defend onr little is and against allthat cnuld afl)ct it more eac day. Let us forget NavyYes or Navy Nn, and let us march in solidarity as apeople understanding lha[ Viequcs is for Viequenses,born here or here by adoption, and rejecting wi allour slreng[h anything thai wonld cotaminate andsicke[ ts. to(k a step )l"ward. and I know thal onSunday, January 12, 1997 hislnry wa: made on our

    (C m. p. I0) >>>


    Nuestro pneblo de Vieques, como todos los pueblosdel mundo, no se mueve solo. Es ilusorio pensar que elpueblo como tales un ente colectivo compuesto potpersonas clue picnsan, sienten y padecen organizadostod,9.{ cn or.nizacione,s pequefias o grandes, scan dstaspolmcas, reniosas o cwcas. Nuestra Isla, de Viequesesta minada {m estas organizaciones y cada una tiene unlfder clue la diri,e

    Cada hder es responsable de dirigir o concientizar en1o posRiv( a sus seguidores para que dstos nuedantomar decsiones que beneficien gnuestro uebEn la medida qe cstos lfderes hagan elilama’io asus seguidorespara que se unan en determinada causa o en la solucidnde determinado problema, en esa medida, el entecolectiw) que es el pueblo se va a unit y Se solucionariel problema.

    Si pot el contrario estos lfderes se mantienencallados, inmdviles, pcnsando en sus interesespersonales y particulares, hablando en cuartos nscuros,entonces ese ente colectivo clue es el pueblo no se va amover.Tengo la speranza de clue lns lfderes de nuestropueblo: polfhc,os, cfvicosj religiosos se unan en unesfuerzo comun y que carla uno asuma la

    responsabilidad que requiere el momento y convoque asus seguidores para mnverlos en una concienciasolidaria a los efectos de queen nuestra Isla de Viequeso se establezca ese transmsor del radar ueentendemos a cortn y a largo plazo va a aI’ectar nuestrasalud, ambience y ecologfa.Vamus a defender a nuestra islita de todo aquelloque nos puede afcctar ms cada dfa. Vamos aolvidarnos de marina sf o marina no y vamos a marcharen forma solidaria como pueblo entendiendo queVieques es para los viequenses nacidos aquf o de aquipot adopcidn y rechazando con codas las fucrzas denustro set todo aquello que nos contamina y nosenlerma. Yo df tmpaso al frente, v sd ue el dnrnino,,12 de enero de: 1997se hi h t,I. ,,..A,,

    cuando cientns de n -amlcstantes le diieron No al radar vla pr6xima vez da tti tambidn un pasd al frente y verisque por encima de la voluntad de unueblo que se!espela y se quiere no puede nadie. 0ue ese embelecoo entierren en el vertedero del olvido para que no hagadfio a nosotros ni a nadie cn el mundo y que a lamsma vez podamos todos iuntns luc mr por ladevolucidn final de las 8,000 cuerdas.Si nn acttas ah ra no le eches desuds la,pueblo El pueblo eres tu y solamentc l uedeseenderlo ahora PVamos a defenderlo ahora para que maana nntengamos quc llorar como mt{iercs In que comohombres no pudimos deI’ender.La bola est;i cn la cancha, vamos todos iuntos comopuebln en fnrma solidaria y Colectiva a dedir N0 ALRAD,a,R y Sl * 000 C F RDAS T RR N0para el disfrute V desarro]lo de todo nuestro puebQue Dios n is an3pare sicmpre.Dmaso Serrano Ldpcz, Presidcntc P. p. D.



    Paelt, Cazueb de a sees, SangriaFut Bar-- &ppetizecs

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    AL VAPORepolIo

    Cole Slaw Maca,om Salad5 aL 74i-,4385


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    Clarkys BBQ PalaceC:Ncken Rbe Plantains OPEN’Ribs & Sweet P,atatoesPork eans 5esfoo

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  • Blu Bar


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    8[AND GUESTHOUSE (787) 74Ji 128


    Educational snorkdl toui’sSee ad touch things

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    Tel. 741=5012 Cellular 316-0458

    Captain Sharon Grassoband Adntu, es,77-741-0720

    Betty’s Creations 741-1212ART STUDIO

    Shell Craft Shell JewelryDecoupage Local Art

    Rarr[o F!odda Restaurant 74!-001iCarretera 201 Guesthouse 741-0033

    Fax 741-i294



  • VIEQUES SAN JUAN (Ista Grande)Dgparts Vieques Departs San Juan

    # 803 7:30 AM # 804 8:30 AM# 805 9:15 AM # 806 10:00 AM#809 12 Noon #810#811 2:30 PM #8t2 3:15 PM# 813 4:30 PM # 814

    ViEQUES SAN JUAN (International)Departs Vieques Departs San Juan

    # 701 9:30 AM #702 1145/qvl#705 1:30 P’,4 #706 2 45# 709 ,.40 PM #710 5:45 PM

    Taifa: Ida S45 Ida/uelta SgORates: S45 one way; 590 round trip

    VIEQUES FAJARDODeparts Vieques Departs Fajardo

    # 301 7:00 AM # 300 8:15 AM# 303 5;00 AM # 302 7: 5 AM# 305 9:15 AM # 304 7:30 AM# 307 10:15 AM # 308 9:45# 309 12:00 Noon , 308 11:00 AM#311 1:15 PM #310 1:00 PM

    2:30 PM, ’!,* # !, 1:45 PM# 315 3:00 PM # 314 3.00 PM# 317 3:30 PM ,. 3,8 4:00 PM# 319 5:00 PM # 320 5:30 PM# 321 5:45 PM


    Departs Vieques Departs St. Croix

    # 901 6:4,5 AM # 902 7 .0 AM# 905 2:45 AM # 906 3:30 PM#909 12Noon #910 I:00PM# 911 2:00PM # 912 3:00 PM

    Daily Except Sunday Sunday Only Monday 745 Tu-Sat

    CHARTERS AVAILABLE ANYTIMEista Grande 722-37361723-9882 Vieques 741-8331/8211

    St. Croix 778-9858, Fajardo 863-3020 Office 741-3266/5861San Juan International 253-3644

    THE V|EQUES TIMES787 741-850,*Aqer a leisurely breakfast ,ith Mozart



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    MangoCutcy Manfio.lam Jerk MarinadeCall 741-0848 for nearest retailer or free brochure


    Designer Clothin ad Jewelrymanufactured in Veques

    .Ra y doyeria Heeha en ViequesNsx o afb La Paeh 741-0520Streol.

    34 Flamboyn St. Esperanza Beach 74 1-O490


    Desserts and Cappuccino to DIE forJazz Bhles

    Open Thurs, thru Mon. from 6Food served to ]1

    ROOMS in the "TREEHOUSE" from $29Rt 995 New AJrpori Road



    B7 Appointmentt78074 8,3a

    L’,X (787) 741-0425 00765


    AuA,A AF, S.Saribbean

    BEACH CHALETS DaysWeekJy RatesMrs Kozek Nights

    CONNECT ONS Jar/e Sab,nl’,’lanagement, RentalsPO Box 358

    LA ?IA"Cal!e Acacia 222Esperanza

    LAUREL REAL ESTATERentals, MasagemenlBox !084, (See ad this page)







    R E A L E S A T E

    36iA MuSaz Rives

    (787) 741-6806 (787) 741- 8294

    7CONNECTIONSJAN[ SABtN REAL Eq-ATESalesVacation Rentals

    Propert;si:,v.!b’vAl::rx)ir,!ul.rq 787-741-00230o,,41 787-741-2012


  • \/tditillc Ili4, ,lili, IO07 ’VIII{ V II,JQI. I;’,g ’1’1MIL

  • Volume 104 Jan. 1997 THE VIEQUES TIMES Page 10 )


    4 cy[ marine diesel condition w/trans. &

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    Offshore trolling poles & reels, lures, line. ctc

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    Andrew 1!. Davis, hijo de Dennis y HelenDavis de Isabel II, estudiante de cuarto afio dela Fajardo Academy, ha side nombrado uno delos aproximadamente 2,600 candidates cn ElPrograms Prcsidencial Para Escolarcs del 1997.Los candidates fueron seleccionados entre msde 2.5 milhmes de cstudianles graduandos delas escuelas superiores de los Eslados Unidoscn ’97. Per 84 aries cste programs cs uno delos honores naris altos otorgado a losgraduandos. Esmdiantes son selecciomulosper logros acaddmicos y arlfsticos, calidades deliderazgo, caracler fuerte, y envolvimienlo entas actividades comnnilal’ias y cscolAsticas.

    Estos candi(latos fueron cscogidos per susnotas cxccpcionalcs nen cl examc[ll NAT dclCollege Board o el ACT de la AmericanCollege Testing Program. Tambidn seconsideran a Dasc de skis ensayos, auioevaluacidn, descripciones dc aclividadcs,rccomendaciones de las cscuelas, y sustranscritos escolarcs. Hacia los finales deMatzo se escogerin los semi-finalistas. Lasclcccidn final se hani en la Comisi6n de LaCasa Blanca. Puerto Rico califica para unjoven y una joven. El Departamenlo deEducaci6n Estado Unidense, anunciara loshombres de los ganadores en Mayo. lllosserfin invitados a Washington, D.C. per variesd/as en Junio pars mcibir la mcdalla delPresidente durante ulla cerenlonia dercconocimicnto y pars participar en variasactividades.

    YOUR FAVORITE CHEF, ALYSSA,formerly employed at Crow’s Nest,will be available lo do private parties and

    custom baking, including holidays.Please leave lllessage at741-0033 or 74 1-3,’; 8

    Jan 26thWhen I arrived in Vieques I didn’t know in what

    condition I would find my mother. How would she getthrough the pain and sadness this tragedy has besoughtupon her, I wondered. Much to my relief, what I found wasthat she was surrounded by love and support from so manyof you. The individual acts of kinchess I have witnessed arefar too numerous to mention. How will I find the words to

    express my appreciation and gratitude toward each of you?Keep it simple kept running through my head. Keep it

    simple.So that is what I will do.Thank you for all you have done for us.

    Cindy Gordon.In loving memory of my brother,Stephen D. O’Dell, 1953 1997.He will be missed by many.

    >>> Radar Letter ((;ont. from p. 8)island when hundreds of demonstrators said no Io the

    radar, and the next time you ton should take a step forwardand you will see that against the will of the people whorespects itself and cares for itself, no one can do anything.Let this gigantic gadget be buried in the dump of oblivionso that it can do no ham to us nor to anybody in the world,and at the same time we can all together struggle for thefinal return of the 8,(R)0 acres.

    If you do not acl now, do not later throw the blame onthe "pueblo". The pueblo is you and only you can defend it

    We are going Io defend it now so that tomorrow we donot have to cry like women over what we did not defend as

    The ball is on the court, let us all together as a peopleformed in collective solidatity say, no to the radar and yesto tbe 8,000 acres for the enjoyment and development of allour people.

    May God always be with us.Dimaso Semmo L6pez, President, PPD

    Centro Comercial ViequenseCAMPING JardineriaPet Shop

    .6., & BBQ Pinturas LuciteEquipment ,Juguetes

    Piezas de bicicletasRUSTOLEUM Equipo de pesca

    PAINTS Efectos del HogarLay Away Plan

    Avenida Mufioz Rivera #97 Tel. 741-2326En el centre del pueblo al la-i to dcl Coffee

  • Letter’s

    whh Inlerf)ol, the FBI:

    S )i;lltl ;) I’W diiys wilh

    de hi ol:()ll;l ideHliJicad I.

  • Volume i04 Jan. 1997 TIlE VIEQUES TIMESPage 12 )

    "Just like ili Viet Nfml, you want Io bum us with nupulm .."

    "Igua]ilo quecn Viet Nam, uos quieten nl,at con Mapdm..

    Turista Dirige Cartas a Congresistas

    UI1 turista de Massachusetts ha escrito una serie

    de cartes a sus Ires congresistas sobre proyectos cnVieques que 41 considera peligrosos.

    En la primera inslancia el St. Allen Youngexpresa sus preocupaciones sobrc los posiblesefectos del alumbramiento del Proyeclo

    Polidcportivo en cuanln a la bahfa biolumhfiscente y

    reqniem ClUe sn Representante en Washinglon y susSenadores ]lenen estas preocupaciones tt las agenciaspcretinemes.

    Young menciona especificamente ala lUD y la

    EPA v afiade qne 1 entiende quc el gobierno Federaltiene na obligaci6n "especial" pa-a con los losrecursos naturales ya que la isle ba side ocupadocome botfn de gueTa.

    El otro proyecto qne le preocupa es el del radarROTHR que el tome puede afectar la sahld pdblica y

    que desalentarfa el mrismo per atcntar centre labelleza natural de la isle.

    El pide que los congresistas investigueu con la

    EPA v con el Departamento dc Defense.St{s cartes fueron dirigidas al Representante John

    Olver a a los Scnadores Kennedy y Kerry.E1 texto complete en el ingl4s original aparece

    aquf al lad0.

    !! HURRICANE WARNING !!Be prepared (R) Protect your home

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    Letter to: Rep. John Olver, House of Representatives,Washington, D.C. 205t5, January 17, 1997

    Dear John,This is the first of two letters am writing atier

    returning home from a vacation trip to Vieques, Puerto

    Rico.While on Vieqnes, had the experience of taking a

    boat tent and swimming in a hie luminescent bay,

    inhabited by billions of micro-organisms that glow in

    the dark when agitated. It is really quite an experience,a very interesting natural phenomenon. It is my desire

    to see this bay protected as a unique environmentalresource. Hnwever, learned that a sports complex,funded in part by the U.S. Department of Housing and

    Urban Development, is being constructed nearby. Its

    lights threaten to destroy or diminish the ability of

    visitors to enjoy the experience that had on tile bio

    luminescent bit},’.I would like to respectfully request that you look into

    this matter, and request a full environmental impactstudy before the lights are installed. 1 believe that the

    spor].s complex could be built wilhout lights, or perhapswith strict controls on the use of lights.

    would also like to ask that you communicate my

    concern to HUD and to the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency. Because of the special r,elatiunshipbetween the United States and Puerto Rico, where our

    nation has essentially occupied these islands as the

    spoils of war, bellow: we have a special obligation to

    protect the nalural rcsom-ces. Thank yon.

    Dear John,This is the secund of two letters I am writing to you

    after returning home from Vieques, Puerto Rico.While on Vicqucs, I learned that the U.S. Navy isplanning to build a large 30-tower microwave or radarantenna complex. The local people am quiteconcerned about the threat to their health and to thebeauty of their island. From an aesthetic point ofview. it is likely that the radar installation will spoilthe s:e.nery and hurt tile tourism industry. The peopleon Vieques who have researched this matter convincedme thai this radar slation is outmoded andunrccessary.I would like to respectfully request that } ou loo: into

    this matter, and requesl a full environmental impactstudy. Whether the concern is defense or the "drugwar" as I understand both have been mentioned I

    queslion whether the raillery is nsing sound judgmentand spending money wisely.I would also like to ask that you communicate my

    concern Io the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyand the Dcpal.ment of Defense. Because of the

    special relationship belwcen the United States andPuerto Rico, where nur nation has essentially occupiedlhese islands as the spoils of war, I believe we have a

    special obligation to protect the natural resomves andthe peopk" who live there. Thank you.Sincerely. (signed) Allen Young, Massachusetts

    cc: Simihir letters lo Senators Kennedy & Kent

  • C------u!ume I04 Jan. 1997 THE VIEQUES TIMESOIL CRISIS IN OUR O__(EAN__._S

    New Book in English by part-time Vieques resident

    lawyer, mturalisl B barall%le wnl be book Slni ..........

    (n cmta 2, 1997 at Ihe Siddhiallu/chinson Art Galldry nst past e I)?lTry dock.The book is a/ready available b)r purchase a{ theVieques Colse/-valioll Trtlst. The .30 paperback hasa hJI1 color c(nal roof cover il/ushalJOrl by local artistcldhm lulchinson.Oil Crisis m Ot Oceans is divided imo Hn-eeSCCIic,ns:The Bermm Spill and Response-

    compre ]cnsix.c case sludy Of h,. lgt)d oil barge spilllust oll the CanbeCoral: Roadkil] on lhe Pelrohihway corn/reefICSCl rch...and...-essons for }:ulnl’c Prevcnlion.


    abeo tos 7 d/as de ]a semana de D:00 aCtinica veterinana aosp ciaOa pot eJ Dr. C6sarGonzez con Dr. PaNo kmoko

    MaOes y Sba0o 12:30- 3:30Vacunas, emergencias, bmbdces, estelizacidna bao costo, exfimenes y hospedae,Aceptamos animales realengos y tenemosmascotas saludaNes pare la adopci,Sn.Favor 0e amar et Tel, 741-0209

    Lcda. Etedreda AcevedoBox 243 Vieques 741-8397

    LetterA VIEQUES HUMANE SOCIETY THANK YOUOn Sunday, December 15. Ihe Vieques HumaneSociety held its first SPAY2A_THON at the new clinicin Santa Mmia. Five veterinmians and five velerinm-ytechnicians from Puerto Rico were able lo spay andneuter 68 caks and does, at low cost, Special thanks toDr. Juan Pab]o Amici}o who aUended and organized thevetermarims. We thank the businesses and individualsof Vieques whose conafbu/ions made this event aSUCCCSSVAL for providing discounted airfm’e: The Crow’sNext, Hacienda Tamarindo, and Sea Gate for providingflee lodging; the hm on the Blue Horizon and Coc(mutsfor discounted meals: N A.S 1). for the use of their lentand to the CB’s for pitching it up; the Navy Corpsmenwho sterilized a trucNoad of gauze; Drcda at SanAntonio Pharmacy, lhe Hospital, and Fenctena V ctoriafor donating medical supplies: Sefiora Dfivi]a ofRieckehoff High School for ldnding tables Bananas.Tradewinds, Trapper John’s, Mar Azu], Freddie Mat)s,Taverna lspaola, La Pae]la and Crow’s Nest forproviding refreshments; Verge Electric. Kuhn’s liquorslore, Morales Supermarket, and Pot/cia’s Supermarketfor donating supplies; JnIio Tortes for all thenewspapers; penn3 Miller. David Donovan, RoyceBled, Gir get Moumgey, Edith Evanson, and KalhyDiaz for always volunteering to he Iherc for the islandanimals; Robert Raesch for providing electricity; andDr. Andy Breslin for medical supplies and advice.Special thinks lo lhose responsible pel owners ofVicnues who neuter lheir pels.As always, the VHS conlinucs Io provide low costspaylncuter clinics every friday please call lot anappointment 741 b209.

    CORRECTION:Charlie Conncily, Edfior. The Vieques Times:Adam and are delig,tited lhal VOU chose to print})ur photograph on page 12 of the )eccmber 1996ssue. But musl ask thai you publish a correction, sothat there is no misunderstanding of the following

    l am the sole oWner of" Laurel Rcal Es ate. I ha,eeen a hcensed real oslale broker since 1983, and ama member of the San Juan and alional Boards ofRcahors. My husband Adam is retired. He is of helpto me on occasion m an entirely unofficial and unpaidcapacily. He is ml a real eslale br >ker. nor a memberof the oard of Reahors.thank you for taking lhis distinction seriously,and lbr laking the trouble o correcl the implication oflhe capdon beneath Ihm lovely photo.

    Cordially. .,atul van Mier]o. k ccnsc No. 1965




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  • THE TIMES Pae 16,97Volume 104 Jan. 9 VIEQUES )


    Pero jams igualado


    SUPERMERCADO PORTELA Calle Baldorioty #15 Tels. 741-2251 y 741-8115

    ENERO 1997

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