using the web arms race to your advantage - sell more via a better site :)

Post on 08-May-2015






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You have a business to run with limited time & budget to dedicate to online. Yet there are so many things you could be doing, e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, Blogs, etc. The complexity is overwhelming – and seems to get worse by the day. The trick is to keep it simple and turn the internet arms-race to your advantage! In this presentation we will focus on a small number of things you can do today to get maximum bang for your buck. In particular we will look at the concept of Attract > Convert > Retain and how it should guide all your online development.


Selling & telling online


Practical tips & takeaways

It used to be a lot easier

Now it’s a god-damn arms race!

Choose those with maximum benefit

Keeping things simple is fine

Let someone else do the legwork

Use arms race to OUR advantage

1. Choose the “right” things to do

? ?

2. Use the “right” tools to support it

? ?

Who dis?

Search under “insomnia”

Search under “nerd”

Search under “solo travel”

Search under “Best in Ireland?”

Fashion ‘n’ the web

Web has always been about fashion

Attract Convert Retain ? ?

? ?

Not a monologue any longer

It’s a conversation

? ?

Also called “Content Marketing”

PS - Google loves it

YOUR challenge is to maximise return

from limited time & budget…

Attract Convert Retain ? ?

Facebook, then Twitter, then Pinterest

Pinterest audience … 70% are women (24-50)

Pinterest traffic … up to 30 site views from 1 pinner

Pinterest value … $180 per order

How to engage via Pinterest?

Make a Pin friendly website with great imagery (incl. $)

Engage on Pinterest, e.g. “Pin it to Win it”.

Activate via other networks, e.g. Facebook & Twitter.

SEO … Google wants you to do this

Make sure you have keyword descriptive <title> tags.

Make sure META DESCRIPTION is on all pages (& unique).

Use keyword heavy H1s & H2s.

Get linked to with right text “Best wedding hats in Ireland”

Use Google Trends to track

best terms to use

Use SEOMoz (free for 14 days)

Adwords … lots of space available

“Low cost - High use” terms are surprisingly profitable.

Be specific “hats weddings tralee kerry”

Try alternatives to see what works best.

Use keywords tool to choose

best ad targets

Attract Convert Retain ? ?

Build trust … show your bona-fides

If you are accredited, say it.

If you have an award, flaunt it.

If you are #1 in anything, show it.

Use words to encourage action

Promise a reward for effort.

Get visitors to act immediately.

Try different words from time to time (A/B test).

Attract Convert Retain ? ?

Close the loop

Incentivise users to connect via Social Networks.

Ask them for their email (they will give it).

Overall - keep chatting & keep listening.

The top tools you need

Create a new Google user for

all your online activity

Track the quality of your website

using Webmaster tools…

…and ClarityGrader

Track how visitors engage with your

site using Google Analytics…

… and StatCounter

Track what’s being said about

you using Google Alerts…

…and Hootsuite

…and Social Count

So now what?

You’re never “done” & never “perfect”

Keep talking & keep tweaking

Forget about the “next big thing”

Attract Convert Retain ? ?

Go raibh maith agaibh

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