ut gtltilm fill bodflle, j6m fancy ms a warn-. 23111 boole ... · martin to j£*ve place tor a aaw...

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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WPWtWmtm* - u s a * • T ~ , ;- " . ' • .

a m

Keep Cool. 160 ICE PITCHEES,

ParctUii a i t Silver LiiUgs. T k e l e w P » t e « t C r y p t o « h y torn

I M t c h o r , fr»r O a t r m b l H t y u < Jitr-easa; t h n B . < M , n n U i | , J « i . t r © C f . j T -

e « » * * •*» e x h i b i t i o n b y

SIBMI&McALLASTE 18 State Street,

J C e r . X x e


German Oatmeal. W e haw* O a M M J e f a l l k i w i * . I l M h U r a t e *

i i 4 C u i A i . l « i l « t w i M i ) M k M « m r sal*. «r aavrwesrer — . a . t a t a *

GERMAN OATMEAL, t l r a w . a SiH> ac i w m c« M I I flMMn I* ca»» . has ttissa s»sre I k M t a a C u u t e *S»al. whlcfc k « K w e*a.**ar1*aea I* It l a e a a t u r . » > 4 U » r n n M » « f t i l l y w » l »*. BtaMtWMMj t l i a a I k e I r U k * r -leaMfe, a**" a* • * • * « * • " tfcc Caiat, 1T?y It**

H00BE,C0LE& Co., Grocers, Powers' Block,


nr-y»HOTilar »tl«otk>a>a«»H<>«W»*0«^»-

DYE HOUSE, 11 f W e s t Plain «t .

A O M u m f o r d a t .

jgitaft igf^j^Mg^ i»i»

Children's Carriages, TRESES, SATCHELS,

W h i p * . Mww I l i s s s s U e t s , , L*t*> R « > b « » , J t c , a t

A. V. SMITa'S, • f t S T A T S B T S t E E T .


IRON R0QF1N6. HJB Best Roofing in the iartet

a MJLOZ catossa

WDDOXS' PATENT, As* what la Setter MO.

U t GtlTIlM fill BODfllE, T V s roof has aoeo.s»ai

a»Ka,oa* UMbas tOalvaaajed svtacta iee t o r a s e * a u oasav-

• aad k>%Qr aS»

J6M S1BD0NS & SON, 90 Main Street, Rochester.

Tyctr Family Use.


Table Sauce, Th* Bes t l a n c a sad Jtolteb


FAMILY USE. f l a t * • • » • » • » Sm Ce* t*> ,

H a i r P 1 a ( « . . . . Sft C'cmta.

V O X « U 8 V A l d L U K O C I X


n O R M . V t t t i L O B Y .

W V K D H D I T M U T e i . » »



ftaaae t

- T h e Canadian paper* which were represent­ed at the lata Odd Tellow* excursion to thl*' City give their reader* pleasing reports of their reeeptkw* sad enterssinmest by their Rochester brethren, and onO nothing that marred tbe plemure of the trip bat tbe managrmenl of the »*«*mer >Ior*eman, which wa* oat of time. A* tbe Nonwnaeu U * Cenadlaa boat, tbe taisun-dtrsundiug mart be adjusted ©war thaw.

—It la *atd that a poatai card may be for­warded from one otBc* t o another to tod tb« partj nidreaaod without additional expense-. Thla i* what eaavaot ba dose wltb a letur aaaW lug ntore tbsjuovwt eetrtpaassage.

—Tbe of* OUIWUDJ* nearly, opposite Market * t . ,oa State, ere aow beingremovedby Messrs. Martin to j£*ve place tor a aaw oae. While at) win be pleased to t ee a new andhaodaomc MAfiaft' pat op there, tbero are saury who wlab wae» tbey »e» an opeaJae; la that refdoa Ghat tt w u for a croaa atreet leadlag to fit*-hoxh.

—Tae>r«a» bere sod there, where anthracite eoaiutbaebiax fuel, are acatn dtoeaaaiaic tbe SoeaUoe,. Why to eoai rtolacr Tbe amawer U eaafly reaabed by aC wbo look at tbe waeaOoo, Tba eevtaaaoopoty or-reaMymato, bjzmtOag m arOAebd leefetty aaa rstoed tbe pri&>t and barfae; aasataoUally the eootroi of all tbe Kwreee of anpprj, tt « m la fatare make <lo-aaatAtadaspply awet a*l wkwetbeprlceaUl attit the manager* | k —ABjiauui reportssooaptoiaad o faUUca

dtanar for Which he paU SaarTbr* pr6ie,~" Cllea paper apaaotctoe, n d praatoM laatdftba Syracaae man wm coma .gata %it1 ^ ^^ bbn wttb aspkiai .

• —If tberaU no deception—and it u not » put ap thro*—thU ba* bees * toe day np to % p. m . irith a *how for gtUlaf tbroujrb aU rVrnt to Sttadewn.

—What, kind of pipe for conducting water trom the atreet. marna to the otdldbMC* U a anb-JoctofconeWerationtboattbeaedaym. Within a few daye p«*t ao lea* than thraa coocam*— which maaafaetora klada of pipe pecnllar to tbeaMeivaa—bare bad repreaeotatlrea hrre praacnUng tba dahne of their Invention* to tbe water Commtaatoner* to hare tbeae eonv BModed to tba people, and ancb at are about Co p«t In prpee,

—Bleb gotd-heariac e^oarta ba* heea foaad In Atoaka, an> UUad of aUrer tUtUn la Lake Superior aomewbere, end

Africa are a* plenty • • hnckleberrie*; still oar comer lounge** ntnbbornly refa*e to bebere thai there to any better place than Rochester.

—Somebody wbo rereto to Utopian "dreaow and feaau hit Imagination on thoughta of a poMlble Jflllennlnm, enggeeta lhat a bug or worm whleb would come along erery aeaaoa and deatroy all tbe burdock* and Other weed* woold be a wl*e dtopentatlon of Providence. Cannot tome practical Darwinian "develope" a weed-destroyer r

— " EH Perkln*'*" caUlogaoof the attractive and repulsive characteristic* of the gtrto of va-riooa cttlea now cojoumlng in Saratoga, to golD£ the rounds. £11 may be correct whed he says the Buffalo irirls are " the stapldettaad dullest," but when he says tbote from Roches­ter have " the cleanest, sweetest and prettiest hair," we cannot credit tbe statement without exposing the youog ladle* to the *uaplc'ion of baring been altogether too familiar with Ell.

—The newspapers ot sister eitle* hare from time to time taken occasion to call the atten­tion of their reader* to " claptrap advertising dodges" Into which merchant* are so often, be­guiled. Much ingenuity Is expended upon such scheme*, and everyconcelvable method to de­vised to secure the patronage «f advertiser*. Merchant* who are constantly complaining of beioe swindled by such sdrertlring srrunjre-ments have yet to kern that DO plan renders to profitable returns a* the eoloajoa of first class newspaper., which famish the very best and only safe favuetnasnt t int can he nwde 1«» print­ers' to*. •

—There Is one barber In town who never can shave a maa olesn. The trouble to he works so slowly that while he I* »cr*plog away at one side of tbe face the beard grow* out on the other.

—Tbe tote rain* bare so- rolled np the water supply of Syracxue that the main topic of pub­lic discussion now 1* whether It 1* healthy to drink i t ' ' raw." Those w ho take the negative side are unshaken In their reliance upon Syra­cuse whisky as an agent for the neutralization of all noxious Influence*.

—An old malefactor, who ba* no good opin­ion of the offlcer* of the law ws* heard to say yesterday that our police have now all got on one beat. "Dead beat^' he grunted, when asked to explain.

—The new flfty cent note which to now slow­ly creeping Into circulation 1* a better Imitation of a liniment label than any of Its predecessor*. It Is too wide for convenient handling as cur­rency, and the paper is inferior In quality to the old one*.

—A young lady who can gnaw an ear of green corn with considerable grace utterly falls to conceal her awkwardness when she attempts to Uck aj>ostage s u m p . The totter effort ts wit­nessed daily lu the Arcade by many curious and observing Individuals.

—The Albany Times gives a long and spicy narrative of tbe cruise of the •* Annuals," a so­cial club having Its nucleus In that city. These parties charter a yacht every season and spend a fortnight in Ashing, feasting and islllng at the eastern extremity ot Long Island Sound. A Rochester member of the " Annuals," who ac­companied the expedition thla year, reports the occasion to have been one of unbounded pleas­ure.

—Clifton Springs, formerly a *' prohibition " town, has finally granted license* to the two ho­tels in the place. They stood the total absti­nence business as long a* they could.

—The coot night* exert a depressing tnfln-esce on the usually cheerful nausqulto and the winged bugs which generally fly about after night-fall at this season *n utterly dlscouraged-

——f ; < n Tvn QoKxm ro» Firraaa DOLL A a*—We

are selling for f 15 ss fine a comet as $60 would formerly buy. We ask only a trial ot these in­strument* to convince any o\ga of their quality.

• O u s o a a A STOWS, 36 State st.

A not h e r W a t e r W o r k s ftebeme.

On the third of Jury last there was filed in tbe County Clerk's Office an act of Incorpora­tion of an association styling ttself the " Roch­ester Water Company.'' Tbe papers state that on* Thomas B. Sand had purchased of * cor­poration under mortgage sale It* franchises, privileges, easement*, righto and liberties— meaning those of the old Wster Company prob­ably, and under a tow of the State, passed May 9,1373, " an act relative to the purchase of fran­chise* and the property of corporations whose franchise* and property snail have been sold. under mortgage," had associated with him, un­der tbe title of the " Rochester Water Com­pany," with a capital of $800,000, the follow­ing persons: Edwin Hoyt, Win. Q. Lambert, Isaac H. Knox, Ldclen Blrdseye, John P. Rob­erts, B . B. Ctoffln, Charles H. Simpkins.Wm A. Parke, f. r. saunser, rred% A.Whittlesey.

I t to rumored that this company claim to own all the righto to take water from 'Hemlock or Canadlce Lakes, the approaches to them, and the right to toy pipes, Ac. It is also said that the right of tbe city of' Rochester to take water from the lakes mentioned will be. contested unless the privilege* mentioned are purchased from them, snd this would Include a* to claimed the purchase of the old paste board pipe* told by tbe old company. The Water Commissioners will resist the claims, we are informed. There are prospects of injunc­tions sad litigation before the matter to settled.

i '»S * -

V is * H a J I r o a * s t r i k e . *

Tbe strike of tbe conductor* snd brakemeo of the Western Division of the Central Railroad tlBl continues, and no frelgbttraius are moving on the Western Division. So advice* have been received from headquarters, snd the strik­ers »t* determined not to resume work until their demsnds are compiled with.. It Is an un­usual thing not to see freight trains moving through tbe city on the Central. We are re­quested to say that the engineers snd dromen have nothing to.d > with the strive.

LaTsw.—Tbl* noon a dlipateh was received from Kallreed headquarters saying to the striker* to resume work and when Mr. Tllllng-hss't, the General Superintendent, returned tbe matter would be «a|!sfjcu>rily arranged. This, bower, did not satisfy the strikers and tbey have telegraphed that they will resume work when their origin*] demand to compiled with, ' Orders have been received to start the freight traina this afternoon and to employ all who will work. It being reported thtt the strikers would pre­vent the company or new men from taking the ear* from North st. yard, application bas been made to toe Police Commissioners by the Co Jt-paay for protection.

i a s s ' -PraeoTT-U..—Tbe many friends In this city ot

Remington A Sons, ofc Woo, the famous Are. arm manufacturers, wilt be pleased to see that tbey have been awarded the highest prize If. their department at the Vienna Exposition. Oood works Will always tell.

'•Texan Jack," of frontier notoriety, ho* been In tbe city a few days on a visit to friends. Be left for New Tork this morning, where he wLilJuin "Buffalo Bil l ." t b e two have dhw solTtd partnership with " Ned Buntllne," and are organizing a new dramatic company.— " Texas Jack " say* his sympathies sre with tbe Pawnee* In their figat with tbe Sioux, astd hops* the government wBl Interfere In behalf

' Of tbe Pawnees, as they sre tbe best " injuns " and interior to numbers to the Sioox.

'• s s * • ATLawnc roa Sxr-rawssra.— This magazine

ba* the following Itot of papers and authors:— A Glimpse o Contemporary Art In Europe, I . , by W.'J. floppia; Two Weeks' Sport on the Couiagne River, by George W. Pierce-, Frost­work, by T. B. Aldrlck; Honest John Vane, (continued), by J. W. De Porest-, A Poem Served to Order, by Oliver Wendell Holme*; President Jefferson's Chief Measures, by Jss . Partem; The Best, by Louisa Bushnell; Gun-nav: A Norse Romance, by H. H. Boycson; The Rhyme of Sir Christopher, by H. W. Long­fellow; My Experience in Community Life, by Robert Dale Owen; The Sumner's Journey of • Naturalist, i l l . , by N. 8 . SbatorvTbe Shore House, by 8. 0 . Jewett; Recent Literature, Art, Music.

II i S S » » ii

W« UA.TK greatly reduced the prices la our boys'snd youths'summer clothing. We need *ti oar room tor fail stock now manufacturing, snd customers will find all ot our light weight good* marked at price* that cannot help but; pluses sad that will soon clear them out. /

C. X. IVuaitx, Comer West Main and front streets.


g e l x o r e or r o u i. ty P r o p e r t y b y t b e City b y t b e C o l l e c t o r .

How TO t j j t t PaaCWaa —Mr. ChM." Hal stead ot foster, says the Lack port Journal,has ****** o***v« of snout three acres whlehwlll PWduee from three to Iv* hundred crate* o f very fine peaebes thi*' season. The orchard w s . oiaated seven years . go u,l» spring by ptocto, the pit. in the ground where t h e i r * . . were to stand. Tbey w m never budded and nearly svery tree prodsea* fmit tnie to the kjnd and much atoer. Tbe orchard eowmenc-ed bearing at three years oid snd Us* proda-,4 good crops ever sine*. Mr. Hslstssd ikiak* that it Injure* * peach tree to move it , snd ne gives it as bis theory why he ha* peaches when

la South 4 jhere sre so few lu the county.

Yesterday the City of Rochester, through It* Collector, C. M. St. John, levied, upon" sundry srtlcies of personal property belonging to the County of Monroe' and offered them for sale pursuant to tow, A year or two since the Common Council adopted an ordinance to con­struct Abridge oxer the west upper mill race in Court street, the expense to be assessed upon tbe owners ot property benefitted by such bridge. The Jail of the County ot Monroe being chiefly accessible over the proposed bridge, the Common Council Included the Jail property among that to be taxed, and the sum ot oae thousand dollars was the proportion named by the Assossors, who made the assess­ment under oath.- la due time this assessment was confirmed and tho tax levied. After re­sorting to the usual methods prescribed by law for tho collection of taxes, the City Treasurer-failing to receive that doo from the county on the Court street race bridge-put the warrant into the hands of the Collector with Instruc­tion, to follow the law. Mr. St. John, findtog that the-teounty did not intend to pay this tax without* resort to execution, ye.terd.y made the seizure. He met Capt. McWherter, Super­intendent of the Penltentlury, at the Police Office and told him that he had decided to levy upon the pair of horses, harnesses and the traDsportstlon wagon In which stores, goods, prisoners, Ac, are earned between tho city and the Penitentiary.

The superintendent took the mstter good nat-uredly, was not disposed to resist duo process of law.and It was there agreed that the property shoulrfcontliiuo In the care of the County till the day of ssle, next Tuesday *nd he gave his word that the property should be forthcoming. Mr. Bt.John then repaired to the County Treasurer's Office and levied upon two iron safe* in that place, without the contents. He also went to the Supremo Court room end levied on a certain number of chairs and other proporty.nll of which Is to be sold as aforesaid If no legal steps arc taken to 'stop or postpone the sale. The amount of the execution held by the city against the county on sccount of the Court street bridge tax I* now with costs ovor eleven hundred dol­lars.

* • * • t »

Do You W A S T A PUKO?—Gibbons & Stone, at 86 State street offer tetter bargains and sell

a upltonu.lv better quality ot Instrument than can be found elsewhere. Good bargalus In new instruments and good bargains In second h-an 1 Instruments that have been thoroughly put in order. Call and sco them.

• » » »

f tn l f th t* o f P y t b l a s .

The sun came out ot the clouds, or ratuor the cloud* got out of tbe way of the sunlight yes­terday afternoon, just In time to give the Knights of Pythias a clear sky and a favorable opportunity to parade the streets In accordance •with the programme that had been announced. At two p . m. * the several lodges formed on Main snd* St. Paul streets, and halt anhour later were under motion In the following order:

Detachment of Police, under command of Captain Sul­livan .»!!-! Lleuirnant Clear;.

Hadley'K Kull «»n«l. Grant! Marshal Vi'llllua Wagner and VxUtant Marihal

Thorn** ttmttn (Mounted-) Commute* of Arrancem^Vifa.

!*quad of Mounted Kulirhta. Aurora Oral. Lodge. Ho. » , (hancallor Cominao ler

Clark B.MeKlbben. TrtanRle Lodae. No. va, of BnaHIo.

Eaglr Lodg«. Xo.CS, of BafaUo, Chancellor COmmanlcr Basra.

ultwhcr Lodge, So . « . CSaureilor Commander Jnlloa Zlestelt.'

The procession was composed of very good • looking men who marched well and made a creditable appearance In all respects. The streets were fliied with people to witness the parade, many of whom—the ladiesand children la particular—had been shut up by bad weather and had not seen much In this line.

The programme was changed Inasmuch that the dress parade In front of the Court House was made to s*rre for the one announced tor Falls Field. This parade was witnessed by a large number ot spectators who regarded it as very, creditable. - The evening entertainment at Atlantic Garden was largely attended and was a pleasant social affair. Tbe large hall was gaily decorated aud made Infesting to those who would enjoy the dance. Usdley's band were seated upon the platform and gave music to all who Joined in tbe dance. Of this all had sufficient anil the festival closed. There were plenty ot refresh­ment* so that none wanted In this part&cu'ar. The Rochester host* endeavored to make their BuSslo guests hsppy and comfortable and they dootrUet* succeeded.

This was the first regular demonstration ot strength made by toe tkuigni. oi rjtutas in this city. Tbe order is quite hew here, but has.we are told, several hundred members In Its lodges. Tbe order waa first organized In Washington ten years ago and it is only four year* since the first lod^e was opened In this city.

»«> Bor SACSUO.—Burke , Fitz Simons, Hone A

Co. invite the attention of the trade to a largo involoe of hop sacking, Just received from Dun­dee, comprising goods weighing from lo to ft) ounces to • yard.

a s * ' "•' Nxw LivKkr STABULK.—Our well known citi­

zen, James Day, so long connected with the Central Railroad, ha* engaged in the livery business. He erected not long since a fine brick stable on his lot In Ototgo street, next to the Street Railway stables where be has a choice •toek of livery to be kept for the order of cu*. ton-era who Want something that Is good. Everything In the stock is new. Among other things, *n elegant Landau from Cunningham's, for the use of famllie* or those wanting a beau­tiful carriage and team to match. Everybody knows Mr. Day a* a courteous and accommoda­ting railway conductor and they will find him Just so in the management of hi* livery estab­lishment. He keeps also a stable for boarding gentlemen's horses where they arc well cared for. The friends of Mr. Day and the public are lathed to call upon him.


stock of chromo* to more complete than ever before, many new subject* having been added lately.

We are 0*1 making additions to orxr publica­tion* in steceetcoplc views, and invite all to In­spect them.' Our stock comprises those of ail otber publisher* as weU a* our own.

WOODWARO'S Aatr Deror, / ' l t» State street. «*»

BXY09D TUB MiseoL'ki.— While the 8tanloy Yellowstone expedition Is still pursuing lu way westward through Montana, a practical result of It* labor* appear* in tbe announcement pub­lished to-day by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company that they are ready to receive bids for construction of the two hundred and five mile* of their rosid between the Missouri and the Yel­lowstone. General Rosser, tbe engineer in charge ot the surveys, reports thst so unex­pectedly favorable line has been found, avoid­ing the so-called Bad Land*, almost entirely, traversing a good grazing _r.ouutry well sup-piled wltb pure water. We notice that soma of the press correspondent* with the expedition state thst fb* road can be built on this line at even less cost than scros* the prairie* of Mlnne-oi.ta. Thus another Important advance In this great enterprise Is Inaa-jurated under most tavorablo auspice*.—(Piilta. Bulletin.

• • « * »

TXsaoircsT BOAT CSS-TAI*.—Albert Bottnern wbo wss captain of a canal boat belonging to Nelson. Lsttrldge A Co. , of Buffalo, was ar­rested yesterday by Coraatable Biletson on tbe charge of embezzlement from his employers. He started eaat with bis boat and cargo, tint before arriving here tied up the boat, sold the

- horse* and furniture and came bere and hired a room In St. Paul ft. He also drew before !oav-tog BnSalo $1 80 toward defraying expense*. Elletson has recovered two ot the stolen horses. Buttnem will be token to Buffalo for trial.

a s * ''iab Mesic.—Our sheet music department,Ofxmod

about a year since, has become a decided suc­cess. We.dsa l In some classes of goods not kept by sny other house In Rochester. We have a general assortment of standard and pop-alar sheet music snd books, snd a supply ot small instruments, strings, trimming*, piano covers, piano stools, & c , dtc.

Quao>" A STOKE, Manufacturers of Piano*. Music Dealer* and

Publishers, 90 State St. S S * • i

Dxcxjca AMO Hi* B a o o a o r Exraass.— Decker & Co. are doing a fine business with their baggage express, to securing patronage' at the Central Depot.'0 They are prompt in deliv­ering and esalduou* i s their attention* to their customer*. By consulting their advertisement It w ii 1 be seen where order* can be left tor the • tmasportation of baggage.

- * » * •

8vn>»x3r DXATU.—The wife of Ocorge Bridge-msn, who keep* a public bouse lu North Water st., died suddenly to*t evening of a lung dis­ease, She bad been for tbe past two week* in tbe country,and on her return wu taken worse « d d J « d - . . .

To Rmer.—The whole or any pert of the third floor of the Daily Union Buildings-suits-, We for Society rooms,- a private school or otB-

; ee*. Apply s t th e counting room of this paper. *e»MU

that di-

B a e t n e a n d i t s a t t r a c t i o n s .

Raoirri, Wi*., Aug. 15. EOB. U. * A . - I t may be of interest to some

of your readers to give a history of this beau­tiful city ot Racine and Its commercial and manufacturing interests. It l* called tho BcUo City, l t i s l oca tedouthowcs t shore of Lake Michigan, at the north ot Root river on a tract of level country, regularly laid out in square lots snd blocks, with wide street*. It contains mspy fine residence* and public building*. « is & miles north of Chicago au<t 33 mile* south of Mllw*ukec. It has 'dally communication^ means o f numerous boat* snd vessels traverse the toktss, »l»o hy the Milwaukee vision of the Chicago, and Northwestern roll-roed, and by the Western Culon. which brings it into connection, with the Chicago and St. Psui, also, with the Mississippi and Uio fertile regions of the south and west. The many ad­vantages which this city present* as a point for locating are equaled by few places In the State. It hss a line harbor. The spirit and cntorprlso of Us citizens arc manifest In various ways.

Omitting Its early history and taking the city and its surrouudlngs of to-day, It may not bo 'amiss to give a brief account of Its Importance as a manufacturing town or place. .1 visited the firm of Fish Brothers, one of the leading wagon manufactories of tho west. Ttioy claim to turn out a finished wagon every thirty min­utes, one hundred and twenty per week. I also visited tho establishment of Mitchell, Lewis & Co., a similar Institution. They also claim to turn, out 500 finished wagons per month, or about six thousand a year. Their annual sales amounting to $430,000. These two establishments arc employing about 400 mon Slid boys, and yet most all the work In shspening and finishing each piece is done by machinery, even from the hubs of a wheel to a clcto ot the box for a wagon. 1 saw sticks turned Into sxletrees and (po"kcs and dressed or sanded down by machinery; also, spokes driven by machine force suugly homo to their places In the bub. The sales of flolabed work ot these two establishments ares cuarmons—

-yearly, and tho Impetus this line ot*bu»inoss gives this place Is very much felt and realized by other branches of trade and Industry. I also figured how many miles ln^a^direct Hue these vehicles would reach If v?6 wc.ro to allow twenty feet space from Up ot polo to the hind cud board for each and every wugon. Each firm manufacturing, (0,000 annually) would give l'J.OOO, (00 foot or over) givos 110 miles. These wagons arc sent all ovor the great west, even to California, undmrc In good repute. I vlaltod the works of Coso A Co., a large establishment for < the manufacture - ot threshing machines and rcapors and mowers. This firm turnos out about twolve hundred threshing machines an-1 nually, and these machines arc mostly con­tracted for before finished. Tbc.s? are complete machine*, with a full power to drive cither With cnginu or horse power. Iii-.ui.-. this, tho company do an Immense amount in tho way of repair and duplicating pieces of machines. I paid s visit to the Belle City Basket Works lo--catcd here. Tbclr snnusl sales amount to over #00,000 a year. F. R. Elliott A Company com­menced the manufacture of the Rock Elm Bas­ket in 18C0, with but small facilities—turning out only one hundred snd fifty basket* per day. Owing to the energy and business talent of Its chief proprietor, Mr. Elliott, Its facilities have been steadily Increased, and now over twelve hundred baskets sre made each day. These baskets are a fine specimen, and comprise all grade* and r-izes from a two bushel to a dinner basket. Mr. Elliott bos placed In his works an Invention of his own, termed a splint cutter, which docs the work of ten men in a more per­fect msnner. It cuts with tbe. greatest ease and perfection strips varying from a half to the sixty-fourth part of an Inch. It would be futile for me to attempt to give any description of this wonderful machine In Ibis article. -There arc many other -matters of Interest connected with this city, but it would make my letter too

hy to notice them all. There Is a fine •(lege pleasantly located, and the grounds In

rection with It comprise ninety acre* of and^ that portion adjacent to the cotlege

building* being covered with native trees and evergreens, and beautifully laid out with walks and drive*. The different halls command an extensive view of the luke, giving a most charming prospect.

Churches In great sbundance abound, so I Judge tbe'people arc of a religious turn of mind. An orphan . iy lam grace* the place, and the people clever are or '.:'••> ..i, School houses high and low abound in plenty, so one may know Uiu poopu in h* Intelligent and wl*e, In » de­gree »t least. Baaa* money aud fun are readily at hand it ono has credit abroad. Saloon* mid grog shops lire hero together, • • In other places. Lawyer* and doctors sre *s plenty as flees In an Eastern barn yard alter a warm rain. Evcrytbloir driving, thriving,- go-ahcad, »i In all smart Western town*. C. A. ii.

• " a s s • P o l i c e n a t t e r s .

L»»t evening a m.in'.named Samuel Brlsto, a butcher from GenestO, put up *t Breakey's Hotel, in West avenue. This morning on awakening he found that his pants, lu the pockets of which were $$3, which he had placed under his pillow when lie retired, wercmisslug. He found the paa.U subseqneutly, but the money w u gone. There Is no quostlon but that the theft was committed by a hostler, who** n i n e 1* not known, of the hotel. Tho thief also stole a coat from Mr. Oreakey. A friend of Brlsto'* had engaged the room with blm and he retired late at night. Ho found the butcher In his bed and had him remove to another room. The Police are on the lookout for the dishonest hostler.

This morning about 8 o'clock a little g'-n nauui-d Connors called at the house of Rounds­man Roworth of the Police In Cypress St., and •toted that a maa was In her father's house In the same struct and was trying to kill her father and'that he had been detected lr» com­mit', lug' a larceny. Koworth dressed himself a<d taking his club ran to Connor* house to find a desperate struggle In progress between Conudrs and another man. He tried to separ­ate tbem, when the strange man turned upon and attacked Mm, kicking and striking him. The contest between the officer and tho man was a fierce one, and finally Rowarth resorted to his club and struck t'ao follow cm the head producing a scalp wound. Ho also sent for i- -. ' :•"••• and Detective Marzlul! and Police­

man Fowler responded. Tbey could not make the fellow put on his pants and after haudcuu*. ing Mm and tying his feet they wrapped him In a. bod sheet and carted blm to tho station liouso. Ho bled frcelv, and on arriving at the station was In a semi-unconscious condi­tion, and It was ovident that ho was Insano— probably from liquor. Dr. narrlngton was called *nd dressed the wound, which Is a slight one. Subsequently Dr. Pond was called by the County Overseerof the Poor and he found the man in it precarious condition from tho elfects his debauch and pronounced him a subject of alcoholic Insanity, and recommendod his re­moval to the County House Hospital. The prisoner gives the name ot Franel. L. i>u-chenne.snd says lie came from Ottawa, Cau-ada. Koworth ascertained that be bad stopped at Ayrcs' Hotel, arriving there on the l i thlnst . A letter which he had written, with stomps af­fixed, addressed to Mrs. Wagner, Ottawa, was found there. He went to board with Connors on Monday last. This morning he was hoard in an upper room of the house,and on Counors going to see what he was about was attacked by him. The rest is told above

Enos GIssser, for assault on his wife, was fined »15 or 30 days.

Wm. Weiss, a deaf and dumb chap begging In tho street snd acting In a bad manner, was arrested by Policeman White. He was given In charge of the Overseer of the Poor.

JameaSulllyen, the chap who struck Patrick Hoy some time since- with a slungshot and frac­tured his skull, was arrested last night by Po­liceman White. He was having an examination this forenoon.

Anthony Ssrabusky was fined $10 or 30 days for an assault and S10 or 30 days for drunken­ness.

Policeman Dana has placed In tho hands of the Chief ot Police a basket ot carpenter's tools •uppoted to have been stolen. The owner is requested to call for t h e i.

Sophia Zimmerman w» •• arrested yesterday by Policeman Lauer and Detective Marzluff for larceny—stealing 920 from *ome person In Hen­rietta. The officers found the goods which Sophia had purchased with the stolen money. She Was committed for examination, J-

•I » * >

Liquor Dealer*, Attention. The dealer* in Wines,liquors, lsgorboer, etc.,

under Federal and State License are invited to meet at City Hall on Friday evening, Aug. 82d, 1879, at half-past seven o'clock to consider what measure* should be taken for protection in the transaction of their business under the law* of the Stole. -* Br OBOIH.

W c n t n e r B e p o r j t .

W A I DaWAxnfia-r, signal BervteeTi. B i ^ 2 ' ' f t B ? , 2 f •alo. of Teles-rama sad Keport* for the awnent or Co^iiri^erMauaA^teunrare. Meteorologies iteoord.

Boonsaraa, Aug.'20,187*—7:»» A. at. fBr Atlantic sad Pactco Tele*r»i>k corneaey.)


• -

l-lrco of ODsorvsilon

Cbe'ycnno* i t'tilcaio. 111

Aipllm, Mlctl . AtJKUttA, (.-*.. Itoaton, Mi>.« UntTalo.TS. V . . . , liurlluir'.on, V t . . . Cap« >!»y, K . J . . . Charlenroa, H. <;..

W. T. CLovoIaad, O,. . . . C'oriune, Utah Detroit, With Urand liavcu, JSich Kluif ton. Can Kaoxvlllo, Tenn... . LvncUlmrc, Va Mllitankoo, Wis. . . . Mobile Ala Moturrai, Can Ml. WaatiluKlOU, N.U. Qupb<-c, Can....

'- N . y . Suw York,. Norfolk, Va Otweifo , N. V . . Norfo lk , V a . . . U r t i ' t u , N. V. Paitladelphl. , i ' a . . . Port Stanley , O n . Portland. Wo Kochoater N. Y San Franclaco, Cat.. S a u c r e n , Can St. Paul , Minn Toledo, O T o r o n t o , Can \VM"MIH;U>:I, B . (! . . , WUmuuftoa . N. C . . .

A «

119. W, ao.o;> 90.111 tlO.uO! sa.is so.<a! 80.0*1 9l.Hl) 89.V.'. SO.lM S0.U3J

'$'.1m w is • SO.Oii 1

so.irt 2'J.ltf yi.w: ao.-jo S0.37 80,15, so.ri! so. 10 80.1 II eo.wi so oil So. iii nonsi • - ' . ' . i i


£._-M S . VT 18K. fiUN.B. 67!M..W. 6304. . 7?j8. ? % rfil, W.

67 8. K. 723.

'78 B . " " 6.1'H. 67 N . WW. El 7 1 N . W , 700 « I N . ; E . U N . W S8.N. 't 71 N . E . TO 8. 61.S. • 70N.E. WW. W « 0 M:S. W. M-a. w 70i8. W.


SO. IB M.IM' «0.09, SO.Oe

O . O , OSSLOW, • » « •

•is. 6S,I>. E , OWN. If 7'J,0' ;

State or Woathor

KTh fair. "hroatcnlnsr

8,'Cloudy. 4-Cluai. llKulr. B^ClOUdy. 4 C l o u d y , .

ISClcar. StValB. ,

10 Fair . * OjFalr. '

'iicYo'if'. l'Fslr. »,Falr. tCloudv. o'Fair. 0 Fair. 8;Fofl;Ky.

2D Fair. .

Vcioudr. 5 c l o u d y . S C l o u d y . U I'lllr. ii i.iiiln Ualu . ilVair. 0 Cloudy . . 4!Fatr. SiCiondy. 2 Clear.

Fai t . Fair. Cloudy.

0 Fair, Aast . OtMcrvor.

VECETI.SE.—lay its use you will provent many of the diseases prevailing in tho. Spring and Summer season.' _ au20 W&3

. . . . * i » —. , H o u s e ot KefuKe.

There was a regnlor quarterly mcctinc of Uio manaRcrs of the Western House of RofuRo yes­terday—present. Managers Whitney, Otis, Rey­nolds, Kcycs, Cliapln, O'Doutrhue, Andrews, BrigijK, Itowloy and Purccll. The ordinary routine business wus transacted, and Managers

. Otis and Kcycs were elected members ot the Acting or Executive Committee of tho Board.

The chief matter of Interest before the Hoard was tho application, presented b y ex-Judge Hubbard of tho Supreme Court, for tho dis­charge of a boy named Wulroth, from Jofier-eon county, sent to tho liouso by a magistrate for the ollcnac ot taking tho orlthmotic ot a school fellow- and trading It off for a bull. The

magistrate, like most magistrates who commit boys to the House of Kcfiige, was Ignorant ot the law and Ills duty, and supposed thut a limit of sthort duration could be given to his sen­tence; whereas a boy onco sentenced to the House of Refuge, Is placed in absoluto con­trol of the rnanagdrs of the Institution until he reaches the age of twenty-one. And oven the blunder of a magistrate, It seems, cannot be .corrected by rovlow, If the' commitment bo regular on Its face. Tiie Roard have a standing rule, very excellent as a general one, that when a boy bas been In the Institution one fycar, and during that time has maintained a prescribed standard of excellence, an application' for his discharge will be entertained by tho discharg­ing committee. Tills committee, or a majority of it* members, havo constructed this rule to dcn» application until compliance Is made with ttu-secondlt'tons, and hence whon applied to In this esse, they declined to acl, and ut tbclr in­staller, or with thtir assent, the matter was brought before tho Hoard. A number of the Managers believed that this was, a case the facts of which justified s departure from the general rule, and Manager Purccll offered a resolution that the boy tie cniru«tci! to the care of hii pi-rents, wbo were sbowu to tin respectable peo­ple, abundantly able to lake Care ot him, and very dc/irous Of having him r»t homo and edu­cating blm. Macafter Rowley moved an amend­ment, that Ibo lubjoct be referred to the dls-cborging committee with the recommendation of tbe Board thatif they Und tho t s c u u • :..•:• tlslly as rfpreteotod by tbe paper* In the case, presented by Judge Hubbard, the boy be so en­trusted to his parent* notwithstanding tbe gen­eral rulc.ot the linanl. Tba amendment was ac­cepted by the rooveV of tbe resolution, and the resolution In this form was unanlofously adopt­ed. The* point established by this action is that in a case where tho*tate of facts Justify and de­mand di p.iiiure from s general rule, the Bosrd will not blludly adhere to it against rcasouand Justice,

Thete ought to be an amendment of the "law relating to commitments by magistrates to the House of Refuge, which would give courts above the power to review aud correct their pro­ceedings. Not a few of tile petty magistrate» who sentence boys tvi the institution are lityjo-rant of the law and their duty and unfit tor their por-lilout. Some of them atand far more in need of public guardianship .nd "reformation' than the tads who are occasionally made tile victim* ox their atupldlty.

O e a t u or A n o t h e r l* tonecr .

aagUdfc •

!:.:..> P. Davis, a long time resident of the village ol Cburchvlllo, In! this county, died about ten o'clock last, night, st the age of 3?> years. In the death of Mr. Davis, an old resident, one of tho real pioneers Of this region ol New Tork, ha* passed away. He Wi* born lu Leo, Ma**., on the *tb of Pebroary, 17WJ, and uiiii hi* father and elder brother came to what U now the county of Monroe, and located at what Is now knowu *s Parma Corners, on the Ridge ltosd. At that time Rochester was a wilderness, a* wwl) as the rust of the " Geuesoe country." He and his brother 11 ope proceeded to . clear laud aud cultivate It. In the year l-.ll Ellshsr removed to Riga, lu which Churclivllle is located, *Ud there- be rcmaluud to the end of his life. In the winter followlug his rcmovsj to Churclivllle war broke out betwecu the Culled States and Great BrttaM. True to bis patriotic Iri'tlncts Mr. D. Joined the army in de­fense of bis country and spent the wjuler on tho frontier. About' tho year liVJB Mr. Davis married a daughter of Esquire- Wiley of Og-.lon, and this couple lived together long after they had cclobratedtbelr*;goldcn Weddlug, :|n.i Mrs. Dsvls still survive* berhUNboud and Is Ih the en­joyment of K°od health at the ago of Si 'years last February. Tho living; children ot this couple aio Mr*. Frank J. -^yers of this city, Mrs. Dr. (luge ot Bergen, and Mr. Goo. T. Da­vis of Clmrclivlllc.

Mr. Hope Davis, brother of Ei.lsha, wboe.amo wltb blm Into the wilderness of Parma In tin: early purt of tbe century, died about Itbo year ItlM, we believe, of gaugrecue In tho 'ool„ tbu same disease that caused the deittl of his brother, Ellsba. The latter was-vigorous until about a year since, when attacked by this mal­ady. It was a Lumber ot month* wearing away his lite. i '

Mr. Davis was a man who deserves to be well remembered by his fellow citizens and thpso who oome after him'., He was an bonorutilc man In his dealings, Industrious, and sot good exam­ples In those days when the country was now und It required Industry, frugality and persever­ance to make it what It should bo for tlinno wbo were, to possess tho wlldornoss. He was an ar­dent and cluneal friend ot education, and fore­most for roads and public improvomouts, which he regarded as essential to tho dovolopemont and future good of tho country. As a pioneer fsrmer.cpntendlug with tUu element.-, aud whol­ly dependent upon tho *>ontuconco ot n kind Creator he has learned to trust aud bolleve, aud embracing tho faith of u Unlvorssllst ho lived and died in that faith. In politics be Was a Democrat, and never saw occasion to ubato bis fsltb.but bold firm wbcu bo saw tbo destruc­tive consequences that followed ft departure from Its teachings.

The funeral of Mr. Davis will take place from tbo family residence ut Cburchvlllo to-morrow (Thursday) ut 2 p. m. . <

' **• T h e Ilrijlimlnui. o f MIcKnens-

Never trifle with what ars called ainall allmsuta. A disorder easy of control at nmt, If ueKlcctcd for a few Wonka may become a mortal dlacaao. Bo espeolally. carofnl not to let debility galu upon j o u , for It la tba door through wlilcli sil nislsdieseutor tho system, if you (*et languid, inert, snd to u»o * common expres­sion, •••* If there was no llfo lo'f I la y o a , " reiort at ones to'lloateltor's Stomach Bitters. That (treat voir-tiable tonic will upply tbe vitality you ao urgently need. It la uorve food. By Its toolc kollon tho atom* ach la so luvlKorated that dlgeatlon becoinsa rogulsr,! easy, perfect) while Us mild, cathartic properties re* llOVO the boweli from obstruction*, and He alterative operation bensaelatly affocts all the aeervtira orsaua. For the miseries of dyHpspsls, sad they Include almost every u k p l o s n t feeling that belongs to phyufcsl dls-esse so* mental wretchedness, tbi* potent tonic I s* certain and speedy balm. dfto --^aa»aiaia»a»-M»».waaaaa»aMa>aaaa»aaa»-aa«a-»«a

WM, H. PllESCOTT'S WOBKS. N e w K t U t i o n K d l t e d b y K i r k ,

In Monthly Volumes. . SOLD ONLY ON BOBCUUTlOif •

F e r d i n a n d a n d I s a b e l l a , I CMIHfP I W». f'on<iurht of .Mexico, I «:Un.rlen Vt Ii, Cumjiir.il of Peru, | M l a c o l l a n o o o s „

Illustrtted with Itspi , Fiats* snd l-ortraita, gar*Agents wanted In svery county in Western H*w

York. Bee specimen copies sad oorroapond wltn

D . M . 1 B E W B T , _ _ _ _ _ ! _ _ _ _ Ooa' l A . o . t . W. W. X.

c IIATTKltBOX, 1873-Just r e c e i v e d aula A t D E W E V 8 .

TJAVnFkVTCa-lilast.^byRoppI^ n K w | t r , 8

ht U*a4« Stole street.

C O t / ' i v T E B P A N U S a n d M a r -a e l l l e M a t J u n t H . - H c I l I r a c r I t s , l a r g e v a r | e g y . W e h a r e a l i n e a s s o r t . munt o l ' w W t c n n d w h i t e w i t h p i n k IHnraelHeM Q n t l t * u p t o S I O n n d d o w n t o £ 9 . 9 5 t h a t a r e e x ­c e l l e n t f o r t h e p r i c c H . - u l I f r e t i h troodf*.


I ^ I ^ E W . I > I A P K a i s . - T w i l l e d Ac p l a i n I m p o r t e d C r u s h a n d o t h e r T o w e l i n g * ; n l a o , fine a n d m e . d l u x n H n c k T o w e l s b y t h e d o z e n o r o t h e r w t a t e ; F r u i t N a p k i n * n n d R e d D a m a s k Tubl lnjg- r e c e i v e d I n g r e a t v a r i e t y ; a l s o , CUatta T o w e l * a n d Ctlastn T o w e l i n g a n d H a t h T o w e l s - a t o u r u w u a l l o w p r i c e s .

A. 8. MANN & CO.. - — — - ' ' • ' ' ' ' T • - — • " • • • " •

I B K A V Y ajnCCIfr!! f o r S l i i r t -Insrn.Jusit t h e t h i n g r e q u i r e d b y l a b o r i n g m e n , m e c h a n i c * , o r t h o s e I n a n y p u n s u l t r e « i a l r l n g h a r d w e a r a n d d u r a b i l i t y I n g o o d n . T h e q u a l i t i e s w e atoll a r e w o r t h m a k i n g u p .

A. 8. MANS & CO.

H A M ' B><i>B.B.AEt A B , P A C A N . . R e c e i v e d a l o t t h l a m o r u l n g f u l l y e q u a l t o a n y w e h a v e e v e r h a d a t t h e p r i c e . C u s t o m e r * w h o hatae b o u g h t o u r SO c e n t A l p a c a s «•«-v a r i a b l y May t h e y a r e t h e b e n t g o o d n f o r t h e m o n e y t h e y c a n find a n y w h e r e .

A. 8. MANN A CO.

O U R B.1NEN T R A . U I 2 I* y e a r l y I n c r e a a l u g . «Ve h a v e n e v e r of« i W c d n b e t t e r a s s o r t m e n t o f H o H M e k e e p l n g B . iucus t h a n n o w .

P a r t i c u l a r l y l a t i n e B s a m a s l t s , l i n e Irish,-* F r e n c h a n d G e r m a n N a p k l n s t a t m e d i u m t o h i ^ l i coatt.

O u r l a r g e 3 - 4 h e a v y O e r m a n N a p k l u M a t 9 5 p e r d o z e n a r e v e r y c h e a p .

A. 8. MANN A CO.


NOTICE TO j ' T h e a t t e n t i o n o f tho Inves t ing publ ic Is ca l l ed t o t b o

l imi ted r e m s l n d o r o f tbe N O U T H E U N P A C I F I C U A I L -

B O A D 8 E V E N - T H 1 B T Y L O A N . Of t b e | » , « » , 0 0 0 o f

tb ls louii oosc ld o n tbo first ot J u n e las t , l e ss than

to.OOO.OOO n o w remains , s n d this balance wi l l s o o n

bo absorbed , af ter which t h e Company has reso lyod t o

Issue only s i x per c e n t bonds i •[',

Th'cro arc n o w be twoon fiOO and OOOmlles o f the itoufl

In regular o p e r a t i o n , with a (trowing trsftlos survoys

ami cons trnct lou are p r o g r e s s i n g sa t i s fac tor i ly ; t h e

survey prosecuted tbo p r e s e n t sosaon in c o n n e c t i o n

wi th tbe Stanley mi l i tary e x p e d i t i o n ' s * resul ted In

tbe locat ion of sn e x c e l l e n t l ino through Wastorn-

Dakota and Kantcrn Montana, snd tho Company u s *

IUIVITI Incd f o r propoaals for Kradlng and br idging tbo

Y e l l o w s t o n e D i v i s i o n , externum: 203 mi l e s f rom B i s ­

m a r c k , at tho c r o s s i n g of the Missouri r iver, t o the

c r o s s i n g Of tbo Y e l l o w s t o n o i n Montana. T h e C o m ­

pany's lands (amount ing t o m o r e than.20.000 ncrea per

mill' o f Hoad) arc Belling to . so t t l cr s at an a v e r a g e pr i ce

of nearly s ix dollars per s e r e , and tbo proceeds of

land s a l e s ' c o n s t i t u t e s S ink ing Fund for the re-pur-

elm-. ' and cance l la t ion of Brat m o r t g a g e b o n d s . Tho C o m p a n y ' s s e v e n and throe - t en ths per c e n t ,

go ld bonds , t h e last o f w h i c h aro n o w offered, y ie ld •IH Per c e n t per. a n n u m tu tho p r e s e n t price of g o l d .

All marketable securi t ies are rece ived In exchange' s t current r a t e s , and full in format ion furnished o n in­quiry.

Uonds f o r s s l o by Banks snd P s n k o r s g e n e r a l l y .


K r w Y o r k , P h i l a d e l p h i a a n d W a s h i n g t o n . aug20deod2w*3tw


" A Thing of Beauty is a Joy • "•• Forever.*'


- - S i s n d 4k State a treet . uu. ' i i

For 8a!e. THREE HOUSES AOT LOTS IN THE 8TH Alto can bo bought at a barc.ln

au20 i WAKO can be bought at a baraaln. Apply to

(i. I'liltXIPS, a l i i Mala tiroat.

NIaIUTI."%OM—."\ew a n d c h o i c e p a f t e r n s t f l h c i s t I m p o r t e d t r o o d s , - w l d e t :."«-. p e r y a r d . R a i l r o a d m e n a n d o t h e r * ) w i n n i n g f a n c y s t h l r t a t h a t a r e g e n t e e l , d u r a h i e , a u d w a n t s n i c e l y , p r e f e r t i t e s c g o o d i > to a n y w e h a v e h a d .

A. 8. MANN A CO.

M E . V M I I O N I K R Y . 4 C u.'ASBKSC W E i n w i l l b e v o i d b y n * t h e c o i n i n g * e a * o n a t p r l e e a t o o o m -m u n d t h e t r a d e . W e a r e a t p r e * -e n t McIUner o u r a t o c k o f B U S T H K A 1 Y I J . l D E R W E a R I n D o -l u e t i c u n d I m p o r t e d m a k e * a t a l i b e r a l d l s r o n n t f r o m l a t e p r i c e * . G e a t l e m e n o f a n e c o n o m i c a l t u r n c a n t>e s u i t e d . .

A. 8. MANN A CO.


I n i o u n t r r . aturt d l a u a c s from »r>cic.>»rt. Oood *»tts« .aid «t»ady c m p l o v n e u t th-i y » r r o l t t l . Kr^n fare 1- inuir-at <ieue<«4 Va'loV i lou m, o r . S i at and Eaxruoae utrnota, noon or s v c n i n j . »UW djt"

C « H I C I . \ S V. \BSt!»H - V e r y Sac for m i p « or i>!.:-t t ares ; Uat t lr varal th f o r s u l u i n u l o s v e i , at i h o

( i s n e w n p a i n t and Coior W o r m .

»uvc woonnmtv. Momit * c<>.

;t*EW (*UM>AV SCHOOL n ' » K < - - T h » Adr»p.s4 ^ Childi Lost «»p . br the sutbor of " J o n i ' i ' i Irst r r a i e r ; " the H o m e ' " i . i u r ^ it.Mjk; (I ,.-:.- . ! . . .

the Soldier of the Cfoai . Kor aalc at IbS) ' E . I lAIt t iOW-S. .

W . A. D 0 A N E & CO.

Fancy Ms A Warn-. W E IKVITE SPECIAL A T T E S T 1 0 J J TO

Our Hosiery Department - i - le . idid B a r g a l a . far M e * . W o t a v n

il . .d 1-ll.lldl I'U.

LAi'M •' UQSBfrom tOaU. to t l osr psJr lu Blsss't-nt, l'.ri.wo. Lt'ia Ibrosd, Oalbrlatcau and *ui»«* 11 >-

"JTfrl-* JIAI.r HOSE from!* CM. to vieta. st;i'KK-*iOUT r .mris i l 1 •hllliag ttoas lell lng for

•i?l!VrxUVltAMK HEAVT and JTISK HOSIERT--M. .II' t w o t y dIJareol •tyl-a.

Mir-SKH" and VHIMHlRVs HOSE la Eaaer « t y l « . N o . , t . I v L i.S au-l '., •«Ub>4 a. 1 0 CU. . a d 1 & Ota.; worth ttJet", a u l S 3 e t « .

••Y.ti'* l iALHltl i i 0 A X nOSK-CdlorS 'L Si lk-i.' - •'-. -. i - c - - ' -

CII1LUHK ClocSed , l>lna<aodi a l so , a l l . - • • • .

W e l a v e Jttit t «c« lre« froai the Manufaetarart our

TAX.Z. &tn> wiTtmu s x o o s or

WRAPPERS & DRAW2RS, l ' n r l . . . . i ; . « , C . ' o t l r u t i - u n u i t C h l l d r e a ,

In CI ijuali'lf* and ti*. They are sWVnt ten por c o u l . l e x than ta.it f e a r ' s pr lr« i .

taoods and Prices 10 Suit Ererybody.

i So. 89 S T A T E S T .

First-Class Business For Sale. Oa ACOOOKT OF OHK OP THK PltOPRIKTOKS

dct-ldln* t o g o H o u t n , tre orr.r fur sain o u r .ju.lro

L I V E R Y N ' l T O C K , Slolffas,

i, . . . , . .*--. , ,-.. ., iogother wltb thq l^asa • if il • s::.'.:. . rixturo., OfOS* Purulturn, *tc. Tho Mtablra are Ui« l.rgsat aad moat coureulom the city; noalaesa (OSUbllshsd lulst l l , larnc aud ron.tniUir tit— rreMta., and are can otfrr aup«-|or Ind.irrmnnta to ' M -..' wUhlns to oiubark In a K<>OI1 parlQK, Mtf4 buai-i-i •> Koao acod cad uule*. ().»•> nn-.i;i bu.luoaa.

J. OOl'LlJ * SOS. a u / » l t / . 11»IS Andr«w« cree l .

ConaWtlng nl Iluraea, I'erii,-. , ;•.•..-.•'..••. i. I«obe»|l l l»IlkoU, e te . , I larue*i ,

For Sale . * K C l t V l s i i ; ; ! ) [jt>.)M V l l l t V C R K A P

• u-lOdtt

A i p l y

L O C K :•••> \ s s ; .

For Sale. C*> a i . ' i O O WILL n t V A VKRV PUKTl'Y PLACS

|i i>u selo atreet. Small Psyutciilf it i»' «r 6>'n d'.wu. :.r, ni • on -MI,,- '[:,!• Alao. li.Mite to rout

oo ix-ifv.u.trtjot. (toot (Lpsr weak. Apply to iii a. PlllI.LtPrt. '-•« uul n Main at~

" ' - • atrnot.

Pianos. T HAVK A C« O O T A V J B P I A N O , Olll.ttrt & C J . uiauu-1 f a e i u n m . all In soo . l order.

Will >• II for **i.oo. and Ifa Tory cheap . AI«o. ouc fur *5).'»i.

o n * it. PHILLIPS, ;>< aud -M Main atrset .

tfew Livery, Boarding & Sale Stable. t n r i i - . n r . U H K i M . i . U A S i;i-:i i - .M'L.' . i : i i i . : t . -:u

Icon Or^KHOHTitKair . y x iaoioa , wbarn IKJ wtU.

••...mine! the Llrory h^alnox. l i e bat a i fojd »t..cl£ of e x e e i l n i t l luevte . and i:urttu»f»i, With «Ul!» ,)l0 HoMSj t o r n a t e h . Wo haa a l a o ' a n e w aud apleinltil Laudau fruiii ( uiiiilu,-h irn'n with Dim V u tea to d r a v It, w.'ile'i he will lurulaii to.order for|fa'ul11ea or tboae wno want a nice t u i x - o u t . Tboao want ing aoinetbintc s s ' i t oo l and • o r t l o e a b i e l n tho Llvory lluo will dud tula ti.u | . - l : u i - 1 0 • • ' • ' I t .

11'.-. r- ixmrdi-i! on the bssl i ' T e n , a u l l.or .1' wil l be buiU'hl. and sold at tboae a U b l v i .

.1 eon.io .ill.iiu In I.' . . I i'.:. ii-. O r S g H O H Jui t i"irih o f tbo rltreul Kallwa;

l . ' i . O i l l t JA.IIEH B A Y .

T1EN.NA P R I Z E MEDAfc, AWSBDCD roi l Otr«..

PEERLE88 AND PLAIN C h e - w l n g T o b a c c o .

Al to , for tho abovo braud Smoking.

TfcrtM) Hlzra P a r t a b l e s , T w a S l a e a to sat U >'• UrlrU. iHunuluctureta l>y

BOYD & HART, 163 and IDS Main Street.

. . I t O d l l K S T E I t , N. T . . . nrPlsMomadlorOlroultr*aaarrlqos.ua

Fancy Goods Stock for Sale. T hK HTOCiK o y O O O I ) » ' l N STOItB, e o r n e r A l l e n

and t)nk atreet , wi l l bo sold on eaay and liberal term*, i s a nrat-claas aland for mi l l inery and droa>. iiiiiMn,:; la c o n n e c t e d w i t h a dwolUug nouae a t l o w r e m . Apply o n tbe p r e m i s e s , anSOdtt*


«111 I..' ho ld at tl. <• C o m m o n .Council Cbambor In in . , A u g u s t •.:>!.

IS to apeak on Hie Court R o u s e , o n T h u r « d a y 8 p All a n h n v l i e d . • Mr. J o h n Vau Vyorhl the leKal dUab' l l ty of w o m a n .

Our brave , noble fr iend and c o c k or d e f e n c e . Mlai K'lie.m 11. A n t h o n y . l i In t o w n and wi l l bo pre .ent May the room Iki crowded, l l r order. auWdll*


Tie Parlor l a l i e s c o p , Beautiful ly SKosnted in Black

W a l n n t . t^ P r i c e , - • - - . . . . . , 9 1 . 0 0


O r d e r , b y m a l l e en t prompt ly .

STEELE & AVERY, . 4 4 a n d 4 6 S t a t e St. ,

teOlaK AGENT!*. • V

CARPETS. *S 1»CB. I X G B A I - v a , J u s t r e e . e l r e *

•Wnlch ws sre selllox at «0«. B«r y*r«, worth tJxe. SO P e a . m o r e o t t h o s e n i c e H e m p ,

Atts. per rsira. IHATTIKCS IH A l a L W1I1TUH,

OlLCl yStU, MAT8« 4c .

HOWE & R0GEES, 37 state st.

J. H. STUART • i I I 1 1 -•





No.9 .1 MAlTf S t . Flrtsi Slack Silks.DressCooda

For Sale. k DWVLLIiTO X O . 8SNOKTH oOPHl A STp. i . i» -Mvllh Si or SS f e e t f rout of l s n d - w l t h or i i S r

j o u t f u r n l t o r e . II n o t so ld s o o n i t will he for reui f u r n l i u e a . -: . • .'

lr* dSw» OP.O. B . OLARg.

For Sale or To Rent. BKVKKAL K E W PlfAMK HOlTSKe, plewtntt*

"" ? eK_1?L' e , l , . ,T*n n«. Will

W C T A I a


id Crystal Glass, OOK B A K 8 . *U&,

PATEaT AQUARIFM. M.MOKl. (BTaMM, *aajs«CaetBr*rr»

„ t f w . ,rreo»s eor. Cowt **a Bxebaagest*., ?•$£&*<i*>* C***>«*» "*l •" »»««*«<».

m m , JEWETT « CHAC£, aroossiMxa * j r n ***an. i w a i a a s tm

tiGlNAW LUMBER fcath, Shlafrlea, JPeaco P o s t s and *^ r i ekot* . r o m o e *»u T'ard, O A K H T R K J J T , h e t w e e o i io i l Lyel l s t r e e t s , Hoches ter , W, Y . r a j ; i K « A N D V ATCIMXG T K ) S 3 T O 0 R O B 8 . rtrrr.n*. W. W. J«WITT, B. * . O B A O « . B o o m s w i t h P o w e r t o r e n t .

Apply t o J . ff. C t t A S E . 8 P o w e r s ' BKxnt.

on very favorable tormi u tZ N'o. 1S7 Hunter s t r e s t , or of !KA.V1 L . HAltKKIt, W

Mo. u »ul<! etrest .

f ' t v e «i«« ircM fine F r e n c h . \ o i e , I n i t i a l e d , • .« . . • • - - 7 5 c .

t ' i v e q u i r r s t i n t e d F r e n c h . A'ote . I n i t i a l e d , . . . . 7.",<•.

B o x o f F r e n c h R o t e <3 a n l r e * u n d E n v e l o p e * ) I n i t i a l e d , 7.-?<.-.

A n d o t h e r v a r i e t i e s ! u t c o r r e ­s p o n d i n g r u l e s .

O n r . t a e k o l F i n e (.'inula I . n o w m v c a m . I>1. ii- n o i l e u . l i r i i e e - I h e l . u i e . l N o v e l l ! ••«. q n d l'..e i h i i r i i . l e r «.! o n i w o i l * in I ' l u e > i ii<n ,.i n n, <-'..r<i K i i u r . i v t i i a , ,V. .. 1- . n a Ii o l u r . . . u l i u . o u a l . d I n U i i i v r n Mew Y a r k .

SCEANTOM & WETMOIIE, 1 9 ( K t n t e S t r e e t . .


Glassware. A L S O , IN

L A M P S , C U T L E R Y , A M )

Silver Plated Ware, O w t o a t a the f l B K A T K K O U C T I O N w e

l u n e m a d e t o p r i c e , on t h e a b o v e n a m e d Li.o.u. a n d Kl '1 ' l ' . l t i o i t 4 1 . I I . I T V ; o f w a r e w e Hi-It. our aalea h a v e been l a r g e l y l a creamed nurini: tu<- h e a t e d terua. W e »hnll e o a t t n a e t h e - n m e L O W PICM'F.-l t h e n e x t * | X i v d u r a . W e h a v e a lartrr q u a n t i t y •rgarsntajwe propeae i» . e l l , li l . O W r t t l C E M w U I I d e l t .

k *5l STATE 'ST.

OL)M;H.MHKU tASHlONs—Uerooreat, Leallo, Vouns Cr l.auy'« Jfjuruat. Itevue liv La Mode, a.;.. _

suis At OKWETTt.

OCflEofKB gTEaUOSOOfiC VIKWa- Viae aa-R tor tcasa t . ir-» AtURivni't) .

DurvKK rapH TUB Huiarl, J'rice | l . iJ .

1'ATH - A Novel by Chsrloa Jttat racuived at"

g r g K C g a AVKHV'W. U a «S State at.

»t the

WILXlAatSOa * CO. 1KIT1AL hTAMI'INO-Io the lat«n stylea

KI«v«ior Uookitore, fowcra' Uloclt. ro»« W

IJOPCLAIt H.oWKltH—tlaud -rattunaaaudltosoa-^ i D d o w U a r d n c r . A c . m W K V ^

OBTTrsorraa K A T A I . T S I t E WATKlt—Ti l . <<««aT MSUIOIV* o r NaruSK. 1...' • .-• • . by tua btiihcat M'dlral A u -tl.i .ti i i i •«. Itastorcyi MiacJlar Power to ths Paralyt ic , Vouiafu l Vlijor to the Ased . and tMVfSopaIlt« Y o u a g S t . Critics; 1'nrlod I IWaaolvrai . lcul i and • • c u . l l c y " l > « P ' . a l U ; l . . -r . . I . . ' i* . l i t ; - , i i . i ' - n . 1 > . • ; • • • . • • . . ' » ' • • -i -litt-a. u r a v e l , D l a l w t e i , :)i..-..- . - of the Klrtnsra. J4vtrauuSl t ln ,Abdominal l»ror>iy,Ctiroaic Uiarylura, C o a i n p a t t o u , Asttuns, N s r v o u a i c a a . Hlcc^lcaiaeaa. (leneral DeWllty, and nearlv ov-ry r l a n o l Chroule lu-r -•.'. r .'•••• •' ' .••'•>t •'•••'-• - 'i'-'- 'r> of tHe - ."I - -J I'.I'. ;••-•.tiui'.-i. • from Uodies l Jb iruala. Kruloctil Phvulrlai » and DlafluKUtahad CltUnns , s e a l r u a s by Iiiallhy W H W N K V IlllOh.. Oon' l A s s o u . a: houtii P r o n l S t . , n i l l a d - l p h i . . Pa . K i . r « l e l i y a i l Oruaatats,

ISAMIIOH P 0 1 K ! < Kf)K Atrt . l i s . Kovue do l a Mods , .Metropol i tan . « c .


A i r o t ' S T - D s D i i i r e a t , L * s -"llan. * c , Atl>BWKV*.

•MS. B. TUEIER, (raoM X E W Torus,)

, X a a a . i x o x ' t o x * o f

l u m a n Hair. 1 3 1 l t l n l n N t r e e t .

I j r U A l I t OOOU8 AT NI'.W YO!tK W U O L K a A l J t

PRICKS—lull » per c e u t . leaa than any Hea l i r In



H A U L Oooda warranted aa ropreaouted . Oruamoottt

and Imported N o t e i t l o a of e v e r y doaorlpt lon for Ute

Hair .

AH Ooodn aro of Our Own Kanafacturo

j i u N . u . T I ; U * I - : K , 1 3 ) Main Ml.. Waablnirtan Hul l B l o e k .

V V K l i n i X l l AND VISITIS v* snd prloted to order.

C'AltOS-'Kiwravad At IlKWKY'S

Specialties. Wo Invito the at tent ion o r trie Ladloa to tho e s l ebrs tSd

ii ?>

Tlio boit imitation Of Trench China ever utered.

Band China Dining Sets, o r IOO riKCEo. At

Unpiecedently Low Prices.

TINTED iiiMB£R SETS, In ROBB, TUUqUOISB, sad other oolors.

After Dinner Coffees, <rv?itLVa coLoiia.)

Harleqnln Silver Tea Sets, (TWlCLVB COLOUS.)

Cut & Straw Stem Table Glassware ALL THE .

LITEST IMPORTATIONS. Ik'sldos wbloa ws tisva the usual tssortmout ot "

China, Class , Earthenware, -

Cutlery and Plated Ware.


33 Stats Street,


*%!JI3STXTi?XJTL?J3 . FOtt


41 & 43 Exchange St.

N. CJ. H A W L E Y Sc CO MAnnrACTOBicafj o r


P a p e r , P r l n t « r a » Mtoclc, *»*»•<» ( ' o a i n t l a V r U o a s e Mtstt loatery,

O r a V K R Y D K f t C K l l T I O N . t a r - All k lnos a t Paper m a d s to ordar o n s h o r t a o t l e *

P O C K E T BOOKS; 23111 B o o l e ,

S l a o o p XJoolac , M o n o y B o o l t s ,

0 « t l f B o o k . s , A t W h o l e s * a l « a n d K c t a l l .

CorXTl tr Jjr.HCIIA^T- will nad it to their sdvaa-acc to examine.

I win lob POCKKT BOOKA lower than say bouse In Western New York.

W. J. WILCOX, Waverly Book Store.

Frank Leslie's lady's Journal. C^lUT PATTEItXS for aalo at the F lorence Sewfna

./ Macliltn: UUlce, LU HUta a u e o t , t t o c u o i t e r , N. X. JcSSU

k KTIHTS' WATEKIAL3 til l 1'al'ita lo p a l s a l COl-Ix lapalble i •». Water 'Color* In c a k e , and g la s s traya. rlkKrlt N?oK» and .ultd alOama. Kasttah Ar-t l . t i ' l l a r d Itook. on o v e r 30 different, aabfects , a t tba Q e a a s s s f a i n t and A c U a U ' Co^or vt'orki

located lu t .i: s th wt.nl ,be sold cheap and on vet

p a y m e n t s . Kaoulre at ^ o . IS • UIKAM mhftdl*

" r • OVR A B S O B T K B Z f T

O r VBLVKT and LKATHKU B E L T S w a s s e r e s *Jtj-ft. tor. I ' r l c e x l , « » r r .

M t W O W K L L Sc C O . , '£ a H H t a t a H t r a e t . ' . J

8 I C K £ I s S «fc K A K O W E I x ! KAL B 8 T A T B , IH»DUANCK V h X c i l A M i F . i w ?

COMMISSION. AOKNTS, M o n r o . Land Offlea? o. 3 1 U K Y N O L t n r Alt<:AbK. l tocheat«r . N . Y?. .

will a t u n d to h l . A l t c m . s t i UKCOlUtti and n u k t a i AUbTUACTtt of t i t l e s o f KKAL E8TATK. a a j ' t o tr.i' KCHCHASR, 8AMC and laXCHAXttK of UKAI. and F X t t S O n a X property A l t o , t o ef fect lat" L1FK. K i l t * and MAUIS'K IiKurauce, KKNTlNS bultdtntra. co l l ec t ing reuta, r o t e - . s c o o n t a , and other ob l iga t ions , s a d d j a neutral cointDl.alon bo»tne», ,

U . J . »I'CKa-l», J . M. BAKDWKI.L. '

Hoches ter . A u g . « , 1TO.—.012 d l m i p '

ROCHESTER ART GALLERY. A very choice let of Paiatln&s,

Ciirotuos. Kiiffravin^s. Stereoscopes, Views and Brackets. Picture Frames In large variety, at very lew frtv«a. Call and eeti tbe a»»©rimcut at $j W. Main at., opnoslte Powers' Block,

H . P . R U N D E L , —222 , . ^__

OTTB O O B 8 B T S T O O ? I A S KOT UK KXCELLEO In t h e c i ty for V A l l l E T T i and VlCALITY. Wo make a s r s c t a t . T r o f COEV I

J l c D O W E L L 6c C O . , &H State Ml rert. I

tEWSTBR, GOSS *;M., 6 3 8TATB 8 T R « B T .


J L0B It CH1MBEB FCRlsITDBE, rin&ow •***•* *»*!>•*• H a a y i n * « ,

U t a t t r e a s o i , St .

HIUD «St B A C K U S , aassras * * P r>aataas nr run

kdvard Backu* P a t a a t Combined ,

i m Heater and Cooking Stove-«••» t . t l l U A S f i t H T I t K B T .

Tjacw, - •

0 urn A B B oxsosraa OTTT

I t E.VT1KB STJMMTtB STOCK o f C H I L O H E X t l l l . S l y WKAIt, at nominal price*.

.vi«;s>o »v.;i.». afr. <;o., a S S t a t e S tree t .

". -M


OFFICES — MaJa o m e s . c h e c k s t a n d . N e w Tork O i n r a !>• •;.-* : aiao at W . A . Wlliramaoa A C» .* |



now. roooi. entrance to bulldlnn: l>. M. Oewe/'aAri

vertical railway, rowers* liiic: I). M. Uewnr'a Arcadu; Otbura iloutc d r u

store; John L. Meeker', fruit ator-i.eorner of Kwl Main and Kraakhu strsets, and th* WIIIIOJIO House and National Hot-el.

Orders ahoold be left t hours la advance of trala i .it.. . sai l dtf

Central Machine Shop.

CLAGHE, RAi\DALL & CO., l . t t l l l . M S I S ,

No. 1 Aqueduct Street, , (Over B. B. SKOKKWS' OSBoe.),

U.-tHilrlua, nod a l l k l a l s a t Model M a k i n g J o l i M n u d i . t i i ' .

I 'r lut lns Preaaca a n d B a a k a e r y a s p e c i a l t y .

B la t t er . ' H a s M . trw

M.I ed tbe Rest for CM I HC " • > . H O T K I . S , iKK, C O L L E G E S , U O t ( S s W , * < . A steady, • heat.


tarasst stock to srleet from at their TV AIM-rooua,

xcliangc St., Rochester, N. Y, for Cstslog-ue, Liberal terms te Arcnla.

«t-ir, Cta lvaalcod I roa a a d T i . W o r k B e t i s t e r a s M d V e n t i l a t o r . ,

VXJ> Axnx aa3row3iBr.TJ D. IiEARY'S



151 East Main Streei •

ks V O O U B C a Y . M 0 l » K A CO.

112 Bnflalo Street, Rochester, *..V.

MATTEESSES, Spring Beds, Church Cushions,

Feathers and Furniture.


I*«5i,r>or El* H. LETTINCTON,

Manalac lurer of

o x o s . fl . lt . and Fancy of svery dcaertpUoU: »Uo,

?! tirapo, Uiuaotvta'. J.wnlera' and Mer-R rhanu shelf and bbov lio-.e». b *<t3 K X f H A « « K PI.ACK. C . r . Ifront «t.,

lt(H I I S M I B . f l . I .


KEMPCARPETS At 2s. Per Yard.

ROGERS & CONVERSE, 14 Exchange Street.

House to Rent. i. N O . S NORTH W A S H l S a T O > S T I t K « r . -l r i " >«^*" »<"•'> w K. ». ciiimeiHLt.-

i tuiudir T J N o r t h Water airos l .


White Slippers J u s t rece ived from t h s bands o f Uio woi k m e n , su i tab le

For Young Ladies and Misses A t t e n d ! UK 3>-mluary and. S c h o o l Kxerol ioa , Par t i e s , * a



S l i p p e r s ,

Ncvs por t T i c s .

S a r a t o g a B u t t o n < . • . . . : ' ' ' • ' . " •



•' D B A L X a IN

CHOICE FAMlLr GROCERIES, r u ' u u j A.^n CAX c o o n s ,

In.portri Wi«n, JUqwtm oei Cyjan, Bottled AU», JWUr, d>. Jc3

EASTWOOD ' • ' • « • ( • •

HAS * 0 8

SUMMER WEAR C e n t ' s » * i r i s p Mtsavea , •

,*• P r l . c c A l b c r i a . 4 1 CossR-r«»i»s! ( J u l l r r s , ** K e s - j f O I l s s o t a ,

! > * * " . H « I U f t b o c . I . ' • *

I . a d l c a ' . - ^ c - v r p o r - t T i e , ** f r o i j u i - l S l l a a e r * , ** L i u i i r e a a , • • •

W'Uaicvri y a a w.-iot In t u « I taat a a a S h e a II ar T i l A T I S l i O U I l , Kual» ood ka» It, n-ad a t p r i c e , t h a i a r e e a r * t a p l e a a e .

Hiryftro bltwdering tad makin Ute time, they are approaching a Tier and action that Will bring tu head at least, that which • U, axt< of hmaan happin»a*-^ontentme see Judge Joseph t. Barnard el< dlsWct by 188,744 rote* aad no-him. Judge Ingalis In the pd dts votes and not one against Wm, -in thtrtVtti district by «5,9T7 v one against him, and Judjrt Smith la the 7th dletrict^by and not one ajcalnat him, there i« evidence of unity among the pc-o faction With their lot so far a* I conccraed, that the enllKbtcno. the appolntlTO syrtem would. .1 not* of. aindit looks very muc to hare * repatttiOtt o^ these um; for Judge* tbi* fall- Theoutgoln fttiTdUtriet 1* Mullin, a Kepul> been upon the bench sixteen yesir Observer, the leadinR Democratic district, say* i " Th* term of' J t '• Justice of the 8upreme Court ii " District of our 8tate expire* 'w* " >e*K The Watertovrh 'limes s " election.. -'Vr'e ,concur," Judgt " fsithfully, inleUlgently apd c< "performed the duties of hit bin " qualification* art ample, hi* "valuable. He i« a Republican It " he has rcrer dragKed the ermin *rwpajUsan«bip, Wherefore It s» " proper to us thst he should reo "port of citizens generally "tbn. " Judicial l )**irict . .* * * W* " nomination the more chccrfull; " «re always gUuttlf taopportutpit " edge the virtue of a political op " o n l y wish that the public st M stive* w«uld'Kive n» more freqi " to p»y tribuU l o their lldeU ty,* unfortunate for the advocate* <Hi •ystem Ibat their five.ye*rs old j the late CossUtullonai Convent:v ed and submitted to tbe people tlie Judicial election. Tbe eiccto the poll* end vol-.-* for a Jude* wi hesitate 'icfore be at the same.tin ballot declaring .himself incoropi: such vote. ' And in districts wlic Will be unanimous in their chol taitcv to stulilfy will i>e doubly RU

, a n S e n a t o r fonacl ln*- a s

« ; i . t ' i i i r . a i t

DBKV TSBOS s o s r a or m TOSX oaaxaax k..it.Ki.al) DSrOT,


ofUila Pya l loea . MSM tWS, ka« -tn-couaterfcit oar aUctsa, chsckaand hual-

_ aud araao tin. cot of our liuil^.ioi. to mtalead '.IUK t h . pabllc

COKKKCTIOS WITH AHT SIMILAR E3-HiikasT^iti So AUKS'!* la tba cooiti i. l o o can So i-.ew dlree'ir with me, at tho aaut.cxpease ss sa saeat. firoche, Uashwcre and Itald Shawls, and all

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_ JTra snd KM <>lov*, cleansed or dye*. , Wool or CoiWm Oooos of every'dsaerlptloa oo^.rv aaa flnlahad with a a t u w u an* d u -_ v«cy ressonafle term., dj-td atscJt evory Taeaday, Thursday, Prlday. returned In one weak. oat attcnUoc paid to doioa up lace curtain.,

velvet.. ,', ' rweiv«d ant. retnrood by Exprea..

Ha coliec mi hr Ki L " ^ ^ a o ? ^ a ^ r T t r V . vomar

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State st., No. 22. rtstea*

•nut "She"

j K r . - I l l v T O K I C HACKS O r THK U N I T K O i iTAraA -lty» J . W.. Koau-r, L L . O. Olpaey'a Waruluit . by KIIM A. D u p u y .

Chat t erbox for 1ST*, r o r sa le at aula HABRUW -b it.iokat.irv. r. Ka»t ¥ » t a at . ,

ABBIji L. BALDWIN, seooassosTO aaXDwra-a u . s i x a ,

N o . S r u l l u e r ' * B l o c k . M l a a l a M L , O M flight of Stiirt, W*X Entrant,. .

1'Ah UN H A N D S KI 1.1, LINK O r

Ornamenial Eair Work n e v r r r vartety. Ladles ' a n * Cbtldreu *t H s l r a r e a a a *

ta« m o s t approved atyW.

- .

3USS REYNOLDS. aror Wand 72 8ta.«S«.

LadledTr»*Uss«aat 'WU. a a d P a r c h e s ,

T^' tx ± ar, *T o ""aT o l r y<

T h * P e o p l e * * J a d J r l a r y .

Troni.ttie HjrraeniM. Courier..

posed amcnuiueht to tbe Judiciary article or uiiutioa, whleb is to be submitted for the *p*

the people at the e<.mlwr Mate election, is cetvlag thai attentlOB which U» importance for it. * * In considering .now to rots on

poacd amendment to the Constitution, every ahonld aik blmaelf two cueaiioiu: drst, d.ea

a vat. in work badly; and aceond. jrranilnjr eka badly, does Hie j.rop »«e.l ebahge promlx better ? Tbe question la part ta whether tbo ill confer., that tbey are not tiiemaelves fit to

ptcd situ tbo^aateetlon of our Juowiary, snd •lefore «urrci.drr their prerotraUv. of audi lato the hand, of th* Governor or tcuate.

Iicre bare been occasional lusUncca of dlaeredll brought, upon tbe bencb by maa placed

tbe people of thl. Stale, we -saay joavartusiesa our JadlcUry, taken altosetSrer. as a proud

ent to t w-w i »d.m of our eraasar eleetrv. sya. I^ok at our splendid Coon of Appeala—

) one bellav. Uaat sn appolntlnc power •e given as anything bst iefr Aad yet wascboamby the people.' Look at our ija-rt—bow few, earstt.W, are the Judaea thsf

honor as t l.etr high statloa » * * * y * l It U le who M'I.'CI.'.I tb.m and placed on their

tbe ] tidtetal ermine. 'And are not tbe Judgt* srniy sod other inferior courts geaersUjao-both to th .bar and the peon-lor Why tiica of a change o* their mod. of selection ?

^s**d only u> look to Washington to as* how the -^*r appointment of a Jndlclday may be prosll-

rt la uotorloua that t » o men were placed on Btate. supreme Court bench fof the expresa

f overruling a previous decision of that coart t to tbe constitutionality of tba last legal teo-And they o.rforiu«d well thadr aaslgaed u , k . >ur.ll. the drunken, .it.„.iote sj>d enprtnel-tch whom'tJrantmad. federal Jodgetn Louis-ok at the Bhemtana, tho I>e!ahan<ye,the Una-all that crowd appointed from Washington,

e* by th* people. Wltb, aueh example, be-* Hi the people humbly coutusa themaelves elect Ihetr Judge, land let the Job out ? Wo

The Albany Express, Troy T i n * Republican Journsts claim that Sei linR bas not drawn hi* back p*y, *TJ make it appear that he' was and i the **l*ry jrrab bill. The Albany ye*terday, replying; to the *t*ten bad drawn bis back pay say*: ») " porsry la mistaken in assuming ' ' Conk Una; bas • Indorsed ' the ht " It is true thtt he has not yet " back p*y to the Treasory-^we * " d o so—6ot he has not yefdra^ the Troy Times.of yesterday in says: " Senator• Conkllng and-" Roberts have not drawn their bai fact that there and kindred p..--1 ously and persistently insist thst not drawn his back pay and has I the back psyatc*l , Is sufficient theyswould regard the offense as rs otily shown to have committed it. is clearer than that Mr. ConkHne all that Is alleged tgsfntt him. Senate he voted for the bill, s s ttit ord of the vote of Senate and Hou column* of"Xhe Tribune of A*n£s< although upon the final count lit in the negatire. And "fo'r six mc been the lejrsj possessor of'hi* i plunder—t$6JK. Of this latter f be no quest io* . Mr. Conklip^e | terday, the Utics Herald, admits i: •Id in reviewing the Batter- Boat Massachusett* malutains the U,r: backpay pTunder, «nd JarUnes donailuK his share ot It to privatt dlslrict. 8*ys the Herald: " J o sa " not the property ot the donor " The law-making; power of the nil " It *ls ; dUepprovlag ot the act, t " is what shall be done with the ".sros fAe property of 3Cr. Soar, £sj " tbe disposal of 'it a question to " »newer. He g»v • it to * sclet! Tbls sustsus* Mr. Hoar's theory fectly correct, he having; said: " was legally Talno, It waa pi**

•*• my credit, ther». to remalu uu: *'of It In some way.": /

Mr. Conklinit's paper, thetTTut •ent* from Mr. Hoar In hi* esU Butler and the fitness of th*t ehi< pay brigade for Governor ot \i it says: " VTlth,the estimate Of ( ." wo do not *£ree. He I* g'-maq " cutlve ability, SMUI equal to thr " e' .Viiwirtor.'.'.... He fully un. " -Importance of the position and ," edneas would guard again *> "power, if the iucfinaliou of pet »* ditement was present." _

The Albany Express and Troy ' from these expressions of Mr. t gan, thfCtica Herald, tbat their of bis Innocence of back pay p.u than pr.ituilou*.-. '..

- • •' i - a s s

"Of Cost ra t ,

A Herald -eorfeapoadent ' bts Senator OamCron'of Pentesylva-him rtrongVy In favor of Gen. Bu to the Oovemorshlp of Masaaehi Is Cameron's model statesman at —able, bold and unscrupulous; 3 own h^ead,-heart and potteni, w rois.' " The great curse of otjr Mr. Cameron, " l a t h e timid, vac! " and demagogical fellows wb< " selves to' tbe front and try to " Forney*, and vour Curtius', e " i s x e s , your Garfictda, and Da " s o p s , and Hoars." Mr. Came; to-Mr. Gf*tnt are such that It I* tbe views of the former a* refit the latter. The simultaneous b ling and Cameron in favor Ot Bir he is to be tbe Administration Governor of Massachusetts.

• » . « . . ' ' ' I. ' •


T h e - I f a t l . C a r p e n t e r s

fjie Milwaukee Wi r w s *

GOULD & SON. • • .

Ladles' rarlor 3 & 5 Excbauge r lace.


uea ABH,

of our own maauli


„:aoti»ra. W e a n noweatabliAhed In our new Ksetory, wltb faclllt'.es Inoreued to throe

tyotouroldabop. Our maehtu.ry is *Sl

t i m e , the e a ^ - . s l l n s w , and of the m o s t appro rod. p s t t e r u . i oar worls -inoii understand, t heir basin***! and w s . r e prepared tO coiillMite WtUt any In t h s t rade , both lu «»alrty an.1

-. Morth Watorat. sad X.-*. O. * « . lb w s u -

prlc nap.

re. rsotory, oof. -oe andaaloaroouu.cor. Bast Msln sad

.? i .

l l a l r .it • a-a, Watorralla and Toilet, A r t i c l e s ,

v o a l n t b e l " • istaisl atyloa.


I MRS. WILBl'R URIFPW, Ho. 1 mansion S O B S * Block,


t ' a r l K , W t a t e r - n a l l a , , H a t l r J e w e i l r j r *

L * \ D I E 8 ' TElaTIaVoVFl'£I> X» I « 8 , ajro

TOILET AET1CLES. X . A I I I K N ' H A I K T A S T K i r i a t T A*B

C A H I C F I L 1 . V D B E S S K D . : . . . •

LaOies' Paltera l i i i

c< sscd lpto a nutahelt, th*. only " argu-' yet brought to bear against the d e c . t,hc advocates ot the appointive sys-e Buffalo ExpressoAuburn Advertiser, w CtUcr organs of etmtrallsaUoa, that

cttcally destroy the Judiciary as a co-dcplirtm'ctit of goverumoht, anA.niakc.

lure of tho law-making and law-ap-power, U that the people sre too igno-.

he entrusted with. t h . -aUction of their When confronted with the array ot

who havo sat upo n the bench of the t Appeals, the bench of the Commission uls, and the "bench of t h e Soprems r election of the people since 18*5, and

1polnt o u t «a»e names ot Incompetent thful juri«U that prove the alleged ig-and erroneous Judgment and action of >'«, they arc giicr.,. wt^ Drought

with the torty-drc Judge* who sil «*• benche* to-day and ehallenged t« ut the man or men not eminently fit 1,0 • Ihcybavo not a word to aay. When Uio test of result., upon the reeorcf dectsiona « our Stat* Court* aluee

ti.d urged to' show ground of with adjudication, t ^ T ^ e

*er. The birrdeu ot their « * « „ m , n t , , ULsUnce, that tho people aretoolttco ' ?hoo*e their own Judiciary, aud shoui,!

Pow-er over it Into the bands of ttie faa.

Th6 Excelsior Self-Fining Pattern. Th» Beat OatalsOO *^t*»tt:iu t»e .*»•**•*

auLaeraotcaaa aao roi saut »r af^l

Hoobcater . Ka T . ' And tm Broadway. M. X. . u

Trrtr^rtjr and Besler I* ths LMyt^sad Uosj FaahlonaiS. JTeneb r . t tern. . _ A a . a u •vorr U>w» tn w . . t . r n Saw Yor>cTor_i r.tu'raa and for ths Ladle.'


Also I w Wanted I* the BicatslJS

r n o e l u l aa*

•wOovernor* and legislators whw g„ t o T snd with pure heads, hearts, and hands air statute la wis, so that they may be' able mould* th* court* that are to construe

!»« conform them to tho cooaUtnUou. The '' »e Intelligent enough:''to elect men to 'btlonal Conventions to frame their tun,-

' law, Intelligent enough to elect legU-> enact Uws under their constitution, ijjcent enough to elect Governor* to

i Uio laws, but too den*sly Ignorant to ~e* from among the eminent jarltta la l'j to decide what the law* am when

we are content to lot thl* "srga-t ^ T »*•» » l» *<«a . snd take

S S **-(* tttatlf the people are really w i n thl* respect a*the Buffalo Ex-

? S ? t h C a . ** t U ? I r »Ptor*nce U

atth^ fS *° * *lw' T1" -SS ««•


" Wisconsin EepuMlcan " as tee called upon Matt.Carpenter'to vir from the charge Of scandalous co Branch put upon him hy t!i<v> btrne. Toe indications are not t'-.: tcr will attempt the vlndlcstioni 1 World of yesterday taxes occasio the Tribucc's article of August • cbarge, and call editorial altenti-it would if>ot u>e likejry to do'un which rufist be well knowu in K*. fylt . \

W Brigham Yottng, in- a din great Mormon temple ou * reect dulgcd In a tew practical rem*. the trials of the "alslers." Ue they bad borne a area* deal. '• " if tbcy,e'o'uld only stand ia the "husband*, who arc good,tru " they would know that they »'

," free from perplcxltie*. Jus " wtth two, three, or. half a doi "loved wives catching bUrt.ot " before he can take three step,-•* him on the other, and * Iwau " thtt,' and ' This is not 'right ' "not right,' and *oou; thelrmi " to pieces. Isay If thehalrls !! he*d« they may consider > ths " blessed good wives. I have at "many other men, and I keet The way* ot -MormonUm are evi< of ptcaaantue**, nor are all her

Pesct. -I. '. aa.

KIT* Tbe cngttaeer ot the ct Chicago and Alton BR., which ' passenger train sad tAcrlficed a U» other night, exphnu* how I Uie c«u*e of the disaster. His hour slow; that Was all. Thl* quae satufsctory. No Oht Wll " » t theatnpid fool descrm h'

*?^~ The Vienna Exposition 1 7*J a»Wt*.or. glory,'flicker •ickly flame of a bnmt^ut ta cable aay* the dlatribuUon of p affair, only three thousand present. The conclusion acet that the Vienna show must ^ stupendous failure.

*,SS ' i"

t&~ The Hon. Edward M'Ptt 31 ember of Congress from i \ ft tr several year* past Clerk o H cprescutstives, give* it a* hi* l« good, that the salary-glab Uonixcthe personnel of the ti The salary men, from Ptetld marked aud doooitd. *

. .' t;l

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