using your green thumb at home · 2020-04-24 · using your green thumb at home...

Post on 03-Jul-2020






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USING YOUR GREEN THUMB AT HOME#greenwinisstillhome

You don’t have to be outside to experience the goodness of some greenery. Make your own personal indoor oasis with these tips for bringing the garden inside.

1. Before you can get growing, first thing is first – it’s time to decide what you want to grow! Is this going to be a vegetable garden? What about herbs? Or do you want to stick with good old-fashioned flowers? Even in an apartment there are so many different plants you can grow! get started with these:

2. Pick the correct spot for you selected plant. If you’re lucky enough to have a community garden by your apartment, try to find a spot that receives 6-8 hours of full sunlight. If not, you’re still in luck! A good window sill that receives a lot of sun will do the trick, or pick plants that grow well in the shade or indoors.

3. Whether you’re planting in a bed of soil or a flower pot, a little fertilizer goes a long way. You can improve any soil to make it more fertile so your plants have the best potential by simply adding some organic matter such as compost, decayed leaves, dry grass or store-bought fertilizer

4. Now it is time to plant your picks! Follow your seed pack instructions when planting to give your plants the best chance of life.

5. There’s a saying that goes; “the grass is always greener where you water it,” so don’t forget to water! New seedlings should never be allowed to dry out, so make sure you remember to water daily, and as they grow you can start to water a little less.

6. Watch your plants grow!

Snake plants Succulents Aloe vera African violet

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